HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-43-81 1 1 �� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of March 17, 1981. Item: WD-43-81. Date: March 9, 1981. Subject: Entranceway Policy and By-Law 79-127. Recommendation: THAT the revised Entranceway Policy be approved and the by-law be recommended to Council for approval. Report: On April 29, 1980, Public Works Committee passed Resolution No. W-97-80, as follows: "THAT the &ecommendati.an in Repast WD-55-80 be endoAzed and the Town a4 Newcaztt e EntAanceway Pot icy be amended in the neoA 4 tutce". Attached is a proposed Policy, together with by-law to implement same. It will be seen that the revised document is in metric units, and that the costs have been adjusted to reflect the increase in prices charged to the Town. The major revision in this Policy is the requirement of a thirty dollar ($30. 00) payment for each Application for Property Access. In the case of entrances installed by an approved contractor (e.g. for Subdivision development, etc.) the $30. 00 will cover the cost of inspection of the site, before, during and after the work has been completed. For entrances installed by Town forces, the $30. 00 deposit will be applied against the cost of provision of access, the balance of which is payable prior to final approval being given and any work undertaken. Primarily the payment of $30. 00 is to defray Town costs of site inspection; in no instance is this amount refundable. CORPO /-ld-ION OF THF TOWN CAE NFWCAS TEE PUBLIC WORKS DTPARTMFN`I' POLICY FOR ENTRANCI? i i I 1 i POLICY FOR ENTRANCI? The Municipal road system provides a major network of urban and rural_ Highways. These highways are being successively upgraded on their ori_gLnat alignment to accommodate Kcreasing traffic volumes at higher levels of service. Access control is of principal_ importance in ensuring; LhaL the highways will continue to operate safely and eLficientl_y and have the required traffic movement capability in future years. The primary purpose of this Policy is to establish the guide- lines to be used in granting access, and the design criteria to be applied to entrances providing access to a Municipal highway to ensure their safe and efficient operation. 2. DEFINITIONS : a) 'APPLICANT' means the person applying for the entrance permit. b) ' DIRECTOR' means the Director of Public Works of Lhe 'Town of Newcastle, or his designated rep- resenLative. c) ' ENTRANCE' means any private road, entranceway, gate or other structure or facility constructed as a means of access to a Municipal highway. d) 'HIGH VOLUME ENTRANCE' means an entrance providing i ;iccwsh and/or egress for: i ) an office, retail or institutional building. an apartment building containing, more than five (5) dwelling units. an employee, or other, parking lot. i 2 i 2. Dul ini1 ions rantinued . . . d) iv) nn industrial faci ( it_y, warehouse or trucking; terminal . V) n commurai_1y or rug ionaI :hopping Cull tru. vi) ra recreational_ complex or other public facility , e) LOW Vt)IJJMF: ENTRANCE' meanN an cn trance prov id Lng access and/or egress for : i) a single family residence, an apartment building containing_ not more than five (5) dwelling units . a farm consisting; of more than four (4) arable hectares or a field forming part of a farm and used exclusively for the passage, of animals and crops, f ) ' `EmPoRARY ENTRANCE' means an entrance providing, access for a maxi-mum of six (6) months. gt) ' t)'I'IlEN ENTRANCE' means an entrance providing aecoy ;s and/or egress for laird uses not covered above, and shall be subject to interpretation by the Director of Public Works as to whether 'high Volume' or ' Low Volume ' entrance shall be required. 3. STANDARDS: I Volume shal I ha I imitPd to the fell-- owing; number for each property: i) up to the first eighteen (18) metres of � i frontage, one two.tray, from eighteen ( 18) metres to thirty (30) meCres of frontage, one two-way or two one-way, I�) High Volume entrances shall generally he limited to Chu following, number for each property: i ) up to the fires 1hreu hundred and five (305) i metres of frontage -- not more than two . fi ) for each addLtional one hundred and fifty three ( 153) metres of frontage - not more than one. I 3. Standards , b) L11 ) a street intersection-type entrance may he required for a High Volume entranceway. Approval for additional entrances will he consid- ered by the Director only when sufficient evidence or necessity is provided by the Applicant. All entrances shall he constructed by the Public Works Department or a contractor approved by the Director, as per the conditions of the Entrance Permit, and located so as not to interfere with any Municipal or Utility ser vices, such as utility poles , catch basins, valves , hydrants , etc. In cases of High Volume entranceway, the owner may construct Cho entranceway but it OIL he completed to the satisfaction of the Director. The Own will not construct or install an entranceway between November 15th and May lst. , unless suitable weather conditions prevail.. d) Where a High Volume entrance will enter onto a Municipal road , the Director may require right- turn storage bays as a condition of access and/or egress for the subject property. All such structures shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director. lJhcre a High Volume entrance wi11 enter onto a Municipal road, the Director may require, as a condition of ;access , the construction of a median barrier to block left-turn access and/or egrees to and from the subject property. Where, in the opinion of the Director, a median may cause undue hardship, the construction of a median area of sufficient width and length to accommodate � a recessed left-turn bray, or other such facility deemed necessary, may he considered as a condition i of access . Entrrnaces to drive-in service developments , such as automatic car- was>hPs , hnnkn , theatres, attendant parking lots and garages, which require the driver � i 3. S Landa rd:: , continued. . . to remain in the vehicle while being servVed , must provide sufficient on-siLe storage space for waiting vehicles, thereby minimizing the probability of a line or congestion of waiting vehicles extending onto the highway. f) Where accesses are affected by the reconstruction of Municipal highways, the MunQLpality w! 11 reinstate, in kind or better, the affected entrance (s) , at the cost of the Mun.i.ci.pal.ity. The reinstating, improving, upgrading or closing of these entrances will be adjusted to conform to this Policy, g) in future, all subdivisions , where practical , Will he designed to prohibit access onto any Municipal arterial streets ; this Policy shall apply for single Enmily, semi--detached and any freehold attached dwc L1. i ngs . lt) An Entrance Permit will not he granted for access to or egress from: i) an unmaintained road . if ) an unopened or unimproved road or road allowance. I fit) a road or road allowance closed by by-law. Rn t rNnr.Os for agr icu I Lnr;i 1 purposes may he con- sidered , but ;ire suhjec:t to the approval of the Director. 4 . PROCEDURE: i t) An Application for Property Access must be completed and approval received from the Public Works Department 'I'uwn of Newcastle before work is commenced on the construction of any entrance which will provide ,recess to or egress from, or which will he within the limits of, a Municipal highway, b) rlppLi_caCion forms are ;tvaiMle from the 'Gown of Newcastle Public Works Department , Ilampton . �i Procedul (', r'()lit mutt . . . C) 1 n ('rises who re can t ran ces a re requ i red w 1 L 1 n nu Urban Plan of Subdivision, this Policy will not apply , but the 'Town of Newcastle's Dos ign Criteria land/or Standard Drawings shall be used, as required by any Subdivision Agreement within the Municipality. In cases of a R>n-::l Plan of Subdivision, this Policy will apply and the Applicant shall be responsible for meeting the minimum requirements for culverts and entranceways, as described in 5(b) . d) Applications for High Volume entrances must be accompanied by site plans of the proposed entrance- way(s) , for approval by the Director. e) ALL costs pertaining to the construction and/or removal of an entrance , including the installation of pipe, culvert or other associated works within the limits of the right-of-way of a Municipal highway, are to be borne by the Applicant: and must be paid in advance, in accordance with Schedule "n" of By-Law 1 ) prior to an entranceway he i ng changed or a 1 cared ------ Nom it 's original state or use (e. g. residential , to commercial , widening, etc . ) a hermit must be acquired and the installation shall comply with the specifications as detailed in this Policy. I ;) The Applicrint is responsible for staking the location of the proposed entrance. Those stakes shall not he removed until the entrance is constructed . h) Upon receipt of an Application for entrance, in- spection of the proposed site will he carried out by the 't'own's Public Works Department . i) 'The property owner must apply for, and he issued with, i a Permit before paving or asphalting the entranceway Wed within the right-of- way I imits of the Municipal hi};hway. The. work mist he carried out by the owner, i or his contractor, and Go contractor and the work � must: he approved by the Hunicipal.ity. I 6 e(I uro>, runt Inue(l . . j) A property owner must apply for, and he issued With , a Permit before tiling or covering a boul- Pvrard within the limits of a Municipal road, for the purpose of improving the property. Any work required to be clone on the Munfuipa.l highway must he carried out by the Municipality, or a contractor approved by the Municipality. k) An entrance constructed without approval, or used contrary to the conditions under which approval, was granted, will be removed by the Town of Newcastle, and the cost of removal will be assessed against the owner of the property. 1 ) Where a Permit has been issued for a temporary entrance , or for the use of the right-of-way of ;a Municipal road as r_a temporary entrance, the cost or installing and removing the temporary entrance, and/or restoring the righL--of-way to it 's original, cond i t ion , will he assessed in advance against the person to whom the Permit was issued. na) Drive-over curb, providing access to property shall, he considered entrances and shall be constructed and charged for in accordance with the pr-ovi.sions of this Policy . u) surface drrainrYP (ram an entrance would flow onto the highwav, the property owner is responsible for the entire cost- of constructing drai-nage fncLl.- itiPs as may he deemed necessary in the opinion of the Director. o) i-fhere culvert lengths are excessive, i.e. greater than twelve (12) metros , the Applicant may be required to have a catch hnsin installed , at his own expense, for cleaH--out purposes. i �. SP-ECT ICATItINY a) Basic. Entranceway Dimensions : li;aNW OWN, curb spacing, rnd.il and angles for entrances for various land uses in urban and rural areas are given in 'fable 1 . Methuds of mcasurument are footnoted below Table l and are illustrated in Figure 1. For the purpose of Table I, ' Urban' refers to a curbed cross-section and 'Rural ' refers to open ditch construction. The design values given may be adjusted by the Director, as required, to handle expected traffic conditions. b) l`Hnimum reduirements for culverts and entranceways : Rural Areas :The culvert required for an entranceway will not be less than four Hundred (400) metres in diameter and seven (7) metres ,in .length . If the Applicant requests a wider entrance, each additional metre will be as per Schedule "A" of By-Law No. but in ,nhLance will the culvert be longer than fifteen ( 1.5) metres, unless as many catch basins as are required by the Director have been installed. Urban Areas : All entrances will comply with the Town of Newcastle 's Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, and/or with the provisions already allowed for in this Policy . W Sight Distance : Adequate sight distance must he provi.dod for move- ments into and out of an entranceway, with a minimum of hazard and disruption of traffic. For the purpose of this Policy, and where physical_ I conditions permit , the minimum clear sight distance, requirements, as shown in `fables II and III shall. ,.apply. The desirable clear sight distances shown are de- � signed to enable vehicles to : � i- Upon t.aarning left or right - accelerate to the operating speed of the street without 11 ll i. ;PUN f font. four, , Continued, , . C i ) causi1)g appro,.I 11 g vclIicles to redcice speed by more than Fifteen teen kilometres per hour (1 5 kin/lc) upon turning left , clear Clip nearest half of Lhe roadway without ronfl Icting with vehicles app- roaching from UP Ipf t. 'flue sight distance requirements for passenger cars are based on a I . 83 M. height of eye and a 1 .37 m. height of object. Ile values shown in Tables Il and 111 are for ' Urban ' conditions . On rural highways, distances should he increased by ten per cent (10%) to allow for slower driver reaction . d) The desirable and su};},prod maximum grade changes for �;nd Rural driveways under this Policy will be as de Ln H ed in Figures 2 , 3, and 6 of the /appendix a reached hereto. (2) HorLzontaL and Vei_tic;n l Al i6nment_: For the purpose of this Policy, and where physical cond l t i ores a l l caw, a pc rm i t will not be issued : i ) for a commercial or industrial entranceway in an area khere the speed limit is eight kilometres per hour (80 km/h) or more , - on a curve of more than Wee degrees (30) on a hi I1 where the grade Ls more than four per cent (W) . if ) for a commercial or industrial entranceway in an area where the speed limit is less than eighty ki omures per hour (80 km/h) , on a curve of more than six degrees (6 ) on a hill where the grade is more than six per cent (6%) . i f ) Concrete curbing, one hundred millimetres (1.00 mm. ) Lo one hundred and fifty millimetres (150 mm.) above the ground 111cs1 hc iir:ecl in the construcLiDn of any i 9 - 5. Specifications, continued . . . � ) • • • traffic islands and to physically control vehicle traffic from entering or leaving the Applicant 's property at other than approved entranceways . Where a highway has an open ditch line of sufficient depth to form a natural barrier, the desired control. Of vehicles entering and leaving the premises can be obtained by leaving this ditch open, thus eliminating the heed for curbing. i i i i I II' } 0 - W`|`|�:N0|X yoLiCY FOR ENTRANCE / '[A}X.k ( 8/`S |C KNTKANCB{AY DIMENSIONS Dimens ion UK8AN RU 10\ Rc[czcoce --- K ----- (Sec F|8.l) RES. C0lltM IND. kC3. Comm IND. I . NiJ|k (m,/rcs) N Minimum 3. 5 4 . 5 6.0 4 . 9 5. 5 6 .0 Maximum 7 .5 �___ 9 .0 12,0 9.0 9.0 i2 .0 ?. Right turn rxJio: K Miojm`oo (metres) 1 . 5 3. 8 4 .� 2.0 4 .5 7.5 Noximom 4'_5 16.0l6.0 7' 5 __ 24 .0 200 ]. Minimum Spacing From Property [ioc y k K K K K R From Point of Tangency(metres) C 1 . 5 3. 0 3.0 12.0 17.0 17.0 Between Dr (vexvxys � S U O _0 O _ 0 __ _ O _ � .\'xgl.e������ ��_�� ���� � ���� �� �������� 700 ���� � o _ 70"__ _70o_ __ 70»___ 70« NOTE: The minimum wiJd/ of rnmmr,ci'd and in,|o,Lriol entranceways ---- is /otcoJ,J to apply to one-way operation. | (`') (x high |`,Jrs/rixn a.' /|vicy areas such as in o.o/rx| koninosa districts or in the ,xmc block with an .nxdi/"dom, orh.wl or likr'/cy` the maximum kns1c width should be ubn, m,/r,s (9 m. ) . The xidUh is intended u` be measured Perpendicular to the coo/reline of the driveway, in most ixatun,cx` at the inuder limit of o curbed rxJinn or between the line of the radius and the orac edge of a cvckcd island aL imxt 4 . 6 m nq,urc in area. (|`)Ni /h U''` ,xu|`cimn "i' two .`nc-yoy driveways then Uny u|zd| have u minimum arp .`r'/Li^o of 7. 5 m, m,Nsm',J \`xru| \c| with, and x|"ny, the prnpecy line where Lbc Jriv,xuyx arc to he |oc/tui . ? . On the side of x Jriv,wx.v exposed to entry or exit by ciXh/-turning vehicles in hiCh |`,J,,/rim` oUivtty urcox. the radii nh"uiJ he hu| [ the voi"cs shown. ` ]. Hm''ocn.| along V the n/rh or ,JX, of pavement from Un roadway end of the ultimate or future curb roJiu, , In high pedestrian activity urrnn ` tcb minimum spacing }`,twc,n driveways nh'x/| .| be 73 m. � . Hioimxm "cute *Vg|, m.`:yn,c.| from the ,rmrc1io, K roadway and g,ucrz| |y |xa:cd .w one-way nycrxcioo . nwE SIGHT DISTANCE FOR PASSENGER CARS TABLE 11 Entrance onto a Two-lane Road OPERATING SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT SPEED DISTANCE - LEFT (a) DISTANCE RIGHT (a) 1<111/11 (111ph) me L r('!i feet feet 30 20 4-1) 150 40 130 50 30 105 350 80 260 60 140 too 530 135 440 80 50 225 740 215 700 100 60 290 950 320 1050 Munsurpd from a vehicle three metres (3 m. ) back of the pavement edge. TABLE JIT Entrance onto a Four or -Six-Lane -Road OPERATING SAFE SIGHT SAFE SIGHT SPEED DFSTANCE - LEFT (a) DISTANCE - RIGHT (b) kill/h (mph) met errs feet meters fee L 30 20 i0 130 40 130 90 30 220 79 260 60 40 11.5 380 134 440 80 50 190 620 213. 5 700 too 60 290 950 320 1050 MeNsured from N vehicle 3 meters (10 feet) back of the pavemew edge to a vehicle in the outside lane. (h) Wsured from N vehicle 3 meters ( 10 feet) back of the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median Lane. NOTE: 'fables 2 & 3 nre as per the institute of Traffic Engineers "Recommended Practice". Figura, I Drivoway Dimensions (Soo Tabla I Curb or edge of surfaced road curb C) futur© radius a"I -i- If Island, 50 al ft, or greater area Contra Hne W roadway F i g u r o Ur ban — Pro 0 Y Li ne Edge of PovemQM or Curia 2 G Tangent D C, Max G2 Max High Volume Entrance Way A Low Volume Entrance ,day + 6 % + 10% *G2 maximum applies to first twenty ( 201 ) feet back of the PrOPerty line . CondkJon) ShId. and rnd. t- G r,l d (Celt. Colld i t:j.011 Rural. : 1.5tl l x. 51, Sh I d. 1.5m 1.5m Payt.-- and Exist, entrance level nd. M Culvert : d.I 1.A 1'.� 11r!�I,OI-11 IH:� M Illli 'lUt,'; M 'Il.l„CA:I1'l-. le," I NW C c. I-o)"II I or e l he ,'I,ILst I it I, ton o drivowAy entrances upon the highways under the 11171 l in fon or rho Corpornt !"n ul this Town of" Ncucastl e, WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of parNyraph 2 and 3 of Seal i"n 453 of The Municipal Act , R. S.O. 1970, Chapter 284 as amended by S. I . 1974 , Chapter 136, By-1.:1ws may be passed by the Council OF every Muni'11''aliry for placing or pPrmittQ', .I,,y p"noel to l,l ,l—, cons;t ruct , install I , f nt ,l1 n and u,, oh,- actb III, Can, . pdwr or over sidewalk`:, hUll0vNrdA , highways, 1I) of suhscct ion I of Sack Kh 352 of The `i"M ipNI. Act , nk .unoWd , provides in pail ! hot by-1, ws may he Passed for prniiilft.ing the ohstruction of my dr.rin or watcr- ,.u. S u l) ! "r raln i I i ng t he P P I :ten , aflh I IW I he ohm! fun fun I o il i;l? itl! ! I IiJ) :A'ail IT IS liFI;PRY VAC'lED as a B -haw of of Newcastle Lhruugh its Council, lul in rho By -Law i r,;,1,1 irant- ' menns rho parson applyiHg for the i;et rNncU Perm I L. r, 1111 ' mc.ln:. Ih Nl cror or I'nhlit o: the Town ni* Net.co srk. Or hip, di,mi,, nntud teprvsPntnLlvP. 1 . Dplinit Ions. . . ' Entrance' Means ;anV privntp road , gate, c"nl rune w.'.Iv ()r of hcr st ruc t I re or foci I fi.y constructed as a means of access to ;a many f c f pr1 I road. ' BouIev;ards' moans any part of the highway where gr;arss is grown and whJch Is not intended for use of veh- icles between the acerb or outside edge of rho shoulder and the street- Tine, inclusive of the area covered by a sidewalk or footpath. ' Street Line' means the 1 i ne dividing a lnt and the road allowance. ' Itfrhw;ay' means, any public right-of..-wny which includes al Leys, avenuou, boulev;ardk, circles, courts, drive-;, highways, caves, paths, 1)1 a ces , rc+'ds , nLrenI s, rerI ncus , walks, Hnd"r the jnrfsdiction of the Town or NewcNstie. Strurlure' means anything constructed or erected, the use of which req- aired lucatfon on Be ground or nt t;ached Lo somcch i ng h,avi uf, loe;cl i,�ii .,n the };round ;end u:,ccl for Cho qVI ter or acc c,umodat ion of perr;oHs, animals or goods. I 1. Ca)MPKIANCE WITH THE BY-heel~' All l persons requiring an entrance to their property from a municipal highway are requited to obtain a permit- from t he ToWn rand no person shnI I construct , ;al ter, relocate or use any entrance as ,a means of ,access to a municipal h ighwNY except in accordnrIca with Chu c•ondI t tons of thy-! I I'ntrrance Permlt_ 1 ssued by it Director. 7. ('onlp I i rn co td I I h I Ite I"y l'aw. . . (b) ThIL , In detetmining there all rntrance purmft shall I)(' }�,rnnl ed, t he Of rect or !;IIN I I I r,n'; (der• ( hP lol at ion , width and proposed use of the "FILValw ' Lobe con;>Lruct ed or U";ed as a means of accr'ss ( o rr nurnfclpnl highway and shrill have regard to the sight_ distance along the road) the iol'nt ion of bees, public ui I l iLy services and the jeopardy of public safety ;n d in accordance with the vnt ranee pot icy of the Town, as adopted by Council. Win Limey to time. (c) An entrance permit shall he appl Jeri for for one or more of the followtng, rind prior to a building permit being Issued: 1 ) '111k, change of a Lomporary PHI ranrP to n pprm"UPHL Pat r;inc . i f ) Creation of a structure' on vacant land. Entrance to vacant land whl'rp no ,'nvranre 1v) Cli.in,',l' From an Agr(('tll I.ural 11!;, l „ ,lnv other usr', v) lar:lnw;�' from a he's fdent in I u!— ( o any other ur.;e. (d) That all costs pertaining to the PnL ranee be us,d as a to a munfuipal highway, i HMO ng the instal lat: jot) of culverts and any roquirc'd wNrchhnnins, Lhe r.uplcomenl_ of concrete curbs and gut te'rs and other nsNoc fated woe k s shall he paid h.v thu ApplicnHl . � ( t h i i; N niun IC J pa I It ightaay :;ha 1 I be � .ir ricd out b)' the owu of iJaw- ar, i le Publ lc Works bPprlrt- ;ulcll1 ;duet✓fi "stand lut; lhe' IorW; "lag, the Director may Nurhorize and approve the fabled InL ion of an enLt'ane e't✓ay by an approved contractor, Provided On in cntran<�c p('t':ll i t has been obtained f r"m I hP 'Ihwn and that a fee � in 1c.;poct of inspucLion NI)d ;i:hl)irlIstration service-s; has � 1"'cll I'ald , al'�' I:lne'r' wllh Kchpdule fief of i (:e'uli) I I;In, e l.J (( ) A sui!l of money helm', the eo:,t eel must_ruct Ing file CI.'ansl of access Within al Wool I e• 1 pall highway ;;ha I 1 he pale] by the Applicant , as prt Module 'd' of this where nu)ro I han the u",na I aunount l i I L and/or granular mat erfal(flft,,, cubic Inca res (I `im3) ) I:; I e(iO i reel the App I i cant shay I I rumi t to the Town ol- M-%'-Ir I_le an amount as dot erwinod by the Director to cover the cost of the additional material ;utc1 works involved. (t'>) That net person shall Me or mvi_'r a boulevard , ox.- cept in accordance with the conditions of an entrance pe'rmi t . (h) Thai uo person shall apply an asI)halt Or concrete nut Iace tU any portion of the entrance situate on a ;uunIcIpaI road allowalnce not i1 a pe,rnl1v has been Knuad by the Director. li ) III.II the' pre' lsionr, of thf, h - kaw shall nett apply Ho an to prohfbLt the' use of any ]triv,tle road , entrance, f I urtnre or f ale l 1 f ty Porist ruA eol prior to the of f ect ivo Ufa "I this liy-I.nw, wh irh eel' I rug• � t : ,t boulevard eva rd or I alto re�e)elrsu on a Inunfclp,il highway, the owner of the lmlrj �wn dayh of receipt ipt of' .n.( i"o In W1 it ill1' IU do ::i) Apply ti, ( he is '.:II lot- ai ; � Iriit tr halve' ;I Thal( i t the nWnrr nhjPcIS ol refuses to ec)nlply with not ice ,', Ven' pursHnnt 10 ;;ou"O l (c) herein, Cho I 101.1.11 il:aly I ('1:1 )ve t he Unt rust ion and I = all a proper cnt r, lute and :illy o::pt It:;,, l acuried by thi' Tok,'Ii so dof n" pat Id i.y ( he ow:)oI-. inpI f;I I Ic e lh the I,y I,ac•.�. . . (k I 1 TM,111 ui,ly I' Ive not to the owner el any 1•nid requiring him to cl"ne up any prfvato road , ent i Anee, structure "r Facility, ronnt runt c d or I meals OF access t o ,I h (s�,ht•rly III rant ra- vent l on of this By--Law. every notice }riven Under ;;c" 01 (k) shall be i n writing and sha 1 1 be nui ved persona l l y or by registered ma i 1 and, in the rNse c>( sury i re by rpn i st ei ed ma i 1 , the (wner shall he deemed to have rcWefVWd the notice on the fifth clay following the rna f I i ng thereni . (IIi) Th:ct , where the person to whom notice is given under Section (k) falls to comply with We notice within thirty (30) days after it ' s receipt , the XwWrfpal Counri l may, by ICVUlut icon, direct- any P" I "r, emi7IMI? or agent of the Town to enter up,,n t i, land of such pOrr,nn alld to do , or cause to What ��Vor may be Ht ( e:;s.AV y , . y to close tllr III(' I,t i� ,It r"ad , -'nt ranee, ;;t 1 uel ure or Foci I 1 t y, as raqu i red by the no( fro. 'hnt every person who falls to comply with a not ice ,' iVPH under Option (k) i , }�,ni II ,of au oI fellre and i' �n urua,lry runvirt On to I iahIe to a fine of Hoc I it;ul f en doi lar.. ( lh. 0U) and Hot more than hunched d" l I Nrq ($ 100, t10) for a f I rst of fence, cud a filte of rot Iers t I fifI y doIINrc ($So. O0) u�J !''It unlre than f iv,., hundred dollars ($500. 00) j re(.cond or ruhsequeltt of I enc e. (0) I'11.1( t11e 'foc:�n �;h;Ill m;i1111 �Iin and replace From tIM, � t " i ,Is IPqui red , all culvirt_s IIIst_a11ed pursuant ,uId/ur 1 1).1 i r of 1 he �irl , iit utl ;lie c,f !;Ital ! Ile tho r��;;pc>nsfhili.t_y of t III l and I ich the en( r:lnc•c ::,rly iruvtcl �:; ; (p) hit By Tow /9 - I hu Wn i:, heiPhy Iop dled (y) thin by-- I ;tw shall take A ipct_ P, IllP day ul final By-Law road N I it :;t time this 23rd of M"Irclt -' I98 1 By-LNw rend a socnnd t i m u t h i s _ 23rd day W March 1981 81 . BY h 1 A OHd 1 i na l L We I h is 2 A d;_i,. "f OWAh I 13V I,ri!1 ti I 30 ;;Cllt;i)Ill,l; ";A" vc!o!lly LrmI yl _rypp- I'ayr11,h' .11,� 'I'u!•�n of Nok,'c"Ist-1q "100 nmi 0 X 7 M. 1 ��n)�,I it ;�I(0), (M) (replacing I 'i" V � `;;()()/uupl rp ill eXees!; of 7 m. 7 m. I ,uy;t b $500. 00 18" X 2l11 ) t $7010 1 1'" f u eXres:; of 7 m. 3. 000 n,m 0 x, 7 ill. l pll�'t h ohn, 00 ( rcP Inc I ng 24" V P6 � ) �{ ;iiiO�Illel f�,' III eX('e2�G Of 7 III I�ntIancc - no Cu lveit $100 :Iiuinlum hased on acCunl ,. I-:uLrrnlcc - extension, (n) 000 mm 0 $66/m"l rc r $10. 00 (b) 150 mm 0 572/MeLrp 0 $10. 0O (c) 000 min 0 ,)80/met re 1 $10, 00 0) ok•e r 600 mm Ac( un I (;us t . !\CLil;ll I�,i,it . I'ntinlice t ''mpninry Actual (;,,!; t . $23, )U/i; w rp (INKS M Charge $38. 00) Curb kel,lac• Irleill- Actual (1. ntrnncc� - „ther AM mirniunnl brlrad on actual. cor,rs , .•.i r�.. l ;l.11 i:,!1lt �� .:,,1-{<': 1ti I l I,� �';; t fn:,ltl't1 by the I)Irr,•t (11- of Puld I,. 'vhtrkt; ()I his !1,11 Cd r('1,roscnl .ItAvc. Inc " im,lle,l sum muNt. he PAW to Cho Town prior Lo i lia' :I;);), ,,vn l of the Appl i cn t I{� ' � n for Cropertv Across r1u,l,/,!r Cho c ,,r:rnpncemonC of w" 11 1"p 1. ;11,1, 11r IL I o i I i.;I, l At)1'1 i: :ilIon foI i'I���;���rt �, :Ac1c: must- he 'I'-c mpanic.i by 'I pnynleur „( `,;30. 00 1 111 t Ilk , ,i:;e of ouL rancus 11111 a I I ec1 hy Cho Town , the `•30. 00 Will _l re,l te,l " n ,Ie1)o;; l l_ Illd ticclun t e,1 from the cost of c"' I e InstA I :IL ion , thp Payment- of whIc•h hAnnce i:; clue I'vior to the issuance of ;11,.....1 . of enLr, nvp(s) cons tructp,i by N con trncL"r Ni'i'-N� d by the Director of I'uhl is Wks , the $30, 00 54P—t ion Fop is non-r,fund.iblp. I C i