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Date: JANUARY 6, 1992 Res. #
Report File 2 9. 0 1 By-Law#
It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report WD-3-92 be received; and
2 . THAT a copy of Report WD-3-92 be forwarded to Mrs. V. Bergman.
No. 1: Correspondence dated August 3, 1990, from K. A. Osmars,
Manager Lakeshore Area, Ontario Hydro.
No. 2 : Correspondence dated June 1, 1990, from Mrs. Vicki
No. 3: Correspondence dated June 20, 1990, to Mrs. Vicki
Bergman from Ontario Hydro.
No. 4 : Copy of Article, "Mystery - and Maybe Danger - in the
Air" , from December 24, 1990, Issue of Time Magazine.
2 . 1 In his letter dated August 3, 1990, Mr. Osmars states that he
believes that only transmission lines which operate at 115
kilovolts or higher require a public review in accordance with
the Environmental Assessment Act. The transmission line which
was constructed on Courtice Road operates at 44 kilovolts and
therefore does not require a public hearing. As noted in the
letter from Mr. Osmars, the transmission line on Courtice Road is
a 44 kilovolt transmission line.
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2 .2 The concern expressed to Council by Mrs. Bergman was the effect
that the electromagnetic field created by the transmission line
could have on the health of her family. This concern has been
around for sometime. Ontario Hydro has a considerable amount of
information on this matter. Of particular interest are the
pamphlets "Electric and Magnetic Fields and Human Health
Research" and "Electric and Magnetic Fields" . These pamphlets
are available from Ontario Hydro on request.
2 .3 A review of some of the available literature suggests that there
is sufficient concern about the effect that electromagnetic
fields may have on human health to justify further research on
the matter. In the pamphlet "Electrical and Magnetic Fields and
Human Health Research" , Ontario Hydro states:
"Based on the research to date, the consensus in the
scientific community is that no health risk from exposure to
these fields has been established. Enough studies have now
been completed to know that even if a risk is found, it will
be at a very low level. "
2 .4 The Time Magazine article concludes that more study is essential
and gives some practical advice on what to watch out for
regarding electromagnetic fields (Attachment No. 3) .
Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation
to the Committee,
JLawrence ---------------
Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , tseff,
Directo r of Public Works rative Officer
December 17 , 1991
pc: Mrs. Vicki Bergman, Group 22, Box 11,
R.R. #3, 3358 Courtice Road, Courtice, Ontario, ME 2H8
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Box 98,Scugog Road, Bowmanville,Ontario UC 3K8 .. and
& Tat! Approp
The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle
40 Temperance Street
Bowmanville, Ontario
L1C 3A6
August 3 , 1990
Attention: Mr. Walter Evans
Director of Public . Works
Dear Mr Evans
Subject: 44 Kv Power Line on Courtice Road, Newcastle
Thank you for your letter of July 26 , 1990 . 1 will attempt
to answer all of your questions as. detailed in your letter.
If you require additional information beyond my answers
please contact me at your convenience.
I. Ontario Hydro is granted legal right to locate its plant
on public road allowances under the Power Corporation Act,
Section 36 . 1 believe Mr. Carl Gilbank delivered a copy of
that statute to you on July 16th.
2 . Please find enclosed a copy of Ontario Hydro ' s
transmission map for the area in and around the Town of
Newcastle. This includes all operating 115 , 230 and 500 Kv
circuits in this location. I have also included Lakeshore
Area' s single line diagram with sub-transmission ( 44 Kv)
overlay map which identifies the balance of all operating
power lines in this area. Please note there are no
transmission stations in the Town of Newcastle. The closest
one being Oshawa Wilson T.S. in Oshawa. However, there are
a number of distribution stations in the Town of Newcastle
that belong to Ontario Hydro. I have high lighted them on
the single line diagram map.
3 . My understanding of the Environmental Assessment Act is
that all transmission projects, 115 Kv and over, require a
formal public review. Projects below this voltage, ie 44
Kv, are exempt from this requirement.
4 . 1 have gathered several articles and booklets regarding
EMP for your reading. They should be quite helpful in
positioning the issues on EMF.
Box 98,Scugog Road, Bowmanville,Ontario U C 3K8
I will be away on vacation next week. If you require any
further information during that period, please contact John
Coffey of this office.
Yours truly,
K.A. Osmars
Manager Lakeshore Area
Group 22, Box 11
R.R. 3
Bowmanville, Ont.
Fri. , June 1/90
Mr. Sam Cureatz or,
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is in reference to the powerful new hydro lines
being erected on Courtice Rd. The lines are "feeder lines" from
a transformer station on Wilson Rd. , Oshawa, to St. Mary's Cement
plant Bowmanville and the strength of the electricity is to be
44,000 volts. The previous strength was 8,000 or 16, 000 volts as
told me by a p.r. voice, on the phone @ Hydro, Bow. The poles
will also carry rural lines "feeding" local customers.
The powerful "feeder lines" travel through residential areas
- we were not notified by Council or Hydro of this and now are
faced with. . .
1) electromagnetic radiation from the line
2) negative health effects from such a high voltage
We were given no chance to voice our concern before the
lines got this far. We pay "residential" property taxes and as
such should not have this health hazard pushed upon us.
Looking for a solution to this problem,
Mrs. Vicki Bergman
07/13!1990 10:00 FROM ONT. HYDRO LRKESHORE AREA TO ;G2.^4169 F.02
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Box 98,Scugog Road, Bowmanville,Ontario L 1 C 3K8 June 20, 1990
Mrs. Vicki Bergmann
Group 22 Box 11
R.R. #3
3358 Courtice Road
Bowmanville, ON
Dear Mrs. Bergmann:
Your letter of June 1st to Mr. Sam Cureatz regarding Ontario Hydro's new
44000 volt power line has been referred to me. I briefly tried to explain
the relative effects of electric and magnetic fields (EMF) associated with
power lines and other commonly used household appliances in our telephone
conversation. The enclosed pamplet does a much better job explaining the
status of EMF research and current thinking on health effects associated
with EMF.
. The pamplet provides you with a list of expert references outside of Ontario
Hydro as well as a toll free line to request additional information on the
subject of EMF. Paul Newell, his number is listed on the back page, works
for Ontario Hydro and I have found him to be very knowledgeable on the
subject- of EMF. I. know Paul would be more than willing to provide you
with any technical answers to questions you may have once you have reviewed
the pamplet.
The route of the power line is selected by Ontario Hydro and takes into
consideration existing power line routes, fui-uxp. system expansion require-
ments, environmental impact of the route and community impact. The proposed
route is then submitted to the Town of Newcastle for approval since the
power line is constructed primarily on road allowances: D'riFFortunately
most new power lines have an impact on the immediate environment they are
located in eg tree trimming and removals and visual appearance. Ontario
Hydro attempts to reduce the effect of new power lines with such measures
as armless construction (no cross arms to hold the wires on the poles) ,
combining several power lines on the same pole as opposed to two more pole
lines and replacing trees removed from private properties.
. . . .2
ATTACHMENT' 90r.'--3
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Page 2 June 20, 1990
Your suggestion at using the Darlington Generating Station as a source of
power for the St. Mary's Cement plant is not technically feasible since
the power first has to be transformed to ,a lower voltage to be usable at
the cement plant. The closest such transformation station is located in
Oshawa on Wilson Road. That station is the power source for St. Mary's.
If I can be of any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours truly,
Kim Osmars
Manager Lakeshore Area
cc Sam Cureatz
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Prolonged exposure to high-voltage power lines like these has been associated with increased risk of several types of human cancer
Mystery---and Maybe Dangremr—in the Air
A government review heightens concern about hazards of the electronic age
By PHILIP ELMER-DEWITT evidence "suggests a causal link"between netic field generated by a video terminal
extremely low-frequency electromagnetic measures only a few milligauss, or about
an electricity cause cancer?In a soci- fields—those having very long wave- one-hundredth the strength of the earth's
ety that literally runs on electric lengths—and leukemia, lymphoma and own magnetic field.The electric fields sur-
power, the very idea seems prepos- brain cancer.While the report falls short of rounding a power line can be as high as 10
terous.But for more than a decade,a grow- classifying ELF fields as probable carcino- kilovolts per meter,but the corresponding
ing band of scientists.and journalists has gens,it does identify the common 60-hertz field induced in human cells will be onh
pointed to studies that seem to link expo- magnetic field as"a possible,but not prov- about 1 millivolt per meter.This is far Ie ss
sure to electromagnetic fields with in- en,cause of cancer in humans." than the electric fields that the cells them
creased risk of leukemia and other malig- The report is no reason to panic—or selves generate.
nancies.The implications are unsettling,to even to lose sleep. If there is a cancer risk, How could such minuscule forces pose
say the least,since everyone comes into con- it is a small one. The evidence is still so a health danger?The consensus used to be
tact with such fields,which are generated by controversial that the draft stirred a great that they could not,and for decades scien-
everything electrical,from power lines and deal of debate within the Bush Administra- tists concentrated on more powerful kinds
antennas to personal computers and micro- tion, and the EPA released it over strong of radiation,like X rays,that pack sufficient
wave ovens. Because evidence on the sub- objections from the Pentagon and the wallop to knock electrons out of the mole-
ject is inconclusive and often contradictory, White House. But now no one can deny cules that make up the human body. Such
it has been hard to decide whether concern that the issue must be taken seriously and "ionizing" radiations have been clearly
about the health effects of electricity is le- that much more research is needed, linked to increased cancer risks, and there
gitimate—or the worst kind of paranoia. At the heart of the debate is a simple are regulations to control emissions.
Now the alarmists have gained some and well-understood physical pltenome- Doubts about weak, so-called nonion-
qualified support from the U.S. Environ- non: when an electric current passes izing radiation began to grow in 1979,
mental Protection Agency. In the execu- through a wire,it generates an electromag- when a study of cancer rates among Colo-
tive summary of a new scientific review,re- netic field that exerts forces on surround- rado schoolchildren found that those who
leased in draft form late last week,the EPA ing objects. For many years, scientists dis- lived near power lines had two to three
has put forward what amounts to the most missed any suggestion that such forces times as great a chance of developing can-
serious government warning to date. The might be harmful, primarily because they cer.The link seemed so unlikely that when
agency tentatively concludes that scientific are so extraordinarily weak.The ELF mag- power companies paid to have the original
0 28 WD-3-92
study replicated, most scientists expected ' °$ n because of ELF fie Ids.By contrast,the risk of
the results to be negative. In fact, the sub- '0 lung cancer for a chain smoker is 20 times as
Sequent study supported the original find- N great as it is for the public at large.
ings,which have since been buttressed by Z But there is a difference between a
reports showing increased cancer rates i smoker who ignores the Surgeon General's
among electrical workers, m warning and someone who develops can-
While many experts still express skepti- ; cer passively just by being born into the
cism,there has been a definite shift of atti- m electronic age. People live near.power
tude in the scientific community about the ° ; n' x lines and work with their noses in comput-
possible health effects of electromagnetic er display screens because those things are
fields, as a recent series in Science maga- part and parcel of the times.Everyone de-
zine made clear. "In the 1970's [the link] serves at the very least a rough sense of
seemed absurd," the articles concluded. '.` what danger such exposure brings.
"Now it's a legitimate open question." More study is essential.The bulk of the
But epidemiological studies,which find F, research being conducted on the health ef-
statistical associations between sets of data, t fects of electromagnetic radiation—at a
}l t
do not prove cause and effect.Though there ,-1 cost of some$10 million a year—is paid for
is a body of laboratory work showing that ex- by the U.S.Department of Energy and the
posure to ELF fields can have biological ef- ti :- Electric Power Research Institute,neither
fects on animal tissues, a mechanism by of which is a disinterested party.The EPA
which those effects could lead to cancerous used to conduct its own studies,but fund-
growths has never been found. ing for its research was cut off by the Rea-
Is there danger in the glowing screens? gan Administration.Perhaps the best can-
The Pentagon is far from persuaded. didate for new funding would be the
In a blistering 33-page critique of linked to electromagnetism in the home or National Institutes for Health. The re-
the EPA report,Air Force scientists workplace, liability suits could clog the search should examine not only the effects
charge its authors with having"biased the courts. Property values near power lines of ELF fields but also those of less-studied
entire document" toward proving a link. and electric substations are plummeting.If radiation having shorter wavelengths,such
"Our reviewers are convinced that there is the utilities have to bury or reroute those as radio and TV waves.
no suggestion that[electromagnetic fields] systems, the cost of doing business could Meanwhile,ordinary citizens can exer-
present in the environment induce or pro- take a sharp jump. cise what is called prudent avoidance—do-
mote cancer,"the Air Force concludes."It How serious is the risk from electro- ing relatively easy things to minimize a pos-
is astonishing that the EPA would lend its magnetic fields? Compared with some of sible risk.This is not the time to sell, tear
imprimatur on this report." The Penta- the other dangers people take for granted— apart or rebuild a home.But it might make
gon's concern is understandable. There is driving a car on New Year's Eve,for exam- sense to shift a child's bed away from the
hardly a unit of the modern military that ple—the odds of being afflicted with some electric line that brings power to the house.
does not depend on the heavy use of some of the cancers associated with electromag- Or to move the telephone answering ma-
kind of electronic equipment; from huge netism are rather small. Brain cancer is a chine away from the head of the bed. It
ground-based radar towers to the defense rare disease. Only 3.1 cases per 100,000 isn't hard to take a step back from the TV
systems built into every warship and plane. Americans were reported in 1986. In the or computer screen, and it could make a
Several Administration officials are also most worrisome studies,the risk of develop- big difference in the long run.—Reported by
skeptical about the EPA's conclusions. Last ing such a cancer appears to double or triple nick Thompsonlwashington
June draft language classifying b ELF fields as „
8�.?.<x� ki }T.•ac-x... .r nz}7 I t*
a"probable carcinogen"was deleted from 'i`�i HATWO WATCH,QU 0
an earlier version of the EPA report after it
was reviewed by the White House. At the Probably no individual has collected more information about extremely low-frequency
time,the EPA denied that it was pressured fields—or done more to sound the alarm about the dangers they may pose—than Louis
into dropping the offending words. Slesin,editor of a newsletter called Microwave News.Here is his ranking of the worst
This time it is clean that the White hazards—and some advice:
House is hoping for a more balanced pre 1. High-tension electric transmission lines.Strung along high towers,these lines
sentation of the evidence. The draft's re carry large amounts of electricity over long distances.Homes,schools and playgrounds
lease was reportedly delayed at the request should not be built anywhere near them.
of Allan Bromley,President Bush's science 2. Electric distribution lines.The kind that carry current down local streets,they
adviser, who asked that it be reviewed by generate fields less powerful than those from transmission lines.But distribution wires
another scientific panel and prefaced with [ are much closer to most homes.Utilities can sometimes bury or relocate the lines.
a statement that qualifies the conclusions.
In an interview with TIME, Bromley made ,, 3. Electric blankets.They lie right on top of the body for hours at a time.It's a good
it lain that he believes the EPA's findings idea to warm the bed and then unplug the blanket before going to sleep—or,better still,
p g Six.�1 get a quilt instead.
of a "positive association" between elec
tromagnetic fields and childhood cancer ; 4. Video-display terminals.People spend whole workdays close to computer
are"quite incorrect.""There's no scientif y;; .i ,.i, screens.They should stay 75 cm(30 in.)from the front and 90 cm(3 ft.)from the sides
is basis for that statement at all," says and back.The same rules apply for Ns.
Bromley. "What we're doing is unneces- S. Bedside appliances.Electric clocks and fans usually run continuously.They should
sarily frightening millions of parents." be kept at least 75 cm(30 in.)from the head.
The stakes are high.This week a study
in theAnne,ican J011171al of Indushzal Aledi- :. 6. Other appliances.Shavers,hair dryers,can openers and microwave ovens all
tune reports a steep rise in brain-cancer generate powerful fields,and people should be careful to use them for only short periods
rates over the past dozen years. If the in- of time.
creased incidence of such cancers could be MAECW
TIME,DECEMBER 24,1990 51
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