HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-68-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of May 12, 1981. Item: WD-68-81. Date: May 4, 1981. Subject: By-Law 80-156 being a by-law to amend By-Law 79-1. (NO PARKING) Caroline Street, Village of Newcastle. Recommendation: THAT By-Law 80-156, being a by-law to amend By-Law 79-1, not be rescinded, and the parking restrictions remain on Caroline Street, both sides, from Baldwin Street to Church Street, in the Village of Newcastle. Report: In October, 1980, complaints were received from owners of property in the vicinity of Newcastle Arena that vehicle parking was damaging the boulevards on Caroline Street; in addition, the Fire Department expressed concerns that the parking, as then allowed on the south side of the street, was effectively restricting access to the Arena for emergency vehicles. On October 28, 1980, by Resolution # W-298-80, the Public Works Committee endorsed Report WD-159-80 which recommended that parking on the south side of Caroline Street be prohibited; Up to that time, By-Law 79-1 had prohibited parking on the north side of Caroline Street only. The attached correspondence, directed to Mr. Guiler from the Newcastle Arena Management Board, is requesting the lifting of parking restrictions on Caroline Street; as a result, Staff have investigated the feasibility of restoring parallel parking on the north side of the street. Allowing the nec- essary thirty (30) feet clearance to the intersection, there would be room for a maximum of ten (10) vehicles to park. It is felt, however, that any restoration of parking on either side of Caroline Street in the vicinity of the Arena would only result in a recurrence of previous problems and concerns, and that the request should be denied. 1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE To: Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works From: J. M. McIlroy, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk Date: April 23 1981 Please find attached copy of a letter dated December 28 1980 from Mr. R. Hope, Chairman of the Newcastle Arena Management Board, which Councillor Hamre would like to be discussed at the next meeting of the Public Works Committee. cc: Councillor D. Hamre i i ECEIVED APR 24 1981 TOWN OF N, . I I December 2Pth , 1980 , Mr , Albert Guiler, Town Manager, Town of Newcastle , 40 Temperance Street , Bowmanville , Ontario. Dear Mr . Guiler, The Newcastle Arena Manapemeht Board wishes to remind the Town Council of our request for additional pnrkintl facilities on the west side of the Newcastle Memorial Arerte —' We also wish to brie . to our ttentio parking on Caroline Street aa y has prohibited that reducing our paarkinp facilities , and which we were i not notified of prior to action. We would request an explanation of this action .hy the Town . _�' we ve A so received as letter from the 'Town Fire Chief, Mr. J . Hayman advising us thAt we must have NO PARKING - FIRE R�UTE sipne At the east entrance to the Arena . It would be appreciated if the Town could supply these signs at the earliest possible time . May we hear from you on these matters . (°, �, ,_��,,, Yours truly , 16'R .' Hope , Chairman, Newcastle Arena Manapernent Board . r 1 , Ju;wph M . ticIlroy , of the 'Iwvr1 of lder;c;lr, I. 1r. 7n thr" !legion of DUl-ham, �funicipal Clerk , DO IILREDY Cl:'il'1'1FY that attached hr. reto is n trtJe copy of BY-Law Number 80-156 Massed by tll(: C01111cil of the Corl)orat.ion of the Town of Newcastle at its meeting held on the ___21st day o 1' -Novul4)er 19 8() 11'I'1'NL: :� r;1� h:r_. _! a :c :r l of 'I'1 i l:vrl�c.�ra f.1c,n . ll/1'i'1;D t h i .> . '11��r.nt,y-�i�tt1 1. . . , , . . . . , . . Ncn cxr4�er A . D , Clark--- ------ -- i I i 8 1111; (C)IZJC�ZI'I IU,1' t)l' 'llll�; 'ItAN'N OF NI,IVCA,5IIJ'; lit'-IdAw }iU-!f,(; Ix inr; ;t Lu tur„_'ncl by-l;tw 79-.l , I,� inl; a lay-law M Lhc 109ulaLing or parking, s Landh4j or stopping on h i OMays LUlder the jurisdiction of '11 to C>r l y wa t.i s>n o f the Tcnvn of hlc_mcas t:l e It1il'�Z1 1S t.ho (`<rtm 1 or the Cogxm atit)n of Lhc! Town of cltr(rIN it ndvisal>le to ,M)end 1)y-law 79-1 ; IJ(�1' �I1Il tl;lllltl� LN? COLInCil of the G)r'porat:ion of Lhe Town of ,Neweast.le 1•�li1C'I5 AS I•�I,I 041';7 1 , That Schedule "A" (Parking for restrict;crl 1)eri(xis) to by-law 79-1 is hereby 'Unended by deleting the follminl, (AXI>1,IN I CMA N' I I CX�Ld1hW I I I 111 Cd 111'AY SIDE W I V I or mor Vi 11 uqu or f r\(( ,y as t le I3I'I 1YLll�1 TINES oil DAYS (�1) CarY�l inc St t•��t't �k�rth 13;t.l dwi n S L rc-x.'L to At any t hu Chuz-01 StIY,`et 1'. 11rat S� h«lul "1" (1';ukint; fur RQSLrictecl 1'c,r•.i(xis) to Hy-Law 79-1 is hereby .uuxxecl by ;ul~linr; Lhereto ruin tinder tht ct,r rr'tilx>rtclinl; cx,lt�rut thercxrf, the (X)1,lAN I COLLIN 11 C'`)I�P,N III WI��LN IV I(I('dllt•,1Y SiDI: I'ont> r Vi 1 l;tt;t' c>C ,�c'ac;t ;t.l I311,'11GMN TJ,\ S OR DAYS ( l) (';ttr,l ino tit rlvt tlt 13;�.1ctuin S L r•�x:L Lo AL any tiny-- :i, 11�,tL 'h� dtrlt' ''A'' (No Parking) Lo> 13y-I„nv •79-1 is hereby tutx.ncled by adding; the r�'tt, and urnit'i t.hc corrc:slx>nclinf tt�ltun tht'r'cc>I L1rc foll.c�vint I t)I,l MN I �X)1 d111 V' 1 1 I I I Cd IWAY CULUNIN 1 11 CX�I�11hLw I V 51DL llis Il1'L;i�' —'-_-__ TB U-S OR DAY.i ( 1 1 ) 11is��t'I l,uttr,tu; locat iotts tic:5t limit of Lhc toad At any tiny; South S�'t�i�,. 1{t>;td Both allowmee IxAween lots 2Ci and 27 former Tmn- ship of Darlington to a Ix)iilt 270M m-,pteri.y 1tiAt�11]) ,11�) I',1titi11t llti� 21,st day I Ci(ll�let 13, Hic.ka,rd / I i �t>•� ,h 11, 11c_I I rot' Clerk --- ------ ---- -- - IU4N OF NI•1,kA_S'lu,, ptilgLjC t.,r N0j)1)l't to lAiblic Works Con,LLee Of October 28, 1890. t,[D-1.59-80. October 27, 1980, SUBJECF: PARKING. By-Law 79-1 . , Caroline Amu , Village of Newcascle . RACKCI D(IN11): Concerns h;l",! been e>q)ressed parking Q-1 the south side Of Czl)-_Olil)C between Bal(Rrin and Church Streets , in the Village of It: appear, that as a result Of vehicles parking on the south side of C"rolinc Street: , cno�,ed co t1jo 1)()Ill_c east of Newcastle /arena , cL-gnage is beirig, ,va1_d.,, kv17jch ill the vicini I '/. )r(2 nj!j,_jjCa''led by PrOPerLy owners Schedule A ()C By-LoRN, 79-1 Prohibits parking on the north side of Caroline Swou, and allcA,,s parkir>; an the south side thereof. It is f" LNIC, With Parking facilities now available in the Arena parking 1()t., Lj)(,1 pt-ohibition of parking on the south sid of Caroline Street, as indicated al)ove , the Aren:j, would rot cause any,ifq)acL t:o REM, fl Nj '11tAT By-Law 79-1 be awnded and parking on the South side of Caroline beLAIeet'i BaJd%,,jjj and Qjuj.-ch St-re of Newca,q je , bQ ProhibiLed, eLs in die Village Public Works COMMULVe 9 - October 28, 1980 Rvylucion #W-298-80 By -law 79-1 Movvd by 15yor Rickard , seconded by Con, Holliday THAT the recommendation in WD- 159-80 be endorsed S . Side Caroline and By- law 79. 1 he amended and parking on the south Street Me of Caroline Street , between Baldwin and Church Village of NCWCaSLlu -urs in the " Inge of Newcastle, be prohibited.