HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-95-82 /4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1,10 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1982. REPORT NO. WD-95-82. i SUBJECT: PARKING - DUCHESS STREET, ORONO. (RESOLUTION # GPA-1042-8. ) RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That this report be received; and, 2. That the general conditions and provisions of By-Law 79-1 be stringently enforced on Duchess Street, Orono; and, 3. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the Durham Region Police Force, for appropriate action, and to Mrs. V. Bridger, for information. BACKGROUND: On September 13, 1982, Committee considered correspondence from Mrs. V. Bridger, who complained about the situation created on Duchess Street resulting from the parking of vehicles. Among the more specific concerns expressed were that vehicles were parked at either side of driveway entrances, making maneuvering for both access and egress difficult; cars parked on the street while being repaired; unlicensed vehicles left on-street and neighbours ' visitors parking in such a manner as to restrict movement and visibility. �� I� WD-95-82 _ 2 �(A) As a result of the concerns expressed, and Resolution # GPA-1042-82, Staff have researched and reviewed the matter, in conjunction with the existing restrictions detailed in By-Law 79-1 (Parking) , and on- site investigation to determine what steps can be taken to resolve the situation in general . REPORT: The existing road width on Duchess Street (twenty-four feet) has functioned acceptably for the low traffic volumes carried; when parking occurs on both sides of the street (during peak hours) there is sufficient road width to maintain the small traffic flow with one through lane. There has been no record of any collision in the vicinity of Main and Duchess Streets over the past four years; it should also be noted that, if 'No Parking' was to be imposed on Duchess Street, the general problem would not be eliminated but, rather, would be transferred by vehicles being forced to park on adjacent streets (Church Street and Regional Road 17) , which carry a much higher A.A.D.T. Undoubtedly such an arrangement would create great problems in both vehicular and pedestrian related conflicts, and would be most undesirable. The eneral g provisions of By-Law 79-1 , in Section III, sub-Section 5, includes regulations which impose certain restrictions to parking activity, and which cover the areas of complaint as ex- pressed by Mrs. Bridger. Specifically, Section III , sub-Section 5 reads as follows: 5) No person shall , on any highway, park any vehicle: a) in front of or within lm. of a driveway or laneway or so as to obstruct vehicles in the use of a driveway or laneway; b) within 3m. of a point on the curb or edge of the roadway adjacent to any fire hydrant; c) within 10m. of a minor intersection roadway, or within 15m. of a major intersecting roadway, or within 30m. of a signal- ized intersecting roadway; j d) for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for sale; i WD-95-82 - 3 5) e) for the purpose of washing, greasing or repairing the vehicle, except for such repairs as have been necessitated by an emergency; f) alongside the tracks of any railway other than a street railway; g) within 20m. of the nearest rail of any level crossing of a railway; h) in such a position as will prevent the removal of any other vehicle previously parked; i) for a period longer than three (3) hours except where des- ignated signs have been erected in accordance with this by-law stating otherwise; j) on the travelled portion of the roadway other than a cul- de-sac where the roadway width is 6m. or less; k) on a drivway within 30cm. of a sidewalk or footpath or, if there is no sidewalk or footpath, within lm. of the roadway; 1) on or over a boulevard. Of the foregoing, Items (a) , (b) , (c) , (e) and (i) are specifically relevant to the existing situation on Duchess Street in Orono, where there are three (3) driveway entrances on either side of the roadway, at staggered intervals. It is felt that, if the general conditions of By-Law 79-1 were applied to, and enforced upon, Duchess Street, the problems of congestion and maneuverability would, for the most part, be resolved. Attached is a sketch illustrating the existing parking patterns, as perceived and as complained about by Mrs. Bridger. As will readily be realised, if the conditions of Clause 5 of the By-Law were stringently enforced, the situation would be improved to the point where parked vehicles would no longer be a matter for concern. (It should be noted that the attached sketch is not intended to be an accurate reproduction of Duchess Street, but it does reflect and incorporate the nature of the problem under discussion. In view of the fact that Duchess Street, Orono, is a very minor road, with low traffic movement, and that there have been no untoward incidents or accidents related to parking, it is felt that the i WD-95-82 - 4 application of full 'No Parking' restrictions is unwarranted and that concerns relative to parking patterns can best be remedied by diligent enforcement of By-Law 79-1 . Respectfully submitted, i R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. November 10, 1982. ASC:vh I i 0) MAJOR INTERSECTION ATTACHMENT TO - - - - - - - - - - - - REPORT WD-95-82 DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY EXISTING PARKING PATTERNS DRIVEWAY I I I Note: Sketch depicts typical residential street of low traffic volprne and movement. Travelled surface 24 ft. Driveways staggered on either side of street. - - - - - - - - - - - - MINOR INTERSECTION R.R. # 1 . , (Duchess Street) ORONO. LOB IMO. July 8, 1982. Mr. Oakes: Clerk to Bring to Council . The parking on Duchess Street is very bad as the street is narrow and when cars park on both sides it is difficult to get past them. We have three cars (vehicles) so made an extra driveway so we wouldn't have to park on the road. One neighbour drives a school bus and when he comes home for supper before going to work (which is about an hour) he parks the bus on (Duchess Street) the road and its tricky to get in our driveway. Another neighbour has two unlicensed cars parked on the road plus this week also a pick-up truck. He also is doing body work in his garage. The neighbour across the road has parked a car on the road since moving here last summer. This past winter they got warned approx. once and nothing more was done about it. The last neighbour when they have company the company will park between our driveway and theirs and sometimes on both sides of our driveway as close as they can get to our driveway making it difficult to get in and out. You would really have to see our street to understand. If you put some parking on one side it could still be a problem as they would either park opposite (across the road) or on either side of the driveway. This parking problem has just started this spring. Yours truly, (Signed) MRS. V. BRIDGER. I Typed verbatim:vh i