HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-13-91 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Res. # -- �-�. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: FEBRUARY 18, 199'11 REPORT #: WD-13-91 FILE #: D.5. 18. 18 & ECT: PARKING LOT PROPOSAL BY HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH, NORTH SIDE OF MILL STREET, HAMPTON RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-13-91 be received for information. ----------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. l: Key Map No.2 : Correspondence dated June 14, 1990, from Hampton United Church to Mayor Marie Hubbard. No. 3 : Letter of Agreement dated October 23, 1990, between Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and Hampton United Church. 1 2 , � . . . 1 'j REPORT NO. : WD-13-91 PAGE 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting of Council held on June 25, 1990, Resolution #C-433-90 was passed: "THAT the correspondence dated June 14, 1990, from Ron White, Chairman of the Official Board, Hampton United Church, R.R. #1, Bowmanville, L1C 3K2, regarding the possibility of a parking area being constructed at the Hampton Conservation Area be received for information" . AND Resolution #C-434-90: "THAT the foregoing Resolution #C-433-90 be amended by deleting the words "for information" in the fourth line and substituting the following therefore: And referred to the Director of Public Works for review with the Central lake Ontario Conservation Authority and preparation of a subsequent report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee" . I C 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3 . 1 The location of the proposed parking lot submitted by the Hampton United Church is situated on the north side of Mill Street, Hampton (Attachment No. l) . i 3 .2 The lot is owned by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and is zoned EP (Environmental Protection) . Under the present zoning of EP, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority could create a parking facility. It is estimated that a parking lot at this location, if fully developed, could hold up to 38 vehicles . . . . 3 REPORT NO. : WD-13-91 PAGE 3 3 . 3 The use of this vacant lot as an off-street parking lot would be beneficial by reducing the demand for on-street parking. Presently Mill Street and Old Scugog Road are used as a Church overflow, as well as for anglers and soccer players using Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority property. 3 .4 Town staff arranged and participated in a site meeting at the proposed location on September 18, 1990 . Those present were: - Mr. R. Clow, Conservation Area Manager, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Ron Baker, Traffic Co-ordinator, Town of Newcastle - Mr. Ron White, Chairman of the Official Board, Hampton United Church - Rev. Douglas S. Warren, Minister, Hampton United Church As a result of this meeting it was determined that an agreement could be drafted between the Church and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for use of this lot on an "as is" basis with no expenditure required for improvements (Attachment No.3) . It was also agreed that the Town would gravel the shoulder area in front of this lot. This work was completed November 5, 1990 . Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ------------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrenc E. Kotseff, Director of Public Works Chief A inistrative Officer RB*WAE*llv January 31, 1991 Attachments UU .� o 10 < o � 0 PROPOSED PARKING LOT A 9,A �0G /2c O co > s" a� HAMPTON `may UNITED CHURCH O w � OQ` i N pVE• 4 . S�N,P R� p,VE �4*0 SUBJEC S1 TE DRAW N�JM, D ATE: AUGUST 1990 j TAUNTON ROAD REG. RD. 4 j KEY MAP ATTACH MENT JO , 1 ., 1 4 C:UUNC.IL'; INFORMATION I-14 ` HAMPTON UNITED C1fUP,CI1 THE UNITED CIIURC11 OF CANADA E THE ELDAD-HAMPTON PASTORAL CHARGE D (�W R.R. //.l, � v ka Bowmanville, Ontario. JUN 14 1990 L1C 3102 ._ ' June 11+, 1990. rowN OF NEWCASTLE MAYOR'S OFFICE BY HAND Mayor Marie Hubbard, k ,T- Tot,71 of 1Iewcastl,., � �:,,�,�; �;• '.�-, 40 Temperance Street, Bo,mnanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 JUN 18 1990 Dear Mayor Hubbard and Members of Council: T 0 `_ C [[ :.,. tt•. t We know that you get criticism so we feel,_jt is only right that you als�ja.----- praise. We, the people of Hampton United Church, feel that you are on the "right track" regarding the bridge. This bridge will bring our congregation and village closer together again. We have found that the absence of the bridge has caused the life of the Church to be disrupted, not only for attealdance at Church Services and Sundae School ,hait` at many mid-clreek activities, since many of the people do walk. It also. has beeq%brought to our attention that, due to the absence of the bridge, � t"'is"'v convenient for adults and children to have access to school, post office, park and the many activities that go on in the community. In reference to the park, vie have been in contact frith C.L.O.C.A. and the to neighbours on either side with a favourable response regarding the possibility of a parking*, lot for the park off thb north side of ML11 Street (see copy of letters attached). Since many cars park along Scugog Road and Mill Street on both sides of the street,posing a safety hazard, and in the Church parking lot, we would suggest this would be an ideal time to proceed with a parking lot. The lot adjoining our Church parking lot is being deeded to the Church and any extra soil could be dumped in there. Please feel free to contact either of the under-signed Z-dth regard to the above. Yours truly, o A � Y � = Ion 1'Phi e, Chairman of the Official I .:,ardo 263-22 09 Ci Cif O ) V.i U Attach. -.11,1 l�. !lrJda Douglas ve 11arre:l, cc: Honourable Jim Bradley 1'�?lister . I Tt 3 •7}_!n RN I� ry :'J ��s �, -1 ATTACHMENT fJO, 2 JJ—: _.2 -D. Cloi-:, C.L.O�C�A. WD-13-91 j 1 uld LETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN: CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY (hereinafter "the Authority") AND: HAMPTON UNITED CHURCH (hereinafter "the Church") Regarding the property situated between number 16 and number 24 Mill Street, in Hampton, Town of Newcastle. In consideration of the Authority granting nosy exclusive permission to the Church, its officers, agents, representatives and congregation to use this property for the purposes of vehicular parking only, the Church hereby agrees to indemnify the Authority and Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario in the event of damage to the property and including any claim for personal or property damage made by any person or corporation for which the Authority and/or Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario is liable. The Church hereby agrees to repair any damage to this property resulting from such use, and to remove snow from the property, at its own expense. The Church hereby agrees to NOT USE the property during the spring and fall seasons when soft ground conditions are prevalent THIS AGREEMENT shall be on a year-to-year basis. DATED THIS day of �C� �-3 • 1990• v+•+-• for the Hampton United Church Witness for the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (se.10 ATTACHMENT NO , 3 WD-13-9J.