HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-7-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# # Date: JANUARY 6, 1992 Res. By-Law# Report#:__WD_-_7_-_92_ File#: _PR._71t__2_EL Subject: CRITERIA FOR LIGHTING OF INTERSECTIONS OF ROADS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report WD-7-92 be received; and 2. THAT the guidelines contained in Section 2 .4 . 3 of The Roads and Transportation Association of Canada be used by the Town of Newcastle in assessing the need for lighting of roadway intersections. --------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 BACKGROUND 1. 1 At a meeting held on May 13, 1991, Council passed Resolution #C-318-91 : "THAT the Director of Public Works review the criteria for street lighting of intersections in the municipality and forward a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee. " 2.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 2 . 1 The best available guidelines for the lighting of intersections are provided in the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada "Guidelines for the Design of Roadway Lighting" . The following warrants are copied from the manual: /2 0 5 5- REPORT NO. : WD-7-92 PAGE 2 "2.4.3 WARRANTING FACTORS FOR PARTIAL LIGHTING General The warranting of partial lighting appears to have no consensus of agreement in North American practices. The recommendations given herein are based on a compendium of recommendations, with several factors added in areas where problems are known to exist. Intersections Partial lighting at intersections and major commercial entrances should be considered if any of the following conditions apply: traffic signals are required, the warrants for traffic signals are at least 80% fulfilled (this in itself takes turning volumes and accident rates into account) , the accident rate exceeds 1.5 accidents per million vehicles entering the intersection, the night/day accident ratio exceeds 1 .5, the night accident rate is an average of three per year over at least three years, channelizing (raised curb) islands are used, adjacent properties have high lighting levels, more than one lane on any approach is required to stop or yield, the intersection is on a crest vertical curve where the pavement at the far side of the intersection cannot be seen from the stopping sight distance, the intersection is on a sag vertical curve where the pavement at the far side of the intersection is not illuminated by the vehicle headlights within the stopping sight distance, and . . . /2 056 i REPORT NO. : WD-7-92 PAGE 3 any obstruction prohibits full view of the intersection from the stopping sight distance to any area within 30 m of any through lane. " 2.2 Cost The cost for providing a streetlight at an intersection is dependent upon the availability of power and a pole at a suitable location. If the power and the pole are available the cost would be about $700 . The cost where a pole and power are not available will depend on the distance to the nearest available power and each location would have to be estimated on its own merits. 2 . 3 The Town has about five hundred (500) miles of roads and hundreds of intersections. It is therefore important to have a good set of warrants to deal with requests for this type of lighting. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, ---Wd ' nistrative---------------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawotseff, Director of Public Works Chi Officer WAE*ph December 17, 1991 i 1Q � 7 j i