HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-016-01 , . CI~#]gron REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE GfA -07D-6) Meeting: NOVEMBER 19, 2001 Report #: COD-016-01 File #hfSTfr By-law # ~ ) - ,;Lo.3 Subject: CL2001-40, STREET AND WALKWAY LIGHTING AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-016-01 be received; 2. THAT Langley Utilities Contracting, Bowmanville, with a bid in the amount of $64,163.62, including GST, being the lowest responsibie bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2001-40, be awarded the contract for Street Lighting and Walkway Lighting at Various Locations; 3. THAT funds in the amount of $89,500.00 ($64,163.62 less GST Rebate + design, administration, contingencies and work by Hydro One) be drawn from the Engineering Capital Account #7230-00210-0000; and 4. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "B" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agreeme approved. Submitted by' Reviewed by: rie Marano, H.B.Sc., AMCT Director of Corporate Services ~/ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T., Acting Director of Engineering Services ft',. an lin Wu, M.C.I.P. Chief Administrative Officer MMlLABIASClkm 908 . REPORT NO.: COO-016-01 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Plans were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and publicly advertised for the installation of Street and Walkway Lighting at Various Locations, as required by the Department of Engineering. Subsequently tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "A" attached. The total project cost, including final design and tendering, contract administration and design, Hydro One charges and GST, (less GST Rebate), as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "C" is estimated at $89,500.00. It is recommended that the required funds be drawn from the Engineering Capital Budget Account #7230-00210-000 as reflect on pages 141, 142 and 143 of the 2001 Capital Budget ($100,000.00 allocated). The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Acting Director of Engineering. The low bidder, Langley Utilities Contracting, Bowmanville, Ontario, have previously completed a number of similar contracts in type and value for the Municipality. Attachment #1, Schedule "A", Bid Summary Attachment #2, Schedule "B", By-law Attachment #3, Schedule "C", Letter from Totten Sims Hubicki CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-6506 909 , SCHEDULE "A" BID SUMMARY TENDER CL2001-40 Street Lighting - Various Locations Bidder Total Bid Amount Langley Utilities Contracting $64,163.62- Bowmanville, ON Guild Electric Ltd. $66,208.95 Toronto, ON AGI Traffic Technology $94,559.32 Weston, ON Ron Robinson Ltd. $105,006.85 Bowmanville, ON Whitby Hydro Energy Services Corporation Rejected - Bid amended - Extension Error . 910 i , Schedule "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2001- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Langley Utilities Contracting, Bowmanville, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Street and Walkway Lighting at Various Locations. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between Langley Utilities Contracting, Bowmanville, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "B" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2001. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 2001. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 911 NOV 09 01 FRI 11:57 AM TSH COBOURG II tilt FAX NO. p, 01/03 Schedule "e" . " ,-_.~ engineers architects planners Totten Sims Hubickl A!>sociates 613 Division Street, CObourg. Ontario, Canlldn K9A 5G6 19051372-2121 Fox: 19051372-3621 E-mail: eobourg@tsh,Cll www.tsn.cll Novembcr 7. 2001 Ms. 1.0\1 AIIII Birkett, CPl', AMCT Pm'chasin/{ Manager Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Slrcct nOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 Fax: 905-623-4169 Dear Ms, Birkett: Re: Contract No. CL2001-40, Street alld Walkway Lighting ImprO'felllents PlIrt A _ Walkway Lighting, Robed Adams Dr. to Whittaker Ave., Courtice Part)J . Walkway Lighting, GIenabbey Park, Courtiee Pllrt C _ Street Ughting, 'lruDs Road, South of Avondale Dr., Courtice Part D _ Street Ughting, Soliua Rood, SOlltb of Hwy, 2 Part E _ Street Lighting, B'lsellnc Road, West Side Dr. to Martin Rd., Bowmallville Part F . Street Lighting, Mearns Avenue, Concession St. to CPR Crossing, BOWIDlIDville Tcnders fot" the above project wcre opencd at the municipal offices on Friday, November 2, 200 I, at 2:00:00 p.m. nle bids received inclusive of GST arc summarized as follows: r--"- . Bidder Total Bid Amount ,." Langley Utilities Contracllng, Bowmallville, Ont. $64,163,62' -- Guild Electric Ltd, Toronto, Onto $66,208.95 AOl Traffic Technology Weston, On!. $94,559.32 Ron Rubinson Ud. Ilowmanvllle, Ont. $105,006,85 Whitby Hydro Energy Services Corporation Rcjccted .. . Bid amended - R.tcnsion Error The low bidder' s suhmitted tender has been reviewcd and is in order. Langley Utllities Contracting currently I13S the Municipality of Clarington's Sf1'cet lighting maintenance contract and in the past have complclcd severnl other projects for the Municipality including the lighting of the Darlington Soccer Field,. and strcet lighting on Hwy. No.2 in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area. TIley completed the work to an acceptable standard_ They have also completed a number of contracts for varioll~ public utility companies and private devclopers, All references contacted indicated their performance WI'S acceplablc. We, therefore, recommend acceptance of the low bid on this Contract and that Langley Utilities Contracting be awarded the Contract. 912 NOV 09 01 FRI 11:57 AM TSH COBOURG FAX NO. P. 02/03 Schedule "e" , , Municipality or Cloringlon Nowmbcr 7. 2001 2 A detailed breakdown of the estimalcd project costs is provided below. Work by Hydro One 5,027.00 Sub-total $83,413.36 --- .. Net GST (3%) (excl. contingencic~) 2,502.40 1-. Contingencies (inel. GSn 3,584.24 .. Total Estimated Project Co~fs $89,500.00 The tOUlI eSlimated project Co~ls are within the allotted budget. for rhe various sites as shown on the altachcd cost apportlomnent. Any deposit cheques received from ContraclOrs may llOW be returned. Should you relluire any further information. please contact tltc undersigned. Bcst rega rd. . ) ttcf----- /,-- It /~- Ron Albri~ht, P.Bog. Project Engineer RAljg P/2t){',41CorrL';rIJ R1I91.dtll: pc: A S. Cannella K. Rand 'UH 913 -~..- - Item Constll1ction Costs Contract CL2001-38 Preliminary and Detailed Design and Pnblic Contact Tendcring and Contract AdmInistration (cslimaled) Cost $59,966.00 6,420.36 12,000.00 Munfc:ipallt}' of Clatington Street Ughting Improvements Cost ~nment Based IOn: La.,'! Sid Co:1tTactCt..200f-4-0 N:r.remb!!r 07, 2001 T.5.H. Project: 12-2Sv"54 is < , <:> <0 , := ~ Desc:-iption Total PartA J Parte Part 0 PartE PartS PartF Comments Walk.....2',' Ugh~g S~e! u,p~:n; . Street ligh~ir.!l ~ S~tL.~ttC:1g. Street Wgtrting- Ba9.eltne Road. Walkl...'3Y l..1ghlIng Mearns Avenue. I Rol:lert Adams Or. Trolls Road. SoJina Road., West Sic!e Dr_ !.o Glaf1.a.bbey Park. Concession Sl to to V/hlttaker Ava.. South of Avondale Courtice Dr.. Courtit:e Soulh 01 Hwy. 2 MertinRoad. Co"""" CPRCrcs:s;ng, Bowmanvil.!e SowmarMT. Str99t Lighting Insla.tJation Unspeeified CCDunt Number 7231J.00210..{JOC!C 72:!O...oa210~Ol) 723C...oo21~OOO Construction Costs Contract Cl.2lJ01-40 Total Construction CQst $59.966.00 $4,969.00 $2,.400_00 53.540.00 $4.,130.00 S10,685.!l0 ~..241.00 rrsH Projllct Number 12.29013 12-29Q54 ,....D54 12-29054 12-29Q54 lNllD54 Preliminary Design, DetaIled Design and $6,42035 $.532.01 $256.96 $379.02 $442.19 $1,144.11 $3,556.07 Prorated Based on low Bid Approvals (to Oct. 5, 2IID1) Tendering ana EsUmatad Construction $Z2,ClOO.lJ-J $1,000.00 $470.00 .$710.00 $820.00 $2,200.00 $6,800.0. AdmlnistraHon (TSH;:: 12.29054) Other Costs Improvernents by Hydro One Req\Jil'l."d to $5,027.00 $3,473.00 $1.554.01 Ao:ommod'ab! Ughtir19 Sub-Telal Other Coats $5,027.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,473.00 $1,554.QO $0.00 $0.00 Sub-Total Esllm.teci Project Costs (excl. $83,413.36 $6,50LOl $3,126.96 $8,102.02 $6,946.19 $14,030.1J $44,7CJ7.D contlnllsncleli) NetG.S.T. (3%) {axe!. contingenciesl $2,502.40 $195.03 $93.81 $2.43.Q6 $208.39 $421'-50 $l.,341.2 CCll:ltingendM (excl. G.S.T.l $3,584.24 $203.96 $279.23 $254.92 $345.43 $S48.9B $1.951.7- frofa6 Estimated Project Costs $39,500.00 $6,900.00 $3,500.00 $8.600.00 $7/500.00 $1S,OOO.oo $48,000.00 $26.soo.00 BUdgs.t Ameunt $]00,000.00 $30,000.00 -15 I~" c..,;.,.....\l...Jj<1 $20,000.00 $5O,~o.OO r~,...{qi_\ f~"H,!:::" J , ~ '" "" ~ '" =< if. '" '- c '" c co '" '" ...0 ;' ~ ~ (Jj o ::r (D Q. C -." (D' -= .~ 0' .0 .~ $8fVII!!r\ProlIdS\12-2!lG.SoI\J'ILadm\290S4l1w/btl we(01