HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-28-91 t. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # By-Law # SPECIAL MEETING OF THE (STING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: MARCH 8, 1991 REPORT #: WD-28-91 FILE #: M.75 &J&ECT: CANCELLATION OF - AGREEMENT WITH THE MINISTRY OF LANDS AND FORESTS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF TOWN FOREST, NORTH HALF OF LOT 1, CONCESSION I%, DARLINGTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report WD-28-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Minister of Natural Resources be advised that, in accordance with Clause 9 ( 1) of the agreement dated June 28, 1971, between the Minister and the Township of Darlington, the Town chooses Option 1, that is, that the agreement not be renewed; 3 . THAT subject to approval of the 1991 Budget, the Treasurer be directed to forward a cheque, payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, for $6,378 . 75 to the Ministry of Natural Resources; and 4 . THAT a copy of Report WD-28-91 be forwarded to Paul Strassburger and Joan Brown, Ministry of Natural Resources, and that they be advised of Council's decision. . . .2 REPORT NO. : WD-28-91 PAGE 2 REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Key Map No.2 : Agreement dated June 28, 1971, between the Minister of Lands and Forests and the Corporation of the Township of Darlington 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2 . 1 On June 28, 1971, the Minister of Lands and Forests and the Corporation of the Township of Darlington entered into an agreement for the management, by the Ministry, of the forest on a 143 acre parcel of land owned by the Township. 2 .2 The agreement expires on April 1, 1991. 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 Clause 9 ( 1) of the agreement states: "The Corporation agrees, during the last twelve months of the term of this agreement, to select one of the three options hereinbelow set forth to take effect upon the expiry of this term of this agreement. " i OPTION 1• "The Corporation shall pay to the Minister the amount without interest of the costs incurred by the Minister in connection with the management of the Forest Area after deducting therefrom the amount without interest of the revenues received by the Minister in connection with the management of the Forest Area provided that in the event the said revenues exceed the said costs the excess will be paid to the Corporation. " I � .3 REPORT NO. : WD-28-91 PAGE 3 OPTION 2• "The Corporation shall grant the lands in the Forest Area to her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Lands and Forests, in fee simple, free from encumbrances and shall execute a conveyance of the lands in the Forest Area upon payment by the Minister to the Corporation of the purchase price paid by the Corporation for the lands in the Forest Area. " OPTION 3: "The Corporation may extend the term of this agreement for a period of not less than twenty and not more than fifty years. " 3.2 This property is located in an area which has several operating gravel pits . The Town's gravel pit located on Morgans Road is almost depleted. It is therefore desirable to determine if this property has potential for operating as a gravel pit and if so, to develop it. It is therefore recommended that Option 1 be selected and the agreement not be renewed with the Minister. 3 . 3 The Ministry of Natural Resources (formerly Lands and Forests) has advised that the amount owing by the Town to the Ministry for the costs incurred by the Minister in connection with the management of the Forest Area is $6,378.75. 3 .4 Funds have been provided in the 1991 Budget ( $20,000) to pay the $6, 378 . 75 to the Minister and to provide funds to carry out soil investigations on the property and to determine the feasibility of developing the property as a gravel pit. 3 .5 The Ministry of Natural Resources has advised that even though the Town chooses not to renew the agreement with the Ministry, they will provide the Town with advice, free of charge, on the management of the forest. t�� REPORT NO. : WD-28-91 PAGE 4 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ----------------------- --------- ----L- ---- -------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E. Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer WAE*llv February 18, 1991 Attachments Cheque and Ministry of Natural Resources Report to: P. 0. Box 1000 258 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5N5 Attention: Joan Brown Report to: Ministry of Natural Resources 322 Kent Street West Lindsay, Ontario K9V 4T7 Attention: Paul Strassburger District Manager, Lindsay District ° Q LOT 2 LOT / CON /O S UB JEC T W PROPERTY Z J Z 3 ° ~ 0 Q .57.9 HECTARES o • ( 143 ACRES) cn w C > z • I • • z • : O z J cr >- a a LOT 2 LOT / ir CON 9 REGIONAL ROAD 20 .I 4 '"""`W SUBJECT j . PROPER T Y a sW �i z `` : �.:• IE Z IE DRAWN J .M. DATE FEB. 1991 it ATTACH I.-,i- iJ0 1 is to a 11 i c s 3 KEY MAP Form TM-647-R (rev 1270) AGREEMENT made this �� day ohTreem 19� ( pursuant to The Forestry Act and Th Act. BETWEEN: THE MINISTER OF LANDS AND FORESTS or the Province of Qntario, erein called "Minister", AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLING TON, herein called "C arpor^tioa". WHEREAS the parties hereto have previously entered into an agreement whereby the Minister agreed to manage for forestry purposes lands acquired by the Corporation ; I AND WHEREAS The Forestry Amendment Act, 1967 re-defined the term "forestry purposes" to include the production of wood and wood products, provision of proper environmental conditions for wild life, protection against floods and erosion, recreation, and protection and production of water supplies; AND WHEREAS the parties hereto desire to terminate and replace the said agreement with these presents made under section 2 of The Forestry Act as amended; NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesses that in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements and undertakings herein contained the Minister and Corporation agree each with the other as follows: Corporation 1. The does hereby demise and lease unto � � TTl�C�����1Ei�T IJ0,2 -�3_ the Minister the lands, hereinafter referred to as the "Forest �`� 2 - Area", described in Schedule "A" for the term of 20 years commencing with the let day of April 1971 2. Subject to paragraph 10 and provided that moneys are appropriated therefor by the Legislature of Ontario, the Minister agrees, (a) to manage the Forest Area for the forestry purposes agreed upon by the Minister and Corporation (b) to furnish such equipment, plant such trees, erect and maintain such fences, structures, buildings and improvements and d'o such other work that may in his opinion be required in connection with the management of the Forest Area; and (c) that the costs incurred in the i management of the Forest Area will be borne by the Minister. 3. The Corporation agrees that the Minister during the term of this agreement or any renewal thereof may sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the trees or products therefrom, structures, buildings or improvements now or hereafter growing or erected on the Forest Area, and shall be entitled to the revenues derived therefrom. 4. (1) The Minister agrees to furnish a report to the Corporation within twelve months after the termination of each year of the term of this agreement or any renewal thereof, setting out the expenditures made, the revenues received, the work done in respect of the Forest Area during the year covered by the report and the work, with estimated costs and revenues, proposed to be done in the year following the year reported. (2) In this paragraph the word 'tyear" means a period commencing with the 1st day of April and ending with the 31st day of March next following. (3) The Minister and Corporation agree to hold meetings from time to time to discuss matters arising under this agreement. 5. Where the Corporation , with the written approval of the Minister, sets apart any additional land or acquires any additional land for the purpose of this agreement and files with 3 - the Minister proof of ownership satisfactory to the Minister and a lease in quintuplicate of the land substantially in accord with Schedule "B", • I (a) Schedule "All shall be deemed to be amended to include the land so set apart or acquired; and (b) the Minister may make a grant out of the moneys appropriated therefor by the Legislature of Ontario to the Corporation for the purpose of assisting it in the acquisition of the land of an amount to be determined by the Minister but not exceeding 75% of, ( i) the purchase price paid by the Corporation for the land, and the solicitor+s fees and disbursements paid by the Corporation to secure title to the land in its name. 6. In the event the Minister and Corporation agree t terminate this agreement in respect of any part of the Forest Area the Corporation agrees to pay to the Minister the costs, without interest, determined by the Minister to have been incurred in managing such part of the Forest Area after deducting therefrom the revenues, without interest, determined by the Minister to have been received from the management of such part of the Forest Area provided that in the event the said revenues exceed the said costs, the Minister agrees to pay the excess to the Corporation provided that moneys are appropriated therefor by the Legislature of Ontario. 7. The Minister agrees that the Corporation may make payments to the Minister from time to time in respect of the costs incurred by the Minister in the management of the Forest Area, and that such payments will be deemed to be revenues received by the Minister in the management of the Forest Area. 8. The Corporation agrees that the Minister may make payments to the Corporation from time to time in respect of the revenues received by the Minister in the management of the Forest Area, and that such payments will be deemed to be costs incurred by the Minister in the management of the Forest Area. I I i _ 4 _ (1) The Corporation agrees, during the last twelve months of the term of this agreement, to select one of the three options hereinbelow set forth to take effect upon the expiry of he term of this agreement. (2) The Corporation agrees to advise the Minister in riting of the selection made pursuant to subparagraph 1 before the xpiry of the term of this agreement. (3) In the event the Corporation fails to comply with ubparagraphs 1 and 2, the Corporation shall be deemed to ave selected Option 3 for a period of twenty years. PTION 1: The Corporation shall pay to the Minister the mount without interest of the costs incurred by the Minister in connection with the management of the Forest Area after deducting therefrom the amount without interest of the revenues received by he Minister in connection with the management of the Forest Area rovided that in the event the said revenues exceed the said costs he excess will be paid to the Corporation PTION 2: The Corporation shall grant the lands in the Forest rea to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by he Minister of Lands and Forests, in fee simple, free from ncumbrances and shall execute a conveyance of the lands in the crest Area upon payment by the Minister to the Corporation f the purchase price paid by the Corporation for the lands n the Forest Area. PTION The Corporation may extend the term of this greement for a period of not less than twenty and not more than fifty years. 0. (1) Where the Minister agrees to manage any part of the Forest rea for recreation, the Corporation agrees that the rovisions of this paragraph are applicable in respect of each 5 - recreational project. (2) Where the Minister agrees to bear all costs in respect of a recreational project, the Corporation agrees that the Minister may retain all revenues received in respect of the recreational project. (3) Where the Minister and Corporation agree to equally share all costs and revenues in respect of a recreational project, the Minister agrees to pay to the Corporation one-half of all revenues, if any, received in respect of such project at the end of the year in which such revenues are received and the Corporation agrees to reimburse the Minister one-half of the capital, maintenance and operating costs in respect of such project in the manner following: (a) one-half of the capital costs of such project incurred in each year at the end of such year or on completion of such project, whichever first occurs in any year. (b) one-half of the maintenance and operating costs in respect of such project incurred in each year at the end of such year. (4) The Minister and Corporation agree that paragraphs 3, 7 and 8 shall not apply in respect of any recreational project on the Forest Area and that the costs and revenues in respect of each such recreational project shall not be reckoned for the purpose of OPTION 1. 11. The Minister and Corporation agree that this agreement and any lease filed with the Minister under paragraph 5 shall be registered in the proper registry or land titles office in accord with The Forestry Act. 1211. The Minister and Corporation agree that any disput as to the true intent and meaning of this agreement may be referred to arbitration under The Arbitrations Act provided that no such reference shall be made unless 60 days? written notice is given by the party intending to make such reference to the other party to this agreement. 13. The parties hereto further covenant and agree that the 10 6 - agreement made the 19th day of August , 1964 between the Minister and Corporation is hereby terminated and replaced as of the 31st day of March 1971 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Minister has hereunto set his hand and the seal of the Department of Lands and Forests and the Corporation has hereunto set its seal, attested by its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) 111A as to execution by the Minister ) MINISTER OF SANDS AND FORESTS of Lands and Forests for the ) Province of Ontario. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ) By And: I i I I SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and promisee situate, lying and being in the Township of Darlington in the County of Durham and Province of Ontario and being more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: The north half of Lot 1 in Concession IX of the said township containing 100 acres be the same more or lees, SAVING AND EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom that portion thereof that is included in the land described as follows; COMMENCING in the front of the said Concession at the south- east angle of the said lot; THENCE north sixteen degrees west a distance of sixty-six chains and ten linkel THENCE south seventy-four degrees west a distance of nine chains and forty-eight links; THENCE, south sixteen degrees east a distance of sixty-six chains and ten links more or less to the front of the said concession; THENCE north seventy-four degrees east along the said front to the place of beginning. SUBJECT to an easement of The Hydro-Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario described in instrument registered as number 19403. SECONDLYi The northeast quarter of Lot 2 in Concession IX of the said township and being all the east half of the said Lot 2 not heretofore sold and conveyed by one William Clemens to one Andrew Brown by deed dated June 16, 1875 and registered June Z8, 1875 as number 2078. SUBJECT to an easement of The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario described in instrument registered as number 19403, I I I SCHEDULE "B" THIS INDENTURE made the day of , 19 pursuant to The Forestry Act and The Trees Act. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON, herein referred to as the Lessor, OF THE FIRST PART; I AND THE MINISTER OF LANDS AND FORESTS or the Province of Ontario, he rein referred to as the Lessee, OF THE SECOND PART. WITNESSETH that pursuant to and in consideration of the agreement dated the day of , 19 , between the parties hereto, registered in i as instrument number on the day of 19 , the Lessor doth demise and lease unto the Lessee ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the I I I i 2 i from the date -hereto until the 31st day of March , 1991 IT IS HEREBY DECLARED AND AGREED that the lands herein demised shall be deemed to be included in Schedule "A„ and to be subject to the terms and conditions of the aforesaid agreement. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Lessee has hereunto set his hand and the seal of the Department of Lands and Forests, and the Lessor has hereunto set its seal, attested by its proper officers duly authorized in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED ) in the presence of ) ) as to execution by The Honourable MINISTER OF LANDS AND FORESTS Minister of Lands and Forests THE CORPORATION OF THE for the Province of Ontario. ) TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON ) By: And: i I I i REPORT WD-31-91 WAS WITHDRAWN FROM THE G.P.& A. AGENDA OF MARCH 18, 1991 ORIGINAL REPORT IS IN MARIE KNIGHT'S G.P. & A. BUILD-UP FILE i I I i