HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-9-81 (q) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of January 20, 1981. ITEM: WD-9-81. DATE: January 9, 1981. SUBJECT: Pedestrian Underpass - Regional Road 57 (Martin Road) . BACKGROUND: On December 15, 1980, Council adopted Resolution # F-277-80 of the Finance & Administration Committee, as follows: " THAT the matte& o4 the pubtem o4 the Matr ti.n Road Tunnet be fLe4nAed to the Pub.e i,c Wo)tU Committee and that eo piez o4 the eotvza pondenee be sent to the Regiona.e Pot ice ce Depatr.tment". On October 6, 1980, Council adopted Resolution # W-236-80 of the Public Works Committee, as follows: " THAT the tcecommendati.on in Repotzt WD-116-80 be endowed and no 4ufrthetc action be taken neeati,ve to the pede- ztAi.an undmpasz, Regionat Road 57, Bowmanv,i Zee Heights". REPORT: As stated in Report No. WD-;116-80 (attached, together with all background data) this matter has been of ongoing concern for several years. With regard to item (b) of the Petition to Council improved light fixtures were installed in the tunnel in late 1977; it has been our experience, however, that any installations in, or attempts to improve the conditions of, the tunnel have not helped curb the vandalism to which the facility is subjected. RECOMMENDATION: THAT the request for a crossing guard for the pedestrian under- pass, Martin Road (Regional Road 57) be referred to the Town Clerk for a report and recommendation to the Finance & Admin- istration Committee and, further, that previous action taken by the Public Works Committee and adopted by Council be upheld. � t CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK i;s{t 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623.3379 BOWMAN ILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 December 18, 1980 Jon Jenkins, Esq. , Chief of Police, Regional Municipality of Durham ; 77 Centre St. North Oshawa, Ontario UC 3B7 Dear Sir:- At the meeting held on December 15, 1980, Council adopted the following resolution of the Finance and Administration Committee: "THAT the matter of the problem of the Martin Road Tunnel be referred to the Public Works Committee and copies of the correspondence be sent to the Regional Police Force". A copy of the petition is attached hereto. Your very truly, ertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary 99 attach. c.c. Mrs. Claudia Lattanzio, 7 Rhonda Boulevard, Bowmanville, Ontario Tyr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. I i I 3 - Co muni.cations D - 8 Direction 4ECEIV T THE ELECTED OFFICIALS OF THE TOWN (IF NEWCASTLE: OCT 3010 We the undersigned, being residents of the Waverley Community >> and being mindful of the safety of the children in this area, are concerned about the present conditions existing with the tunnel under Martin Road connecting Rosalynne Crescent with Alonna Street. There have been numerous reports of harassment of children in and near the tunnel, causing them to cross Martin Road itself on their way to and from school. We fear that unless this situation is corrected soon, some serious incident may occur there. i We therefore recommend that: a) a crossing guard be hired to police the tunnel during the hours when the school children would be using it, and b) adequate lighting be installed to protect those using the tunnel after dark. (249 signatures) i I i •... NEWCASTLE- OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK Plt. e > 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623.3379 BOWMAN ILLE, ONTARIO LIC 3A6 fir' r. r11 :al October 7, 1980 Mr. James R. Simser Principal Waverley Public School 168 Waverley Road Bowmanville, Ontario UC 3Y8 Dear Sir:- Rea Pedestrian Underpass Regional Road 57 Further to Mr. Dunham's letter of September 16, 1980 the matter was considered at the Public Works Meeting on September 30th and the following recommendation in Report WD-116-80 was adopted by Council on October 6: "THAT no further action be taken relative to the pedestrian underpass, Regional Road 57, 8owmanville Heights". A copy of Report WD-116-80 is attached for your information. Yours very truly, Gertrude R. Gray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary attach.. / c.c. Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. LI i i I TOWN Or NE MSTL.E PUBLIC WORKS DE,PARDE.NT. Director's Report to Public Works Committee of September 30, 1980, ITEK: WD-116-80. DAB: September 22, 1930. SUBJECT: Pedestrizm Uil�lerp_�ss, Regional Road 57. Bowmanville Heights. BACKGROUND: Attached is correspondence received from the Principal of Waverley Public School referring to the ;pedestrian underpass under Regional Road 57, which provides an east-west thoroughfare for pedestrian traffic. In 1977, over and above the Terms of the D;velo carried out additional works to the underpass ands, subsequently, the latter was assumed by the Nfunicipality in December of the sa year'. me REPORT: During the past years, lighting the underpass has been a constant problem as, no matter what type of installation is used, lights are destroyed by vandalism. At one time, spotlights were considered but, due to their i.nhorent nature, it was felt that such intense lighting would cause a visibility hazard to motorists, iuzd would be an annoyance to illy adjacent property owners. ° The concerns expressed are well appreciated but past e has shown that little or nothing p protect a lenc, system from vandalism in this underpass, and no atifactory �d economical solution is available to alleviate this ongoing problem. CONCLUSION: As d result of the detrimental financial impact, due to vandalism, caused to various lighting it is recoa�nded that n further,action be taker. underpass, " I 2 4W CORPORATION OF THE TOWN S OF IJEVO/C,q.,TLE PUBLIC wo&'tP s®QPARTP ENT HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB iJO J.W,Dunham,bireclot TEL.(416)263.2231 Mr. James R. Simser, Principal, Waverley public School, 168 Waverley Road, AOWMANVXLLE. L1C .?Y8, September 16, 1980. , o Dear Mr. Simser: Re: Pedestrian Under ass, Aowmanville tte.ight.>. Thank you for your letter of September. .l D, .1 980 condition of, and concerns relative to ' regarding the Martin Road, , the underpass under The Town is very aware of the problems Pass and, in the past associated iated with the undo , various solutionassociated ve r regards to adequate ,lighting, been attempted in use of the h haave b b attempts to maintain it in a reasonable and safeymanner, but manner, been unsuccessful due to consiste,�t vandalism. haves 117 1977 the matter of spotlights was discussed with the Public Utilitries Commission; the outccme was that the p,UtCen Melt that spotlights would cause more problems than they resolved, in that nearby property owners would disat,Prove of same and, when in use at night, they would present a visibilit motorists. y hazard to passing 1'» view of all the Past Problems,lights which would ot suffer fromavandal�.ism, 't expense ha satisfactory long-.term solutiora c,rn be found, andlthat no lca tion should be taken in this matter. l will bo pleased t no brine your concerns to the attention cf however, to at the next meeting of September 30 t11c Public Works comnittec.� matter be reviewed, 1980, and suggest that the I trust the P'oregoinq is s"t.isfactory ;,nd will contact You �„ due c®arse, y lain in Yours truly, •Y. .d7�.tOdJc sue. � Dl a'octoe. THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE WAVER LEY NO HOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC SCHOOL 6,(q) L.)A1MAl:-) RAY SIMSER, 11,A.. M.U-(I.. pjjlj(7lp;jj I/Y A llio t�.. N1, M"iMONI�A k41 d 'vii., 11,111111"ll 168 wavellf-V fill .Bowmanvilij?,0111.L 1 3Y8 416623, eo ca Resolution // W-18-78 REPORT // 115 To: Chairman & Members of the Public Works Committee, From: John Ferguson, C.E.T. , Engineering Department-. Subject:: Pedestrian Underpass, BOWMANVILLE. Date: December 16, 1977, On May 15, 1977, the maintenance period for the Pedestrian Underpass expired. The Developer then became aware' of the problems which the Town had been experiencing with the underpass, and proceeded to have remedial work done to rectify same. The work has now been completed and it is my understanding that the improvements have helped the functioning of the underpass to some extent, and the situation has become better since these were done. In view of the foregoing, I would recommend that the Pedestrian Underpass be assumed by the Tocon, and any sec- urities held by the Municipality for the Underpass be withdrawn. I would be pleased to discuss any aspect of this report with the Committee, if this is considered to be necessary, i f Y J. WATW4 ,�t..NAAER OFFICE PUBLIC UTILITIES BUILDING / 10 KING ST, W. PHONE 416.323-4451 ooMMlssloNEas: G.RICKARD-MAYOR OPERATING j WM'MORRI30N.CHAIRMAN HYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEMS W.D.HIAGON-VICE-CHAIRMAN I.M.HOBBS•MEMBER BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO October 26, 1977, Pte' E..IVLED OCT 31 of i �W.WN OF NEWCASTLE Corporation of the Tcwn of Newcastle, ! Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1J0. Attentions Mr, John Ferguson, C.E.T. , Engineering Department. Res Pedestrian Underpays goulmanville Heights. Doer .lohns rly apologies if I confused you with m with she tunnel lights on martin Road in thec Bowmanville l Heights Development, fights Firstly, to clarify matters during earlier comments and subsequent correspondence, we endeavoured to offer solution to th© problem by installing vandal pendeci light bulb replacing the fixturesfwhich a over target for vandalism. After installing one on a trial basis, we discovered that someone had been dealing directly with you and had made other recommendations. It was at this point in time that we felt we should not get involved and gracefully dropped out of the p=,cture. As for maintaining the so called vandal proof fe that i1 maintenance program would be a hopeless taskubecauseethelt lights within the tunnel itself would be a constant source oftrouble Secondly, we did not have the lamp. Proper key with which to change the Now, for the safety factor � had been tampered with no art as ® left in that condition we would have ! P respondent should an accident occur resulting from electric®1 shock, This has now been rectified and the three tunne light fixtures removed and the wiring replaced in electrical con 1 duct securely fastened to cult/ert top, Therefore nation has been elimi the c at this , the dangerous sit- point in time. coot J 'MANAGER WATSON MANAGER OFFICE PUBLIC UTILITIES BUILDING 10 KING ST. W. PHONE 410.08 .4801 i 11e � far ie.5 ��xat tr COMMISSIONERS! O..RICKARDICKARD-MAYOR OPERATING WM.MORRISON.CHAIRMAN HYDRO-ELECTRIC SYSTEMS W.D.HIGGON D VICE-CHAIRMAN BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO I.M.HOBBS.MEMBER (2) Although I do not agree with your method of lighting, we will endeavour to service some and all costs incurred will be billed to the Street Lighting maintenance charge within the Town. I trust this will clarify matters. Yours very truly, D M. J. Watson, . Manager, Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission. MiW/Jp i i I I Corporation of lubg 9'rown of J. DUNHAM, ®hector Hampton,Ontarl lio Bowmanvil::e Public Utilities Commission, 416;0263 2231 19 Icing S-reef West, BOt•IMANV I I,'.,E. Ontario. " Attention: Mr. Morley Watson, Manager. October 2 �:k • ,,:��,,`; '., �',•,, 5, 1977. •:�Re. Pedestrian Underpass, Bowmanville. Further to Your letter of October 17, 1977 in regards to ;•,•.the 'lighting of the Pedestrian Underpass under Regional Road.j 57. I would appreciate your clarifying letter that the Public Utilities *ill unos longer nservice at 'these -lights, ' :c,; ; •°�!'• ' '� '�z' would also appreciate more explicit comments on the `: safety of the electrical supply. ,i�•��, If You have any comments please do not hesitate to call me. ;a Yours truly, ' "John Ferguson � E•1'. Ergineering Department. i ,ALEV J. WAISON MANAGER OFFICZ PUBLIC UTILITIES BUILDING 10 KING ST, W. PHOVC 410.4234401 COMMISSION @RS' o RICUARO.MAYOR OPERATING (HYDRO•[LECTRI SYSTEMS At wm.MORRISON•CHAIRMAN / W.D.HIGGON_VICE-CHAIRMAN BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO I.M.HOBBS•MEMBER October 17, 1977.-. .._ RECEIVED OCT 1,q 1907 TOWN OF NEWC-ASTLE Corporation of the Town of Newcnstle, Hampton, Ontario. LOS 1JO. Attentions mr, J. Ferguson, C.E.T. , Engineering Department. Re: Undespess Li hg ting - Regianol Rood 1 57. Doer Sir: Over the past few weeks, we have had numerous calls relating to the tunnel lights in the above area and as we no longer service these lights have directed inquiries to you. Meanwhile, in reviewing the safety aspect relating to the elect- rical supply, we wish to go on record as not having any responsibility whatsoever should an accident occur resulting .From vandalism. Yours very truly, Mo J. Watson, Manager, Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission. I mJW/jp •