HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-33-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE (LATE: MARCH 18, 1991 REPORT #. WD-33-91 FILE #. G. 10 . 06 StJ ECT. MAINTENANCE OF COMMUNITY MAILBO%ES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-33-91 be received for information. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Maintenance Check List No.2: Brochure to Homeowner 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on September 10, 1990, Resolution #GPA-652-90 was passed: "THAT Staff investigate and report on the standards of maintenance for community mailboxes" . . . 2 REPORT NO. : WD-33-91 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 Responsibility of the Maintenance of Community Mailboxes The responsibility for the maintenance of Community Mailboxes is solely that of the Canada Post Corporation. The maintenance program that Canada Post performs encompasses the removal of snow and ice and the disposal and control of litter around the base and posted to, the community mailbox. In addition, Canada Post performs a Spring clean-up that involves the washing of the mailbox itself. In the fall, a thorough inspection of the Community Mailbox is carried out by Canada Post which identifies the condition of the mailbox and any maintenance necessary. A Maintenance Checklist (Attachment No. l) is used by Canada Post to examine the condition and function of the Community Mailbox and more specifically the pads, support structures and the modules (individual mail compartments) . The appearance of the Community Mailbox (i.e. paint, cleanliness, landscaping surrounding the mailbox) are items that are also included on their maintenance checklist. 3 .2 Level of Maintenance Performed by Canada Post Public Works Staff have been working with Canada Post in the installation of Community Mailboxes and as a result have been in contact with the public . We have not received complaints from the public regarding the maintenance of Community Mailboxes . To-date from our observations, it appears that the level of maintenance provided by Canada Post is adequate to meet the needs of the public . Canada Post has issued a brochure to the homeowners (Attachment No.2) which answers numerous questions regarding the use and maintenance of the Community Mailboxes . In addition, Canada Post quotes a 24 hour, toll free telephone number (Community Mailbox Winter Help-line) in this brochure, that homeowners can call if they have any concerns or questions regarding Community Mailboxes . i REPORT NO. : WD-33-91 PAGE 3 3 .3 Public Works staff have monitored various Community Mailbox locations within Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village. Our findings are that these facilitate are maintained in an acceptable manner and consistent with Canada Post's maintenance program referred to in Section 3 . 1. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, I�"�� ------------------------ aChief ------------------ Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , . Kotseff, Director of Public Works nistrative Offi cer ASC*WAE*llv March 5, 1991 Attachments Canada Post Cc ration SocIdt6 canadlcnno dos postas oms and Englncoring Etudes toohnaqucs of aystdmcs Communit ail Box Maintenance Checklist Uste des verifications pour la maintenance dos boito postale oommautalro Revision 1.0 1989-04-01 Rovislon 1,0 19894401 To be usod In coniunctlon with the• A titre utlils6e oonjolntement aveo Maintenance instruction Sheet Corn r Revielon a feullie d'Intruotion Pour Is tnalntonanoo, SITE(FSA/RTA,NUMBER/NU RO,AND=LOCATION): MODULE#I MODULE#2 MODULE#3 SERIAL•# SERIAL# SERIAL# SERIE# WRIE# SERIE# ASSET# ASSET# ASSET; #IMMOBILISATION #IMMOBILISATION 0 IMMOBILISATION GENERATION GENERATION GENERATION 1 2 2A 2B 1 2 2A 2B 1 2 2A 2B TYPE A BTU TYPE A B TYPE A B EMPIA EMEINTTSPBCIALB DPALLE GANERNATIPNp2AM LIORADTION YES NO SONG 2 2B COMPLETE YES NO OVI NON OMPLET OUI NON FULL LENGTH CROSS MEMBERS SUPPORT STRUCTURE GENERATION 2 TRAVERSES HORIZONTALES SUPPORT DE STRUCTURE MAIL DEFLECTOR IN PLACE PLEINE LONGUER DEFLECTEUR DU COURRIER,EN YES NO 1/4" S 116" PLACE OUI NON YES NO OU1 NON 1,0 PADS 1.0 DALLE 1.01 Cracks and crumbling, 1,01 Fissures et offritement. 1.02 Chip! 1.02 Aeallles. 1.03 Level and corroolly butted, 1,03 Do nivoeu at adosser correctement, 1,04 Wator cannot pool, 1,04 Impossiblilti d'aocumuladon d'eau. 1.05 Water cannot cover pad, 1.05 lmpmlblllt4 d'Immer er 1es dalles, 2.0 SUPPORT STRUCTURES 2,0 SUP 8 UCTURB 2,01 Wold damage. 2.01 Soudurc d6foctuouso, 202 Mitered joint caulking, 202 Calfoutrago des joints on on let, 2.03 Stxblo and lovol on the pad. 2.03 Stablilt6 of do nivoau do to dallo, 2.04 Anchor bolts In good condition. 2,04 Bonne condition des boulons d'ancrage. 205 Anchor bolts for uod and Loctito applied, 205 Couple de serrage dos boulons d'anora os, 2.06 Anchor bolt oaN in place. 2.06 Ca uchons protecteurs des boulons d'anofalio on place. 2.07 Cams members perpendicular. 2.01'Traverses porpondloulairc, 2.08 Cross members torqued, 2,08 Traverses sou to do sewage, 2.09 Had bum Um for uod. 2.09 Couple do aorrago des plaques d'asaembiage, 3.0 MODULES 30 MODULES GENERATIONS 2 2A 2B #1 #2 #3 GENERATIONS 3.01 Exterior weld damage, 13.01 SI es ext4rieur do soudure d6foctuouse, 3.02 No gap between support and module. 3.02 Aucune ouverture mire Is module et Is support de structure. 303 No gap botwcon cnd patrols and modulo, 3,03 Auouno owerturc ontro to modulo of les panneaux do bout, 3.04 No cracks In master door frame, 3.04 Auouno fissuro dens le eadro do Is port prInolpalo. 3.05 Look plate In good condition and proporly Installed, 3.05 Barre de vorrouiltage an bonne condition et blen Install6c, 3.06 Master door hinge In good condition and properly 3,06 Charnl6re de Is ports principals an bonne condition et Installed, blon Install6o. 3.07 Compartment and parcel doors and hinges In good 3.07 Portes et eharnikees des comportimonts on bonne condition, condition, 3.08 Compartment and parcel lock retainers in place. 3.08 trier d'attachs du verrou des oompxrtiments blcn on lace. 3.09 Interior weld damage. 3.09 Soudure Int6rleur d6fcotuouse. 3.10 Engagement hooks in good condition. 3,10 Crochets de la barn d'on a omont on bonne condition, 3.11 No sharp odEes. 3,11 Aucune ar6to tranchante, 3.12 Guide bar proe!tly installed. 3.12 Barre uido corrootomont Install6o, 3,13 Module PrOVOTlY Installed, J 13.13 Modulo eorrootomont install6o, GENERATIONS 2A 2B #1 ,k2 d3 G N RATIONS 2A 2B 3.14 Alignment pin hole in good condition. 13,14 Trou do localisation on bon 6tat. 3.15 Alignment pin,in&ood condition. 13.15 Gou on de localisation en bonne oondltloi ATTACHMENT NO, 1 kaviscd/Rcvis6 1990-05.15 Page 1 1 0 3 4 t M� »-91 A �a�� ,N TC a 3.0 MODULES 3,0 MODULES GENERATIONS 2A 2B #2 R #3 QtNP.XATIQNS 2A 2B 3.16 All 8 mounting bolts tog uod 13.16 Cou lc de serrage sur Its 8 boulons de Wtion, 3,17 N on plug buttons In place and In good condition. 3.11 Bouohon de nylon on placo of on bonne condition, 3,18 E78 access door Lroporly I lled. 3,18 Porte d'a cde du E78 correatoment stallde, GANURA77ON 2 01 2 #3 O �RATION 2 3.19 Insort mounting bolts snug, 3.19 Houlons do fixation A to base du oompartlment blon sends, 3.20 Mail drop self atlokina weight, 3.20 Poids auto-collant de Is obute A lettre, 3.21 Weathoratrl in . 1 13.21 Joint d'6tanoh41t6. 3,22 BafOo bolts. I 13,22poulonsduaORratour, 3,23 Side pop civets. 1 13.23 Rivets out It C60. 4,0 GTION #1 2 3 4.0FONCfION 4.01 Main door funotions ro rl, 4.01 Bon fonetionnement de la 22rto prinoipalo, 4,02 Mail receptacle flap operates pro r!y., 4.02 Bon fonetionnement de Is'trappo de la chute A lettres, 4.03 Engagement Is satisfaoto . 4.03 L'en a ement cst satisfalsant, 4.04 Lift tab operates Rroperly, 4,04 Bon tonetlonncmont du pqussoIr de Wage, 4,05 1178 latch 4,05 Pdno du verrou B78, 4.06 B78 o ratio roporly 4.06 Bon fonotloonement du vorrou E78. 5,0 LANDSCAPING AND E.0 AMBNAQ T SPN IC BT LB SPECIAL SI 5.01 Landscaping in good condition, 5.01 Amdna emont paysAger on bonne condition, 5,02 RotAining walls in good condition. 5.02 Murs do soutoment en bonne condition, 5.03 Culverts in good condition. 5,03 Poneon on bonne condition, S,04 Guard rails In good condition and stable, 5.04 Gatde-fou stable et on bonne condition. 5.05 Cut curbs in goo condition. 15.05 Bordure do ruo on bonne condition, 5,06 Access rame In good condition, 15.06 Rampe,d'aocts an bonne condition, 5,07 Cribbing In good condition. 15,07 Bordure de dallo on bonne condition, 6,0 OR HICS #1 #2 i #3 6.0ORAPHIQUES 6.01 Orn hio plates in g25d condition. 67 Pla ue d'idontilloation on bonne condition, 6,02 Refleotors In good conditon. 6,02 Rdflacteurs on bonne condition. 6.03 Compartment blockers In good oonditon, 6.03 Obturateur do oom artiment on bonne condition. 6,04 Address label holders lc ibio and In good condition. 6,04 Porto-Eti uotte d'adrew an bonne condition. 6.05 Parcel key tags in good condition. 6.05 Porto-elef du com artiment A colts en bonny oondition. 7,0 PAINT 1 #2 #3 EINTURE 7,01 Supe2rt Structures 7.01 Support de structure, 7.02 Modules•exterior 7.02 Module extdrieur, 7.03 Modules-interior 7.03 Modulelntdrieur, 8.0 CLEAN t*1 2 #3 8.0 PROM 8.01 Support structure clean. 8,01 Support de structure propro, 8,02 Module and main door dean, 8,02 Module et parts erinolpalo propm, 8.03 Pad and access clean, 8,03 Pro reto do faeces dt do Is dalle. 8,04 Landscaping clean. 8,04 Amdna ement du terrain propro, 9,0 Ll VBRICATION #1 3 9,0 LUBRIFICATIO 9.01 Lubrioate locks, 9,01 Lubrifloation dos serrures. 9,02 Lubricate hin es, 9,02 Lubrlfloatlon dos oharnidres. 9.03 Lubricate lock bar and lift tab, 9.03 Lubriflcation de fa barre de verrouillage of de la poigndo de lova e, COMMEN I'S/COMMENTAI": I I accordancelwith the current spooilioa�tions established has been mpleted in cam.l 1 nature qua Its devils courant dtabis p r9SCP essus soot Si natuto PATE Revlacd/Revisd 1990-06-15 Page 2 l� 5 i Your Community Mailbox Snow Removal Moving? Other Enquiries r neighbourhood is served by a Community Snow and ice around the base of your Community If you're moving,please return your Community Mailbox If you have any questions about postal rates or ser ces box,the convenient,one-stop pick up and post Mailbox will be removed by Canada Post Corporation keys to your local post office so we can replace the locks contact the personnel at your nearest postal outlet.If yc- ice from Canada Post Corporation. contractors. before the box is re-assigned to the new residents. have questions about your Community MailoO A,tail oL Community Mailbox is located If you're moving to a neighbourhood that is also served by toll-tree Winter Help-Line.24 hours a day Irom Novem�i< your home,so you can pick up F'. Mail Pick Up a Community Mailbox,contact the Customer Service 1st through March 31st. send your mail from one place. '' y Centre in that area to find out which postal outlet serves 1-800-268-8445 1 the parcels you receive by mail :� You can pick up your mail from your own your neighbourhood. be icked u at our mail compartment any time of the day or P P your Inside your individually-locked mail When you move, remember to complete a change of M A 1 L�P O S T L Imunity Mailbox, � _ compartment,your mail stays safe and address form at your local postal outlet so your mail will be ter is on the way,so here are dry. forwarded. You can also obtain change of address cards Canada Post Corporation/Societe canadienne des posses -e helpful reminders to ensure to inform friends, relatives and associates of your new Community Mailbox continues address. Our commitment: better service for you. •ovide you with good service. Mall Out Outgoing mail deposited in Locks and Keys the outgoing mail slot of your Community Mailbox before 8 have two keys for your compartment a.m.will be picked up daily, !I It is a good idea to have duplicates Monday to Friday,except on f Statutory Holidays. Mail that !n picking up mail from your must be posted on a j oartment,please be sure to slide the weekend or holiday should g a 4 m s somp/ete/yinto the lock before turning be deposited at the postal 'he right. If you find the lock is frozen outlet or street letter box , ILL g severe weather conditions,y ou can nearest you. ,he same de-icer used for car locks. Please do not ! cafe the lock,attempt to heat the lock,or affix hing to the box to cover the lock. Maintenance i and Litter 3 ! (- ,Community Mailbox Canada Post Corporation Winter Help-Line contractors will perform site a,�. lY 1-800-268-8445 maintenance work on your ____M A I L�POST[ Community Mailbox as y i; required. t Please help keep your "'z _ = '�, (Detach this sticker for quickrefererue.) Community Mailbox an uu-encounter any problems with your Community attractive part of your neighbourhood-don't leave ox this winter,call our toll-free Winter Help-Line,24 litter around it or post ;a day from November 1st through March 31st. . - notices on it. If you see litter of our operators will record your call and dispatch the around it or notices posted ired service personnel to deal with the problem. on it,contact our Customer se note that the Winter Help-Line is designed for Service Centre and we'll munity Mailbox service calls only. have it removed. if 1 Al ATTACH IMENT 110.2 -7-91