HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-18-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of February 17, 1981. ITEM: WD-18-81. DATE: February 6, 1981. SUBJECT: Resolutions Nos. C-123-81 & C-80-1256. i BACKGROUND: Ruotut%on # C-80-1256. Counc%t: OctobeR 6, 1980. "THAT WHEREAS the Town o4 Newcaztte, p&ioA to 1981, hays not been in a pozit%on to inctude an extensive zidewatk Aehabi (ta ion and maintenance p&ogAam in theft annual budget due to a .range backlog 04 capital projects, and, WHEREAS the sidewat s in the ham.-ets cute in need o4 immediate attention; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ditectm o4 Pubti.c Wokkz pnepoAe a Repot 4oA the 1981 Woks Committee ( on the State o4 Aepa i.A o4 sidewa kz in the hamtetz and vittaga and that he Recommend a phazed pAogrtam 4oA Sidewatk Aehabit tati.on; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the sidewatks in the Vittage o4 Tyune be consideAed in the 1981 Budget. " Rao.tution # C-123-81. Council: January 26, 1981. "THAT the Town CteAkls Aepo&t # 7, dated JanuaAy 20, 1981, be Aeeeived and Rezo.tuti.onz # C-80-1256 9 C-80-1257 be Ae4eAAed to the D.utecto t o4 Pub.ti,c Worfz.6 Ro AepoA,t to the Pubt c Wonky Committee". ( d \0 ��d .. t}oA/ d v -0 WD-18-81 (2) / REPORT: Consideration of the matter of sidewalk rehabilitation in the hamlets will, ultimately, be determined by the avail- ability of funds. Sidewalks in many areas are in a bad state of repair and the extent of any undertaking of repairs or rehabilitation will require an in-depth investigation; such an investigation can only be done during favourable weather conditions. The Committee should be cautioned that, whatever the outcome of the study is in terms of priority areas for a sidewalk program, there may well be locations where sidewalk rehab- ilitation would not be recommended until such time as it could be undertaken in conjunction with street construction; this would ensure that sidewalk elevations are adequate and compatible with the roadway. To address the latter item in Resolution # C-80-1256, it may well be that, upon completion of a study into the state of sidewalks in all the hamlets and villages within the Town, those in Tyrone may not rate the highest priority for repair or rehabilitation. This matter will, however, be the subject for Committee decision at a later date, at the time of the presentation of the study and report. It should be borne in mind that, at the present time, the costs for sidewalk rehabilitation are as follows: Removal of existing $ 4. 50 0metre Replacement $16. 500metre Total reconstruction: $21. 00 /metre There, to illustrate the probable costs to be expected, and for example, the 620 metres of sidewalks in Tyrone which would require inclusion in a future program, would be in the region of $13,125. 00 (Thirteen Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-Five Dollars). RECOMMENDATION: THAT, in accordance with Resolution C-80-1256, and upon favourable weather conditions, a study of the sidewalks in the hamlets and villages within the Town of Newcastle be undertaken, following which a report will be submitted for Committee consideration and, further, that the matter of the sidewalks in the Village of Tyrone be included and considered in conjunction with the study, following which a .. program for sidewalk replacement will be formulated. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE To: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works From: J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk Date: January 30 1981 Please find attached copy of Resolutions #C-80-1256 and #C-1257 of the former Council which were referred to the present Council . For your information, Resolution #C-123-81 reads as follows: That the Town Clerk' s report #7 dated January 20 1981 be receiv and Resolutions #C-80-1256 and #C-80-1257 be referred to the Dir ctor of Public Works to report to the Public Works Committee. I FEB I i Report #7 TOWN Or NOTA911E Mayor Richard and Members of Council: Please find attached copies of Resolutiol-s#C-80-1256, #C-80-1257, #C-80-1258 and #C-80-1259 passed by the last Council and referred to this Council. For your direction please. Joseph M. Mcllx y A.M.C.T. Town Clerk January 20 1981. I I i I I i I U " Il Cow]Cil Minutes -G- October 6 1980 Rcsolttt:i-on ##C-80-125(1 Aloved by Councillor Coy+ni;-Lii, seconded by Councillor Clarke Notice MAT WIIERP,AS the 11own of Newc astl e, prior to 198:1, ha;� not been of in a position to i.nclucle an extensive sidewalk rehabilitation Abtion and Mintenance pro I gram in their annual budget due to a large backlog Of capital pro jec i:s, alld WHEREAS the sidewa-Lks :iii th() h'untets are in need of inmediate attention; MERE' RE BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of public Works prepare a report :for the 1.981 'Yorks C'o"mittee on the state of repair of sidewa:llcs in the h unlets and villages �uzd that he recarmend a phased program for sidewalk rehabilitation; AND Ff1R'IIrM BE IT RESOLM) that 'the sidewalks in the Village of Tyrone be considered in the 1981 Works Budget, Re,-x)lution ##C-80-1257 Moved by Couuncillor IIo.1liclay, seconded by Councillor Ilobbs 111A'I' i:h(,, :foregoing re5o11lLi0n be referred to the next Council, "CAIUZIIJ),, R"'I a Lion ##C-80_1258 Ak>vecl by Ccnuicillor C'cnwi>ui, seconded by Councillor PrOUt 1X/11' 1111I?III AS in the Vi l l age of BLtrketori there is no muiti.cipally owned land or i.nti..ldi.rig for parks and recreation ptirlxOses, and 111IL1U AS the i•esiderits of 13iirlceton have asked (by prior correspondence) the Council of the Tom of Newcastle to purchase stii table lalAs for an ac:ti ve park, and IY11EI{I;AS the Rm,11 has set aside a fund to draw upon for such lnta'lx>ses provicli nt tile f "Ids can be repaid, and MM UM as a IRunlet Plan for Burketon has been fomerly adopted and two subdivisions have been granted draft plan approval the said plans indicate that there is no suitable lac ,available � i'or an active park, thereforem, those developments will be required to pay 5 1/o in lieu of parkland: 11IEIds'IURL be it resolved that the Town Ntulager be directed to- � purciuLse suitable lands in co-operation with the Burketon Coinnuiity Centre Board and the Recreation Director and report to tlic Fi.naiu'e Corrnittee and that the funding be from the Recreation Develolxnent Fund referred to above taiiporarily until the 57o in lieu z.s collected at the registration of the subdivision. Council Minutes -7-- October 6 1980 Resolution #C-80-1259 Moved by Councillor Hobbs, seconded by Councillor Holliday `IIIAT the foregoing resolution be referred to the next Council to review. Recorded Vote: Councillor Barr. . . . . . .Yea Councillor Clarice. . . . .Yea Councillor COMM. . . . .Nay Councillor Hobbs. . . . . .Yea Councillor Holliday. . .yea Councillor Prout. . . . . .yea K"Yor Rickard. . . . . . . . .Yea 'cARr3.zr�" Resolution #C-80-1260 I.1ovc,d by Councillor Prout, seconded by Councillor Hobbs aximunity 791A`1' the Chairnum's report of the Ccximunity Services Committee Services meeting held September 29 1980 be approved. Ccxmii ttee Resolution #C-80-1261. Nk)ved by Councillor Cotima11, seconded by Councillor Clarice Pl,cluiing TIAT the Chaimill 's report of the Planning .lnd Ccxmli.ttee meeting held September 29 1980 beLcapprrovedopinent Ikwej tte 'lit except for Itans 3 and 1.0. ��t.d)ilil ttec' i "CAFMIM)" Resolution #C-80--1.262 E Waved by Councillor Holliday, seconded by Councillor Coµman I�xlvley I11AT Itc7in 3 of the :foret,oin(; report he approved. '%"I d Reso1-llti-011 #C--80-1263 Moved by C,ounci Ll or I to l l i drt y, ;;ecotided by Ci)unci.l.lor I[obbs � y T IAT Item 3 be tabled for ti La f f to rijak, suitable rewarding later in this mec.�ting. Coxuici.11or IIolliclay do clam ci a l,otisible conflict of interest tetll and tlnr)k no pru•t in discussion or voting,