HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-22-81 i IV TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of February 17, 1981. ITEM: WD-22-81. DATE: February 5, 1981. SUBJECT: Pedestrian Underpass. Regional Road 57 (Martin Road) Bowmanville. i BACKGROUND: At the January 20, 1981, Meeting of the Public Works Committee, Resolution # W-22-81 was passed as follows: "THAT Repmt WD-9-81 tcetati.ve to the pedmtju.an unde&pasz, Regionat Road 57 (Ma&ti.n Road) be tabled to the next meeting 4wt a 4u Ashen &epo&t, taking into considenat on a Zettetc 4&om the Dukham Region Ponce &e eative to this matte A". Attached is all supportive data presented on January 20, 1981, together with various Officer's Reports received from Regional Police Headquarters. Concerns expressed in regard to the Underpass date from 1976 and, during the interim, have covered various topics which fall into four main categories, namely, vandalism, vehicles driving through the 'tunnel' , harassment of pedestrians using the tunnel and inadequate illumination of the tunnel. The latter two complaints are somewhat connected as it has been said that improved lighting would alleviate the problems ass- ociated with harassment. In the following report, the concerns will be discussed in detail: 1. Vandalism: In 1977, supposedly "Vandal-proof" lighting fixtures were installed in the tunnel but subsequently they were destroyed, by one means or another. Constant attention to replacements did nothing to solve the matter and, ultimately, it was decided that efforts to maintain a substantial form of illumination in the tunnel were fruitless, as had been demonstrated. 1J Ito (s� IV JI- WD-22-81 (2) Report, continued. . . 1. . . . Ultimately new and improved lights were installed at each end of the tunnel which, it was hoped, would meet the requirements of pedestrian users. 2. Vehicles (illegally) using the Tunnel: Again, this has been an ongoing concern and various suggestions and actions have been undertaken to prevent vehicles from entering the tunnel. In an Officer's Report (attached) it is suggested that a barricade be installed at each end of the tunnel in order to decrease the width and thus make it inaccess- ible to any vehicle. A barricade structure could be erected, and would produce the desired effect; however, it should be noted that any such obstruction would have to be removed during the winter months to enable equipment to undertake maintenance operations in the vicinity of the tunnel. 3. Harassment of Pedestrians: The Officer's Reports do not indicate any incidents of harassment, despite checking the situation (out of sight of users of the tunnel) on several occasions. I The consensus of opinion received from the Police seems to be that complaints of harassment are either invalid, of have basis on other concerns, e.g. , fear of the darkness of the tunnel. 4. Illumination of the Pedestrian Underpass: This topic seems to be the main area of concern, and constructive comments from the Police should be taken into account. It is noted that the light at the west end of the tunnel casts a beam approximately 12.5 metres into same; the light at the east end is situated approximately 16.5metres from the tunnel, shines into the structure for a distance of some 5.0 metres and the beam is partially obstructed by a fence which was erected by the property owner of No. 15 Rosalynne Avenue in the adjoining subdivision. (s� WD-22-81 (3) 4. . . It is recommended, by the Police, that relocation of the lights presently situated at each end of the tunnel would vastly improve the situation. - An approximation of costs involved to implement the suggestion to relocate the lights would be in the area of $1,000. 00 for the two. It should be noted that, as yet, there is no such allowance for this contingency in the 1981 Budget. RECOMMENDATION: 1. THAT consideration be given to erecting a barricade at each end of the Pedestrian Underpass, Regional Road 57, from May to late-November of each year, to prevent vehicular traffic from using the tunnel, and, 2. THAT consideration, during Budget discussions, be given to relocating the lights presently situated at either end of the Pedestrian Underpass. I I JON M.JENKINS 77 CENTRE ST. NORTH CHIEF OF POLICE OSHAWA, ONTARIO •� THOMAS CHAMBERS L1G 4B7 Oshawa (416)579-1520 DEPUTY CHIEF ADMINISTRATION BRANCH Durham Regional Police f=orce Toronto (416)367-0478 J.K.YOUNG DEPUTY CHIEF OPERATIONS BRANCH 1981 01 14 Your File:- Our Flle:- Ms. Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary Corporation of the Town of Newcastle' 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Madam: Re: Tunnel under Martin Road With reference to your correspondence received on 1980 12 23 regarding a petition received by your Council, 2 en- close copies of reports as submitted by Officers of this Depart- ment who work out of 16 Division, Bowmanville. I trust they may be of some assistance to the Council of the Town of Newcastle. Please advise if we can be of any further assistance. Assuring you of our co-operation in matters of mutual concern. Yours truly, K. 0ur�g' Depu G�°iief of Police GR/cat encl. r ' ®F ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE CHIEF OF POLIC ��� Durham Regional Police Force TIME: 1.900. DATE: January 11 81 19. . . . . OFFICER'S REPORT IN THE MATTER of pedestrian Footpath and Tunnel Adjoining Alonna St. and Rosalynne Ave. Superintendent G. Robinson Sir: On Sunday, 1981 01 11 at 1820 hrs. I attended at the above tunnel, which runs east and west beneath Durham Region Rd. 57. This path is in constant use by pedestrians as it is the only reasonable route to fac- ilities such as plazas and schools for people living west of Durham Region Rd. 57. The tunnel is constructed of galvanized steel and measures 1.9m high, 3.6m wide and 19.Om long. The footpath is asphalt. There are light standards, each about 5.Om high, casting bright beams, to the east and the west ends of the tunnel. The light to the west is 21. 5m from the west end and is situated on the north side of the footpath. The beam of light cast by this sturcture extends 12. 5m into the tunnel. The light to the east is situated 16. 5m east of the tunnel, on the south side of the footpath. The beam from this light is less effective in the tunnel .than that of the light from the west. The light is not positioned so that it shines directly into the tunnel. Also, a recently erected wooden backyard fence at 15 Rosalynne Ave. substantially obstructs the limited amount of light which would other- i wise pass into the east end of the tunnel. The light which does enter the tunnel from the east, extends into the tunnel for only 5.Om2 part of which is obstructed by the previously mentioned fence. The fence at 15 Rosalynne Ave. is situated on the south side of the footpath, immediately beside the light. R.C. NO: SERGEANT" NO. 1)R11 17 Rev./80 Durham Regional Police Force TIME: . . . . . . . . . . . DATE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. . . • OFFICER'S REPORT IN THE MATTER OF If the light to the east was to be moved from the south side of the footpath to the north side,, both problems could be minimized, if not y eliminated. The light would shine directly into the east end of the tunnel and the fence at 15 Rosalynne Ave. would no longer be an obstruction. The only other way of improving the positions of the present lights would be to lower them by no more than 1.0m. This would increase the amount of light entering from both ends, while F,till keeping the lights from within the reach of vandals. Obviously, the be-t lighting would be that mounted inside the tunnel. Previous experience, however, has proven that vandals will stop at nothing to destroy any lighting within the tunnel. The total lack of occurrences, relating to threats to per -onal safety, connected with this tunnel after dark would indicate that only the above improvements are justified at this time. The expense and aggravation of trying to maintain a constantly liihted interior could not be expl"lined by producing evidence of threats or violence. I live in the area and use the tunnel very often. I have heard concern expressed by neighbours, none of which has been based on anything other than fear of darkness. Re.;pectfully ,�uhtnitted, I P.c L. E. Wood rv0: 250 J. Bird 512 SERGEANT NO. DRP 17 Rev./80 Durham Regional Police Force TIME: A Onr s DATE: January 11 19 $1 0 OFFICER'S REPORT IN THE MATTER OF Tunnel under Regional Rd. # 57 , Bowmanville. Chief of Police: Att; Supt. G. Robinson: Sir: At 1330 hrs, Sunday, January 11 1$1 the writer went to the tunnel under Regional Rd. # 57 between Roser and Rosselynn Blvd. , Bowmantille. There are two lights, one on each side of the tunnel and about 40 feet back from the tunnel. These are the street light type light on a pole. If the light on the north side: of the tunnel was moved to the west side of the path then a spotlight could be mounted on each of the poles to shine down towards the tunnel. The foot path which is about 10 feet wide should have a vehicle barricade erected on each side to stop any attempt by driver of small vehicles attempting to drive through the tunnel. I For your information, Respectfully, John Bird Sgt 512 16 Division. P.0 NO: SERGEANT NO DRP 17 Rev./80 Durham Regional Police Force •� TIME: . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE. U ..1Y tl .1. 19. 1 OFFICER'S REPORT IN THE MATTER of Tunnel under Regional Rd # 57 between Roser and Rosselyn Blvd Bowmanville. Chief of Police: Attu Supt. Gerald Robinson: Sir: Attached are officers reports from Det. R. Parker # 513 and P.C. Larry Wood # 250 with regards to the "Tunnel'? under Regional Rd. No 57 between Roser and Rosselynn Blvd. P G. J Bell # 329 is the only officer I have talked to who has had a complaint regarding the 11 Tunnel ". P.C. Bell had a call to the tunnel about two years ago regarding the lights being damaged by a vehicle attempting to drive through the tunnel. P.C. D. Anderson, Community Services, has not had a complaint directed to him but has heard talk from some citizens that something is liable to happed. The writer does not recall a complaint regarding the tunnel. Respectfully submitted, L2� ��LL-4' J hn Bird Sgt. 512 16 Division P.0 0: SERGEANT NO. DRP 17 Rev./80 Durham Regional Police Force m •� TIME: Jan. 10/81 DATE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IY. . . . p L� OFFICER'S REPORT IN THE MATTER OF Request from Sgt. J. Bird-re: info on Tunnel Under Durham Rd. 57 between Roser Cres. & Rosselynn Blvd. Bowipanville The Youth Bureau has received one complaint during 10$0 regarding this tunnel & this was more a request for assistance from the Princ. of Waverley Rd. Public School Mr. Ray Si.mser, by word of mouth from P.C. Don Anderson]Sept. /80 S^When contacted Mr. Simser,said he had a small child report to him that she through had been bothered by older children while walking home from school XhthYi the ,,unnel,but he stated he wasn't sure the complaint was valid,but thought that if we checked the tunel':. a few nights after school it would put an end to any problem that might get started. The writer spoke to Mr. Art Bronson Princ. of St.Stephen' s R.C. School & asked that he inform his students to go right home after school and not to play around the tunnel. Mr. Bronson, said he would send out a form. letter Lo the parents to advise Lhem of this. The writer checked the tunnel for several nights after school, and didn't see any problems,& while checking was out ofsight to students walking through the tunnel. There wasn't any pushing or shoving or any other problems. Mr. Simser,has not contacted this office regarding the above since this time,nor has there been any other person complain. i At the time of the above Mrs. Barraball,of Block Parents (Co-Ordinator) was contacted by the writer & Mr. Simser, she said. she would inform the parents in the area to watch for trouble at the next Block Parnet meeting. i D.R.P ke Det. 513 SERGEANT NO. La P 17 — Ro-Q80