HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-10-82 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF FEBRUARY 8, 1982. WD-10-82 SUBJECT: C.P. Rail Crossing (Mileage 155.66) Lots 22 & 23, Broken Front Concession, former Township of Clarke. Resolution # C-63-82 (GPA-88-82) RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that: 1 . This report be received for information. BACKGROUND: As a result of concerns expressed in regard to traffic safety at the C.P. Rail Crossing located in Lots 22 & 23, Broken Front Con- cession, former Township of Clarke, Resolution # C-1397-81 directed Staff to report on the criteria necessary to petition for improve- ments; Report # WD-4-82 detailed the steps to be taken by the Town, and was approved by Resolution # C-63-82 on January 18, 1982. REPORT: Since January 25, 1982, Staff have made an on-site inspection of the subject Crossing, have met with Mr. L.R. Porter of the Railway Transport Committee, and have solicited the comments of the Region of Durham Traffic Department relative to their recommendations for improvements. It has been agreed that the Railway Authority will effect brushing in the area of the crossing, thus improving sight distances , and � � WD-10-82 - 2 - in accordance with the comments of the Region (attached hereto) , advance warning signs will be installed on the approach road to the Crossing. A Traffic Count was undertaken, by Staff, on January 21122, 1982, resulting in a total of 43 AADT. This report is submitted to detail progress to date, and action will continue to fulfill the direction of Resolution # C-63-82. Respectfully submitted, David T. Gray, C.E.T. , Deputy Director of Public Works. ebruary 3, 1982. DTG:vh V <R> DURHAM January 22, 1982 The Regional Municipality of Durham C Works Department Mr. D.T. Gray Box 623 Deputy Director toy Consumers Dr. Public Works Department ,Iv, 28 1982 Whitby, Ontario Canada,L1 N 6A3 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle (416)W-7721 HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1JO T(,,, W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Dear Sir: Commissioner of Works Please quote our ref: Your request for Regional staff to review the crossing protection on Sideline 22-23, Township of Clarke (Lakeshore Road) at the Canadian Pacific Railway, Mileage 156.55, TRA-N-1-2 Belleville Subdivision has now been completed. According to the Ontario Provincial Police Detachment at Newcastle, who had policed this area for many years prior to the takeover by the Regional Police Force, this grade crossing does not have a history of conflict. The investigating Durham Regional Police Officer at the scene of the fatal collision on November 29, 1981 states that the vehicle was stationary on the tracks, east of the actual crossing when struck. He has not ascertained why or how the vehicle came to be in this location. A parallel for an argument in favour of the installation of warning signals can be drawn from the fact that the grade crossing located east of this location (Lot 12, Clarke Township) is equipped with the warning devices. The two crossings are similar in that both experience the same number of train crossings per day (approximately 18) and are located beyond a change in the horizontal alignment of the travelled raodway. A major engineering problem with the installation of warning flashers at this location would be in obtaining a desirable sight distance on the south approach. The wooden bridge which carries the concession road over the Canadian National Railway is located immediately south of the Canadian Pacific grade crossing. Existing sight distance for a northbound motorist to make visual contact with the top of the crossbuck is approximately eighty metres. On a normal signal installation the flashers are mounted below the crossbuck which will decrease visual contact further. . . . >/2 Page 2 To pursue the feasibility of the installation of warning signals at this grade crossing, your municipality should write the Toronto Office of the Canadian Transport Commission requesting such a study (address attached) . In the meantime, it is recommended that railway advance warning signs (WC-104) be erected on the Sideline Road and on eastbound Lakeshore Road, east of the intersection. It is also recommended the railway company be contacted in regard to clearing the sight triangle of the scrub brush. I trust this information is of some benefit to you. Yours truly, Allan E . Lindsay /Jw Traffic Operations Technician Attachment I r r'jnadwn Transporl Commission canadionnc - Commission des transports J.H. (Jim) Reeder Chief,Rail Crossing and Consiruchon f iograms-Ontario Region r Railway Transport Committee 1 60 Adelaide Street,East touvrlo Onlann t MSC I,Il4 369.2326,369-4820-21-22 CHAPTER 1183 CHAPITRE 1183 \ATIO\AL TR:\\'SPORT:\TION ACT 1 LOI %ATiONALE SIR LES TRANSPORTS RAILWAY ACT LOI SLR LES CHEMINS DE FER Highway Crossings Protective Devices Wglement Sur la protection des devis Regulations d'installation et d'essai aux passages d niveau C \\•\Dl•\\ TR•\\SPORT CONI\IISSIO•\ CO,W0ISSION CANADIENNE DES TRANSPORTS GENERAL ORDER NO, E-6 OR DON NANCE G8NERALE N° E•6 REG( L.ATIONS RESPECTING THE INSTALLATION R8GLEMENT CONCERNANT LES APPAREILS DE •\ND TESTING OF PROTECTIVE DEVICES AT PROTECTION AUX PASSAGES A NIVEAL ET LES HIGH\\ •\Y CROSSINGS AT GRADE DEVIS D'INSTALLATION ET D'ESSAI Short Title Tilre abrege I. Thee Regulations n1a� be cited as the llighwa. Cross- I. Le present reglemcnt peut titre cite sous le [fire: Re le- mgs Prntrctne Detrc'es Rc•Kulununs' ruenr stir la protection des devis d'installanun et d rssai uu.r pussuges ci niveau. Application Application Prutccuvc dcslces of the flashing light t�pc installed b> _2. Les appareils de protection du type a feux cllgnutants qui rjik a� companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Commis- stint installcs en vertu d'une ordonnance do la Commission par ,ion. pursuant to an order of the Commission. shall comply Ies compagnies de chcrnin de fer qui rcicvent de la Commission tin h the specifications contained In these Regulations fur devrunt rcpondre aux devis prescrits dans la presentc ordon- "rotcctl`e dcslccs of the fl:uhrng light type• and shall be Rance relativement 5 ces appareils ct its seront entretenus et maintained and tested in ,accordance with these Regulations. eprouvcs conformcment aux prescriptions du present rcgle- rncnt. 3. Lnless otherwise ordered by the Commission, protective 3. Sauf ordre contraire de la Commission, les appareils de desires Installed prior to Fcbruary I, 1965 are not required to protection installcs avant le I° fcvricr 1965 ne sont pas tenus runforrn Aith the specifications herein, but such protective d'etre conformer aux devis de cette ordonnance, mais its desire shall be maintained and tested rat accordance with devront titre entretenus et eprouvcs conformcment aux pres- criptions du present reglemcnt. a In these Regulatons, "company" means the railway d• Darts le present reglemcnt, .Cumpagnie. designe !a cum- rump:am responsible for the installation, maintenance and pagnie de chemin do fer chargcc de ('installation, de 1'entretien icsling of the protective devlcc signals ordered by the ct de 1•cssai des signaux des appareils de protection prescrits Cunumsvon, par la Commission. P\RT I PARTIE I FL.\SHI\G LIGHT TI Pt: (WITH OR WITHOLT F-EUX CLIGNOTANTS (AVEC OU SANS BARRIERES) GATES) 5 When the Commission orders the installation of a protcc- 5. Lorsque la Commission ordonne I'installation d'un appa- llve device of the flashing light tvpe• the railway company roil de protection du type a feux clignotants, la compagnie de concerned shall submit to the authority having jurisdiction chcrnin do fer cn cause doit presenter 3 I'administration dun( %er the highway for its approval as to location of the protcc• rcleve la route, afin quo cello-ci approuve 1'emplacement do tion In relation to the highscay and the railway, four copies of a I'appareil de protection par rapport 3 la route ct a la vote plan shore ing the layout and containing the following ferrec,quatrc cxemplaires d'un plan en montrant la disposition information: et contiendra en outre Ics donnees suivantes: (a) minimum length of operating circuit; a) la longueur minimum du circuit de fonctionnemcnt; (h) maximum distance from the signal to clearance on the b) la distance maximum qui scpare le signal et la limite de UppUNitC stile of the lraCti or tracks; I'cspacc libre sur Ies cote oppose de la vuie ferrec ou des votes (c-) distance from the centre of signal to centre of travelled fcrrces; roadway to the nearest foot, this dimension preferably to be i 9699 0 Loi rationale sur les trunsports C. 1183 -- ---- — Protection devis installation et essai passages niveau not less than 18 feet measured at right angles to the centre <�) la distance-- — ---- — _ _ _--- line of the highway; qui separc I'axr du signal et I'a.xe de la surface do roulement, au pied press cote distance -sera de preference the distance from the centre of signal to the gauge side of d'au moins 18 pieds, mesurce perpendiculairement a I'axc de the nearest rail to the nearest tout: la vote publique: (e) length of bracket arm or cantilever structure if used: d) la distance qui separc I'axe du signal et la face intericure U) clearance above crown of road of the bracket arm or du rail le plus proche, au pied pros: cantilever structure if used:and e) la longueur de la console,s'il en est: (8) speed for which the operating circuits are designed to /) 1'espace libre vertical entre le bombement de la route et la comply with subsection 1 2(I). console,s'il en ells et g) la vitesse pour laquelle les circuits de foncnonnement sont conyus pour repondre aux prescriptions du paragraphe 12(1). 6. The four copies of the plan referred to in section 5, when 6. Une foil approuves par I'administration routiere, les approved with the road authority, shall be tiled by the rat)way quatre c.xemplatres dudit plan mentiunne a I'artirle ; company with the Commission for approval by one of its deposes a la Commission par la compagmr de chemin sc fcr engineers. seront afin d'etre approuves par I'un de ses ingemcurs. Unless other%k ise authorized b) the Commission, a signal of the (lashing light type shall be placed on each side of i t I) Saul autunsauun cuntruire de la Commission. un the tracks and to the right of approaching highway traffic, and signs lferrecs,cal feu\cle n tlants s ratpu circulation de chaque ui cote des each signal shall have not less than four electric light units. the et chaque signal aura au moins quatre dispositifs lumineux 9 ppro-' eleetriqucs. (2) The assembly of apparatus shall conform to drawing of the Commission set out in Schedule I except that. where the Commission montage ise a I annex�erd! toutefoul,ulursque lesmontat` standard assembly cannot be so located due to local conditions, normal ne pourra se faire de cote fa yon cantilever or bracket signal support 4 par suite des cundi• be used and where signals are located more than 25gfeclt from signaux`3leconsol�nso tgplacerules s gnaurt rY�a�h�pp°�islde the centre of highway,cantilever signal supports shall be used, signaux sort clog nes de plus de _5 g les publique, des supports de Pgnaux 3 console sdcruntCut & y'vic (3) Parts which function as background or hood for light (3) Les parties qui servent de fond et de capuchon aux signal indications shall be non-reflecting black; all other parts shall be white or aluminium. lumicres des feux clignutants seront d'un noir non re(lechissant ct toutcs les autres parties seront de coulcur blanche ou aluminium. (4) The signboard prescribed b} section 207 of the Rarh+ar (.i) L'ecriteau d'ayertisscment present 5 Particle 207 de la Act, which forms part of the apparatus, shall have the letters Lot sur les chentins de J'er et qui fait partie de I'apparcil marked in black upon a background painted white, aluminum porters des leures noires sur fond print ti blare vu en or of a reflective material satisfactory to the COmmrssi. aluminium, ou fait d'un materiau reflechissant agree par la Commission. (5) When more than one track is protected, signs shall (; Si plus dune +uir ferrce eat prutreee, des ecrueaux indicate the number of tracks to be crossed between signals; rndiqueront le nombre de votes ferrees i tra crier rntre les the signs shall be marked the same as the signboard except sienaux. ces ccr,teau\ seront marques de la rneme layon que that numerals shall be at least 1,'2 inches high and letters at le- least ecnteaux d'avertissement, sauf que les chtffres auront u least d inches high. � moins 5 1/2 pouces de hauteur alor moins 4 polices, s que les Icttrrs auront au 8. Electric lights shall flash alternately at the rate of not less b. than 30 nor more than 50 flashes per minute, and each light, d'au moins 30 et d'au plus 50 clignotements par minute, et Les leux electriyues clignotervnt tour a tour i la cadence shall burn approximately the same length of time during the chaque feu resters allume pendant a entire operating time of the signal. gucur do tens s pro pres la me me Ion- p. pendant la duree tutale du jonctionnement du signal. 9. Electric light units shall conform to the A-A,R. Les dispositifs lumineux electriyues devront satisfatre au Signal y. Section Specification No. 190, or the equivalent: the proper devil n, 190 des signaux de 1'.A.A.R, ou avuir des proprietes Signal roundel within such specification shall be used as determined equivalcntes; la lentille convenable prevue duns cc de`ts sen, by local conditions. utilisee, en tenant compte des conditions locales 10. Electric light units shall be equipped with a lamp having 10. Les dispositifs lumineux electriyues seront dotes dune a rating of at least 18 watts and operated within 10 per cent of lampe dune puissance Tau moins 18 watts et fonctionncront a rated voltage. moins de 10 pour cent pres de la tension nominale. 9700 Y C, 1183 Highway Crossings Protective Devices Regulations 3 --- -- -------- --- -----____-- National Transportation Act 11. 1Vhen the Commission orders the installation of a bell, 11. Si la Commission ordonne ('installation dune sonnerie, such bell shall be mounted parallel to the highway and form Celle-ci devra ctre montce parallelement a la chaussee et faire part of the signal, and shall conform to A.A.R. Signal Section partic du signal. La sonnerie devra satisfaire au devil n° 44 Specification No. 44,or the equivalent. des signaux de I'A.A.R. ou avoir des proprietes egwvalentes. 12, (1) Signals shall operate for not less than 20 seconds 12. (I) Les signaux fonctionneront pendant au moins 20 before the crossing is entered by a train at a speed to excess of seconder avant qu'un train roulant a plus de 10 mules a I'heure 1 10 m.p.h : provrcied that where the distance as measured ne s'engage duns le passage: toutefois, si la distance qui ,spare parallel to the centre line of the highway between the govern- I'un des signaux et la limite do 1'espace libre du cute oppose do ing, signal and clearance on the opposite side of the farthest la plus cloignee des voles protegees sur lesquelles les trains protected track on which trains operate in excess of 10 m.p.h. circulent a plus de 10 miller 5 I'hcure est de plus de 35 pieds, n more than 35 feet, the operation time of 20 seconds ,hall be mesurec parrallelement a I'a.xe de la voie publique, la duree do t mcre,r,ed I -econd for each additional 10 feet or fraction fonctionnement de 20 seconder sera augmentec dune seconde f thereof: signals shall continue to operate until the train has par 10 pieds supplcmcmaires ou fraction de cc chtffrc: le signal ( cleared the crossing• devra continuer d fonctionner Cant que le train n'aura pas franchi le passage. 12) Signals ,hall operate for not less than 7 seconds before (_s) Les signaux devront fonctionner pendant au moins 7 ( the crossing is entered by a train at a speed of 10 m.p.h, or secondes avant qu'un train roulant 3 une vitesse de 10 milles a Icss: ,tgndls shall continue to operate until the train has I'heure ou moins ne s'engage clans le passage; le signal devra cleared the crossing. continuer a fonctionner tant que le train n'aura pas franchi le passage. 13 Where train speeds on a main track vary considerable, 13 Si la vitesse des trains varie considerablement sur une addntonal control circuits mad be required with timing devices vote ferree principals, it pourra y avoir lieu d'installer des so arranged that a warning time, adequate for the slower circuits supplementaires de commando afin que la duree I tr,rin,, will be autornaticafl} adjusted. regwse de fonctionnement soil automatiquement rcglee pour les trains plus tents. 14 ( i t Cut-out controls may be required to rnimniire 14. (1) Des interrupteurs pourront ctre necessaires pour unneccssan operation of the signals when trains make regular rcduire au minimum le fonctionnement inutile des signaux operating ,tops or perform switching operations within the lorsque les trains font des arrets reguliers ou qu'ils font du operating circuits, triage dins Ics limites des circuits de commandc. ('_) 11' such controls are automatically operated, circuits (2) Si ces interrupteurs fonctionncnt automattquement, les shall be ;o designed or train speed restricted as to ensure the circuits seront conqus ou la vitesse des trains sera rcglee de required operating time of signals when the train again pro- fa4on a assurer la duree de fonctionnement nccessaire des coeds towards the crossing. signaux, lorsque le train s'avancera de nouveau viers le passage. (3) \utornatic control to actuate the signals b} approaching (3) La commandc automatique des signaux actionnes par les trains, other than the train that has stopped or is performing trains qui s'approchent, sauf par un train qui s'est arrets ou s%kitchtng operations. ,hall take preference over such cut-out qui fait du triage,aura prioritc sur I'interrupleur. features. tat %1c,ur, shall be provided to ensure restoring ul such (4) Des moyens seront prevus pour rctablir le fonc[ionne- controls to automdtic operation. merit autornatique de ces commander. I The normal functioning of any device shall not be 15. Le fonctionnement normal d'un apparcil ne devra pas interfered with in testing or otherwise, without first taking etrc derange pour en faire 1'essai ou pour quelque autrc raison adequdtc measures for the safety of the traffic which depends sans que des mesurec aient ete prises au prediable pour assurer on the normal operation of such deviccs. la securitc du traffic qui en depend. Ili. When gates are required, they shall be installed as Ib. Si des barrieres sont exigccs, e1les seront installees adjuncts to signals of the flashing light type and shall comply comme accessoires des signaux du type a feux clignotants et Mill the following additional requirements for this type of elles rcpondront aux prescriptions supplcmentatres, donnees protective device. ci-apres,qui s'appliquent a cc genre de dispositif de protection: I (a) the assembly of the gate apparatus shall conform with a) le montage des barritres se conforme au dessin de la the drawing of the Commission set out in Schedule 11: Commission vise a I'annexe II; Of a gate shall be placed on each side of the track, b) une barriers sera places de chaque cote de la vote ferree, preferably at right angles and to the right of approaching de prcferencc perpendiculairement et a drone do la ctrcula- htghwd� traffic: tion routiere qui s'approche; (c) when such gate indicates the approach of a train, it shall r) lorsqu'une barriers indiquera I'approche d'un train, elle present to approaching highway traffic the aspect of an arm presentera a la circulation routierc qui s'approche I'appa- equipped with red lights being lowered across [tie lane or rcnce d'un bras muni de feux rouges s'abaissant en travers 9701 4 Lot natiottale sur It's rranshorts C. 1183 -— - Protection devis installation et essai passages niveau lanes used 'bs highway traffic or at rest in a horizontal do la voie ou des voies utilisees par la Position across such lanes; circulation rouliere ou demeurant au repos dans une position horizontals en travers (d) the gate mechanism shall preferably be mounted on the cle ces voies; same "last as the hashing light signal; d) le mecanisme do la barricre sera de prcfcrence montc sur le) each gate shall be equipped with an independent operat. le meme poteau que le signal clignotant: ing mechanism: 0 chaque barricre sera munie d'un mccantsme de cum- (/) each gate arm shall be equipped with not less than three mande independent: red lights arranged to shine in both directions along the J) chaque bras de barricre aura au rnoins trois feu.x rouges, highway; such lights shall operate at all times when the gate disposes de fa4on a briller clans les deux hens de la voie is in position to obstruct highway traffic: such lights shall be publique. Ces four fonctunneront durant tout le temps uu la located and operated is follows: barricre se trouvera a obstruer le trafic: ils >erorit situes et (i) the light nearest the tip shall be not less than Id nor fonctionneront ainsi qu'il suit: more than 36 inches from the tip of (he arm and burn steadily, and 0) le feu le plus prochc de la points du bras sera a au rnoins 1.3 pouces et a au plus 36 pouces de cctte pointe,et (ii) the other two lights shall be located to suit local donnera une lumiere fire, et conditions and to hash alternately in unison with the lights on the signal; (ii) les deux autres leux scront situes de Iacun ;i runvenir (9) the gate arms shall have alternate diagonal stripes ul I unisson dies feux loca du signal; s allumeront tour a tour, a black and white un both sides. 16 inches wide, and all other 0 les bras des barrieres auront. des deut cuter, des bandes parts shall be white or aluminum: ding onales alternativemenl blanches et noires, de 16 pouces (!t) the gate arms when not indicating the approach of a de largeur, et routes les autres parties train shall not interfere with highway traffic, blanche ou aluminium; scront de cutlet"' (I) the gate arms shall operate uniforml , smoothly, and It) les bras des barrieres ne devront pas. lorsqu'ils n'indi- complete all movements without rebound 'or slap, and Nhall quent pas I'approche Tun train, goner 1,1 circulatio- be securely held when in raised position: routiere: (,i) the rnechanum ,hall be so designed that if the gate arms, ri les bras des barrieres fonctionneront unifurmernenl, sans sshtle being raised or lowered, strike or foul any object, they heurts, termineront tous leurs mouvements sans rebondisse- will readily stop and, on removal of the obstruction. the merits ni claquement et seront solidement retenus en place mechanism should assume the position corresponding with lorsqu'ils seront leves; the control apparatus, /) le mecanismc sera agencc de fayon que les bras des (k) so far as practicable, the design of the gate operating barrieres s'arrctent immccliatement s'ils heurtent ou tou- mechanism will ensure proper operation during all weather chent un objet en s'elevanl ou en s'abaissant et qu'ils conditions, and so (hat, when such operating mechanism is prennent la position correspondent 5 I'appareil de corn- out of order, the gate arms will assume the horizontal mande des I'enlevement de I'obstacle; Position across the highway; k) autant que possible, le m6canisme de manceuvre des (1) circuits for operation of the gate shall be arranged so barriercs sera conqu de fagon a bien functionner. quelles que that the gate arms soient les conditions atmosphcriques: en cas de panne, les (t) ,tart (heir duwn«arcl notion not less than 3 second, bras des barrieres devront prendre une position horizontale after (he signal lights start to operate, en travers de la voie publique; (ti) reach full horizontal position before any train on a I) les circuits de commande des barrieres scront disposes de main track reaches the crossing, and fa4on que les bras iii) remain down until the train has cleared the crossing. (1) commencent a s'abaisser au mums 3 secundes apres que les feux de signalisation se scront mis,i functionner. (ii) atteignent la position horizontale avant qu'aucun train sur une voie principale ne soit parvenu au passage,et (iii) restent abaisses tint que le train n'aura pas franchi le passage. 17. Signals, gates, operating mechanisms and cont rol cir- 17. Les si g naux, les barrieres, les mecanismes de manoeuvre cuits shall be in accordance with AA R. recommended et les circuits cle commande scront conformes ,i I'usage recom- pracucr. monde de I'A.A.R. Ix The instrument cases shall be locked when not being 18. Les boites ;i instruments scront tenues sous cle. lursqu'el- used. Ies ne senenl pas. 19 All higi-a.N crossing protective devices ,hall be 19. (I) Tous les apparcils de protection installes au\ cruise maintained by the company to operate as intended and shall be ments cle voie publique seront entretenus par la compagnie de tested as follow,: for all crossings protected by hashing light fayon a functionner de la manicre pre'vue et scront mts ,i Persil 970' .ri 7C. 1183 Highway Crossings Protective Devices Regulations S ,National Transportation Act and bells, or by flashing light signals, bells and gates, comme it suit: u tvus les croisements proteges par des feu.e the tests shall be made at least once in each calendar week, clignotants et des sonneries, ou par des feux clignotants, des sonneries et des barrieres, 1'essai se fera au moins une fois par semaine civile. (?) The method of tests shall be such as will indicate (2) Le mode d'essai devra permettre de constater si les whether or not the highway crussin> b protective devices are in appareils de protection des passages j niveau cunt en bon ctat good working order, If the highway crossing protective devices de service. Si des a operate improperly or tort to operate, notice shall be given as fonctionnent real ou ne fonctionnent pas, 1•empiuyc de chemin pparcils de protection de passages j niveau soon as possible by the railway employee discovering such de fer yui decouvre la dcfretuusitc vu la panne devra en faire improper operation or failure so that advice promptly reaches rapport aussitot tie possible afin yue suit ayise sans dei ai le the department haying charge of the operation and repair of service charge du functionnement et de la reparation de ces y such highway crossing protective devices. As soon as possible appareils de protection des Passages after the receipt of such notice, a flagman shall be placed at pvssible apres la reception d'un tel axis, tin gardirn sera poste such crossing n order that all users of the said crossing may be au ble Passage P Ers a niveau. Ausera yue g protected until the highway crossing prutecliyc acv cc con_ usages i �i e u tie en (cause afin d'assurer la protection des ccrned has been repaired. If the protection is for more than niveau art etc reparL Si I'appareii de protection affecte plus de y ppareil de protection du passage a four tracks, two Ragmen shall be used. 20. (I) When the Commission, b% order. has apportioned yua0. I) L I sque , it y aura deux gardicns. the cost of maintenance of any highway-railway crossing rcparu les frail d'entretien des ion our d'pa assn (I) Lursque la Commission aura, par une urdunnance, signals, the comp any shall not. except in case of emergency la Cum a> brought P" be j niveau, ght about by accident or other conditions where immedi- lit mp nici fie pourautrr situation udansaiaqurlie it y a lieu i ate action is necessary, and except as genet prove- ate begin any major repair, the cost Ofpwhi provided exceeds bS`Iy.000 d aerr immediatemcnt et sauf dais le cal preyu au paraeraphe without leave of the Commission and notice sent to other ,'cicye plus de SI 000 saris ;nvrr obtenu la permission de la t2). entreprendre de reparrtions impurtantes duns le tout parties required w share in the maintenance cost of the COmntussion et sans avuir fait parvenir un ,rvrs aux autres crossing signal parties tenues de partager les frail d'entretien des srgnaux du pass,ige. (21 When ,ell parties required to share in the cost of (2) Lorsque tuutes les parties tenues de partager les frais maintenance of the crossing signals agree with the company to d'entreuen des signaux Tun Passage i share in the payment of the cost of the nlijor repairs referred aver re cum a P' be wnxntent j partager to in subsection t I), of leave of the Commission is required tantes rnentionnecs au paragraphe (I ). it nest pas ne,cessaire p•gnie le paiement du coot des reparations impor- brl'ore beginning such major repairs. d'obtenir la permission de la COmrnlJslon avant de commencer yes rcparatiuns. _I. The Railway Transport Committee may, by order. in '1. ar Comite des transports respect of any single railway company, amend any require- urdunnance, permettre r une cum a, P par chemin de fer petit, Par ment of this Part. p gnie de chemin de lee en particulier de deroger j I'une quelconque des dispositions de cettc partie. PART II OTHER THAN FLASHI,.,G LIGHT TYPE (WITH OR 1'ARTIE II "'ITHOL T GATES) AUTRES QUE CEL X DL, TYPE A FU X CLIGtiOTA\'TS (AVEC O(, S:\,,NS BARRIERES) 22. (I! All highway crossing protective devices, other than (lashing light type lyrith or wrthuut ' l I) Tous les appareils de protection de passage ' niveau, by the tympany to operate as intended and shall tested nas barricrc)c seront dentrePenus Irar lahgnotants (ayes uu sans 4 follows: for all crossings protected by bell and danger signs, or fun tiunnrr de la maniac us pa et serum agnie d ofd P compagnie de fa4un j by mechanical gates, or by wigwag signals, the tests shall be suit ,i taus de passages a niveau rote made at least Once a day, except during weekends and legal des c" lour x do danger, niveau par des barnares j sommme it holidays when not more than ' da)s may elapse on which no d ec crl( e, uu par des r, pules a ers ba par une Comm rr et test is made. tide sears, I'rssai se fera au morns une fois par jour, sauf en fin de semaine et les fours fcrics alors yu'iI ne pourra s'ccouler plus de 2 fours sans qu'un tel rssai art lieu. (2) The method of tests shall be such as will indicate y whether or not the highway crossing r 12) Le mode d'essai devra permettre de cunstater si les b protective devices err in r � rrcils do protection des passages j niveau sont en bon etat gaud working order. II the highway crossing �I p' operate improperly or fail to operate, notice shall be given as fonctionnent mal ou ne fonctionnent pas, 1'empiovc de chemin Protective devices de service. Si des appareils de protection de passage j niveau soon as possible by the railway employee discovering such de fer yui dccouvre la defecwusite ou la panne devra en improper operation or failure that advice promptly reaches rapport aussitot yue possible afin yue suit panne sans n I'd le faire 9703 h Lot nurtunalt,stir lc's rrunsporrs C. 1183 Protection devis installation et essai passages niveau the department having charge of the operation and repair of service charge du funetionnement et de la reparation de ee such high++a\ crussutg protective devices, As soon as possible apparcils de protection des passages a niveau. after the receipt of such notice, a flagman shall be placed at pos Aussitot quo sible apres la reception d'un tel avis, tin eardicn sera poste such crossing in order that all users of the said crossing niav be au passage a niveau en cause afin d'assurer la protection des protected until the highwas crossing protective device con- usagers jusqu'a ee ue I'a corned has been repaired. If the protection is for more than niveau ait etc repare. Si I'a q ppareil de protection du passage a four tricks, two tlagmen shall be used. ppareil de protection affects plus de ,z 111 �I'hrn the Cornnusswn, bg order, has apportioned qutre voics ferrees, it > aura deux gardiens. ..3. (I) Lorsyue la Commission aura, par une ordonnance, the cult of maintenance ul and highway rail++av crossing reparti les frais d'entretien des signaux d'un passage a niveau, signals, the company shall nut. except in case of emergency la Compagnie ne pourra, sauf dans un etat d'urgence prove- brought about by accident or other conditions where immedi Want d'un accident vu autre situation dins layuelle tl v a lieu ate action is nccessars, and except as providAd in subsection d'agir immcdiatement et sauf daps le cas prevu au paragraphe ('). begin any major repair, the cost of which exceeds 51,000, (?), entreprendre de reparations importantes dons le coot without leave of the Commission and notice sent to other s'eleve a plus de SI.000 sans avoir obtenu la permission de la parties required to ,hare in the maintenance cost of the Commission et crossin g signal. sans avoir fait parvenir tin axis au.x autres parties tenues de partager les frais d'entretien des signaux du passage. hen Al parties required to share in the cost of (2) Lorsyue toutes les parties tenues de partager les frais niainten,tnce of the crossing signals agree with the company to d'entretien des signaux d'un passage consentent a partager share rrt the n(II). t of the cuss of the major repair referred to a+ec la cumpagnic le paicment du coot des reparations impur- b subsection t I), no leave of the is is rcyuired tantes mentionnees au paragraphe (I), it nest pas nccessairc before beginning such mayor repairs. d'ubtenir la permission de la Commission avant de commencer ces reparations. I I I I 9704 C. 1183 Highway Crossings Protective Devices Regulations 7 National Transportation Act SCHEDULEI (s. 7 and Sc•h. //) HIGHWAY GRADE CROSSING SIGNAL OF THE FLASHING LIGHT TYPE I Bell when required CD Railway Grade Crossing Signs 15" 15" II o J- L ) , iT RA ^ -- No. of Tracks"Sign r---- -- when required VO( E S I- TRACKS ' L_-_ For Province of Quebec only 00 � E C d I M I Side View of Light Units Cro,A n of Highway _ I i 9705 C. 1183 Highway Crossings Protective Devices Regulations 9 National Transportation Act SCHEDULEII (s. 16) GATES AT HIGHWAY CROSSINGS :n c � � u 3 u .3 Ol a I ' 1 _ 0 ,6 wnUJIXDW .0-L wnwiulW I o a) 3' o ' EE E E v ��. 0-bwnwixo — — wnwlul" I I I I 9707