HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-90-92 Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# Date: FEBRUARY 1, 1993 Res. #Li ADDENDUM By-Law# Report#:—WD---q - File #: __PB__1_a._3_l Subject: REGION OF DURHAM DARLINGTON NUCLEAR EMERGENCY PLAN Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the Addendum to Report WD-90-92 be received; 2 . THAT the Terms of Reference (Attachment #1) provided by Noel C. Marshall, Town of Pickering, to be used in preparing the Nuclear Emergency Plan for the Municipalities of Newcastle, Oshawa, Ajax and Pickering, be approved, FORTHWITH; and 3 . THAT Noel Marshall, Town Manager, Town of Pickering be advised of Council's decision. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Terms of Reference 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 . 1 At its meeting of December 14, 1992, Council approved the recommendations in Report WD-90-92 - Region of Durham Darlington Nuclear Emergency Plan. . . . /2 REPORT ADDENDUM WD-90-92 PAGE 2 2 .2 Recommendation #5 required that the Terms of Reference for the Town's Nuclear Emergency Plan be prepared in consultation with Town staff and the Terms of Reference be subject to the approval of the Town. 3 . 0 RECOMMENDATIONS 3 . 1 The Terms of Reference (Attachment No. 1) have been reviewed by Town staff and it is recommended that the Terms of Reference be approved. In order to receive grants from the Joint Emergency Planning Program, it is necessary to have consultants retained not later than March 15, 1993 . It is therefore recommended that the Terms of Reference be approved FORTHWITH. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, d------------------------ --------------- - ---------- Walter A. Evans, P.Eng. , Lawrence E. Kots f , Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer JCO*hj January 26, 1993 Attachments I TERMS OF REFERENCE CONSULTING SERVICES - NUCLEAR RESPONSE MUNICIPALITIES OF NEWCASTLE, OSHAWA, AJAX AND PICKERING To refine the respective municipal emergency plans in accordance with the attached Terms of Reference from each Municipality and develop a precise action plan for each, reflecting their responsibilities under the Regional Nuclear Emergency Plan. (See Appendix l and 2) The Consultant will co-ordinate his activities with the designated official (Appendix 3) in each Municipality and will work closely with the Regional Emergency Co-ordinator. The project can be developed in two compatible phases, one focused on the Darlington plant and the Town of Newcastle and the other on the Pickering Plant (Ajax and Pickering) . The work should be completed within 60 days of the awarding of the contract and must be commenced prior to March 15, 1993 . The project is to be guided by the criteria as laid down in the Federal Guidelines for J.E.P.P. support. The Consultant should clarify the expectations of each Municipality through discussions with the designated official. (Appendix 3) . Written submissions are to be received by February 15, 1993, and directed to the attention of: Noel C. Marshall Town of Pickering One, The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 ATTACHMENT N0, 1 ADDENDUM WD-90-92 _rUa 1 4 : .:11 7 0 W 0 P I 0KER I NG P _ 04 aa . APPENDIX 1 RESFdNSIBILxTiES Off' M NI'CIFAX, CON VROL GROUPS PICKERINC z"T"' & —WHITBY 14 . Ensure that all members of the Municipal Control Group and those officials of various municipal departments who have a prole to Play in the Municipal plan (paragraphs 2 and 3 below) have studied the Regional Nuclear Emergency Plan for PNGS. They should also be aware of the responsibilities assigned to the Town municipalities which have been agreed upon after mutual consultations. 2 . Form a Municipal Nuclear Emergency Action Committee comprising of at least three members, including one chairperson. Based on the guidelines provided by t;ae Regional Nuclear Emergency Plan for PNGS, the Nuclear Emergency Action Committee will prepare the respective Municipal. Nuclear Emergency Plan to meet the designated responsibilities. The Regional Emergency Planning Officer will provide guidance and help where necessary (MCG Whitby already have a Nuclear Emergency Plan in position which may need some modification in the light of this list of responsibilities) . 3 . Develop own municipal emergency response organization, make the necessary preparation and establish the necessary procedures to implement the Municipal Plan, prepared in support of the Regional Plan. Also establish a system for reviewing acrd updating the Municipal Plan when necessary. 4 • On receipt of initial notification (to respective Mayors from the Regional Chairman, to Town CA,O/Town Manager from own Mayor, and from the CAO, Region of Durham) , authenticate the massage if necessary. The notification message may also be received by the MCG through the Regional Fire Coordinator. Commence internal fan-out notification, including the local police detachments, and simultaneously arrange to set up the Municipal Operations Centre. If the notification message indicates Category 2 notification (standby) , MOC will be set up using minimum staff. in case of Category 3 notification (activate) the MOC will be fully staffed and made operational as soon as possible, Contract will be established with ROC as soon as MOC is set up. A municipal emergency will be formally declared by the MCG. 5. If any immediate Protective ,action is recommended by PNGS in the initial notification, the Duty Inspector, Durham Regional Police shall be responsible to order the implementation of the measure until the RCG has assumed control. Respective MCGs should delegate similar aui_hority to their Fire Chief or the Deputy Fire Chief (normal working JA'N 5—E4Z Y 1 4 : ,31 Y01-4 OFF F' I CKEF,' I NiG F' _ CIS. 49. hours) and Duty Captain (off working hours) if the protective action recommended falls within .the assigned responsibilities of MCG. 6. If the initial notification indicates that the plan is 4ctivated, arrange to call in the complete MCG (including the respective Police Divisional Commander or his alternate) and the staff required for carrying out the notification of designated facilities in the municipal limits . Ini•-.ial public alert notification of the residential areas of the Primary Zone will be carried out by Durham Regional Police Service in the laid down orders of priority, using :he police cruisers with sirens and loudspeakers. The 34CG of th'b respective municipality is responsible for noti,;;ying the following: a) All Industrial Establishments b) All large Commercial Establishments c) Shopping Plazas, Malls, Large Supermarkets d) Public in recreational facilities such as Parke, Beaches, sports arenas, etc. e) Highrise buildings f) senior Citizens/Elderly Peoples ' Homes g) Special Care facilities h) Group Homes i) Farmhouses, scattered houses and other facilities in Sectors 14 , 15, 16 and 17 through the pre-designated "Group Coordinators" (See paragraph 10, below) . 7 . sometimes it may be necessary to order suspension of work in the Industrial and commercial establishments and also to close down the recreational facilities, either with the initial notification or separately. This will also be done through the MCG/MOC, in the same manner. MCG will arrange clearance of all recreational facilities and block the entrances it necessary. Procedures must be developed to achieve this effectively. 8 . When a sector has been evacuated, the Municipal Fire: Department will assist the police in locating and evacuating the people who deed assistance in moving out (white cloth on windows/doors) . Similarly, these people who have informed the Region/Town Municipality or Hydro in advance (filled out cards returned after the distribution of emergency trochure) will also be located and evacuated. If possible, any assistance required from the Region for this task Should be planned and communicated. to the Region. in advance. Special short-notice requests for assistance will also be accepted by the region. 9. Respective MCGs will ensure that facilities listed as e) ; £) , g) and h) in paragraph 6 above have an evacuation plan in plaoe. The Regional Emergency Planning staff will guide rFiN- 5­DZ 7Ua 1 4 : 32 TOW" OF' P i C KER i taG P _ 0E, 50. and assist in evacuation and relocation where essential an when so requested. ' d 10. Farmhouses, other scattered houses and other facilities dispersed in sectors 14, 15, 16 and 17 will be notified by telephone, besides the other means. All such units will be listed and grouped into groups of 10-15 units eacli with one unit designated as the 'Group-Coordinator" . The respective MOC will notify the Group Coordinator by phone who will further notify other members of the group. A pl.ar. will be developed by the respective MCGs to meet this responsibility. 11 . Maintain communication with the Regional Operations Centre using the existing phone lines (lane-load protected) and the radio. One radio each with operators) from Northshore Amateur Radio Club (Ha Madio) Network will be placed in the respective MOCs under the Regional arrangements. See Figure 8 (page 81) for radio network. 12 . Maintain constant contact with respective Mayors at the RCG and with the Regional Operations Officer to receive up--to- date information and ask for help/guidance if necessary. 13 . Maintain the current Sector Safety Status (colour coded) in consultation with the municipal representative at 'the RCG (paragraph 7 .2 . 1, page 38) . 14 . advise respective Mayors and the RCG on the need for any special notification for the public in the Primary zone or any specific sector. 15 . .grange for maintaining a Logbook of events, actions and instructions and keep record of messages and documents related to the emergency. 16. Ensure that all Municipal personnel assigned functions in the Municipal Emergency plan are suitably trained for their tasks. 17 . Carry out practice of drills and limited exercises to keep Procedures current and knowledge up-to-date. 18 . Participate in the Regional exercises, drills and practices when requested to do so. ' I I _Tp,l4 ;1- 9Z TUE 14 : 2;Z; TOWN OF F I CKER I NG F 0 r G 2 �t Sk�o�1GIHILIxIEL of MUNIQ1PAZ, gPk ROL .Q _ROVPS Q9 WA AND NVWCASjU 1 , Ensure that all membera of the Municipal Control Group and those officials of various municipal departments who have a role to play in the Municipal Plan (paragraphs 2 and 3 below) have studied the Regional Nuclear Emergency plan for Darlington NGS. They should also be aware of the responsibilitie.a assigned to the city/town municipalities which have been agreed upon after mutual consult:Ltions. 2 , f'oa`m a "Standing Committee for Nuclear Emergency" at respective municipal level, comprising of at leat,t three members, including one chairperson. Based on th4: guidelines provided by the Regional Nuclear Emergency Plan for Darlington, the Standing Committee for Nuclear Emergency will prepare the respective Municipal Nuclear Lmstrgency plan to meet the asai4ned responsibilities. The Regional Emergency planning Coordinator will provide guidlLnca and help where necessary. 3 • Develop own municipal emergency response: organizcti.on, make the necessary preparation and establish the necatisary procedures to implement the Municipal. Plan, prepatred in support of the Regional. Plan. Also astablish a says:t.em for reviewing and updating the Municipal Flan when ne.ceseary. 4 ., On receipt of initial. notification (to respective, Mayors from the Regional Cha.irntanr to Town CAO/Clark from own mayor, and tram the CAA, Region of Durham) , authenticate the message if necessary. The notification message Z14y also be received by the MCO through the Regional Fire Coordinator. CQmmetce internal fan-out notification, inol.udinif the local police detachments, Arid simultaneously Arrange to set up the Municipal Operations Cantre. If the notification message indicates Category 2 notification (standby) , MOC will be sat up using minimum staff. In came of Category 3 notification (activate) the MOC will, be fully staffed and made► operational as soar, as possible. Contact will bii established with ROC as soon as MOC is eet up, municipal emergency will be fornall.y declared by the MCG. if any J=sdiate Protective Action is recommended by the Shift Supervisor of Darlington NGS in the initial notification, the staff Sergeant in charge of the: operations Control Centre of Durham Regional Police (or the Duty officer) shall- be responsible to ardor the implementation of the measure until the RGG has assumed control. Respective MGGS should delegate similar authority to their Fire Chief or the Deputy Fire chief (normal working hours) a,nd Duty Captain (off working hours) if the protective action _rUE: 1 4 : .34 TGWN 0F" F- I CKEFl- I HC F _ Oyu 55 , recommended falls within the assigned responsibilities Of MCG. 6 . if the initial notification indicates that the plan is activated, arrange to call in the complete MCG (including the rospective polio Divisional Commandeer or his alternated) and the staff required for carrying out the notification df dagignated facilities in the muniGipol limits - Initial public alert notification of the residential az'eaa of the Primary zone will be carried out by Durham Regj,onal, policed Service in the laid down orders of priority, us►ing the police cruisers with sirens idrespan�iblvrfor natity�nQfthe the rospaeative Municipality following: a) All Industrial Establishments b) All Large Commercial. Establishments C) Shopping Plazas, Malls, Large supermarket)$ d) public ire recreational facilities such as Parks , Beaches, sports arenas, etc. e) Highrise buildings f) senior Citizens/Elderly peoples' Homes g) Special Care facilities h) Group Hams?s i) Farmhouses, scattered hounes and other fazil.ities in Sectors It 2 , 31 7 , 81 91 14 , 15, 16, 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 through the pre-designated "Group coordinators" (sea paragraph 10 below) . sectors 11 20 3 and 4 will receive priority in this notifioatiet. 7 . Sometimes it may be necessary to ordar suspenaiat of work in tha industrial and commercial establishments and also to close down the recreational faciliti'as, either with the initial notification ar separately. This will also be done through the MCG/XOC, in the same manner. MCG will arrange clearanca of all recreational facilities and block they entrances if necessary. Procedures must , be developed to achiave this •ftectively. 8 . When a sector has bean evacuated, the Municipal Fire Department will assist the police in locating and evacuating the people who need assistance in moving out (white cloth on windows/doors) , similarly, those people who have informed the Region/City/Town Municipality or the Hydro in advance (filled out cards returned after the distribution of emergency brochure) will also ba located and cvacuatad. If pogaik►l.e, any assistance required from the Region for this task should be planned and communicated to they Region in advance. Special short-notice requests for assistance will also be accepted by they Region. respective MCGSt will ensure that facilities listed as V) , f) , g) and h) in paragraph 6 abovcw !?ave an Savzjcjaation plan _FLUE 1 4 - z 4 TOWN OF P I CKER I NG in place;. The Regional Emergency Planning Stafi' will guide wh2n so ro,oat44. io , Farmhouses, other zcattered houses and other facilities dispersed in sectors 1, 2 , 3 , 7, 9 , 9 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17, 18 , 19 and 20 Will be notified by telophonb, beaidela the other Taeans. All such units will be listed and grouped into groups of 10-15 unita each with ona unit designated as the "Group-Coordinatorlt . The respective MQC will notify the Group coordinator by phones who will further notify other members of the group., A plan will be developed by the respective McGs to meet this reaponsibilit.y. 11. Maintains communication with the RegiQna►l . operatiiona Centre using the existing phone lines (Lino-load probe,;teal) and the radio. one radio each with operator(s) from Northshorex Amateur Radio Club (HamRadio) Network will be pla.cad in the respective MaC$ under tha Regional arrangemonts. Sea Figure 8 (page 102) for radio network. 12 . Maintain constant contact with respective Mayors at the RCG and with the Regional operations officer to rgcaive up-to- data informatidn and aak for he 1p/guidance if necessary, 13 . Maintain the current Sector Safety Status (colour coded) in consultation with the municipal representative at the Rca (paragraph 7 . 21 page 44) . 14 . Advise respective Mayors and the RCG on the need for any special notification for the public in the Primary Zone or any specific sector, 15. Sel,eot and appropriately prepare an alternates looation for tha Municipal Opertions Centre, preferably outside the Primary Zone, if rolocation becomes necessary. 16 . Arrange for maintaining a logbook of events, actions and instructions and keep record of messages and documents related to the emergency. 17 . Insure that all Municipal personnel assigned functions in the Municipal Emergency Plan art suitably trained for their tasks. 18 . Carry out practice of drills and limited exercises to keep procedures current and knowl.adge up-to-date. 19 . Participate in they Regional exercises, drills Arid practicts When requosted to do so, ,T faN-I— Z5-93 TUr= 14 : :35 TOW" QF P I CKEE' I HG P . 1 0 .f� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK qq ti. THIS CORPORATION OF THI CITY OF OSHAWA R, A, HENDI:RSON, A,M,CT, C,M.C, 30 CENTRE STREET SOUTH Cite Clerk TEL. (416) 725-7351 OSHAWA, ONTARIO FAX (416) 430-5697 L1H 3V MAN SUTEF., C,M,0„ C,M,C., C,M.M. oupunv City Clerk File A-2000 Terms of Reference - Consulting Services for City of Oshawa; Emerg ncy Measures Regarding the Oariington Nuclear Emergericv Plan To recommend the structure and procedural operations of Oshawa's munlcipal emvgency response organization for the Darlington Nuclear Emergency Plan including, but not necessarily limited to, the following; -tho Oshawa Municipal Control Group, its membership, operation, facilities and equipment; -the involvement of various civic departments in the municipality's emergency response; - notification and evacuation procedures respecting industrial, commercial and public establishments, high-rise buildings, senior citl2ens/elderly pooples homes, 4peclal care facilities and group homes within sectors 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 of the primary zone of the Durham Nuclear Emergency Plan; - -the City's relationship to and communication procedure with -the Regional Municipality of Durham; - delegation of authority respecting any of the above; - cost estimates to implement the above; and - draft by-law under the Emergency Plans Act, R.S,O. 1990, c. E,9 to implement the above. i i i i �lhl- 5-<93 7UE 14 : 3G TOWN OF R I OKER I NG .AFpF��K 3 Town of Ajax Dave Lowe 65 Harwood Avenue South C.A.O. Ajax, Ontario L1S 2H9 Township of Newcastle Walter Evans (Jan O'Neill - alternate) 40 Temperance Street Director of Public Works Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 City of Oshawa Bob Henderson 50 Centre Street South City Clerk Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3Z7 Town of Pickering Noel C. Marshall One, The Esplanade Town Manager Pickering Ontario L1V 6K7 I i