HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-43-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DA-E: MAY 21, 1991 REPORT #: WD-43-91 FILE #: D-08-05 SUBJECT: REQUEST TO IMPROVE THE SPRING IN LOT 5, CONCESSION 8, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-43-91 be received; 2 . THAT Mr. Robert W. Cameron and Mr. Richard Lott be provided with a copy of Report WD-43-91 and be advised that the Town is not prepared to make improvements to the spring located on the road allowance on Concession Road 8 in the vicinity of Lot 5, former Township of Darlington; and 3 . THAT the Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Durham Region Department of Health Services, make the spring inaccessible to the public . -------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Correspondence dated April 5, 1991, from Mr. Robert Cameron No.2 : Key Map . . .2 REPORT NO. : WD-43-91 PAGE 2 No. 3: Correspondence dated April 17, 1991, from Richard Lott No.4: Correspondence dated April 19, 1991, from H. R. Robinson, Chief Public Health Inspector, Durham Region Department of Health Services 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a meeting held on April 15, 1991, Council approved Recommendation #GPA-237-91: "THAT the delegation of Robert W. Cameron pertaining to a neglected water spring located on Part Lot 5, Concession 8, be acknowledged; THAT the Public Works Department review and report on appropriate measures to clean up this site; THAT the Department of Public Health be contacted and requested to monitor this site on a frequent basis; and i THAT Mr. Robert W. Cameron be advised of Council 's decision. " 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 Location of Spring The spring is located on the north side of Concession Road 8 in a low lying, poorly drained swampy area. i .3 .2 Recommendation from the Durham Region Department of Health Services In his letter dated April 19, 1991, Mr. Robinson states that "this spring cannot be considered safe as a source of drinking water and � it should be made inaccessible to the public, thereby eliminating a potential health hazard" . I . . .3 REPORT NO. : WD-43-91 PAGE 3 4.0 RECOMMENDATION 4 . 1 In view of the above, it is recommended that Mr. Robert Cameron and Mr. Richard Lott be advised that the Town is not prepared to make improvements to the spring located on Concession Road 8 and that the Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Department of Health Services, make the spring inaccessible to the public . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, 7Lawrenc-------- ------------------ Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE*llv May 2, 1991 Attachments pc: Mr. Robert W. Cameron R.R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K6 Mr. Richard Lott Box 40 Enniskillen, Ontario LOB 1H0 t R R 5 BOA' 11ANVILLE ON'T. APRIL 5 I99I YOUR VuORSHIP MAYOR HUBBARD , COUNCILLORS & STAFF. THERE IS A WATER SPRING LOCATED ON THE 8TH CONCESS- ION OF THE OLD TWP. OF DARLINGTON, JUST BELOW ;AY RESIDENCE OF LOT. 5 CON. B. AT THE PRLSEN`1' TI NE IT HAS BhCO AE OVERGROI,lN l,iI TH LONG GRASS & WEEDS. WHILE DIGGING FOR SOME INFORIAATION I- DISCOVERED THAT THE LITTLE SPRING HAS A LONG HISTORY. TAR. I3i�RRY, A FOR"I R LOCAL BOOK-STORE OWNER ONCE TOLD ME THAT THE LITTLE SPRING WAS RUNNING t`,'III+.N HE ATTENDLi) SCHOOL AT LONG .3;JJLT. THE YhAR 1890 . I AM ASKING COUNCIL IF THLY CAN Shh FIT TO UPGRADL THE LITTLE SPRING, JUST STOP SURFACE WATER .FROM ENTERING THE SYSTEM, AND LEVEL THE GROUND SO THAT THE GRASS CAN BE KEPT CUT, OR PERHAPS A FEIN PATIO SLABS LAID AROUND THE AREA. AT THIS POINT I WOULD EVEN CONSIDER THROWING SOME FINANCIAL HELP TOWARDS THIS PROJECT. PERHAPS A PLAGUE WITH A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE TINY SPRING,.t�ND BECAUSE THE UNDERGROUND WATER ORIGINATES ON MY PROPERTY, i'AAY' I . SUGGEST THE PLAQUE REAi)- THE CAMERON SPRING. I THANK YOU AND I TRUST THAT I WILL HJSVL+ YOUR SUPPORT FOR THIS LITTLE PROJECT. YOURS TRULY; ATTACHMENT NO.1 II0:3I,RT Vy Gj�i/ERON WD-43-91 1004 �� � �._ ! i_i • I iii, U_L, GiV; ;:"10 L1C 21-1 February 21 , 1991 DURHAM REPORT OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF {MATER Robert W. Cameron R-R. #5 The Regional Bowmanvi l le, Ont. Municipality L1 C 3K6 Qf Durham WEALTH EfR C The following results have been reported in regard to a water WEALTH SERVICES g p g sample you recently submitted. .t EADQUARTE RS: (01 Golf Street, Gihawa,Ontario, !..1G AS2. ACCEPTABLE LIMITS ;416) 723-8521. j.K. GRAY,M.D.C.M„M.P.H., NITRATE 1 .3 Mg/L. . 10 Mg/L, Medical Officer of Health TOTAL HARDNESS 249.0 Mg/L. 500 Mg/L. SODIUM _ 3.0 Mg/L. 20 Mg/L. FLUORIDE .06 Mg/L. 1.5 Mg/L. IMPORTANT Please note that water containing nitrates in excess of 1OMg/L. should not be fed to infants under 6 months of age nor used in preparing formula. Nursing mothers are advised not to drink such water. There is no hazard involved to persons over 6 months of age nor to the fetus if the water is consumed by pregnant females. If further information is required please contact the Health Department office in your area. Public 'Health Inspector. I i DUHEV--052 •t R �„fit �} • THE WATER SPRI NG LOT 5 - COLT 8 LOT 5 CON 8 SPRING WELL NOTICE FROM DURHAM HEALTH DEPARTMENT STATING THAT THIS WATER IS UNSAFE TO DRINK . PROPERTY / FENCE LINE 0 CONCESSION R OAD 8 PROPERTY / FENCE LINE LOT 5 CON 7 & is oomrsuBJEC T 2 0 �� S/ TE ►6 IS 1110 9 1 l I 7 S 1 ) 2 41 Kil t c c no a Fil 51 w W DRAWN J .M. DATE MAY 1991 E FF17 ATTACHMENT NO. 2 KEY MAP WD-43-91 TYPED AS WRITTEN April 17, 1991 To Planning Department and Councillors: I saw in the Oshawa Times on Saturday where one had talked about having the water spring opened again. I presume it is the Tyrone Spring on the 8th Concession in the Town of Newcastle. Approximately three years ago ( I am just not sure when) my husband, Richard Lott (Lott Well Cleaning) , cleaned the well out and for awhile they found it good for drinking but, after some time they closed it again. I wrote and told the Town of Newcastle that my husband said he was sure the problem was that there is a pocket beside the well which holds water and becomes stagnant and to his opinion they need to trench the area so it will drain away. He is sure the problem will be solved and be good for drinking. At the present time my husband is unable to work but, our son-in-law, Donald Steeves, is still working for us as he was on this job and my husband says if this could be trenched and drained away by your men who work for you he will gladly clean the well and do what was done before, free of charge at no expense to the Town of Newcastle. We are more than glad to do it for the public. If you would like to try this, please give me a call. Thank you Richard Lott Box 40 Enniskillen, Ontario LOB 1H0 Phone: 416-263-8160 ATTACHMENT NO. 3 WD-43-91 777nD))) April 19, 1991 DURHAM r - Mr. Walter Evans, P. Eng. Director :. . The Regional - Municipality Public Works Departments �2 of Durham Town of Newcastle _- DEPARTMENT OF 40 Temperance Street �v HEALTH SERVICES Bowmanville, Ontario of L1C 3A6 HEADQUARTERS: 301 Golf Street, Oshawa,Ontario, Dear Mr. Evans: Canada, L1G 482. (416)723-8521. Fax(416)723-6026 Re. Tyrone Spring North side of the 8th Concession Road in the vicinity of Lot 5 on the Town of Newcastle Road Allowance Water samples taken at this Spring over a number of years indicate that the bacteriological quality of the water is unreliable and can not be considered a safe drinking water supply. In addition the Spring is considered to be an unprotected source as it is subject to contamination from many forms of run-off as well as possible tampering by any passerby. In summary, this Department is of the opinion that the water from the Spring has an unreliable bacteriological quality and also that the Spring is an unprotected source. In view of the foregoing this Spring can not be considered safe as a source of drinking water and it should be made inaccessible to the public, thereby eliminating a potential health hazard. Yours truly, H.R. Robinson; C.P.H.L(C) Chief Public Health hispector Water Quality Manager H R R/cb cc: Brad Clark - Bowmanville Office ATTACHMENT NO. 4 WD-43-91 Branch Offices 126 Commercial Ave _ 11 Lambert St _ 2 Brock St.W _ Oshawa Exec Centre AJAX,Ont L1S 2H5 BOWMANVILLE O,. _1C 211 UXBRIDGE,Ont LOC 1KO Family Planning 433-8901 .. ,�.F�Cam^x.. - iniF, NS^.01c..1 r