HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-10-01 to to .1 , .t -~ ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #: I1t Res.#: r:11l-/,?/-c I Date: March 5, 2001 Report #: TR-10-01 File #: By-Law #: Subject: MAYOR & COUNCILLOR'S REMUNERATION & EXPENSES FOR 2000 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report TR-10-01 be received for information. Background and Comment: Appended hereto, please find schedules detailing the compensation paid to each Member of Council during 2000 as required by the Municipal Act, RS.O. 1990, MA5, Section 243. As per Resolution #GPA-455-95, passed by Council on July 17, 1995, attached is the Regional Municipality of Durham Report #2001-F-19 detailing the remuneration and expenses of the Members of Council and Regional Council appointees to local boards. ubmitted, Reviewed by: _ ~LtaJ- arie A. Marano, H.BSc.,AMCT, Treasurer. O~~~ Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P.,RP.P., Chief Administrative Officer. MM/NT/RB/hjl Attachment 901 ~ f. ~ UJ --' ::> o UJ I () C/) CI) UJ CI) Z UJ c.. >< UJ oil 0 Zo 00 _N I- - <(0 ~M UJ ... zil ~ E :!; Ql UJ > ~ 0 Cl)Z - 0 ~- 0'" ...J~ :::! '" U :J Z C ~'" 0-' U oil ~ o ~ :!; ~ o I- ...N Ql Ql ..c::_ -0 Oz ::=. Ul fl~ c'" !S .l!!0 cZ 0- U Ul e - Ql E .2 i: >- '" c.. 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Q) X Q) Q) ........ cO 0- ._ C -Q) ~ E WQ) .- tn 0).. Q) :J ".0 5 E .... .- >-~ .'!:::- -u 1lI Q) 0... :g :c elf) ::> ctl :2- Q) Q) .r:. 5: -If) >-ctl .0 _ Q) C "00 ro:;::; E.{g -0 c E Q) E E 0 >-u ctl U o.ctl Q) .. "00 :J_ -"0 t) C .Ectl iJj Q) - o Z If) ~ c ~ .e c o o . .. 903 If) Q) 0) .. ctl .r:. t) If) ::> o Q) c .!ll Qi u .!!! E "0 C ctl If) m Q) E 0) c :.i2 .. ctl 0. If) Q) "0 ::> t) c .-: U) Cl Q) "0 ::> U x Q) .. Q) .r:. o If) Q) If) c Q) 0. X UJ .' . 'J '", , , February 21, 2001 FROM: R.J. Clapp, Cornrnissioner of Finance ,_._.~1~. > '<'it~ii~\:l .' . TO: The Finance and Administration Committee -": ~:x ~ ",\_;-'.;i<:;, ,,<,?,"L>< -""ic'/i,:.;t ,",'" '~:~"":4,:.:t RE: REPORT #2001-F- 19 r~ L:r'- ",t,' $";;-,.-::,<;':~-'}'." '~,~d~" THE REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES IN iOOOOF MEMBERS , REGIONAL COUNCIL AND REGIONAL COUNciL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION~7(1) OF THE MUNICIPAL ACT, R.S.O. (1990)' "","e:,Y'~" ". '" '.. '" ;. RECOMMENDATION: The Finance and Adrninistration Committee recommend that this report be submitted to Regional Council for information. .'" . "" <~': c., REPORT: As required by Section 247 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. (1990), I have prepared a, staternent of the remuneration and expenses that were paid in 2000 to Regional Councillors and Regional Council Appointees. (See attached Schedules 1 and 2 respectively). The information concerning Regional Council appointees was obtained directly from the Local Boards, with the exception of the Durharn Region Police Services Board, 9-1-1 Management Board and the Land Division Committee, whose accounting records are maintained by the Regional Finance Department. ~- .oe: .. ~&-7" R.J. Clapp, CA Cornrnissioner of Finance RJC:dlk Attach. dlk\2001reports\remunOO 904122 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS REMUNERATION $ C. ,~lhurs. ,V-J. (,5) .,...f...",._"", _','_ ,'Ejoychyn, R. "Brenner. M. Brunelle. M. Carruthers. K. (2) Clar1<e,C. Clayton. T. (2) Crawford, S. Diamond, N. Dickerson, D. (1) Drumm, J. Emm.G. Gadsden, K (1) Gray. J. Hamre, D. (1) Harrell, I. (1) Holland, M. (2) Johnson, R. (3) McMaster, J. (5) Moffatt. D. Mutton, J. Neal, J, (2) Nicholson. B. (1) (4) Novak, M. (1) O'Connor, G. O'Connor, L. (3)' Para, S. Parish, S. (4) Perkins, P. Pidwerbecki. N. Schell, J. (2) Shier, K. (1) Trim,C. (2) Young, W. (2) ',~{;,:.~l~~'Li:< }23~64a75 ;':_"'.,'L -,',,' ..."," ,) '...;;...~",:,';2".149. 75 ...)'!).',%ii::CP2' "3'64' 9 75 :::rt,_~-,,~',X:';:~/(:'::'-'~:' ,'" t.,: ',._ ';.., ;'.X"', 23 649 75 '.;);r\b,~';" '" t . 23,649.75 1,982.92 23,649.75 1,982.92 23,649.75 23,649.75 21,666.83 23,649.75 23.649.75 21,666.83 23,649.75 21,666.83 21,666.83 1,982.92 29,649.75 24,149.75 23.649.75 23.649.75 1.982.92 27,166.83 21,666.83 23,649.75 29,649.75 23,649.75 29,149.75 23,649.75 23,649.75 1,982.92 21,666.83 1.982.92 1,982.92 686.193.00 SEVERANCE PAY $ 23,795.00 29,795,00 53,590.00 905 123 -K/.i:..~,,'),-; ,;~;~:.o; 571.80 867.08 491.66 1,555.55 309.16 1,075.16 1,135.29 138.61 466.75 670.35 2,281.99 827.37 11.980.15 CONFERENCES. CONVENTIONS & MEETINGS $ , n7.61 1,142.25 565.54 3.371.92 1,200.18 858.20 1,038.45 4,794.17 1,209.07 283.25 873.12 2,411.25 n8.90 1,153.75 96.26 370.80 2,779.73 24,489.85 SCHEDULE 1 -'C.,; :~~~:;~~s~ '.,., ,,\:t;{jf~):~:~'/d,::-:i: ,~.Jm:Ab ; "',:f':-.,": ~'~.t~~ :'-:'.;'::~,i<':) C-"., ;;'1 .08 '::':':'{}'i);'f . , .51 \:~~;":::'~~;~:"j\,;)r," >'24,427.38 ,;. , .:..:1,~.92 24,792.00, 1.982.92 23,619.75 " 24,215.29 ,,25,610.55 :: 23,,649.75 24,649.93 23.392. 11 23.649.75 23,1~.94 45,461.83 .1,982.92 ~"i, _..f..,"":' , " 35;999.47 .25,687.98 25.008.16 24,785.04 1,982.92 57,973.56 22,133.58 26,731.35 32,710.64 25,630.87 29,246.01 23.649.75 24,020.55 1,982.92 24,446.56 1,982.92 1,982.92 776.253.00 1999 EXPENSES PAID IN 2000 REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS SEVERANCE PAY $ MILEAGE :$ CONFERENCES, CONVENTIONS, & MEETINGS " ' $> > :~',;i::;_:.::~:-_ ~,:~~<:"' ;e. .,....;., .':1>' ..,::i },. . . . , "y,;REC;IONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS 2000 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES '..', 891.64 181.21 1.804.91 2,677.76 CONFERENCES, AUTOMOTIVE CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL CHAIR REMUNERATION SEVERANCE PAY EXPENSES & MEETINGS !Q!Ab $ $ $ $ $ Anderson. R. 87,711.00 3.913.94 29,351.13 120,976.07 UKRAINE TRIP REGIONAL COUNCIL CONFERENCES, MEMBERS AND CONVENTIONS, REGIONAL CHAIR REMUNERATION SEVERANCE PAY MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ Anderson, R 5.054.92 5.054.92 Boychyn, R. 4,135.75 4,135.75 Novak, M. 3,139.91 3,139.91 12.330.58 12.330.58 NOTES TO SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION TO REGIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS AND THE REGIONAL CHAIR: (1) Denotes Regional Councillor for the period January 2000 to November 2000. (2) Denotes Regional Councillor for December 2000. (3) Denotes Regional Committee Chairperson for the period January 2000 to November 2000 and for December 2000. (4) Denotes Regional Committee Chairperson for the period January 2000 to November 2000. (5) Denotes Regional Committee Chairperson for December 2000. (6) Remuneration to the Regional Chair and Councillors is authorized by by~aw #60-98. #72-2000, and #50-95. (7) The Regional Chair is provided with an automobile and is reimbursed for actual expenses incurred. (8) Regional Councillors are reimbursed as follows: Mileage - based on a rate per kilometre. Conferences, Meetings. etc. - a rate of $50/day for meals, etc. without receipts; however, if the daily rate is insufficient. actual expenses with receipts are reimbursed. Accommodation. re9istration, etc. - reimbursed based on actual receipts. (9) Expenses relating to Regional Council Study Sessions are not induded in this statement 192Jf REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2000 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES 907 125 SCHEDULE 2 . .- SCHEDULE 2 (continued) REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS 2000 REMUNERATION AND EXPENSES CONFERENCES, REGIONAL COUNCIL CONVENTIONS, APPOINTEES REMUNERATION MILEAGE & MEETINGS TOTAL $ $ $ $ Toronto & Region Conservation Authority Dickerson, D. 715.00 355.00 1,070.00 McMaster, J. 1,560.00 ' 0785.00 ' 2.345.00 O'Connor, G. 910.00 728.00 1,638.00 3,185.00 1,858.00 5.053.00 Durham Haliburton Kawartha & Pine Ridge District Health Council Novak, M. 255.50 255.50 Durham Region Non.Profit Housing Corporation Anderson, R Brenner, M. 79.81 704.44 Hamre, D. 5,500.00 5,500.00 Johnson, R. 90.60 670.05 760.65 Nicholson, B. O'Connor, L. 12920 1,262.04 1,391.24 Parish, S. - - 5,500.00 299.61 2,636.53 8,436.14 Land Division Committee Collins. J. 1,000.00 358.10 39.93 1,398.03 Evans, L. 1,200.00 570.00 79.98 1,849.98 Fisher, L. 1,400.00 398.43 1,798.43 Graham. H. 1,200.00 519.09 73.34 1,792.43 Hedge, M. 1,600.00 285.89 80.01 1.965.90 Kudla, W. 2,035.00 403.59 47.08 2.485.67 Martin, R. 1 ,200.00 400.69 18.07 1,618.76 Sullivan, D. 1,690.00 238.26 1,928.26 11 ,325.00 3,174.05 338.41 14,837.46 Durham Region Police Services Board Ashe, K 7,000.00 7,664.64 14,664.64 Boychyn, R. 6,000.00 62.84 1,957.34 8,020.18 Moffat, D. 500.00 500.00 O'Connor, G. 5,500.00 - 1,502.88 7.002.88 19,000.00 62.84 11.124.86 30,187.70 NOTE TO SCHEDULE OF REMUNERATION TO REGIONAL COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO LOCAL BOARDS: No remuneration or expenses were paid to Regional Council appointees to the Dumam Children's Aid Society, 9-1-1 Management Board. Dumam Regional Housing Authority, or the hospital boards. 908 126