HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-211-79 No. '211 TOWN OF NEWCASTLI: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director' s Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Resolution # W-190-79 Date: October 23, 1979. Subject: Highway 401 - Signing for Mosport Park. Background: Correspondence was received from Mr. J.J. Bourke, General Manager of the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, requesting that signs be erected on Highway 401. indicating Liberty Street as a second and alternate route to Mosport Park. At present, and Following previous requests to the Ministry of Transportation & Communications, Mosport Park is signed, on Highway 401, by the use of a folding-type sign with the message "Mosport Auto Raceway - Exit at Waverley Road"; these signs are opened and in use prior to, and during, major events at Mosport. Resolution # W-190-79 stated: "THAT, in reply to the letter from Mr. James J. Bourke, General Manager of the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, dated July 24, 1979, relative to Mosport Signs on Highway 401, he be advised that the Town is requesting the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to sign Highway 401 as "Mosport Raceway - Next Two Exits". Report: In correspondence dated October 10, 1979 (attached) the Ministry of Transport- ation & Communications acknowledges Resolution # W-190-79; however the terms of the resolution, and the request contained therein, are in conflict with established Ministry policy and the request is denied. A full explanation of the matter is contained in the letter from the Ministry. It would appear that any additional signs for Mosport Raceway would'be con- sidered to be a form of advertising and that, in allowing such signing in No. 211 _ 2 - V response to the request from Mr. Bourke, a precedent would be set. The major concern expressed by Mr. Bourke was that, by directing traffic from Highway .401, via Waverley Road (Regional Road 57) to Mosport Park, his establishment is by-passed by the travelling public and that business potential could be affected. The Ministry points out that the existing signing for Mosport Park is already an exception to established Ministry policy as the facility is a permanent one and has been in operation for a number of years. The Ministry does advise, however, that businessmen on Liberty Street and in the Downtown area of Bowmanville itself, have the option of erecting field advertising along the Highway, or Regional Road 57, to inform motorists of their location and services. Conclusion: Clearly Resolution # W-190-79 is in direct conflict with the signing policy of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications and can not, therefore, be enacted upon. The intent of any signing is to provide clear direction and safe traffic flows for the travelling public; the present signing for Mosport from Highwa 401 appears to be meeting this criteria and has proved efficient during the y past season of events. 1 I :vh j i i 1 Y Ontario Ministry of 416- 248- 3474 Transportation and Communications Central Region Traffic , f 3501 Dufferin Street , Downsview , Ontario , 113 K 1 N6 . Mrs . t; . L- . Gray , Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary , t` Town of Newcastle , 40 Temperance Street , Dowmanville , Ontario , L 1 C 3A6 . i October 10 , 1979 , t Dear Mrs . Gray , Highway 401 - Signing through the Town of Newcastle , ______________ Signing of I�losport . ------- ----------------------- This is further to your letter of August 14 , 1979 , requesting the signing of "1-iosport Auto Raceway , Next Two Exits " , on Highway 401 to allow motorists to exit at either Wa verley Road or Liberty Street . 11-1e request was forw"irded to the 11-inist:ry 13 traffic Signing Section for presentution to the Highway Signing Committee . The Traffic Signing Section did not believe it was necessary to bring the matter j ( before the highway Signing Committee as there is an established policy on the method of signing the llosport type of establishment as a Hajor Sports Event or Ha Jor Sports Attraction. This s o e t � f YI igning permit:; :signing from the freowriy v.io only ono exit for any particular direction of traffic . i I'lul t.ip .le ex.i LS a ro signed only for mun.i cipal..i t.ios to indicate the number of interchanges serving the populated area of the municipality . Rowmanville is signed as the "Next. It"(', Exits " for Waverley Road and Liberty Street: . :1 The type of signing approved for ilosport is being used only since the lack of' direct-ion to the fac- ility coUld COMBO a (1antlerou:) ant) cr�nft_isintl Situation to the travelling pub.tic . It should be noted that the Ilosport signing is already an exception to (Ministry policy since 110sport is a permanent facility and has been estah.l ished for a number of, years . Ill te1'n;ILe -:' Mrs . G . F . gray . October 101 1919 . ---------------------------------------- i route signing would not accomplish much since in most cases a stranger would pr.obnb.ly take the first exit signed while someone familiar with the area would take his own preferred route regardless of the signing . The provision of alternate route signing would be considered a form of advertising for the raceway and would establish an undesirable pre- a cedent whereby other establishments of this type would expect similar considernL.i.on. The Ministry io not in the advertising business but attempts to sign the freeway in order that a motorist can determine his exit, in advance and then make the move with confidence . Any. moment- ary indecision by a motorist travelling at high speed would lead to a dangerous situation . For this reason as wall as nn attempt to improve the congestion experienced in Bowianville during Hos- port events the route to MOsPort was signed via Waverley Rand. As a result the Ministry will le" ve the Nosport signing as i t. now exists and not sign Liberty Street as an alternative exit . i The businessmen on Liberty Street and in the Downtown area of Howmnnvi tle have the option of erecting field advertising along Highway 401 or along Wnverley Road to .inform motorists of their location and services . ! '.i 1 trust this explains the siLunt.ion• if there are any questions , Please contact this office . Yours truly , P . J . Howes , i Area Trnffic Analyst , for : !I R. A . Shannon , jl 1 Reg ionaI ( raffie Lngineer . 1 �i COR110RATION OF IIIE TOWN 01 NEWCASTLE li 1.�r1 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK + C 40 TFMt't-RANCE STR( t:7 TELEPHONE 623.3379 BOWMANVILLE, ONIARIO )I L I C 3A6 November 6, 1979 Mr. James Bourke General Manager Flying Dutchman Motor Inn Liberty Street South Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Mr. Bourke:- . . I Re: Mosport Signing - Highway 401 The following recommendation of the Public Works Committee was adopted by Council on November 5, 1979: "THAT the letter from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications dated October 10, 1979, relative to Highway 401, Signing for Mosport through the Town of Newcastle, be received for Information and Mr. Bourke General Manager of the Flying Dutchman Motor Inn be advised that the Ministry cannot comply with his request i� regarding the signing of 401 and point out that he has the option of erecting field advertising along the Highway or Regional Road 57 to inform motorists of his location and services". A copy of the letter from the Ministry is attached hereto for your information. Yours very truly, i i Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary � V[L',' 99 I C.C. Director of Public Works NOV 19 9 Mr. P.J. Howes, M.T.C. V)QRICS IiC_ TOWN OF NEWCi,