HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-41-82 f CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR HAMPTON,ONTARIO TEL.(416)263-2231 LOB 1JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 17, 1982. REPORT NO. WD-41-82. SUBJECT: SUPPLY AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SALT DOME AT THE DIVISION 3 (ORONO/CLARKE) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT YARD. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 , That this report be received, and; 2. That Bulk Store Structures Limited, Erin, Ontario, be awarded a contract for the supply and erection of One R-116 ft. Diameter Dome, as per the firm's Drawings Nos R-116-1 to R-116-4, inclusive, at a quoted cost of $75,572. 50 (Seventy Five Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Two Dollars and Fifty Cents) , and; 3. That any additional costs for site preparation in excess- of -the -budgeted amount of $79,000. 00. , Abe drawn from the Working Capital Reserve _Fund:-, j BACKGROUND: 1 As Members are aware, the Town is allegedly involved in the contam- ination, by salt, of the water supply in Orono and, as a result, funds in the amount of $79,000. 00 were budgeted in 1982 for the erection of a Salt Dome at the Division 3 (Orono/Clarke) Public Works Yard. i WD-41-82 - 2 Resolution # GPA-227-81 , adopted by Council , gave approval and authorization to tender for the construction of the dome. Unfortunately (and the following has been confirmed by the Ministry of Transportation & Communications) , a patent on the design of the salt dome is held by only one company, Bulk Store Structures Limited, thus the product we seek can only be supplied by one source. This is further evidenced by the fact that, in 1980, quotations were secured from one other company, which was subsequently taken to Court by Bulk Store Structures Limited and is now out of business. Accordingly, the need to seek quotes is somewhat redundant and, therefore, this Department has dealt only with the sole supplier of the dome. REPORT: Bulk Store Structures Limited can offer three services with respect to the type of salt dome required by the Town: 1 . Supply a kit for the dome, at a cost of approx. $46,000. 00 2. Supply and erect a dome (capacity: 6,900 tons) on a standard footing, at a cost of approx. $75,572. 50 3. Supply and erect a dome (capacity: 8,000 tons) on a 4 ft. high concrete wall , at a cost of approx. $85,000. 00 While the cost of Item 1 may seem attractive, two factors must be borne in mind: Firstly - installation costs, which could amount to between $10,000 and $20,000. , and secondly, and more im- portantly, the structural aspect: In most cases, the Ministry of Transportation & Communications buy kits and erect their own domes. However, in many instances, these domes have been blown down and destroyed during high winds, as a result M.T.0 has issued a directive which details the requirement for gluing of the panels and additional bracing. The required gluing is a specialized process. Recent discussions with representatives of other municipalities have shown that they, too, have had dis- asters with respect to self-erected domes and, as an example, the County of Ontario lost a dome during heavy winds in the early 1970s. WD-41-82 _ 2 _ Item 3, above (i .e. the dome on the 4 ft. concrete wall) is attractive from the point of view of capacity, however the costs exceed the budget allowance for the dome. In addition, the Town does not, at present, require the extra sand/salt storage capacity which would be provided by this structure. As a result of our investigations it is recommended that the Town enter into a contract with Bulk Store Structures Limited for the dome as detailed in Item 2, the cost summary for which is as follows: (a) Supply and erect dome by Bulk Store Structures $75,572. 50 (b) Site preparation - 120 ft. square x 3" thick asphalt pad $ 8,000. 00 Total Cost: $83,572. 50 This total cost exceeds the budgeted amount of $79,000. 00. , but the over-run of approximately $5,000. 00. , may be drawn from the Working Capital Reserve Fund. In order to meet our obligations in accordance with the re- quirements of the Ministry of the Environment, and to allev- iate the concerns of area residents in the matter of salt contamination of the Orono water supply, Staff recommends that this project proceed forthwith. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Director of Public Works. May 11 , 1982. RGD:vh I 6o, Manufacturers of ProfaLricatud[sulk Storage Systems r -STORE V ■ �6/��V��� LTD. BALK ERIN, ONTARIO, CANADA NOB 11'0 519/833-9681 Apr 11 '1 r; 7 1 ()R;, Corporatiorl of th(, Town of Wr-w(,ast-,lr, 1)Ublic Works Department , HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1 JO Attention: Ml'. R . Duptai s) P. fang. Director of Pnhl 1 c Work,, Dear Sir , l+nrther= to your T rPWW�;f of Anri 1 P , 1 (),q') wn '->>hini t thn enclose T d gitnt;ati-nn and rnd(,r f+f-�rm for your conA.dnrati on. Our product is warrant—,cl fm- a r)e,r ind of nnE� (1 ) y ra r against defects in mat(�ri a1 ^ and wnrkmarlshi-p. Shi ngl-ns are by the manufaotnro.r . Thank yon for fine oper �r + i�ni ty tt, r� � ,t.c , Yours truly, 33iTLK-STOR>, S`!'RUt'TiTRF,'� LTD. Fred '7. Ral l-I °�. Encl. ACK. ..,... �.... ORIGINAL T0:............................ ... .......... .. COPI 0' DATE E' I a f 3. INVITATIONAL TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY. AND ERECTION OF ONE - FOOT DIAMETER SAND DOME CLOSING DATE TIME TO: We, the undersigned, agree to provide all labour, materials and equipment required to carry out the complete construction of a foot diameter Sand Dome in accordance with the attached information to bidders , specifications for the total sum of This price includes Federal Sales Tax, but not Ontario Sales Tax. The Municipality will provide the Contractor with an Ontario Sales Tax Exemption Certificate. Name of Company Address Telephone -�- S-gnature Seal P. 2 of 3 INFORMATION TO BIDDERS AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. Tenders in sealed envelopes, plainly marked as to contents will be received by the Municipality until ' ' P.M. ' ' for the supply and erection of . . " Sand Dome in accordance with the attached tender foro_spec fications and information to bidders. 2. A tender Deposit in the form of a Certified Cheque or Bid Bond in � the amount of 10% of the total bid must accompany the tender. The proceeds which upon acceptance of this tender shall constitute 'a deposit which shall be forfeited to the Municipality if the successful bidder fails to file with the Municipality a Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the accepted tender price within 14 days from the date of notification of the acceptance of this tender. The tender deposits of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned within l0 days after the tenders have been opened. 3. The successful bidder must carry Liability Insurance and show proof of same in the amount of One Million Dollars to the Municipality and Workmen's Compensation Certificate of Clearance before work commences. 4. Tenders shall be opened for acceptance for a period of 30 days after the closing date. After this time, the tender may only be accepted with the consent of the successful bidder. Tender acceptance is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. 5. The Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all fenders or to accept any tender, should it be deemed to be in the Municipality's best interest to do so. 6. Location: 7. Schedule: Asphalt pavement is schedule for completion by The Sand Dome must be completed and ready for use no later than weather penTitting. 8. Sub--Contractors: The bidder shall submit with his tender a list of all Sub-Contractors, who will be carrying out part of this contract. j The list will show the Sub-Contractor's name and the work to be performed. The Municipality shall have the right to reject any Sub-Contractor so named. 9 . Work and Material by Others : a) The Municipality will construct the Asphalt Pad, ensuring unobstructed drilling to a depth of 4 ' for the .retaining wall posts . Elevation of the asphalt pad to be held to + or - one (1) inch, with a minimum of 3" of HL 114 asphalt. b) The Municipality will provide storage at the project site, unload and stockpile the structure components from the j contractor 's trucks . P3 of 3 10. Structure and Drawings:- The Sand Dome supplied, shall be that shown on the plans and manufactured by Bulk-Store Structures Limited, Erin, Ontario. The Structure shall have a diameter of approximately and have a capacity of no less than tons of sand. The Structure shall be self-supporting with no internal supports. Doorway width to be 15' clear opening. 11 . Scope of Work - For the price bid, the contractor shall carry out the following: a) Supply and deliver the structure components and all materials to the site. b) Erect the structure in accordance with the plans and specifications, including concrete base ring or wall . c) Supply and install asphalt shingles d) Shingle colour shall be e) Provide all labour, equipment and materials to carry out the work to satisfactory completion, in accordance with the Plans and Specifications supplied by Bulk Store Structures Limited. 12. Sub-Contractors and Scope of Work i i i i CON, Jso CIA, � 0 BULK-STORE ST'RUCT'URES LTD. ERIN,ONTARIO,CANADA NOB 1TO • 519/833-9691 A p i'i 1 167 1 O:q Corporation of the Town of r1et���as+.lF Public VInrks I)epartment; , 11A�,IP'1ON , Ontlari.n LOTS 1 JO Attention: Director of 1111bl1c Wor! This will serve as a firm quotation on the following building. One pre-fabricated R--1 1 F, diameter Dome including all components and hardware necessary to erect same. Sill plates will be supplied for forming foundation. S17PPLY << INSTALL onn (1 ) Oi1)1,Y t�--11r) ' I)i ,, . r)n,nF, 9 �, por attached 01-awing Nn. CAPAC17Y >a90C Tons as prox >'?� snOo.nn TNSTAT,L ���vn l i 1 �� i, i >>�� i�';,n n 1�1 U�,,�11,�„ 1 �;Oo. ()n 1 - CARTAGF, TO S"UPE, ; 1 ,ol This quotation is subject to the following General Terms and Conditions. 1. Assumed minimum soil load bearing value 2000 P.S.F. 2. Minimum 3" of HL #4 Asphalt on pad. 3. Elevation of pad to be held to + or —1". 4. Unobstructed drilling to 4' for retaining wall posts. (EXTRA FOR OBSTRUCTIONS WILL BE COST PLUS 10%) 5. No floors included in buildings. 6. Provincial sales tax extra, if applicable. 7. Purchaser to supply soil test if necessary, 8. Purchaser must adequately prepare site prior to installation of foundation. 0. Purchaser to supply building permit. 10. Customer responsible for all materials delivered to site. 11. Customer responsible for unloading pre-fabricated panels. 12. Terms: 1% 15 days. Net 30 days. This quotation is firm for 30 days from date of quotation. Thank you for the opportunity to quote. Yours very tru Bulk-Sto Stru r s Lt ., I i i CON Ir 'p YJSo C10, BULK-STORE STRUCTURES LTD. ERIN,ONTARIO,CANADA NOB 1TO • 519/833-9681 Apr.1 1 161 1 ()83) Corporation of the Town of P ovicastl.e Public l4orks Dopart;men-t , HAIVT01VI , Ont"11,10 LOB 1 JO Attention: Mr. R. D:i.rector of Publ-io works This will serve as a firm quotation on the following building. One pre-fabricatedw-116 1 diameter Dome including all components and hardware necessary to erect same. Sill plates will be supplied for forming foundation. SUPPLY 8 INSTALL one (1 ) ONLY W-1 16 1 Dta . Dnme, a 5 ner attached drawi.na No . VI-116 -1 to w_110.-EF inc].Itsis�� I CAPACITY 8,000 `Pons approx. SUPPLY & INSTALL Vontilat; :nlr ill ) 5w). (�O CARTAGE `1'O SITE 1 �01 ?. >n This quotation is subject to the following General Terms and Conditions. 1. Assumed minimum soil load bearing value 2000 P.S.F. 2. Minimum 3" of HL #4 Asphalt on pad. 3. Elevation of pad to be held to + or —1". 4. Unobstructed drilling to 4' for retaining wall posts. (EXTRA FOR OBSTRUCTIONS WILL BE COST PLUS 10%) 5. No floors included in buildings. 6. Provincial sales tax extra, if applicable. 7. Purchaser to supply soil test if necessary. 8. Purchaser must adequately prepare site prior to installation of foundation. 9. Purchaser to supply building permit. 10. Customer responsible for all materials delivered to site. 11. Customer responsible for unloading pre-fabricated panels. 12. Terms: 1% 15 days. Net 30 days. This quotation is firm for 30 days from date of quotation. Thank you for the opportunity to quote. 1 Yours ery t ly Bulk tore S cures Ltd., i i I i G G A z yJJo c i p",�? BULK-STORE STRUCTURES LTD. ERIN,ONTARIO,CANADA NOB 1TO • 519/833.9681 Apri_1 16, 1982 Corporation of the `''own of Newcastle Plablic Works Department, HAMPTON, Ontario L1OI3 1 JO Attention: Mr. R. Dupuis , P. hang, W.rector of Public Works This will serve as a firm quotation on the following building. One pre-fabricated R--116 'diameter Dome including all components and hardware necessary to erect same. Sill plates will be supplied for forming foundation. SUPPLY ONLY one (1 ) R-116 ' Di_a> T ()me kit as per thawing R-116-1 to R--116-� i m l las-i.ve 343 , BOO®OO ;C?PPTaY ONLY g j>1 OO ler CARTAGE TO ST`T'E „1 1012. 50 This quotation is subject to the following General Terms and Conditions. 1. Assumed minimum soil load bearing value 2000 P.S.F. 2. Minimum 3" of HL #4 Asphalt on pad. 3. Elevation of pad to be held to + or —1". 4. Unobstructed drilling to 4' for retaining wall posts. (EXTRA FOR OBSTRUCTIONS WILL BE COST PLUS 10%) 5. No floors included in buildings. 6. Provincial sales tax extra, if applicable. 7. Purchaser to supply soil test if necessary. 8. Purchaser must adequately prepare site prior to installation of foundation. 9. Purchaser to supply building permit. 10. Customer responsible for all materials delivered to site. 11. Customer responsible for unloading pre-fabricated panels. 12. Terms: 1% 15 days. Net 30 days. This quotation is firm for 30 days from date of quotation. Thank you for the opportunity to quote. Your trul Bulk-Sto Stru r ,