HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-73-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE F i I e,# Date: October 7, 1991 Res. # Report#: WD-73-9-1 File#: T. 91. 05 By-Law Subject: FIVE YEAR CONTRACT - BLUE BOX RECYCLING PROGRAM Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-73-91 be received; 2 . THAT Contract WB-591, being a five year contract for the curbside collection of Blue Box recyclable material, Alternative IBI for collection every two weeks be awarded to Miller Waste Systems for approximately 8,633 stops at a cost per stop of $0 . 687 for a total annual cost of $154,203 in 1992 inclusive of all applicable taxes; 3. THAT the Region be urged to continue to fund the curbside collection of Blue Box recyclable material; 4 . THAT Council approve the by-law attached to Report WD-73-91; and 5 . THAT the contract award be subject to OMB approval. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS NO. 1: Summary of Tender Received for Collection Once Per Week. NO.2 : Summary of Tender Received for Collection Once Every Two Weeks . NO. 3 : By-law 2 REPORT NO. : WD-73-91 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 On July 8, 1991, the General Purpose and Administration Committee approved the following recommendation: "That the Town of Newcastle in conjunction with other interested area municipalities be authorized to invite tenders for blue box residential curbside collection, but that the contract award be withheld pending the Region's confirmation of the continued funding for the blue box collection program. " 2.2 Tenders Have Been Received Tenders for Contract WB5-91, which is a co-operative tender for a five year contract for curbside collection and hauling of blue box recyclable material were received on September 4, 1991. Participants in the co-operative tender include the Town of Newcastle, the City of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering, Township of Scugog and Township of Uxbridge. The tenders provided for alternatives for collection once per week and for collection every two weeks . The tenders received are summarized on Attachments 1 and 2 . Browning Ferris Industries also submitted a tender which was rejected because it was incomplete. Prices were obtained for fine and mixed paper, magazines and mixed plastics to provide a price, so that if in the future, it becomes necessary to recycle these materials, a price will be available to proceed. i . . . 3 REPORT NO. : WD-73-91 PAGE 3 Based on an estimated 8,633 stops in 1992, the annual cost based- on pick-up every week would be $214, 133 and based on collection every two weeks would be $154,203, a difference of $59,930 . The estimated annual cost for collection of the igloos is $53,000 . The contract is for five years and begins on February 1, 1991. Provision has been made in the contract to adjust the rate annually based on the Consumer Price Index. Negotiations are taking place with the existing contractor, Muscillo Transport Ltd. to extend his contract to the end of January, 1992 . 2.3 Question of Who Pays Has Not Been Resolved At the present time the area municipalities manage the contract for the blue box recycling program and the Region pays the costs . However, the Region has not yet dealt with who will pay the costs in 1992 . Report 91-J-26, "Financing of Recycling Collection Costs" was submitted to the Region's Waste Reduction Committee on August 27, I 1991 and to the Region's Finance and Administration Committee on August 28, 1991 . The Report has the following recommendation: "In light of the lack of available sources of financing in 1991 and 1992, including the uncertainty surrounding the method of calculating the residential rebate receivable from Metro, and the financial implications of establishing a transfer station in Durham Region, the g , Area Municipalities assume full financial responsibility for recycling collection costs, effective January 1, 1992 . (Recycling collection includes the current -blue i box program, igloo program and all other collection costs currently funded by the Region. ) " Both committees tabled the report. . . .4 REPORT NO. : WD-73-91 PAGE 4 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 The Problem The problem is that the present contract for the collection of recyclable materials expires on December 31, 1991, and the last meeting at which Council can deal with this issue in 1991 is the Council meeting scheduled for October 15, 1991. 3 .2 At a joint meeting of the Region's Waste Reduction Committee and the Finance and Administration Committee held on Wednesday, September 25, 1991, the above recommendation was not approved. The joint committees approved the following: "THAT we recommend to Council: a) THAT the Region of Durham continue to finance blue box collection subject to further recommendations from the Waste Reduction and Finance and Administration Committees; and b) THAT the matter be reviewed by the end of September, 1992 . " This recommendation will be considered by Regional Council on Wednesday, October 2 . 3 .3 The Region has also advised us that it is almost certain that the rebate in 1992 will be based on weight rather than population. It is estimated that this would result in a reduction in the rebate of about $442,000 in 1992 which will be applied to the 1993 rate. 3 .4 The estimated cost for Blue Box collection in 1992 is $154,000 and for Igloo collection is $53,000 for a total of $207,000. The annual rate per pick-up for garbage collection and disposal and for the recycling program in 1991 is $150 . The cost of the Blue Box collection and Igloo collection would increase the rate by about $14 for a total of $164 . i . . .5 ,i REPORT NO. : WD-73-91 PAGE 5 3.5 In addition to the above increase, it is quite likely that there will be additional increases in 1992 because of the Transfer Station that the Region is required to build. There are so many unknowns at the present time that no attempt has been made to estimate the magnitude of these increases for garbage disposal in 1992 . 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4 . 1 If the Blue Box Recycling Program is to continue in 1992, it is necessary that the Town enter into a contract with Miller Waste Systems not later than the October 15th Council Meeting. 4 .2 Since the annual saving between once per week and once every two weeks collection is about $60,000, it is recommended that the option of collection once every two weeks be chosen. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------------ ----------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief A in strative Officer Respectfully submitted, ------------- Marie Marano, H.B.Sc . , AMCT Treasurer WAE*hj September 25, 1991 Attachment Date Prepared : 1991 09 09 Prepared by: M. Sims ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contract WB5-91 Co-operative Tender for the Curbside Collection and Hauling of Blue Box Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tender Comparison - All Municipalities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternative A -Collection Once per Week ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contractor Item No. of Unit Price Total Weekly Total Annual No. Stops Per Stop Cost Cost 0 52) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miller Waste 1 94752 $0. 477 $45, 196. 70 $2,350,228. 61 Systems 2 94752 0. 033 3, 126. 52 162,594. 43 3 94752 0. 033 3, 126. 82 162,594. 43 4 94752 0. 066 6,253. 63 325, 188. 86 Total 94752 0. 609 57, 703. 97 3,000,606. 34 Laidlaw Waste 1 94752 0. 4985 47,233. 87 2,456, 161 . 34 ' Systems Ltd 2 94752 0. 05 4 ,737. 60 246,355. 20 3 94752 0. 02 1 ,895. 04 98,542. oe 4 94752 0. 09 8,527. 68 443, 439. 36 Total 94752 0. 6585 62,394. 19 3,244,497. 98 J & F Waste 1 94752 0. 55 52, 113. 60 2,709,907. 20 Systems Inc 2 94752 0. 02 095. 04 98,542. oe 3 94752 0. 02 1 ,895. 04 98,542. 08 4 94752 0. 04 3,790. 08 197,084. 16 Total 94752 0. 63 59 ,693. 76 3, 104 ,075. 52 Muscillo 1 94752 0. 563 53 ,345. 38 2,773,959. 55 Transport Ltd 2 94752 0. 012 1 , 137. 02 59, 125. 25 3 94752 0. 033 3, 126. 82 162,594. 43 4 94752 0. 046 4 ,358. 59 226,646. 78 Total 94752 0. 654 61 ,967. 81 3,222,326. 02 WMI Waste 1 94752 0. 57 54,00e. 64 2,808,449. 28 Management 2 94752 0. 0137 1 ,298. 10 67,501 . 32 3 94752 0. 0137 1 ,298. 10 67,501 . 32 4 94752 0. 0254 2,406.70 125, 148. 44 Total 94752 0. 6228 59,011. 55 3,068,600. 37 NOTE: Items 1 to 4 are for the collection of the following: 1 Corrugated Cardboard , Glass Jars & Bottles, Metal Cans, Newspapers, P. E. T. Soft DriVe. Containers, Telephone Books 2 Fine and Mixed Paper 3 Magazines 4 Mixed Plastics Al7ACRTI If [10, j ��ID-73-01 r r' Prepared: 1991 09 09 Prepared by: M. Sims ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contract W95-91 Cc-operative Tender for the Curbside Collection and Hauling of Blue Box Materials ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tender• Comparison - All Municipalities ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternative B -Collection Once every 2 Weeks - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Contractor Item No. of Unit Price Total Cost Total Annual No. Stops Per Stop for 2 Weeks Cost 026) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miller• Waste 1 94752 $0. 687 $65,094. 62 $1 ,692,460. 22 Systems 2 94752 0. 065 6, 158. 88 160 , 130. 88 3 94752 0. 065 6, 158. 88 160, 130. 88 4 94752 0. 131 12,412. 51 322 ,725. 31 Total 94752 o. 948 89,524. 9�� 2 ,335,447. 30 Laidlaw Waste 1 94752 0. 8982 85, 106. 25 2,212 ,762. 41 Systems Ltd 2 94752 0. 09 8,527. 68 221 ,719. 68 3 94752 0. 036 3,411 . 07 88,687. 87 ' 4 94752 0. 17 16, 107. 54 418,SO3. 84 Total 94752 1 . 1942 113, 152. 84 2 ,941 ,973. 80 J & F Waste 1 94752 1 . 07 101 ,3e4. 64 2,636,000. 64 Systems Inc 2 94752 0. 023 2, 179. 30 56,661 . 70 3 94752 0. 063 5,969. 38 155,203. 78 4 94752 0. 087 8,243. 42 214,329. 02 Total 94752 1 . 243 117,776. 74 3,062, 195. 14 Musci1lo 1 94752 1 . 0e 102,332. 16 2,660,636. 16 Transport Ltd 2 94752 0. 04 3,790. 08 98,542. 08 3 94752 0. 04 3,790. OS 98 ,542. x:18 4 94752 0. 08 7,5e0. 16 197 ,084. 16 Total 94752 1 . 24 117,492. 48 3,054,804. 48 WM I Waste 1 94752 1 . 14 1 i 18,017. 28 2,808,449. 28 Management 2 94752 0. 0273 2,586. 73 67 ,254. 97 3 94752 0. 0273 2,586. 73 67,254. 97 4 94752 0. x:1508 4,813. 40 125, 148. 44 Total 94752 1 . 2454 118,004. 14 3,06e, 107. 66 NOTE: Items 1 to 4 are for the collection of the following: 1 Corrugated Cardboard , Glass Jars & Bottles, Metal Cans, Newspapers, P.E. T. Soft Drink Containers, Telephone Books 2 Fine and Mixed Paper 3 Magazines 4 Mixed Plastics 'ATTICIf'-EI NT 110,2 U161 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 91- Being a By-Law to authorize the execution of a contract with Miller Waste Systems, Markham, Ontario in respect to the Co-Operative Tender WB5-91, for the Curbside.Collection and Hauling of Blue Box Recyclable Material THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corporation Seal, a Contract between Miller Waste Systems, Markham and said Corporation, which is attached hereto and marked Schedule "B". 2. That this By-Law not take effect until approved by the Ontario Municipal Board, pursuant to Section 64(1) of the Ontario Municipal Boart Act. By-Law read a first and second time this day of September, 1991. By-Law read a third time and finally passed this day of September, 1991. Mayor Clerk I i I I ATTACHE dT f 1Q R 3 WD-73-91