HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-73-82 4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB 1J0 987-5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 13, 1982. REPORT NO. WD-73-82. SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR SIDEWALKS, SCUGOG ROAD, NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE. KNOX CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AND DURHAM CHRISTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That this report be received, and; 2. That, whereas Scugog Road, Bowmanville, in the vicinity of Durham Christian Secondary School and Knox Christian School , is deficient in width and therefore cannot accommodate the construction of sidewalks, no action be taken on the request for same, and; 3. That, in the event there is a future proposal for the widening and reconstruction of Scugog Road, north of Bowmanville, consideration be given to the inclusion of sidewalks at that time, and; 4. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the correspondents representing the abovenamed Schools. G>'A� 1(y IV 0-73-,82 - 2 _ REPORT: Requests have been received, from both the Durham Christian Secondary School Board and Knox Christian School Board, for the installation of sidewalks in the vicinity of the two schools. Knox Christian School is approximately 275 metres north of the Durham Christian Secondary School , on Scugog Road, north of Bowmanvilie. Upon receipt of the request, a letter was sent to Mr. Peter Zwier, requesting the following information: (i ) What is the school enrollment? (ii) How many students use the school bus service? (iii) How many students walk to school ? The response to the above indicated that only about 25 students are within walking distance of Knox Christian School and this low number, alone, could not justify the installation of sidewalks; in any event, the question would remain as to the limits of the installation, i .e. Should the sidewalk be installed northerly to the Third Concession, and southerly to Mill Lane, or over a shorter length? Mr. Zwier has emphasized the fact that there is considerable inter- action between the two schools, thereby increasing pedestrian traffic along Scugog Road; assemblies and other events often require all of the students to walk from one school to the other, and this might suggest that a sidewalk or footpath between them may be justified. Notwithstanding the demand for pedestrian movement, the physical conditions on Scugog Road virtually preclude the possibility of installing a sidewalk. The right-of-way width is approximately 50 ft. , as opposed to the normal 66 ft. , which severely restricts the area available for the road itself, utilities, etc. , and there is no room for a sidewalk. The travelled portion of the road occupies some 22 ft. (pavement) , there is between 6 ft. and 8 ft. of shoulder width, and some 16 ft. of ditches; this leaves only about 2 ft. on :eztchr side for a sidewalk, which is insufficient WD-73-82 as the standard width is 4 ft. , and any construction proposal would, necessarily, involve property acquisition. Furthermore, any sidewalk would be so close to the travelled portion of the road that (a) pedestrian safety would be jeopardized and (b) winter maintenance operations would be very costly and time- consuming. In light of the above, it is recommended that the correspondents be advised of the difficulties in considering their request, although there may be some demand for sidewalks, the constraints related to right-of-way width make the construction and main- tenance unfeasible. It should be suggested to the respective schools that, when activities and events necessitate travel and pedestrian traffic in the area, care be taken that students walk in am orderly and highly structured manner to eliminate any possibility of danger. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. September 2, 1982. GD:vh x--1 i M 0� SEP I lilt BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, L1C3K2 R.R. PHONE(416)623-587,1 kylvA 14 OY 11 we') Kenve *all eva V19 y 6'1/-"6 X Q "0 .�7/,�,Ile, 0 .'e.A eAo WA e Aw w.wo/Ko It AA 7 Ave Yea /we CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R:DUPUIS,P.ENO.,DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263.2231 LOB WO 987.8039 Mr. Peter Zwier, 11 Coleman Street, BOWMANVILLE. Ontario. L1C 10. August 9, 1982. Dear Sir: Your letters dated July 27, 1982, addressed to Mayor Rickard and to the Regional Municipality of Durham, have been ref- erred to my office for consideration and response. The matter of the possibility of sidewalk installation on Scugog Street, in the vicinity of Knox Christian School , will be reviewed, and I hope to present a report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee's first Meeting in September, 1982. Meanwhile, in order to assist in our research, it would be of considerable assistance if you could provide some background information: For example, what is the total enrollment of Knox Christian School? How many of the pupils are brought in by bus? Approximately what number of students is within walking distance of the School? Your co-operation in the provision of this data will greatly speed our review as, with the summer vacations, we have no way of being able to undertake a pedestrian count in the area under discussion. I look forward to hearing from you in this regard, in the very near future. I Yours truly, I . i R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. cc: Mayor G.B. Rickard. D.N. Smith, M.C.I.P. , Administrator. F. Brown, Superintendent. TOWN OF NENCASTLE WARANDUM TO: Mayor G.B. Rickard. RM R.G. Dupuis , P. Eng. , Director. DATE: August 6, 1982. SUBJECT: Scugog Street (North) , Bowmanville. and Knox Christian School . I am in receipt of your memorandum dated August 4, 1982, which attached a copy of a letter from Mr. Peter Zwier expressing the concern of the School Board at the lack of sidewalks in the vicinity of the Sch-ool . By coincidence I received, the same day, a very similar piece of correspondence, forwarded by the Region of Durham to which Mr. Zwier had already written in the same regard. As you are probably aware, Scugog Street is somewhat deficient in width and would not readily accommodate sidewalks. I am of the opinion that this issue cannot be easily or rapidly res- olved and intend to give the.matter careful consideration, and review the options available to the Town. As and when I am able to present a viable conclusion I will advise you immediately. I trust this will be satisfactory. I cc: M.R. Bellamy, Traffic Supervisor, j Region of Durham. D.N. Smith, M.C. I .P. , Administrator. -S sit DURHAM August 4, 1982 The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Box 823 Town of Newcastle 106 Consumers Dr. Department of Public Works Whitby, Ontario p Canada,L1N6A3 Hampton, Ontario (416)868-7721 Attention: Mr. R. G. Dupuis, P. Eng. '' 1 W.ATWELVETREES,P.Eng. Director Public Works Commissioner of Works Pisa"quote our ref; Dear Sir! Re: Scugog Street North, Bowmanville GEN-TRA-N The attached letter from Mr. P. Zwier on behalf of Knox Christian School expresses concern for the safety of pedestrians walking along Scugog Street .North. As this road is under the Jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle, I am referring this matter to you for whatever action you deem necessary. By copy of this letter, Mr. Zwier has been advised of our disposition of his correspondence. Yours very truly, y f i' MRB/rd M. R. Bellamy Traffic Supervisor, r r cc: Mr. P. Zwier I { � Al►,t � ' /1 I w» COWM*Wy#,.LE U iv 1..,1 "'►.A. (416)62:f 5H71 Apo -�� WORKS. ''' t'ar� srl.$ : , , s:C t0.s, ,�tn,r ��� ��q� a C�►O v�� 4'1 cs.0/w� �P_� � ..i� ►_._►� f n a u e 0, e h(e t"j 4o rJ C e wh! t"a r. '�1i e. 4.'r c►. I i 1 r%.. CwPV%Qtv.,) �� e � Ij T 0ICe-e 61IVe WAM N t'A 4- t2 e J C-J"X v (,X/6." 's'ki's r- t 1'+06vc Y r evC1a� `� ih%ds hs 41- 4ke~ 4cLv s.i. 4- sclk6 13 Tk .3 Is -36 Ncirr,aw a#NA - 0•j- iS UI'.t^a 41"6 ew,A e- CLa.IA.SC VJCL look ;'-de 4-kw- �mjs 14I'111,j w l � �L Q f d�� t"J p M �� u f:.� 1'r�a T,p a7�� i►^ I.t► 1 t .s' "I ti,a e T 6 t2f►+Q. S O tr►t.0 r J J. 14 a e►r �C.4 L A.S a" +k I's h.4t 411 � e �C�7'�'R •��.•i�a I DURHAM CHRISTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL BOX 238, BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO.L1C 3K9 PHONE: (416)623.5940 REN SIEBENGA Principal July 11, 1982 Bowmanville Town Council To whom it may concern: On behalf of the Board of Durham Christian High School, we would urge you for the safety of our children, to provide a paved walk-way on Scugog Road North from Knox Christian school to Durham Christian High School. A bus is provided to transport students from one school to another, but with a high-school schedule the students are not always finished with their work at the same time, reason why several students have to walk to Knox for the buses who leave in the afternoon from Knox. Our request is made before any accidents will happen, the local police has warned the school about the danger of the students walking on the road. Looking forward on behalf of several taxpayers for a i favourable response. Sincerely yours, DISTRISUT ION,-k.. l ACK. BY: .... ... ..; �r Ps. oelie Bos L,,:GINALT0: 7)p ✓ � f Secretary COP;CS T0: _.�..� � FILE; ... ................