HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-82-91 V THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: NOVEMBER 18, 1991 Res. #��� Report#: WD-82-9-1 File #: 0.20. 08 By-Law# Subject: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED REGARDING PLANT, PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-82-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture be advised that the Town of Newcastle supports the position taken by the Regional Municipality of Durham regarding Purple Loosestrife contained in Attachment No. 2 to Report WD-82-91; and 3 . THAT the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, the Region of Durham and the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture be advised of Council's decision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. 1 No. 1: Correspondence dated July 2, 1991, from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters . No. 2: Region of Durham Commissioner of Works Report No. 91- W-193 dated October 8, 1991. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At the meeting held on July 15, 1991, Council passed Resolution #C-448-91: "THAT the correspondence dated July 2, 1991, from R. G. Morgan, Executive Vice-President, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters with respect to Purple Loosestrife be /2 REPORT NO. : WD-82-91 PAGE 2 2 . 1 received and forwarded to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. " 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENTS 3. 1 The control of noxious weeds is the responsibility of Durham Region. Each year the Region hires several weed inspectors during the summer months to enforce the Weed Control Act. It is therefore recommended that the Town of Newcastle support the Region of Durham's position. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, "d` ---____------____-----__ __�'_�_ _ _-_______ Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff,_________ Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE:ph October 22, 1991 Attachments pc : Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters P.O. Box 2800 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8L5 The Honourable Elmer Buchanan Minister of Agriculture & Food 11th Floor 801 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A3 I The Honourable W. McKnight Minister Agriculture Canada House of Commons Centre Block OTTAWA, Ontario K1A OA6 i i i i i COUNCIL DIP=ICN D-8 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS & HUNTERS P.O BOX 2800,PET'ERBOROUGH,ONTARIO K9J 8L5 (705)7484 Sax:M5 8M7131 OFAH FILE: 346PL, 400A, 420ZM, -842 July 2, 1991 TO: All Ontario municipalities FROM: R.G. Morgan, Executive Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. We would like to bring to your attention an environmental threat that is devouring-one million acres of wetlands across North America each year: PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE. Unlike many informational pieces of correspondence your council receives, this plea is a call for action. Your municipality can do something to prevent this ecological disaster. Purple loosestrife is a perennial plant imported from Europe. Deceivingly beautiful, the plant's three-foot purple stems of blooms are destroying treasured wetlands across the province. Once purple loosestrife infiltrates a wetland, it pushes aside all indigenous plants vital, to the habitat of this province's fish and wildlife. It has no known predator in Ontario. Aside from its effect on fish and wildlife, loosestrife also robs us of a � wetland's ability`to purify ground water and control flooding. f Purple loosestrife slowly turns wetlands into soil, drains them and leaves 1 them useless for almost all forms of life. Many American jurisdictions have acted swiftly to control it, but Ontario has only just begun to recognize its threat. Recently, the County of Bruce.took the lead and had the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food declare purple loosestrife a local noxious weed. As you know,.each municipality must pass a relevant bylaw for ministry approval before a weed control officer can move to control this "purple plague." You have purple loosestrife in your municipality. In July and August, their blooms tower everywhere, and each year they increase in number. One plant produces 2.7 million seeds. As they increase, more fish and wildlife become homeless. Ontario has already lost more than 75 percent of its wetlands since the turn of the century — we cannot afford to lose any more! I ....more ATFACfETF INO, 1 1D-82-91 I CONSERVATION PLEDGE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF - BRUCE BY--LAW NO.3166 BEING A BY-LAW TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN WEEDS IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE AS LOCAL WEEDS WHEREAS the .Weed Control Act, authorizes the Council of a Municipality by By-Law to designate any plant that is not a noxious weed as a local weed in respect of the whole or any part of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS any plants designated as local weeds shall be deemed to be noxious; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce has complied with Section 10 of the Weed Control Act; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1 . That the following weed be and is hereby designated as a local weed in the whole of the County of Bruce . COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Purple Loose Strife Lythrum salicaria 2.. Any By-Law inconsistent with or repugnant to this By-Law is hereby repealed. 3. That th i s By-Law shal 1 not come i nto force and take effect until it has been approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Food. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1990. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 190 C ERK WARDEN SEAL Pursuant to the provisions of the Weed Control Act, the above By-Law of the County of Bruce, and the provision thereof, are hereby approved. Dated at Toronto this day of , 1990, Minister of Agriculture & Food ail r J rirrt+e� tURHAM October 18, 1991 OCT 20 ,e Regional The Honourable El me uchanan unicipality Minister of A Durham gr' ture &... 'ooi { OCT GT �2 ''�� 11th Floor iy'� erks Department 801 Ba y $ eet O.Boxsland Road East Torot f, Ontario hitby,Ontario M .A 1A3 q 11 . inada, Lt N 6A3 668 668-9963 81 ix:(416)66 RE: PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE - Our File: E05 �x: W.LUNDY,A.M.c.T. :gional Clerk i Honourable Sir, the Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held on October 16, 1991 Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: "a) THAT local garden centres be requested not to sell the Purple Loosestrife plant; b) THAT the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture be requested to undertake a public education program concerning the environmental impacts of the Purple Loosestrife plant; and c) THAT a copy of Report #91-W-193 of the Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the area municipalities, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture. " Enclosed, as directed, is a copy of Report #91-W-193 of the Commissioner of Works with respect to this matter. P.M. Madill, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk PMM:cs Encl . cc : R.G. Morgan, Executive Vice President Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters Clerks of the 8 Area Municipalities V.A. Silgailis, Commissioner of Works ATTACNiEIT 10. 2 g , , WD-82-91 >> This paper contains recycled material. )URHAM October 18, 1991 he Regional The Honourable W. Mc i�rf'ght iunicipality Minister (Durham Agriculture ada .lerks Department House of mmons 05 Rossland Road East Centr lock '.o.Box 623, OT A A, Ontario Vhitby,Ontario ,anada,L1 N 6A3 lA OA6 316)666-7711 'ax:(416)668-9963 RE: PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE - Our File: E05 ,.W.LUNDY,A.M.C.T. tegional Clerk Honourable Sir, the Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held "on October 16, 1991 Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: "a) THAT local garden centres be requested not to sell the Purple Loosestrife plant; b) THAT the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture be requested to undertake a public education program concerning the environmental impacts of the Purple Loosestrife plant; and c) THAT a copy of Report #91-W-193 of the Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the area municipalities, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture. " Enclosed, as directed, is a copy of Report #91-W-193 of the Commissioner of Works with respect to this matter. i I P.M. Madill, A.M.C.T. Deputy Clerk PMM:cs Encl . cc: R.G. Morgan, Executive Vice President Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters Clerks of the 8 Area Municipalities V.A. Silgailis, Commissioner of Works `tom This paper contains recycled material. Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner's Report to Works Committee Report 91-W-193 Date October 8 1991 Subject PURPLE .LOOSESTRIFE - FROM ELMER BUCHANAN, MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD (WC-72-91) , LETTER FROM FEDERATION OF ANGLERS AND HUNTERS (WC-76-91) , LETTER FROM TOWN OF WHITBY (WC-74-91) , LETTER FROM TOWNSHIP OF UXBRIDGE (WC-75-91) AND LETTER FROM TOWNSHIP OF BROCK (WC-71-91) Recommendation A. THAT the 'Region of Durham request local garden centres not to sell the Purple Loosestrife plant; B. THAT the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture be requested to undertake 'a public education program concerning the environmental impacts of the Purple Loosestrife plant; C. AND THAT a copy of this report be ' forwarded to the Area Municipalities, the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture. , Report Attachment No. 1 - Commissioner's Report #91-W-123 Report on Correspondence WC-60-91 regarding Noxious Weed Purple Loosestrife 2 - Letter from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters dated July 2, 1,991 (WC-76-91) 3 - Letter from Regional Clerk to Elmer Buchanan, Minister of Agriculture and Food, dated July 3, 1991 4 - Letter from the Town of Whitby dated July 16, 1991 (WC-74-91) 5 - Letter from the Township of Uxbridge dated July 25, 1991 (WC-75-91) 6 - Letter from the Township of Brock dated August J 12 , 1991 (WC-71-91) 7 - Letter from Elmer Buchanan, Minister of Agriculture and Food (WC-72-91) 8 - Survey of Nurseries Regional Council at its meeting of June 26, 1991, requested the Provincial Minister of Agriculture and Food include the Purple Loosestrife plant on the noxious weed list. The Region has received correspondence dated July 2 , 1991, from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, addressed to all municipalities in Ontario concerning Purple Loosestrife. They are requesting all j municipalities to declare it a local noxious weed and have enclosed a copy of a by-law pas-sed by the County of Bruce. A2 TS1 Ds Page 2 Report 91-W-193 Date August 27 , 1991 Report (cont'd. ) The Townships of Uxbridge and Brock and the Town of Whitby, having received the correspondence from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, have forwarded it to the Region as it is the Region who enforces the Weed Control Act. The Minister of Agriculture and Food, in his response, did not indicate the plant would be added to the Provincial noxious weed listing. He indicated that the Region could pass a by-law designating the plant as a local noxious weed and he would be prepared to approve the by-law. The Purple Loosestrife plant has received a great deal of attention recently. There are apparently no effective means of destroying the plant without causing other environmental damage. These are underway in Ontario and the United States, but until an environmentally sound means of destroying the plant is found, weed inspectors have no method of enforcing a by-law. The weed inspector for Bruce County acknowledges they have a by-law but he is not able to enforce it. Designating the plant a local noxious weed gives a message to the public that it can be destroyed when, in fact, it can't. Passing a by-law making the plant a local noxious weed is not an effective means of control. We have undertaken a survey of some of the nurseries and garden centres in the Region to find out whether the plant was being sold. The results are attached. As can be seen, some nurseries are still selling the plant. Information will be provided to these outlets in an effort to discourage their selling of the plant in future . The Federal and Provincial Ministries of Agriculture should also be requested to undertake a public education program concerning the impacts of the Purple Loosestrife plant. NlaA V.A. Silgai is , P.Eng. Commission-h- of Works Recommended for Presentation to Committee d D.R. Evans, P.Eng. , C.A.O. - 24 Regional Municipality of Durham ATTACHMENT No. Works Department TO Commissioner's Report to Works Committee REPORT No. Report 91-W-123 9�� j93 Date July 2 ; 1991 Subject REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE WC-60-91 REGARDING NOXIOUS WEED PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE Recommendation THAT this report be received for information. Report Regional Council at its meeting of June 26, 1991, adopted the following recommendation of the Works Committee concerning the Purple Loosestrife plant: A. THAT a request be made to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Natural Resources for- the Purple Loosestrife to be included on the noxious weed listing; and B. THAT a subsequent report be made to Works Committee. The Works Department has recently received a copy of the Provincial Standing Committee on Resources Development which was tabled in the Legislature on May 29, 1991. This report deals extensively with the Purple Loosestrife plant and a copy of this section of the report is attached for the information of the Works Committee. It is noted specifically that the Standing Committee recommended Purple Loosestrife be placed on the list of noxious weeds and that Agriculture Canada prohibit the commercial sale of the plant. V.A. Silgail ' P. Eng. Commissioner of Works A3 ps + i� i .7 ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS sc HUNTERS RO BOX 2800,PETERBOROUGH.ONTARIO K9J 81_5 (705)748-6324 Fax-(705)748-9577 ATTACHMENT No. OFAH FILE: 346PL, 400A, 420ZM, 842 TO July 2, 1991 TO: All Ontario municipalities L REPORT No. 9t_w_fq3 FROM: R.G. Morgan, Executive Vice President of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters. We would like to bring to your attention an environmental threat that is devouring one million acres of wetlands across North America each year: PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE. Unlike many informational pieces of correspondence your council receives, this plea is a call . for action. Your municipality can do something to prevent this ecological disaster, Purple loosestrife is a perennial plant imported from Europe. Deceivingly l beautiful, the plant's three-foot purple stems of blooms are destroying treasured wetlands across the province. Once purple loosestrife infiltrates a wetland, it pushes aside all indigenous plants vital to the habitat of this province's fish and wildlife. It has no known predator in Ontario. Aside from its effect on fish and wildlife, loosestrife also robs us of a r wetland's ability to purify ground water and control flooding. Purple loosestrife slowly turns wetlands into soil, drains them and leaves them useless for almost all forms of life. Many American jurisdictions have acted swiftly to control it, but Ontario has only just begun to recognize its threat. Recently, the County of Bruce tool: the lead and had the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food declare purple loosestrife a local noxious weed. As you know, each municipality must pass a relevant bylaw for ministry approval before a weed control officer can move to control this "purple plague." You have purple loosestrife in your municipality. In July and August, their blooms tower everywhere, and each year they increase in number. One plant produces 2.7 million seeds. As they increase, more fish and wildlife become homeless. Ontario has already lost more than 75 percent of its wetlands since the turn of the century — we cannot afford to lose any more! (� more t 0 CLERK � CONSERVATION PIEOGE I give my pledge.as a Canadian,to save and lallhfully defend from waste,the nalwal resources of my (hnnlrv—N<<nilc an.l minaralc Ilcalr wafnr< 1­ Icandwildlifn -2- Please consider passage of a bylaw to control purple loosestrife in your jurisdiction, and contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and_the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, for information on how to execute control of purple loosestrife. Yours in Conservation, R.G. Morgan Executive Vice President RGM\jmm encl. P.S. Enclosed, find a copy of the Bruce County bylaw which may be used as a model. Please alert us of your decision in this matter. Many thanks. i _ I i i I THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF - BRUCE BY-LAW NO.3166 BEING A BY-I-AW TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN WEEDS IN THE COUNTY OF BRUCE AS LOCAL WEEDS WHEREAS the Weed Control Act, authorizes the Council of a Municipality by By-Law to designate any plant that is not a noxious weed as a local weed in respect of the whole or- any part of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS any plants designated as local weeds shall be deemed to be noxious ; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce has complied with Section 10 of the Weed Control Act ; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce ENACTS AS FOLLOWS ; 1 . That the following weed be and is hereby designated as a _ local wood in the whole of the County of Bruce . CQMMON NAME; 9QIENTjFTC NAME Purple Loose Strife Lythrum salicaria 2 . Any By-Law inconsistent with or repugnant to this By-Law is hereby repealed . 3 . That this By-Law shall not come into force and take effect until it has been approved by the Minister of Agriculture and Food_ READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1990 . READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1990- C ERK WARDEN SEAL Pursuant to the provisions of the Weed Control Act, tho above By-Law of the County of Bruce , and the provision thereof , are hereby approved , Dated at Toronto this day of 1990 , ' 01 f ~ 28 Minister of Agriculture & Food >URHAM -'MENTION DURt),i,111;-G10,v nkl,andFUe July 3, 19 91 r 1 -is,;uys wlrn p+dsn Aaswui ie Regional .til . JUL U 4 1.991 Note 3 Ralurn la M* IDurhamtY The Honourable 1'93uchanE n Inves19111eandRepoK lerka Department Minister of Ag 'culture & Fc od WORKS rake iQI'p'O`"'"'""W" 11th Floor, 80 Bay StreeFj DEPT.. File 05 Rossland Road East Toronto, Ontario .O.Box 823. M7A lA3 Ihitby,Ontario anada,Lt N 8A3 Its>668-7711 Purple Loosestrife — Noxious Weed Listing ax:(a�s)668-ss-sss3 P g :.W.LUNOY,A.M.C.T. Our File: E05 ;eglonal Clerk Honourable Sir, the 'Works Committee of Regional Council considered the above matter and at a meeting held on June 26 , 1991 Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: "a) THAT a request be made to the Ministry of Agriculture & Food and the Ministry of Natural Resources for the Purple Loosestrife to be included on the noxious weed listing; and b) THAT a subsequent report be made to" the Works Committee. " Enclosed for your consideration is a copy of correspondence from our Director of Operations in connection with this matter. C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk CWL:gc Encl . cc : The Honourable B. Wildman, Minister of Natural Resources Mr. V.A. Silgailis , Commissioner of Works An„CHMENT No. 9 TO REPORT No. 9/-0413 This naner contains recvcicd material. THE CORPORATION OF .THE TOWN OF WHITBY In the Regional Municipality of Durham 1 o,.or�,rtlE.ro °s lx MUNICIPAL Butt.l)iNC a IO S7S Rossland Road East ATTENTION DURHAM AEG , etF Whitby, Ontario Telephone RECEIVED """_ " Canada 416-668-5803 LIN 2MB PJa]ic Answor JUL 17 1991 • NON S 1141.1'to A,'° COPIES TO Invesmatj and Report WORXS TnMo AjpropriaW Action DEFT. FRO July 16, 1991 File: A-2200 Mr. C. W. Lundy, Clerk ATTACHMENT No. Al Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East TO Whitby, Ontario REPORT No. L1N 6A3 RE: The Weed Control Act - Purple Loosestrife I am enclosing for the consideration of Regional Council a copy of a letter dated July 2nd, 1991 from the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters asking that a by-law be passed to control purple loosestrife. The letter is being forwarded to you as Regional Council is responsible for the enforcement of the Weed Control Act in the Region of Durham. L' I Donald G McKay Town C Krk DGM/lcr Enclosure c. c. : _ Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters P.O. Box 2800 'Peterborough, Ontario K9J 8L5 Attention: R.G . Morgan, Executive Vice-President C-� �- 30 The Corporation of the ATTACHMENT No. Jownikip o f uxd zidge To REPORT No. Telephone Municipal Office 416-852-.9181 20 Bascom Street 416-640-1711 P.O. Box 190 Uxbridge, Ontario July 25, 1991 LOC 1 Ko Durham Regional Works Department 105 Consumers Drive Whitby, Ontario L 1 N 6A3 RE: 'PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE' TOWNSHIP FILE: 4076 Please be advised that the Council of the Township of Uxbridge at its regular meeting held on Monday, July 15th, 1991 adopted the following recommendation: "THAT Correspondence Item 378 be forwarded to the Durham Region Works Department advising them that we support the Purple Loosestrife being classified as a noxious weed, however, we do have concerns with how it is to be destroyed in the wet land areas." enclose herewith a copy of Correspondence Item 378 from the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters. Yours very truly GATI000it rtL'G10N Nola rNSCUSS whh RL-CC-IVED Walter E. Taylor, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. MoiaeAnsw0r Clerk l JUL 2 1991 No1.aRe—toM. lnvealbale and Aelwrl Township of Uxbridge 'corps Ta V,,oKs -- �—;; raA.Ap{xopdata AoQon I... Y DEPT. rra nas cc: Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM 1 V , lYnc1 C l An 13 2 37 X11 '91 -NUNANI TATI5•SOC(E ih3• THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BROCK IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ATTACHMENT No. (o TO August 12 , 1991 REPORT No. 91-0_193 Mr. C.W. Lundy, Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rocsland Road East P.O. Box 623 WIIITBY, Ontario LIN 6A3 Dear Mr. Lundy: Re: Purple Loosestrife The Township of Brock Council endorsed the contents of the attaclied com- munication at their meeting held on July 22 , 1991 . In view of the above, this letter is to request that the Region of Durham consider passing a by-law to declare purple loosestrife . a local noxious weed. A sample by-law in this regard is enclosed for your reference. Yours truly , TILE TOWNSIIIP OF BROCK - George S. Graham, AMCT, CMC 1Zi ,. ,.1..:,,,,,,,,Ail Clerk-Administrator rjA GSG:Sc + � 1 G �nn1 -- _•-- , _ ,c..A,,,•,�,, •,I �,f,� encl. - -- --- WORKS DEPT. _� _.. ,, __ -- v 36 LAIDLAW ST. S., P.O.BOX 10,CANNINGTON.ONTARIO LOE 1 EO (705)432.2681 (705)426.7723 I VII 1/1. 1I -1 (v 11111 otl11 l: Agriculture 1'Agricultur /Jf�- col,r�,e Day �k / and Food de l'Alimen I/ y y���i2t^c2� io Toronlo,Onlarlo / M7A IA3 _._..-------•.Oldallo (416)326-3074 Office of the Bureau du minis Minister Irv-- J [ V l { I Mr. C. W. Lundy, A.M. C.T. -ATTACHMENT No. 7 Regional Clerk The Regional Municipality of Durham TO 605 Rossland Road East P.O. Box 623 REPORT No. Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3 Dear Mr. Lundy:. Thank you for your. letter Of July 3 , 1991, concerning a recommendation of your council asking the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Natural Resources to include purple loosestrife on the noxious weed list. The Weed Control Act 1988 is administered by the Plant Industry Branch of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. I would be prepared to approve a by-law naming purple loosestrife as. a local noxious weed under section 10 of this Act. I enclose a copy of the Weed Control Act 1988 and a sample by-law for your information. Should you decide to proceed with such a by-law, please forward it to my office for approval. Yours truly, Al1INCION -- Ea'�.p .!.!��' '. Il,.t.•.. i n(., -- -- Will. - --- Nob• _LI1 Elmer Buchanan �:c,i it 10 '',y _•----•-•--...--_---- - - --- --•------- i��v 1af.c Approp•i.d..1.I,on I Minister 114 - - - - -- -- Enclosure yh T O O !�� Ontario, Ilrele's no lasle like borne o ` Un brn1 goi11 cle chez Woos o�NOO`�P ATTACHMENT NO. 8 PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE SOLD IN NURSERIES NURSERY NAME SOLD HERE COMMENTS PICOVS GREENHOUSES NO AFTER THE LAST PLANT WAS SOLD,THEY DECIDED NOT TO RESTOCK BECAUSE THE PUBLIC OUTCRY AGAINST IT. REKKER GARDENS YES . STIN GARDEN CENTRE YES THEY WILL DEFINATLY NOT SELL IT NEXT YEAR DUE TO THE PUBLICITY. SHERIDAN NURSERIES NO STOPPED CARRYING IT DUE TO WETLAND PROBLEMS. PINERIDGE GARDEN GALLERY YES ALL OUT OF STOCK FOR THIS YEAR. MAY BE SELLING THEM NEXT YEAR. GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE NO WILL NEVER SELL IT.THEY HEARD IT WAS ILLEGAL SO THEY DROPPED IT. VILLAGE GARDEN CENTRE NO OGS GARDEN GALLERY NO ILL MOT SELL NEXT YEAR EITHER NALDA NURSERIES NO BROOKLIN NURSERIES NO JOHN BROUWER NURSERIES LTD. NO THEY PULLED IT BECAUSE OF THE WETLAND PROBLEM. DURHAM TOPSOIL& GARDEN SUPPLIE NO HOTNER GREENHOUSED NO KERVEN NURSERIES LTD. NO PICKERING NURSERIES NO RED ROSE NURSEIES &GARDEN NO HAVE PULLED IT OFF THE SHELF RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. YES OUT OF STOCK NOW. MAY CARRY i NEXT YEAR. j ANDERMEER NURSERIES & GARDEN NO WEAL&CULLEN NURSERIES LTD. YES ALL OUT OF STOCK FOR THIS YEAR. MAY BE SELLING THEM NEXT YEAR. i RITE ROSE CRAFTS & NURSERY YES ALL OUT OF STOCK FOR THIS YEAR. MAY BE SELLING THEM NEXT YEAR. ORCHID HAVEN NO THEY ONLY SELL ORCHIDS, AN BELLE FLORAL AND PLANT NO I iLLOWGROVE NURSERY INC. NO ti,