HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-16-82 oaovgioct a.o Vi r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE s PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1J0 \I TELEPHONE (416)263-2292 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 22 1982. REPORT: WD-16-82. SUBJECT: Flood Warning Contingency Plan. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended; 1 . That the current Flood Warning Contingency Plan forwarded by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, be received for information. BACKGROUND AND REPORT: In 1978 the Emergency Measures Division of the Regional Municipality of Durham produced the ' Durham Region Peacetime Emergency Plan' . This document detailed a plan for the co-ordination of all services required in the event of a real or apprehended peacetime emergency, and was authorized under the regulations established by the Ministry of the Solicitor General , Division of Public Safety, in conformity with the Emergency Measures Act, Revised Statutes 1970, Chapter 145, as amended by the Government of Ontario Reorganization Act, 1972. Attached is an advisory received from the Conservation Authority; this specifies the Authority's obligations in the event of an emergency, and is intended to augment the documentation already produced by the Regional Municipality of Durham Respect ully su itted, D.T. Gray, C.E.T. , .� Deputy Director of Public Works. •vh LAKE O Q) Qs o o = tp OQ grfpN p� CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 1650 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. UN 2K8 (416)579-0411 REF NO. February 17, 1982. Department of Public Works, Corp, of the Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1JO Dear Sir : I have included herewith a copy of this Authority' s current FLOOD WARNING CONTINGENCY PLAN. This document is intended to delineate the Authority's obligations as set out in the green coloured section of the Durham Regional Emergency Plan. Would you kindly see that this information is brought to the attention of appropriate staff within your department , and is maintained for ready reference. i Yours truly, cA i encl . W. M. Campbell , WMC/jmb General Manager. FEB 1" 1982 C E N T R A L L A K E 0 N T A R 1 0 C 0 N S E R V A T 1 0 N A U T H O R I T Y WARNING AND CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR FLOOD EMERGENCIES February 2, 1982 I CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Warning and Contingency Plan for Flood Emergencies 1. Goals and Objectives of the Plan The major objectives of any flood contingency plan are to prevent the loss of life and property damage during flood emergencies. Although the municipalities are directly responsible for protecting people and property in these situations, the Authority contributes to achieving these objectives in the following ways: 1.1 Through encouraging a co-ordinated response to the emergency by the municipalities; 1.2 By maintaining an efficient flood warning system; 1.3 By monitoring stream flows and conditions during flood events. 2. Authority Responsibilities The Authority responsibilities are mainly concerned with the warning and moni- toring role. People requiring immediate assistance should be aided by Authority staff if they are in a position to do so. However, this is not the main concern of staff, and these situations should be referred to the local Police or Fire Departments if time permits. More specifically, the responsibilities of the Authority are as follows: 2.1 To liaise with the Flood Forecast Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources; 2.2 To alert Regional and Municipal Emergency Control Groups, Police Departments, mill and dam owners concerning flood forecasts and specific problem locations; 2.3 To maintain contact with the local Flood Co-ordinator at Ministry of Natural Resources, Lindsay. 2.4 To monitor stream levels and flows and to update information on problem areas, advise on developing vulnerable areas and forecast probable consequences; 2.5 To distribute Authority resources, such as sandbags, equipment, when so required; 2.6 To protect Authority property; 2.7 To provide assistance to property owners and flood victims when required; 2.8 To advise the alerted agencies when the danger recedes. 3. Municipal Responsibilities 3.1 The Area Municipal Government is initially responsible for declaring and reacting to an emergency; 3.2 The municipality implements whatever action is necessary to protect lives and prevent damage, with support from Regional Services; 3.3 When the emergency is beyond the capability of the Area Municipality, the Durham Region Emergency Control Group can assume control of the situation with the Area Municipal Control Group providing support; 3.4 If the emergency is beyond the control of all municipal resources, Provincial Assistance may be requested. 4. Procedures During A Flood Carrying out the Authority's responsibilities during a flood involves basically four functional groups. These are: 1) The Flood Forecast Unit at the Ministry of Natural Resources, 2) The Report Centre at the Conservation Authority office, 3) The Flood Alert Patrol , 4) The Resource Supply Staff. - 2 - 4.1 Flood Forecast Unit Flood warnings are initiated by the Forecast Unit of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Their function is essentially as follows: (a) To issue flood alerts to the Conservation Authority office (Report Centre) when a potential flood threat exists; (b) To issue specifically worded flood forecasts and warnings to the Report Centre and to the general public through press, radio and T.V. ; (c) To issue amendments to forecasts when conditions warrant, as in (b); (d) To issue instructions to Report Centre on operation of flood control units. 4.2 Report Centre The Report Centre's function is to maintain continual contact with the Forecast Unit and Flood Alert Patrol, so that specific problem locations can be identified, and potential problems can be anticipated. This information is relayed to the municipalities in order to guide their emergency procedures. Specifically, the Report Centre has the following functions: (a) To maintain contact with the Forecast Unit; (b) To disseminate flood alerts, forecasts and warnings to Emergency Control Groups, Emergency Services Organizations, Works Departments, mill and dam owners and Police Departments with specific problem locations on receipt of same from Forecast Unit; (c) To direct Flood Alert Patrol Officers in their flood warning system duties; (d) To keep constant check on gauge readers and be certain that each knows when and where to report, and that they do so when required; (e) To collect information from rain gauge and stream gauge stations and Flood Alert Patrol upon declaration of Flood Alert, and to forward same to Fore- cast Unit; (f) To direct operation of flood control units in accordance with instructions from the Forecast Unit; (g) To maintain contact with the local Flood Co-ordinator; (h) To direct the distribution of resources (mainly sandbags); (1) To disseminate "Flood Danger Over" bulletins to alerted agencies on receipt of same from the Forecast Unit. 4.3 Flood Alert Patrol The function of the Flood Alert Patrol is to monitor stream levels and the condi- tion of potential problem areas during a flood. Specific duties include: (a) Collect data from stream gauges as required and relay same to Report Centre; I, (b) Maintain observations of known flood-vulnerable areas and relay information to Report Centre; (c) Obtain and relay other observations and information as required; (d) Record the event for future reference. 4.4 Resource Supply Staff Some field staff will be stationed at the Authority maintenance buildings to distribute resources when required by the municipal emergency crews. Specific duties include: i (a) Distribution of sandbags when requested by municipal officials; (b) Distribution of other equipment when necessary; (c) Protection of Conservation Areas when necessary; (d) Maintenance of close contact with the Report Centre; i (e) Other duties as required. 1 - 3 - 5. Assignment of Specific Duties to Staff 5.1 Report Centre Staff assigned to the Report Centre consist of the General Manager, Conser- vation Services Supervisor, Conservation Areas Supervisor and Secretarial ! Staff. Responsibilities can be delegated as follows: General Manager: 1) Answer inquiries from the public; 2) Answer inquiries from the press and issue statements to the same if required; 3) Co-ordinate information obtained from the Forecast Unit and Flood Alert Patrol to predict where potential problems might arise. Conservation Services Supervisor: 1) Liaise with the Forecast Unit; 2) Convey warnings and other information to municipalities and other relevant parties; 3) Contact local Flood Co-ordinator; 4) Inform General Manager of latest information from the Forecast Unit; 5) Convey "Flood Danger Over" bulletins to municipalities and other relevant parties. Conservation Areas Supervisor: 1) Maintain continual contact with the Flood Alert Patrol ; 2) Advise General Manager and Conservation Services Supervisor concerning information obtained from the Flood Alert Patrol ; 3) Obtain stream gauge information from Flood Alert Patrol and relay this to the General Manager and Conservation Services Supervisor; 4) Advise Resource Supply Staff of need to distribute resources. Secretarial Staff: 1) Normal secretarial duties. 5.2 Flood Alert Patrol The Flood Alert Patrol consists of the Field Program Supervisory the Resources Planner, Planning Technician, Information and Education Co-ordinator and the three Watershed Supervisors. Duties can be delegated as follows:. Field Program Supervisor: 1) Monitor stream levels of Hampton dam and pond site; i 2) Monitor other locations on Bowmanville Creek; 3) Inform Report Centre of conditions. Resources Planner: i) Monitoring of stream flow in Oshawa west of Ritson Road; 2) Check stream gauges as required; 3) Keep Report Centre informed. Planning Technician: 1) Monitoring of stream flow in Whitby south of Taunton Road; j 2) Check stream gauges as required; i 3) Inform Report Centre of conditions. West Watershed Supervisor: 1) Monitor stream levels in the Whitby watershed at Taunton Road and northward; 2) Inform Report Centre of conditions. Central Watershed Supervisor: 1) Monitor stream levels in Oshawa from Ritson Road eastward; 2) Read stream gauges as required; 3) Maintain contact with Report Centre. - 4 - East Watershed Supervisor: 1) Monitor stream levels in the East Watershed; 2) Read stream gauges as required; 3) Maintain contact with Report Centre. Information and Education Co-ordinator: 1) Travel to problem locations throughout the Authority and document the problems through photographs; 2) Maintain contact with Report Centre concerning problem locations. 5.3 Resource Supply Staff The remaining conservation areas staff will remain at their respective mainte- nance buildings to handle the distribution of sandbags and other equipment as required. They should maintain close contact with the Report Centre con- cerning distribution of these materials. i I i I j i P i APPENDIX 1 List of Relevant Phone Numbers (1) Forecast Unit Office Res. P. Gryniewski , 270-4024 Hydrometeorologist 965-6292 (705)789-9462 Cottage Robert Fox 965-6292 481-5326 Len Chapman 965-6292 929-5991 TOIL FREE NUMBER 1-800-268-1366 Pager Number R6677 (2) Report Centre W. M. Campbell, General Manager/Secretary- 579-0411 683-0632 Treasurer C. L. Conti , Conservation Services Supervisor 579-0411 786-2226 Mrs. J. M. Browning, Receptionist 579-0411 579-3983 R. D. Clow, Conservation Areas Supervisor 579-0411 884-1074 (3) Flood Alert Patrol W. Howard, Field Program Supervisor 579-0411 (705)324-7528 C. McCormack, Field Supervisor Central 725-5622 263-2980 C. Dewey, Field Supervisor West 655-4843 655-3978 M. Hrynyk, Field Supervisor East 263-2041 (705)738-3907 W. Fry, Resources Planner 579-0411 267-4891 J. Thayer, Planning Technician 579-0411 728-9389 i S. LaForest, Information and Education Co-ordinator 579-0411 839-9471 (4) Resource Supply Staff I F. Conlin 725-5622 623-2211 i G. O'Reilly 263-2041 579-7967 M. Rerecich 725-5622 668-1817 R. Vale 655-4843 579-1459 i I I i r - 2 - (5) Flood Warning List Office Res. REGION OF DURHAM V. Siigailis 668-7721 After Hours 576-9991 or Zenith 61100 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 263-2231 CITY OF OSHAWA Peter Watson 725_7351 George Goldborn 12 L9222 TOWN OF WHITBY Brian Clark 668-5803 TOWN OF AJAX Public Works Department 683-3011 Mrs. Dorothy Walpole 686-1141 Fire Departments Bowmanville 623-3300 Oshawa 433-1234 Whitby 668-9311 Police Departments Durham Region 579-1520 Superintendent McCagherty O.P.P. 668-3388 Sergeant Matthews Emergency Numbers - After Hours Ajax 683-3011 Newcastle 623-3300 Oshawa 728-0591 Ext. 215 Pickering 683-1179 Whitby 668-9311 Durham 579-9991 Radio Stations Community Communications Inc. Lakeland Broadcasting Co. Ltd. CH00 - 1390 CKAR (AM) - 1350 97 McMaster Avenue CKQT (FM) - 95 Ajax, Ontario 360 King Street West 683-4131 Oshawa, Ontario 571-1350 Television Bay Ridges Cable T.V. Ltd. MacLean Hunter Cable T.V. Ltd. 751 McKay Road, Suite 1 91 Station Street, Unit 3, Pickering, Ontario Ajax, Ontario, LiS 3H2 839-4458 683-6511 I Pine Ridge Cable T.V. 301 Harwood Drive Sandbags Oshawa, Ontario 579-2232 Region of Durham, Ajax Depot Brian Tatchell, 683-1471 Mails � Woodley's Saw Mill - 263-2121 Vanstone Mill - 623-5777 (mill) Tyrone Mill - 263-8871 (mill) - 623-5533 (Mr. Vanstone) - 263-8468 (Stewart Hall) Goodyear Dam - 623-2591 (J. Taylor, Plant Manager) �n 3 _ Newspapers The Oshawa Times, 44 Richmond St. W. , Oshawa, Ontario, LiG 1C8 (723-3474) Oshawa This Week, 865 Farewell Ave. , Oshawa, Ontario (579-4400) The Toronto Star, 345 Kingston Rd., Pickerinq, Ontario (666-1302) Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ontario (668-6111) Canadian Statesman, 66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontario (623-3303) The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave. , Ajax, Ontario (683-5110) Port Perry Star Co. .Ltd., 235 Queen St., Port Perry, Ontario (985-7383) (6) SUPPLEMENTARY TELEPHONE LIST C.L.O.C.A. Office Res. J. G. Goodwin, Chairman 644-6900 728-1291 J. Drumm, Vice-Chairman 683-3100 668-6756 Ministry of Natural Resources H. A. Clarke, Executive Co-ordinator, Lands and Water 965-0998 486-5187 Michael R. Garrett, Director, Conservation Authorities and 965-6285 Water Management Branch Regional Municipality of Durham Dan Matthews Emergency Measures Division 668-8886 i i I I