HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-30-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of February 17, 1981. ITEM: WD-30-81. DATE: February 12, 1981. SUBJECT: Road Needs Study - Annual Update, 1981. BACKGROUND: Attached is :information received from the Ministry of Transport- ation & Communications relative to the requirements for Annual Updates of the Road Needs Study. Only those Municipalities who have a Needs Study, updated on an annual basis, are receiving Subsidy Allocation adjustments . REPORT: As a requirement of the Ministry, a major Needs Study Update was carried out during 1979-1980, and the Study document, now metricated, is attached hereto. RECOMMENDATION: 1. THAT, conditional upon adequate staffing requirements, the 1981 Needs Study Annual Update be undertaken by the Town. 2. THAT the Needs Study Update document be received for information. j i I { Ontario Ministry of Municipal Roads Office, Transportation and 1201 Wilson Avenue, Communications 3rd Floor, West Tower, Downsview, Ontario . M3M 1J8 Telephone: 416-248-3621 Mr. J. C, Dunham, February 9, 1981 . Director of Public Works , Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Dunham: Re: Road Needs Study Annual Update - 1981 As you know, the 1981 construction and maintenance allocations for your municipality were based on your road needs information. To ensure that your 1982 allocation is correct, it is necessary to update the road and bridge needs appraisal information. The update procedures are outlined in the Methods Manual - Municipal Roads Systems - Needs Measurments - pages 32 to 40. The attached memorandum details some of the key elements of the update which should be used to complement the procedures des- cribed in the Methods Manual . It is not necessary to retain the services of a Consulting Engineer if you and/or your staff can carry out the update. For municipalities operating on an "urban" basis for road work, the cost of the work involved in updating the Road Needs Study by municipal staff will be part of the 7% administration and overhead allowance. If Consulting Engineers are retained the services will be subsidized directly as a road maintenance expenditure. Ministry staff will be available to provide assistance by answering any questions you may have and to participate actively in the update procedures as required. The deadline for completion of the 1981 update is June 1 , 1981 , however, an earlier submission will be appreciated. If you have any questions regarding any portion of the update, please do not hesitate to contact our District or Head Office staff. You very truly, J;�Mo--Ffat, — ! anager, Municipal Roads Office . Encl . i i i 1981 UPDATE PROCEDURES - LARGE LOWER TIER ; .,..,RAM INTRODUCTION An update of the needs information is required to ensure that the deficiency ratings of the roads and bridges (including Highway Connecting Links) shown on the appraisal sheets represent the condition of the road system as of January 1 , 1981 . Municipalities using their own staff to carry out the update can complete the following items prior to undertaking the spring structural adequacy review. © Appraisal sheets with carry-over costs should have the costs removed or reduced as the case may be. See Report 2 - Roads and Report 4 - Bridges in your computer output tables which list the carry-over costs in the "Now" period . ® New roads, including subdivision roads where winter maintenance has been done, require appraisal sheets. ® New Bridges require an appraisal sheet. e Where improvements were carried out on roads and bridges in 1980, the appraisal sheet should be revised to reflect the changes or a new appraisal ppraisal sheet should be prepared. 0 Any known errors and/or omissions can be corrected. General update procedures are outlined in the "Methods Manual - Municipal i Road Systems - Needs Measurement on pages 32 to 40. The following paragraphs j detail some of the key elements of the update. i 1 . Classification a Any classification changes should be identified. If the proposed change affects those roads identified as "Upper Tier" (see Item 19 - Inventory Manual ) or are proposed as "Upper Tier" roads they must be accompanied with supporting documentation for approval by the Ministry. ' 2. Additions or Deletions of Roads and Structures All new roads and structures assumed by the municipality prior to January 1 , 1981 or where winter maintenance has been carried out by the municipality must be recorded on an appraisal sheet and given a road section or structure number. The road section and structure location should be recorded on the road section or structure maps . Where new roads cross a railway track at grade, the appropriate information should be recorded on the railway level crossing appraisal sheet and the crossing location shown on the railway crossing map . 3. Carry-Over Costs For road sections and structures that were under construction in I 1979 with carry-over costs , the appraisal sheets should be revised i appropriately to remove or reduce the cost shown. Where, for some reason, the carry-over costs are not reduced , a brief explanation must be provided. Road sections or structures where construction began in 1980 should be revised to show the final design elements and , if not completed, the i outstanding amount as of January 1 , 1981 shown as "carry-over" cost. f 4. 1981 Construction Projects Where 1981 construction is scheduled , final design costs should be shown on the appraisal sheets , if they are available, and noted under remarks . 5. Traffic Update Only those road sections and structures where traffic volumes are significantly different from those on the appraisal sheet should be provided. If your municipality has carried out a traffic operation or transportation study, the traffic volumes should be checked with those on the appraisal sheets to see if they should be updated. 6. Structural Adequacy Review - Spring Break-Up 1980 It is necessary to review all roads in the 1 to 5 year period to determine if they have further deteriorated to be considered a NOW need. Other road sections in the 6 to 10 year period or non-deficient roads where it is suspected that the structural condition of the road has deteriorated sufficiently to be included in the NOW or 1 to 5 YEAR needs should also be appraised . The structural rating should also be adjusted and the type of improvement and cost recorded in the appropriate time period. i Where a single lift of hot mix resurfacing has been undertaken as a j temporary improvement to roads which were identified as structurally deficient in the NOW or 1 to 5 YEAR period, the structural rating i I i 6. Structural Ade uac Review - Spring Break-Up 1980 C d. shall be raised to a minimum of 13 and the type of improvement and cost moved back to the 6 to 10 year period or removed completely. Where the single lift of hot mix resurfacing has been undertaken on roads which were identified as structurally deficient in the 6 to 10 year period, the structural rating shall be raised to a minimum of 15 and the deficiency and cost removed from the appraisal sheet. Where single or double surface treatment has been undertaken on structurally deficient roads it will not necessarily alter the structural rating or type of improvement. Any improvement costs over and above the stablished bench mark costs should be determined at the time of the field investigation and noted on the appraisal sheets under "Remarks" All roads where the structural rating has been altered and results in an improvement cost being added or moved into a new time period MUST BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY M.T. C. DISTRICT. 7. Proposed Major Roads All proposed major roads eligible for subsidy must have a "Main Thoroughfare" designation before an appraisal sheet and estimated cost can be included in the municipality' s roads needs. Requests for "Main Thoroughfare" designation must be made through the M.T. C. District Office and, if approved , the costs may be included . in the 1 to 5 year needs . i 8. Storm Sewer Needs The 5 year storm sewer program must be updated to show completed projects , projects started with carry-over costs and the additon of new projects now included for 1986. These revisions must be approved by M. T. C. District representatives and accompanied by a copy of the Municipality' s 5 year capital works program and storm sewer improvement map. 9. Partial Improvement on Deficient Road Sections In cases where a road or group of roads shown on an appraisal sheet as deficient and have only had a portion of the road or roads improved, the following methods may be used to update the appraisal sheet : (i ) Where the improved portion of road is less than 50% of the total length then the length to be improved ( Item 67) and the improvement cost ( Items 77 & 79) should be reduced accordingly. Where the improved portion of road is more than 50% of the total length, the appraisal sheet should be revised to show i a non-deficient road and the portion of road still deficient costed as a spot improvement. Where road sections are improved to different standards , i .e . urban section from a semi-urban standard, the improved section could be added to another appraisal sheet of similar standard i in the same geographic location with the appropriate changes in mileage (reduction on one and addition on the other) or a new appraisal sheet should be prepared for the improved section . i I f 10. Partial Deterioration on a Non-Deficient Road Sea . The deterioration of a portion of road shown on an appraisal sheet as non-deficient could be treated in a similar manner as in 9 above. 11 . Improvement Costs All identified deficiencies shall have the appropriate improvement noted and the estimated improvement cost shown on the appraisal sheets . ALL COST ESTIMATES SHALL BE BASED ON THE APPROVED 1979 BENCH MARK COSTS. 12. Maps It will be necessary to provide the Ministry' s District and Head Offices with maps , showing clearly, all changes resulting from the update. (a ) Classification Map Any changes in classification from the 1980 metric update: ® Arterial Roads - with and without "Upper Tier Designation" ® Collector Roads ® Bus Routes (b) Road Section Map Any changes in road section number resulting from: I i i 1 o Additions to system o Deletion from system ® Changes in section lengths (c) Any changes in Bridge and Railway Level Crossing Map resulting from: ® New bridges or railway level crossings a Deletion of bridges or railway level crossings (d) Any changes in the traffic volumes should be shown on the Traffic Count Map. (e) Any changes to Storm Sewer Map resulting from: a New needs on non-deficient roads 0 Deletion of needs due to storm sewer improvements General Comments Any errors and/or omissions in the information collected in the original study should be corrected and forwarded to the District Office as part of the update material . It should be noted that the update procedures described in the Methods Manual and in this attachment apply in most cases. There will be instances where the criteria do not apply and in these circumstances "Engineering Judgement j i and Common Sense" should be used . i I i I Those municipalities which operate on a "Rural " basis are required to update the equipment and housing program to reflect their 5 year needs to 1986. Upon Ministry acceptance of the updated information, the data will be computerized and a revised set of "Summary Tables" will be sent to the municipalities for their information . Where the Municipality has undertaken the update, only the revised or addi- tional appraisal sheets need be forwarded to the Ministry. Where a new bridge has been constructed, 4 copies of the photography are required. The Ministry will provide copies for the municipality and the District and Bridge Office. Where consultants have been retained to carry out the update, copies of the changes are required as follows : ® Original Appraisal Sheets to Municipal Roads Office ® Copy to Ministry' s District Office ® Copy to be retained by Municipality ® Additional copy of structure appraisal sheets only to Ministry' s Bridge Office i All updated or new structure and railway-level-crossing appraisal sheets shall have original photographs attached. Xerox copies of photographs are not � acceptable. Ministry staff will check all appraisal sheets for major errors and omissions . If necessary, a meeting will be arranged to discuss any necessary changes prior to computerizing the information. I