HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-2-82 1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OF JANUARY 11 , 1982. REPORT: WD-2-82. SUBJECT: Mailbox Location and Replacement Policy. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that: 1 . This Report be received, and; 2. Mailboxes on Municipal road allowances shall be located and erected in accordance with Sections 83 and 96 of the Canada Post Guide- lines entitled 'Rural Delivery of Mail ' , and; 3• Mailbox replacement or repair shall be under- taken by the Town of Newcastle only if the damage is proven to have been directly caused by Town equipment, and providing that the mailbox and post were installed in accord- ance with Section 83 of the ' Rural Delivery of Mail ' manual , and; I 4. Subject to the aforementioned conditions, the Town of Newcastle shall repair, if feasible, or replace the mailbox and/or post, when weather conditions permit and, further, j it shall be the responsibility of the home- owner to make temporary arrangements for mail delivery until the Town completes the perm- anent repairs. BACKGROUND & REPORT: Resolution # W-28-81 (Public Works Committee, January 20, 1981 ) directed that a Policy be formulated in respect of the Town 's liability and responsibility for damages to mailboxes and posts incurred during maintenance operations on Municipal road allowances. /�} i WD--2-82 _ 2 - V r 6(b) Although all operators of Municipal equipment are instructed to pay due care and attention to private property, it is sometimes unavoidable that damages are incurred; this applies particularly during winter maintenance (snow ploughing) operations, when the 'wing' of a plowing vehicles comes into contact with installations such as mail boxes. Each year the Public Works Department receives a small number of complaints that mailboxes and/or posts have been damaged and it is felt that a formalized Policy in this respect would be of assistance; with this in mind, the Region of Durham and the City of Oshawa forwarded copies of their policies, and each is based, primarily, on the conditions set out in the guidelines of Canada Post which govern the location of mailboxes. The sections of the Guidelines to which reference is made are as follows: Section 83: Rural Mail Delivery Manual . "A rural mailbox shall be: a) Located along the right-hand side of the road, according to the courier' s line of travel , in a position where the courier can reach and service it from his vehicle, without being an impediment to pedestrian or vehicular traffic. b) Erected so that: i) the box is securely attached to a fixed post or cantilever arm, and; ii ) the bottom of the box is 1 .1 m (3'61 above the roadway, and; iii) identified by having the name of each box- holder printed in indelible lettering not less than 25 mm (1 ") high on the side of the box, visible to the courier as he approaches on his line of travel . Normally this would be the right side of the box when facing the mail door of the box. iv) In addition, mail boxes shall be erected such that the mail door of the mail box, when turned towards the travelled roadway, shall be no closer than the ditch edge of the shoulder, or at least 0.3 m. ( lft. ) away from the nearest edge of the travelled roadway where there is no shoulder, or at least 0.3 m. (lft. ) away from the face of the nearest curb. WD-2-82 _ 3 7, V �b� Section 96 (Part III) : "All mailbox holders shall : a) Keep approaches to box level clear of snow and other obstructions at all times to enable the courier to cover his route without unnecessary delay or inconvenience. This duty is the responsibility of the box holder". It is suggested that the Town of Newcastle repair or replace rural mailboxes, posts or supporting structures on a complaint basis only, and upon the provision of adequate evidence to indicate that the box and/or support was damaged directly by a Town snow plow blade. Respectfully submitted, David T. Gray, C.E.T. , Deputy Director of Public Works, i i t F3 f :vh