HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-84-92 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: NOVEMBER 16, 1992 Report#: WD-84-92 File #: 1 & B. 01. 09 . 003 By-Law# Subject: UNSAFE CONDITION OF BRIDGE/WALKWAY OVER SOPER CREEK BETWEEN GALBRAITH COURT AND PEACHTREE CRESCENT IN ORCHARD PARK SUBDIVISION, BOWMANVILLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-84-92 be received for information; and 2 . THAT Paul Brace, Manager of Transportation and Planning, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, be advised of Council's decision and be provided with a copy of Report WD-84-92 . ---------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Key Map. No. 2 : Letter from Paul Brace, Manager of Transportation, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, dated 28 September, 1992 . No. 3: Cross-section of foot bridge and channelization. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At a regular meeting held on October 13, 1992, Council passed Resolution #C-655-92 : "THAT the correspondence dated September 28, 1992, from Paul Brace, Manager of REPORT NO. : WD-84-92 PAGE 2 Transportation and Planning, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, regarding the unsafe condition of the bridge/walkway at the Orchard Park subdivision, be received; THAT the correspondence be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and preparation of a report to be submitted to the General Purpose and Administration Committee; and THAT Paul Brace be advised of Council's decision. " 2 .2 The developer of Plan 18T-88071, Nor Arm Developments Inc. was responsible under development agreement with the Town to construct a walkway from Galbraith Court to Peachtree Crescent in Bowmanville including a foot bridge over the West Branch of Soper Creek (see Attachment 1) . 2 :3 The provision for the walkway and foot bridge through the West Branch of the Soper Creek valley was included in the subdivision agreement with Nor Arm Developments Inc. to satisfy a request made by the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to provide a link for school children. 2 .4 Prior to construction of the walkway, school children were bussed to school. In the fall of 1992 , the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education removed bus services in this area. 2 .5 The Master Drainage Plan for the West Branch of the Soper Creek (including the Nor Arm Developments Inc . lands) defined 10102 REPORT NO. : WD-84-92 PAGE 3 the Stormwater Management Works for the watershed. These works included a water quantity and quality facility and also watercourse channelization to the West Branch of the Soper Creek. The design and construction of these works were implemented by the Town in 1987 through a subdivision agreement with Schickedanz Brothers Ltd. , the developer of Plan 18T-87033 (see Attachment No. 1) . The agreement required Schickedanz Brothers Ltd. to design and construct these works immediately as soon as approvals for the engineering drawings were received from all applicable agencies . Approval from the Ministry of the Environment is outstanding. 3.0 THE CONCERN 3 . 1 There is localized flooding in the area of the walkway during heavy rainstorms . 3 .2 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education are concerned for the safety of children using the walkway during flooding conditions. 3 . 3 The approval of the engineering drawings for the Stormwater Management Works, including the watercourse channelization is awaiting Ministry of the Environment approval. 4.0 CAUSE OF THE FLOODING 4 . 1 The existing watercourse (West Branch of the Soper Creek) cannot accommodate the flows from the upstream developments and that the foot bridge structure and clearance with the watercourse is being obstructed by silting and debris . 4 .2 Although the design of the walkway and foot bridge meets or exceeds a 1 in 25 year storm event (without overtopping) (see Attachment 3) , the walkway and foot bridge are not considered completed until such time that the channelization of the existing watercourse has been constructed. This 100 .E i REPORT NO. : WD-84-92 PAGE 4 channelization work consists of widening and deepening the existing watercourse in order to convey stormwater run-off from upstream developments through the bridge and maintain flood levels below the existing elevation of the walkway and foot bridge. 5.0 REASON FOR THE DELAY IN CONSTRUCTION 5 . 1 Since 1987, when the preparation of the Master Drainage Plan commenced, the stormwater management requirements requested by the approving agencies for this watershed, have changed significantly. Greater emphasis is placed on the water quality aspects of stormwater run-off. As a result, the approvals from these agencies were delayed. The Public Works Department has worked closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of the Environment and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority to expedite the approval of stormwater management works which meet all of the current standards of the approving agencies . Approval is anticipated soon. 6.0 SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM SOLUTION 6 . 1 The short term solution is to install signs advising the public that the area is subject to flooding. The bridge will be monitored and routine bridge maintenance will be provided, as necessary, to reduce the periodic flooding until the channelization of the watercourse is constructed next year. 6 .2 The long term solution is that the developer will construct the stormwater management works and channelization works in accordance with the engineering drawings approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Town. The engineering drawings have been approved by all authorities except the Ministry of the Environment which is expected very soon. i 1004 j i REPORT NO. : WD-84-92 PAGE 5 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHANNELIZATION 7 . 1 It is anticipated that construction of the stormwater management works including watercourse channelization will commence in June 1993 . The construction window for works on a tributary of the Soper Creek is from June 15 to September 15. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS 7 . 1 That the short term solution, i.e. signing the area and monitoring the creek on a regular basis, be continued until the channelization can be completed. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, '(J J .m ' Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E. IC t eff, Director of Public Works Chief AdminiIt tive Officer ASC:ph November 4, 1992 Attachments pc: Paul Brace Manager of Transportation and Planning The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street P.O. Box 470 Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 1T) 4 � 1 s, i Py MEADONVIEW BLVD. QA�VYV PLAN V0. 18T-8 3 SUNICRESi AV£ Q •• .♦• ON U ♦ ■ s ��pc� ♦.• CALDER � N suuu ELO cr. ♦�• ■ ■ suNSEr Rn. ♦�� CT. ■ J ' TNIRO sT. & f♦♦ nay eg in G: gm ■ po. �.w. ■ BARKE'RCT, Q� ��� ■ 0RR4NE • CT. TUCKER RD. ■ �O ■ �S ST. pET' ■ ti ■ d ■■• EocERTDN DR, ■ i Su1NDERS AVE • � � CIANNLiE � < F-1 g i G EEAxuw AvE. BVRNE CT. CHMICE ■, NFAPoMAN ST. � Cf. CONCESSION ST. ■ CONCESSION ST. b 3 D&N BRIDGE MaEEEERS ORES, g TRUDM DR. CUItLON �y S). ST LDVERS t.WE MARCFTNOOD C Ci, a i ALEXANDER BLVD. yR QS TRUDEAU DR. �f � 0 sac UD s> BOWMANVILLE IS CARL LE LE AVE. } HIGH SCHOOL • ` aE.�nrREE SOPER O s I �° �, V ■ ORES. � N ` CRE' ''. s g � Mti VINCENT MASSEY ■ �� PUBLIC SCHOOL ■ ■ °�° • Roy, � ST y qN OG ��PP � �*1•. � Cl. F� ''•� G L ITH ■ CO T ■ ■ CUMEN m. O� i S U VISION n. HIDf{V/AY Z EJECT SITE O �o O�❑P C:\ATTACHS\SURD\GALWLKWY DRAWN BY: JM DATE. OCT, 1992 1 �, �- 5 D�a 1 , ATTACHMENT N0. WD-84-92 KEY MAP COUNCIL DIRECTION }„ D-3 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street, P.O. Box 470 OCT I 3 33 P11 'Robourg, Ontario. K9A 41_2 28 September, 1992 Telephone 416372-6871 Fax 416 372-1133 Pattie Barrie Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Pattie This is in reference to the pedestrian bridge over Soper Creek that links Peachtree Crescent with Galbraith Court. In early September, I spoke with the Engineering Department and voiced the concerns of the Board. A local resident possesses pictures showing a flooding concern during and after heavy rains. Due to this concern, the Board has reinstated busing for Vincent Massey Public School students until the issue is resolved to my satisfaction. But, we realize that students will be potentially using the bridge in question at other times of the day and wonder about its safety. On 10 September, 1992 , the Board approved the following motion: that the Board advise the Town of Newcastle of a serious concern on behalf of parents and the Board with respect to the unsafe condition of the bridge/walkway at the Orchard Park subdivision, requesting remedial action including pertinent stream bed corrective measures as soon as possible. I understand that the agencies involved only allow stream bed work during certain parts of the year, but it would seem reasonable that some action should be taken on the part of the Town to advise residents of the potential flooding -problem, pending permanent corrective action. D(ST UTtON 1 Please keep me advised of your intentions and do n tCL*E_k to contact me if you require further clarification or nformafion-:---------- ACK. QY - Z7Z sincer 1 ORIGINAL. C IES TO: aul Brace Manager of Transporatation and Planning ATTACHMENT NO. 2 WD-84-92 X006 7.62 m CLEAR SPAN ARCH-TYPE BRIDGE CONCRETE WALKWAY 25 YEAR FLOOD LINE EXISTING GROUND CONCRETE WALKWAY - 0.4 m 1.2 m 1.2 m EXISTING CENTRELINE FUTURE CENTRELINE CREEK INVERT CREEK - INVERT 84.90 AS PROPOSED BY MARSHALL MACKLIN MONAGHAN LTD. FOR RE-CHAN NELIZATION OF SOPER CREEK i PROFILE SECTION OF PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE CROSSING SOPER CREEK r C:\ATTACHS\SUBD\SOPPED D HY: JM DATE: NOV. 1992 ATTACHMENT N0, 3 KEY MAP WD-$4-92