HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-61-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE � 5. REPORT C>5- File # ��. 1r59`1.Ole Res. # By-Law # P'EETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JULY 8, 1991 REPORT #: WD-61-91 FILE #: B.BF. 12 . 03 LAKESHORE EROSION PROTECTION, CEDAR CREST BEACH, BOWMANVLLE) SUB.ECT: AND PARK STREET, VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-61-91 be received; 2 . THAT erosion protection be provided in 1991 on the Town owned lot on Ceder Crest Beach Road in Bowmanville (Location 2 on Attachment No.2 to Report WD-61-91) and on Park Street (Location 3 on Attachment No.3 to Report WD-61-91) ; 3 . THAT funds for the estimated cost of $23,275 be obtained from Account No. 2900-1-X, Working Funds Reserve; 4 . THAT provision be made in the 1992 Capital Budget, for Council's consideration, for erosion protection at Location 1 (Attachment No.2 to Report WD-61-91) and Location 4 (Attachment No. 3 to Report WD-61-91) ; and 5. THAT Mr. J. C. Maynard and Mr. Gordon White, President, Port Darlington Ratepayers Association, be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-61-91 . -------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT NO. : WD-61-91 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Correspondence dated March 27, 1991 from J. C. Maynard No.2 : Key Map 1 No. 3: Key Map 2 No.4: Illustration of Type of Erosion Protection to be Provided 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on April 15, 1991, Council approved Resolution #GPA-242-91: "THAT the Director of Public Works investigate the shore line road allowances at Bondhead in the Village of Newcastle and Cedar Crest Beach, Bowmanville, as to the need for shore line protection in conjunction with the work that is now taking place adjacent to these road allowances and report back, FORTHWITH. " 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 The locations where the Town owns property on Lake Ontario and where a considerable amount of erosion is occurring are: Location l: Waverly Road and Block 'A' of Registered plan no. 659 (Attachment No.2) 191 m (626 feet) Location 2 : Lot on Cedar Crest Beach (Attachment No.2) 31 m ( 100 feet) Location 3: Park Street (Unopened) , Bondhead, (Attachment No. 3) 10 m (33 feet) I Location 4 : Edge of Road Allowance, Lakeshore (Attachment No.3) 72 m (236 feet) { �j . . . 3 REPORT NO. : WD-61-91 PAGE 3 3.2 Method of Erosion Protection The type of erosion protection which is recommended and which several of the property owners have used is illustrated on Attachment No.4 . 3.3 Estimated Cost The estimated cost for the recommended protection is $175/foot. Location Length Cost/ft. Estimated No. (feet) Cost 1 626 $175 2 $109,550 100 $175 17,500 3 33 $175 5,775 4 236 $175 41,300 TOTAL $174,125 3 .4 Erosion Protection Works Installed B r Residents The residents on Cedar Crest Beach Road and on Boulton Street have, in 1991, spent a considerable amount of money to provide erosion protection on each side of the Town owned lot on Cedar Crest Beach Road (Location 2) and on Boulton Street (Location 3) . It is important that the Town provide protection at these two locations to protect against the protection provided on the adjacent properties from being undermined by erosion occurring on the Town property and the water undermining the adjacent works from behind. It is therefore recommended that erosion rotection be Provided at Locations 2 and 3 as illustrated on Attachment Nos 2 and 3 and that the funds be obtained from Account No. 2900-1-8 Working Funds Reserve 3 .5 Erosion Protection on Locations 1 and 4 Erosion protection should also be provided at Locations 1 and 4 . However, because of the high cost, it is recommend that provision be made in the 1992 capital Bud et for Council's consideration for erosion protection at Locations 1 and 4 . . .4 I REPORT NO. : WD-61-91 PAGE 4 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, — -------------------- -- ------ - --------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief A ' istrative Officer WAE*llv June 27, 1991 Attachments pc: Mr. John Maynard 8 Boulton Street R. R. #3 Newcastle, Ontario LOA 1H0 Mr. Gordon White Port Darlington Ratepayers Association Group 2, Box 21 R. R. #2 Newcastle, Ontario L1C 3K3 i I i I it I Mr. J. C. ,Maynard r, 1 `Newcastle,'"`Ontario`';:;' LOA 1HO Mr Walter .Evans P.Eng. -Director of Public Works 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville UC 3A6 27th March 1991 Dear Mr Evans, I am writing to you on behalf of my neighbours on Boulton Street, Newcastle, concerning the extremely high water levels of Lake Ontario. The Spring run off has not yet begun in earnest and already we are experiencing serious land/soil erosion, due to wave action. - To halt this we have enlisted the services of R.M.Construction, of 262 Main Street, Acton, Ontario L7J 1W9, a division of 560789 Ontario Limited, who have been awaiting the rubber stamping of their engineering plans in Lindsay. The. present scenario is this : the design erosion factor in the documents at the Ministry of the Environment is three centimetres per year - we personally have lost a swathe of approximately six feet at the base of' the bank and three feet at the top within the last six months . I understand the lake to be ten inches higher now, and a possible additional seven to ten inches more before the end of Spring, above normal lake levels. R.M. Construction are ready to begin the work - so far no one from the Town of Newcastle has been to view the damage, no assistance has been offered financially though we are all paying taxes into the Town of Newcastle. I have spoken with a Mr. Larry Hannon , Mr. Frank Stapleton, Mr. Gord Mills ' secretary, etc. Our property has an additional problem in that there exists a Town road allowance between our property and Mr. A. Wynne ' s property which ends at the lake , an extension of Park St . We had previously offered to purchase this road , half each , but this was refused because one neighbour to t-lie North , a cottager , objected . To i finish the work properly the blocks to protect the shoreline need to cross the end of this r .,ad allowance to reach Mr . t��ynne ' s property where tl-ir- construct. ion will end some fifteen feet-. into his property . Since no financial assistance has been offered we feel t he v(-,r�- least t ho Town can dc, 1 .9 to f i nance this part of the work. . ,gym =.��r -� �' --u .•,1i wee -,i-iz rE,.�sc,ni na ! i ATTACHMENT N0, 1 0 0 WD-v1-91 i 0 2 . . . A further problem compounding the whole situation is that the Newcastle Marina West Pier, shaped as it is, now prevents- the natural movement of sand along the shore, West to East, therefore no further beach build up has been happening since the shape was changed. The beach to the West of that pier is now very wide. The Town of Newcastle spends many thousands of dollars each year dredging the mouth of the Marina of sand which then goes to a landfill . I understand that once dredged it cannot go back into the lake - this means less beach and more erosion. Even the dredged material would be useful to the east of the pier. There is no time to waste; all property owners along the shoreline have agreed to the work being done and we shall face the challenge of exacting financial assistance from the Town as soon as possible. In the meantime, I hope you are able to act quickly to enable the work on the road allowance shore to be done at the same time as the private work. Sincerely, I hope you are able to understand the problem and I look forward to your earliest reply. O—r J. M. Maynard Home telephone: 987-3052 Work telephone: 987-4776 FAQ qg- - iotit- C .0 1 lr �La:� RVk-0Lhl31Y\- i LOCATION 2 �O G� P c:) �o o �oP� ti TOWN OWNED � o��vE G LOT J WATSON w Q 3 BLOCK A OF REGISTERED PLAN 659 23m LOCATION 1 (76ft.) MAP4 BLO R $T GRO Ll I c � f-G - C � • o"" +J DRAWN J .M. DATE JUNE 1991 PORT 1 DARLINGTON ATTACHMENT NO, 2 KEy MAP I WD-61-91 I 0 9 ( 'BONDHEAD' w TOWN OWNED LAND BOULTON STREET ��° D �W LOCA ION 3 m c o TOWN OWNED m L AND I I m (33f t) LOCATION 4 \ EROSION PROTECTION PUT IN PLACE BY ABUTTING LAND 2o�tl OWNERS 4 uC TCAII St l � [DRAWN _ J .M. DATE JUNE 1991 �I ATTACHMENT NO,' KEY MAP 2 WD-61-91 09 � � FF- MINIMUM � NOTE 2.0 m .gpLASH pI.,ACE 600 mm LAYER 0 FLIP" ' A P OF OF STONE ON TOP PLOPS Y MINIMUM 6p0 mm 4-7 TONNE ARMOUR STONE THICK J EXCAVATED BACKFILL COMPACTED MATERIAL SYNTHETIC FILTER CLOTH ( MIRAFI 250) ON FACE OF EXCAVATION AND BELOW SPLASH PAD EXISTING BEACH (3.0 mt TYR) �J2 110- TYPICAL OR SAFE SLOPE a i 0 r 250-600 RIP RAP BACKFILL 00 a In JI 500 (MINI TYPICAL EROSION PROTECTION 4 0 DRAWN B M. D 1991 ATTACHMENT NO A WD-61-91