HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-20-01 !",.-,.,-- ~ . THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #: fO~ Res.#:(;I/1-:J(3 -() / Date: April 23, 2001 Report #: TR-20-01 File #: By-Law #: Subject: FUTURE CAPITAL PROGRAM FOR CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-20-01 be received; 2. THAT the time frame for the future Capital Program of the Clarington Library outlined in Report TR-20-01 be endorsed in principle, taking into account Capital Budget restrictions and the Development Charge Program; and 3. THAT Staff be authorized to enter into negotiations with the lessee of the Courtice Complex for a maximum term of five (5) years; from April 2002 to April 2007. Background: 1.0 The Library Board met informally with Council recently to outline some issues facing the Clarington Library Board. At this meeting Staff was asked to review the timing of the following Capital Projects: 1. Courtice Branch Completion; 2. Newcastle Branch Building; and 3. Northern Branch potential. 2.0 Courtice Branch Completion 2.1 The existing lease agreement terminates on April 30, 2002. The agreement provides that the municipality enter into negotiations by July 30, 2001, if it intends to renew the lease. 911 . . Report TR-20-01 FUTURE CAPITAL PROGRAM FOR CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Page 2 2.2 The existing Development Charge Background Study extends from 1999 to 2008. The completion has not been included in the charge and has been considered excess capacity available for future population growth. The required five (5) year review of the Development Charge Capital Program is 2005. The preparation of this revision will begin in 2004. The next time frame for the ten (10) year capital will run from 2005 to 2015, with a required revision in five (5) years (approximately 2010). 2.3 The Library Director estimates the completion will affect the tax base with approximately $100,000 operating costs and additional capital costs of approximately $400,000 to $500,000 relating to equipment and furnishings. The Director of Community Services estimates that the construction cost of the completion are approximately $500,000 to $600,000 (estimated at $75.00 to $1 OO.OO/sq. ft, including shelving, retrofit, carpeting, sprinkler system, etc). Based on the existing Development Charges status, a significant amount of these costs may not be recoverable, if undertaken in the near future. 2.4 It is recommended that, in light of the current workload of the Library Staff in the planned completion of the main branch in 2003, the operating cost impact relating to the Courtice completion and the timing of the project in the existing Development Charge Program, the completion be included in the next Development Charge quantum calculation. The new main branch construction will increase the historical average and may permit a more advantageous recovery of future library projects from Development Charges. If the project proceeds before the Development Charges opportunity can be maximized, the cost will be borne by the tax base. 2.5 II is recommended that the existing tenant lease be renewed for a further maximum five (5) year term from April 2002 to April 2007. If the completion is built into the next Development Charge, it will allow the balance of the year 2006 for preparatory arrangements to allow construction to begin in 2007, after the tenant has vacated. 3.0 Newcastle Branch 3,1 The Newcastle Branch of the Clarington Public Library currently leases the premises it operates out of. The term of the lease is to 2003. The cost of this lease is approximately $60,000 annually. Opportunities have been explored over the past with respect to sharing facilities with local school boards and purchase of vacant buildings. The opportunities have not resulted in any change to the existing situation either because of unsuitable location, timing difference in school site construction and unsuitable buildings. The Newcastle Separate School Board has a new school project, St. Frances of Assisi, currently ready for construction. The timing is immediate and therefore it is not feasible to explore any shared use options with this building. 3.2 The acquisition of the Ruddell Road property in Newcastle for the future construction of a community complex has been initiated. The project itself has not been included in the 2000 Development Charge. It is likely that the revision to the Development Charge Capital Plan to be undertaken in 2005 will 912 . . . Report TR-20-01 FUTURE CAPITAL PROGRAM FOR CLARINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Page 3 identify the project for consideration in the latter part of the 2005 to 2015 program. The project at this point is conceptualized as a full range facility that could reasonably include a library component. 3.3 It is recommended that the present situation continue until such time as the Newcastle project design, including library, is considered in the Development Charge Capital Program. 4.0 Northern Branch Potential 4.1 The existing main branch services the northern locations of the municipality. The completion of services with the new main branch construction will enhance services to all residents currently serviced by the Bowmanville Main Branch. The Northern Branch is mentioned in the Library's latest strategic plan. 4.2 There is no provision in the current Development Charge Program for a Northern Branch of the Clarington Public Library. It is considered premature to put forward any concept plan at this point. However, as projects are constructed and the historical average increased, the inclusion of a northern branch for inclusion in the Development Charge Program will be considered. Based on the current requirements, the most likely timing would be beyond the 2012 program. 5,0 The Library Director has reviewed Report TR-20-01 with the Library Board. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, d~~ a' Marano, HBSc., AMCT, CMO., Treasurer. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer. MM/hjl 913