HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-46-91 '° TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # By-Law # METING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: JUNE 3, 1991 REPORT #: WD-46-91 FILE #: SUB,JECT: SAFETY CONCERNS, STUDENTS WALKING TO BOWMANVILLE SENIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL AND BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report WD-46-91 be received; 2 . THAT Vanstone Bridge, which meets the Ministry of Transportation design criteria, not be modified to provide a pedestrian barrier; 3 THAT the Town change the sidewalk clearing tender to specify that Roenigk Drive and Vanstone Bridge sidewalks be cleared of snow and ice prior to 8:00 a.m. ; and 4 THAT Mr. R. T. Malowney be advised of Council's decision. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Key Map No.2 : Letter dated January 21, 1991, from the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education. No. 3 : By-law 87-197 - Removal of Snow and Ice REPORT NO. : WD-46-91 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a meeting held on February 11, 1991 Council passed resolution #C-79-91: "THAT the correspondence dated January 21, 1991, from R. T. Malowney, Director of Education and Secretary, Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, requesting consideration of safety measures for students of Bowmanville Senior Public School and Bowmanville High School, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be considered by the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT R. T. Malowney be advised of Council's decision. " 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 The Board of Education regulations require students to walk to school if within 3 .2 km (2 . 1 miles) of a high school or 2 .4 km ( l .a miles) of a senior public school. A number of locations were reassessed and as a result buses were discontinued for students of the Waverley Subdivision Area on March 18, 1991. 3 .2 The Board asked for a We-1 School Zone sign on King Street for eastbound traffic approaching the Vanstone Bridge. The sign has been installed. The board also requested an adult crossing guard at the intersection of Roenigk Drive and King Street. The crossing guard at this location has been approved. 3 . 3 The Board has asked the Town to ensure that the sidewalk on Roenig:c Drive and Vanstone Bridge be cleared of snow before 8:00 a.m. The Town will improve the maintenance of this area by stating in the sidewalk snow clearing tender that this area must be cleared before 8 :00 a.m. . . . 3 j 0 REPORT NO. : WD-46-91 PAGE 3 3 .4 The board is also concerned about snow on the sidewalks along the entire length of the route to both schools . These sidewalks front onto private property and are covered by Town By-law 87-197 being a by-law respecting the removal of snow and ice within the Town of Newcastle. Under provisions of this by-law an owner or occupant must clear ice and snow from the sidewalk within 24 hours from the commencement of snowfall. The 24 hour time period is standard through out Ontario and is enforced by the Towns By-law Enforcement Officers . The Town can't ensure that sidewalks fronting onto private property will be cleared before 8:00 a.m. 3 . 5 The board has also requested the installation of a barrier on the Vanstone Bridge to protect the students from traffic . The Ministry of Transportation has indicated that the Vanstone Bridge with the existing 8" barrier type curb meets the Ministry's design criteria. They have also indicated that they would not subsidize or otherwise share in the cost of providing additional barriers at this time. The Ministry may consider a proposal if done in conjunction with major structural rehabilitation when required in the future. 3 . 6 If the Town proceeds with a barrier now or in the future there are two types to choose from. TYPE 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE "JERSEY TYPE" TRAFFIC BARRIER This would prevent any vehicle from mounting the sidewalk and meets the requirements of the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code and Ministry of Transportation. This barrier would be constructed in front of the existing curb face to maintain the minimum 1.5 metre (5 foot) sidewalk width as per Ministry of Transportation geometric criteria and Ministry of Natural Resources criteria for wheel chair clearances . The barrier would reduce the deck width for vehicula:- traffic by 0 .5 metres ( 1.5 feet) and require Ministry of Transportation approval. The installation of a barrier would also require realignment of the curbs with steel beam guide rail on the approaches . The estimated cost of this type of installation is $80,000 . 4 00 / . . . 'J i REPORT NO. : WD-46-91 PAGE 4 TYPE 2 : VERTICAL BAR ALUMINUM PEDESTRIAN HANDRAIL The intent of this system is to prevent pedestrians from straying into the driving lanes . This type of installation would again require Ministry of Transportation approval due to the curb tapers and sidewalk widening. The estimated cost of this type of installation is $70,000. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4 . 1 From the above, it is concluded that Vanstone Bridge meets Ministry design criteria and requires no changes at the present time and the cost to provide a barrier in not warranted. 4 .2 The Town's sidewalk clearing tender will be modified to specify that Roenigk Drive and the Vanstone Bridge shall be completed prior to 8:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, f ----- -- - --- -------- --------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , LawrenWLstrative Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief Officer RDB*WAE*llv May 27, 1991 Attachments i pc: Mr. R. T. Malowney Director of Education and Secretary Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street North P. 0. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 I � '�" LOWE IfST`.'1� LAVERS l�M�t S � 'S' ALFXANUER - �� r �• Sr � tJBERTY Pl. 1, BOWMAN LLE VA mT � IsLE AVE. HIGH EN o �� �� � SCHOOL Pit y~ C T COLE r I CT. 32 N � Y 2 W h BOWMANVILLE �` K�NC W p w ST. (D E. H16HWAY I LAW CE SENIOR - �, PUBLIC SCHOOL s Q� FF/y a ST O RZ HOBBS � � I �• s ASI P104CE ST. Q pE£RI �1Q99p/ :.T Z JANE ST. OG CFC HEAVY LINES ��^ NELSON > a N INDICATE SIDEWAL �.� s� ST & o Hodes p i WHICH ARE CLEAREa. �c� y SOUTHWAY m C BY SNOW REMOVAL oR TENDER. \ s� I CIRE< Y AVE PARKVAW CRES. PARK ST. - _ SOP El �~ IPAWWAY AVE ` RES. ST C r ~ ST JOHN SCOT ' AVEJ 11 1 PME uj uj J L BASELINE ROAD ST - W. � BASEL WE • 4 0 DRAWN J.R.M. DATE MAY 1991 i ATTACHMENT NO, 1 KEY MAP WD-46-91 j 008 i COUNCIL DIRECTION D-1 1 The Northumberland and Nev A 1102 Board of Education FROM THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION 834 O•ARCY STREET NORTH C O 6 0 U R G . O N T A R*( O 21 January 1991 P.o,BOX 470 K9A 4L2 416.372-6871 Pattie Barrie, Clerk Town of Newcastle Council 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Pattie Barrie At the Regular Meeting of the Board held on Thursday, 22 November 1990 a motion was adopted to discontinue busing from the waverley Road area to Bowmanville Senior Public School and Bowmanville High School, effective 18 March 1991. Over 250 students will now be walking to school that in the past have taken the bu's. The crossing of this many students over Vanstone Bridge is a cause for concern and the Board would like to ensure that all Possible safety precautions are taken. The Board requests that Council seriously consider the installation of a barrier between the sidewalk and the travelled portion of the roadway on Vanstone Bridge. This would enhance the safety of the students by affording them protection from traffic. It is our understanding that a project of this nature could be partially funded by the Provincial Government. As well, ensuring the bridge sidewalk and the sidewalks along the walking routeway to the two schools are cleared of snow before 8 : 00 a . m. is important to the safe passage of these students. I strongly urge you to consider this request and our staff will gladly assist you in any way possible.If further clarification, please contact Paul Bra"c* - A�=Transportation and Plannin of g. I ( I RF --------------- Sincerely P. Tc I PT R. T. Ma 1 owjj(,,y / Director of and :;,,cretary cc P. C. ATTACHMEJT 140.2 koll 1> ; nc WD-46 �1.D9' THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW 87- 197 being a by-law respecting the removal of snow and ice within the Town of Newcastle AND WHEREAS Section 210 (53) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that Councils of municipalities may pass by-laws: for requiring the owners or occupants of any designated Removal of Snow class of building in the municipality or any defined area and Ice From thereof to clear away and remove snow and ice from the Roofs and Side- roofs of such buildings and for requiring the owners or walks of occupants of any designated class of building in the Occupied municipality or any designated area thereof to clear away Premises and remove snow and ice from the sidewalks on the highways in front of, alongside or at the rear of such buildings and for regulating when and the manner in which the same shall be done. AND WHEREAS Section 210 (54) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that Councils of municipalities may pass by-laws to provide: for clearing away and removing snow and ice from the Removal of Snow roofs of any designated class of unoccupied buildings and Ice from in the municipality or any designated area thereof and Roofs and Side- for clearing away and removing snow and ice from the walks of sidewalks on the highways in front of, alongside or at Unoccupied the rear of any designated class of unoccupied buildings Premises or vacant lands at the expense of the owners and for collecting or recovering the expenses incurred in so doing in the manner provided by Section 325. D WHEREAS Section 210 (55) of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that Councils of municipalities may pass by-laws to provide: for clearing away and removing snow and ice from the sidewalks Removal of on any highway or part of a highway or any class thereof in Snow and Ice front of, alongside or at the rear of any occupied or From Sidewalks unoccupied building or vacant lot, or any class thereof, at the expense of the owners, and for collecting or recovering the expenses incurred in so doing in any manner including the manner provided by Section 325. AND WHEREAS Section 325 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, provides that Councils of municipalities may pass by-laws to recover the expense incurred by action, or the amount may be entered in the tax collector's roll and recovered in a like manner as municipal taxes. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. In the geographic area of the Town of Newcastle, every owner or occupant of every building, lot, or parcel of land fronting or abutting on any street or highway shall clear away and remove, or cause to be cleared away and removed, the snow and ice entirely from the sidewalk on the highway in front of, alongside of or at the rear of such building, lot or parcel of land, within 24 hours from the commencement of snowfall. 2. In the geographic area of the Town of Newcastle, every owner or occupant of every building upon a lot fronting or abutting on a sidewalk on a highway, where the closest point of the eave of such building is less than three metres measured horizontally from the sidewalk, shall clear away and remove, or cause to be cleared away and removed, the snow and ice from the roof of such building within 24 hours from the commencement Of snowfall. ATTACHIME�dT id0, 0 0 WD-46-97_ i 2 - 3. The snow and ice required to be removed under paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, shall be removed without damage to the sidewalk, with proper care and precaution for the safety of persons passing and shall be deposited in such a way as not to obstruct access to any fire hydrant. 4. No person shall place any snow or ice from his or her property upon the travelled portion of any highway or upon any sidewalk in the Town of Newcastle. 5. Where an owner or occupant has failed to comply with the requirements of paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, upon 2 hours prior notice in writing to the owner, or occupant of such lot or parcel of land, or building, may clear and remove such snow or ice as is required to be removed under paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof and for that purpose its servant or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land and any building to remove snow or ice from the roof thereof. 6. Notwithstanding paragraph 5 hereof, where the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is unable to immediately locate the owner or occupant of the lot or building, no notice need be given and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle may clear and remove such snow and ice as is required to be removed under paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof, and for that purpose its servants or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land and any building to remove snow and ice from the roof thereof. 7. In the event of an emergency, real or apprehended, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle may clear and remove such snow and ice as is required to be removed under paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof, and for that purpose its servants or agents may enter upon any lot or parcel of land or any building without prior notice to the owner or occupant. 8. In the event that snow and ice is removed from the sidewalks on the highway in front of, alongside of, or at the rear of such lot or parcel of land, or from the roof of any building by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, its servants or agents, the expenses incurred in such cases may be recovered by action, or the amount may be entered in the tax collector's roll and recovered in the like manner as municipal taxes. 9. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle may clear away or remove snow and ice from the roofs of all unoccupied buildings where the eave of such building is less than three metres measured hori2ontally from the sidewalk, without notice to the owner thereof, and the expenses incurred in so doing may be recovered by action, or the amount may be entered in the tax collector's roll and recovered in like manner as municipal taxes. 10. The removal of snow or ice by The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, its servants, agents or employees, shall not relieve any person from liability for breach of the provisions of this by-law. 11. Any person who violates the provisions of this by-law shall be guilty of an offence liable on conviction thereof to a penalty of not less than $50.00 and not more than $200.00, exclusive of costs for each such offence, and every such penalty shall be recoverable under the provisions of The Sunvnary Convictions Act, 12, 8y-law 78-119 of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is hereby repealed. i 3 13. This by-law shall come into force and take effect upon the day of enactment. By-law read a first and second time this 14th day of December 1987 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 14th day of December 1987 Mayor i( LEA 1 :,: C3PY ()IF BY'LVi 1'1.7 ......... C: *11.--. CfLPCRAiICN CIF ME U.*;"1 i.'r LA;LD ]HE GAY OF ........ 1, ........ ................... ........................... I I:E CG.100:i AT 17.1 C Clerk