HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-50-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of April 14, 1981. Item: WD-50-81. Date: April 1, 1981. Subject: Station Street, Village of Orono. Recommendation: THAT Resolution # W-279-79 stating: "THAT the tLeeommendati.on in RepotLt No. 231 be endorsed and Pa&t6 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 o4 Re4ertenee P-tan 10R-1042 be appnaiAed and PaAt6 6, 7 and 8 theteo4 be ctosed and conveyed to Mn. A. McLaren, in .lieu o6 PaAt,s 1 and 2 theAeo4 and, 4u&then, that the remaining tands be adveAti6 ed in accordance with the Act",* be upheld. Report: In 1979, at the passing of the above Resolution, Mr. McLaren objected, saying that he felt the Town was getting the better deal. Since that time, the matter has been the subject of con- siderable discussion at Committee and Council levels and, ult- imately, due to the differences of opinion between the Town and Mr. McLaren, it was finally decided that the only way in which to settle the matter was to obtain an Appraisal of Land Value on which future transactions would be based. In December, 1980, therefore, Resolution # W-316-80 was passed, as follows: "THAT an AppAaiz at o6 Land Vatue be obtained ketati..ve to Pates 1 to 15, inetusive, in P.tan 10R-1042 and that the eo,5t 4ok .6ame be appt i.ed to the Reis enve Fund (Sate o4 Road Attowancez) and, 4utr there, that the Di ectok o4 Pubt%e Wohk upotct back to thtis Committee when the Appka i sat ha,6 been Aeeeived" At the Public Works Committee of March 17, 1981, copies of the Appraisal were included in the Agenda, and the matter was tabled for: "further study and review and Staff make a recommendation to the next Meeting". VJ „�u f r WD-50-81 (2) \\ The appraisal document was reviewed and it was noted, on Page 8 thereof, that there were no figures available in respect of sales relative to Residential or Industrial property or lands in the Orono area and, therefore, for comparison purposes, recent sales in Bowmanville were used in estimating the values to be attributed to Plan 1OR-1042; as there is a differential between the land values of Bowmanville and Orono, a fifteen per cent (15%) reduction was determined, and used, to more accurately and fairly reflect the value of the Orono lands. It may be useful to mention here that there are various legal requirements applicable to the performance of land appraisal, among which are a .declaration, by the Appraisal Officer, that he/she has no personal interest in the relevant lands and also that the property (ies) for which a value is to be established is assessed in accordance with their: "highest and best use". The Appraisal in respect of Station Street was conducted strictly in accordance with the above and thus, in order to establish the "highest and best use" of some of the lands involved, it was noted that rezoning would be necessary to obtain optimum usage and value. On Wednesday, March 31, 1981, the entire matter of the Town's proposed transaction and land exchange was discussed with Mr. McLaren who, in the first instance, objected to the Appraisal for various reasons, one being that he felt that any values given should have been based on the premise that Parts 1 - 15 of Plan IOR-1042 are "raw lands". Mr. McLaren maintains that he had an agreement or understanding with the (former) Township of Clarke that the exchange of his lands (Parts 1 & 2) with the Town's (Parts 6, 7 and 8) could and would be accomplished with ease. His feeling is that the Town of Newcastle has some obligation or responsibility to honour the understanding made prior to 1974, of which, it would appear, no written record exists. Mr. McLaren also stated that the Town should bear the onus of resonsibility for confirming his recollections of discussions with the former Township of Clarke. It was pointed out that, when this matter was first discussed, Staff conducted a most comprehensive search in an effort to trace and produce any documentation which would uphold Mr. McLaren's claims, but no data was found. In view of the above, it is felt that the Town has no recourse at this time than to adhere to current Policy in deliberating and determining the outcome of this matter. WD-50-81 (3) J Cl\ Regardless of the considerable amount of Staff, Committee and Council time and effort spent in attempting to resolve the existing situation, the Town of Newcastle has already expended an appreciable amount of money on this matter. For example, when, originally, a survey was requested, the account for same amounted to $1,456. 25�, of which the Town paid $970. 75� and Mr. McLaren paid $485. 50t - the apportionment being calculated on the areas of lands involved in the holdings of each party. Additionally, the Appraisal recently acquired will cost the Town a further $694. 40�. To illustrate the equanimity of the transaction proposed and approved by Resolution # W-279-79, wherein the Town exchanges Parts 6, 7 and 8 in lieu of Parts 1 and 2, the following figures are applicable: i ITEM VALUE TO TOWN ITEM VALUE TO McLAREN Part 6 1,197. 00 Part 1 3,040. 00 Part 7 6,579. 30 Part 2 7,294. 00 Part 8 1,901. 83 - - 9,678. 13 LAND VALUES 10,819. 50 Survey (%) 970. 75 COSTS TO Surve y(%) 485. 50 Appraisal 694. 40 EACH PARTY - - $ 11,343. 28 OWNER INTEREST $ 10,819. 50 It is felt that, after the recent in-depth review of this matter, and in considering the simple mathematics involved, as illustrated above, the assertion that the Town is at an advantage is invalid. It is the writer's opinion that the terms of Resolution # W-279-29 were fair and equitable, with the ultimate transaction, as detailed therein, being of mutual benefit to the parties concerned. 1;2iYYtSfC1', t1ltCtttti', Ot2tT�1 `rat. TELEPHONE 983-5007 t/s*asr�, virfirreo LOB IMO January 14, 1981 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Hampton, Ontario LOB 1JO Attn: J. Dunham, Director Dear Sir: Re: Dora Mae McLaren - Road Closing & Exchange of Lands At this late point in time now after your letter of January 10th, 1980 and enclosure, I should think that a further attempt to resolve this matter might be made. The difficulty as I see it, is that Report 231 referred to in your letter which apparently was adopted by Council is not in keeping with the original plan for the closing of streets and transfer of lands as set out in the letter to me of Merrill D. Brown Ltd. , dated December 28th, 1979, a copy of which is enclosed herewith for your information and McLaren takes exception to this. It would appear firstly from the report that only parts of the streets would be closed and McLaren would only acquire parts 6, 7 and 8 in exchange for parts 1 and 2 on the plan and McLaren supposedly thereafter would have to pay an appraised price for parts 5 and 9, being parcels that McLaren has occupied for many years. R In addition if appraisals are to be made and exchange of monies are to be considered, as well as lands, then it would only seem fair and just that an appraisal of all the lands under consideration be made since it would appear that the Town. would be acquiring a considerably larger area of land than McLaren. Would it not be best that the Public Works Committee consider the matter futher and that McLaren be allowed to make some representation at any meeting that it may have? Your reply in this regard would be appreciated. R C: IV E D t Yours truly rJAN 1981 1 4 WKL/aa ay gceCt ��'� �'� WORKS DEPT. Tt? /iV ©F IVE4�JCASTL Encl. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DIPAR11MNT � Director's Report to Public Works Committee of March 17, 1981. Item: WD-47-81. Date: March 12, 1981. Subject: Parts 1 to 15, Plan 1OR-1042. Station Street, Village of Orono. Recommendation: THAT this item be tabled for further study and review and that Staff make a recommendation to the next Meeting of this Committee regarding Parts 1 to 15, Plan IOR-1042 (Station Street, Orono) . Report: On December 5, 1980, Resolution # W--316-80 was passed as follows: "THAT an appnahsat 06 land value be obta�bned ne eati.ve to Paxt�s 1 to 15, .tnetu�stive, in Pean IOR- 1042 and that he east bon same be appt i.ed to the Rese&ve Fund (Sage 06 Road Attowa2cez) and, 6mthen, that the 1Jikecton o6 Public Wo,,tU nepont back to ,this Committee when he appnahsh has been neeeived". Attached is a copy of the Appraisal of Land Value prepared by the Regional Municipality of Durham. Staff has not had the opportunity to do an in-depth review of this matter which, it is felt, is necessary due to the complexity and history of same. It is proposed that a review and report be under- taken and presented to the next Meeting of Committee. i C� APPRAISAL REPORT PART LOTS 6, 7, 8, & 9 BLOCK G PART OF VICTORIA STREET and PART OF STATION STREET and PART OF UNNAMED STREET ACCORDING TO C.G. HANNINGS PLAN and PART OF LOT 28, CONCESSION 5 VILLAGE OF ORONO TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PREPARED FOR THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PREPARED BY THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM I LAND PURCHASE DIVISION RECEIVED I FEB 25 1991 WORKS DEPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE I The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1JO Attention: Mr. Jack Dunham, Director Dear Sir: RE: Appraisal Report Parts 1 - 15, Plan IOR-1042 Part of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9, Block G Parts of Victoria Street & Station Street & Unnamed Street according to C.G. Hannings Plan & Part of Lot 28, Concession 5 Village of Orono, Town of Newcastle Further to your request of January 6, 1981, an investigation has been carried out to determine the Market Value of the herein described lands. The following report contains an analysis of this investigation and the resulting conclusions. All of the sales and the subject property were personally inspected by the appraiser. As a result of this investigation, the Market Value of the property described in this report as at January 30, 1980 is estimated to be $54,000.00. A detailed breakdown of the value of the separate parts i$ included within the report. Respectively Subm ed, s fps G. L. Post, C.R.A. Land Purchase Division RECEIN/F i�� FEB 25 19$� WORKS DEPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE C) of ECT PRO PERT ICE ,„t �.�YS� WA f A 5 s"' ;RYA 4tis: a VECl� c:? IN DUST- ;'C JAL LA/40 ,5 UC(— uP1E: ,D y ra�rior� s i Lc)c}K stir c� !��ou7 ► { SPa sz r r, J 1/ I �.c..�, �' �?CS In C— f-j T i A L... L/A c_ A T i r � .-PiQC-) PE R71 E S/��,() "ss to S VIE= i.o �' � � TU j�' S' L c_c k W Cr C A `-T M5� � u I C VJ c) 1 c L e i ac K bIQTN TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE N0. Title Page I Letter of Transmittal II Sketch of Subject Property III Photo's of Subject Properties IV & V Table of Contents 1 Summary of Salient Facts & Conclusions 2 Purpose of Appraisal 3 I I Date of Appraisal 3 Legal Description 3 Property Rights Appraised 3 Definition of Market Value 4 Limiting Conditions 4 Description of Subject Properties 5 Services & Utilities 5 Neighbourhood Data 6 Zoning 6 Highest & Best Use 6 Method of Valuation 7 Valuation 7 - 10 Certificate of Appraiser 16 ADDENDA i Comparable Sales Map i 2. SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS DATE OF `APPRAISAL: January 30, 1981 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southeast Quadrant of Village of Orono LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Parts 1 - 15, Plan IOR-1042 SIZE OF PROPERTY: 3.25 Acres ZONING: Parts 1, 4-12 Inclusive and Parts 14 & 15 - R1 Residential Parts 2, 3 & 13 - Ml Industrial HIGHEST AND BEST USE: Parts 1, 14 & 15 - Residential Development Land Parts 2,5,6 & 13 - Industrial Land Parts 3,7,8 & 9 - Used in Creation of Two Residential Building Lots Parts 4,10,11 & 12 - Contributory Value to Adjoining Lots TOTAL ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE: $54,000.00 I i i 3. PURPOSE OF APPRAISAL / When Station Street was constructed between Church Street and Hwy. No. 35 & 115, it was constructed south of the existing road allowance on privately owned lands. In order to get title to the lands that Station Street is constructed on, the Town of Newcastle is proposing to close the unnamed street between Cobledick Street and Station Street, and exchange portions thereof for the lands on which Station Street is constructed. The owner of the lands occupied by Station Street has indicated that he would agree to the land exchange provided that the Town would allow the creation of two building lots over the closed portion of the unnamed street and pay the difference in land value on this premise. Also Victoria Street between Church Street and the unnamed street is being closed and advertised for sale in accordance with the Municipal Act. The purpose of this appraisal is to establish the Market Value of the herein described lands to assist the Town of Newcastle with the above mentioned transactions. DATE OF APPRAISAL January 30, 1980 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9, Block G, part of Victoria Street, part of unnamed street and Part of Station Street, according to C.G. Hannings Plan. Part of Lot 28, Concession 5, Village of Orono, Town of Newcastle, now described as parts 1-15 inclusive, Plan 10R--1042. PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED The property rights appraised are those in fee simple interest, subject to the usual municipal and governmental regulations affecting land use in the area. I i i i i 4. � DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Market Value is defined as the amount that the property might be expected to realize if sold in the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer. LIMITING CONDITIONS AND UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS No responsibility is assumed for matters which are legal in character, nor is any opinion as to title rendered. Legal descriptions and surveys supplied by others are assumed to be correct. Information in this report supplied by others is believed to be reliable, however no responsibility is assumed for its accuracy. Parts 1, 2, 14 & 15, as shown on survey plan IOR-1042 are presently used as Station Street but for the purpose of this report they are appraised as though they were available for use in conjunction with their zoning. Parts 7, 8 & 9 are appraised under the assumption that the Town of Newcastle will permit a rezoning of part 3 to residential , for the creation of two building lots. Parts 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 & 12 are appraised as the contributory value they would add to the adjoining lots. The appraiser by reason of this report is not required to give testimony or attendance in Court, or any Governmental hearing with reference to the properties herein appraised. I i i i 5. DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES Parts 1, 2, 14 & 15, consist of a strip of land varying in width from 30' to 40' and approximately 850 feet in length, located south of the existing Station Street road allowance, between Church Street and Hwy. No. 35 & 115. The land is fairly level with an elevation slightly higher than the properties to the south. A surface treated road has been constructed over part of these lands, and they are now required for the Station Street road allowance. Parts 4, 5, 6 & 7 consist of the unopened portion of an unnamed street 40 ft. in width and extending from Station Street to Cobbledick Street located asbout 350 feet to the south. It is fairly level , the same elevation as the surrounding land. Part 4 is encumbered with a hydro pole line. Also part of the lumberyard warehouse and two 8 ' diameter storage tanks are encroaching on Part 6. There is a chain link fence constructed along the boundary between Parts 4 & 5. Parts 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 consist of the unopened portion of Victoria Street, between Church Street and the unnamed street previously described. It is 40 ft. in width by 330 ft. in length, and the topography is fairly level , about the same elevation as the surrounding lands. A row of mature evergreen trees mark the boundary between Parts 11 & 12 near the westerly limit. Parts 3 & 13 are prresently used as a lumberyard. The land is fairly level and well drained, sloping slightly downward from north to south. The property is improved with three buildings used for storing and retailing building materials. I I i SERVICES AND UTILITIES The subject properties are serviced by water, hydro and telephone. Fire protection is provided by the Village of Orono Volunteer Fire Dept. , and police protection is provided by the Region of Durham Police Dept. i i i 6. NEIGHBOURHOOD DATA The subject properties are located in the southeast quadrant of the Village of Orono, in the Town of Newcastle, between Church Street and the King' s Highway Nos. 35 & 115. The area consists mostly of single family residential homes of various sizes and styles in the 25 - 40 year age bracket, with the exception of the lumber yard located on the south side of Station Street, between the unnamed -street and Hwy. 35 & 115. Most of the everyday shopping requirements can be provided by the Village of Orono, while major shopping and employment opportunities require travelling to Bowmanville and Oshawa. ZONING Parts 1, 14 & 15 are zoned R1 residential ; parts 2, 3 & 13 are zoned M1 industrial ; and parts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 are unopened road allowances, but are zoned R1 residential according to information obtained from the Town of Newcastle Planning Dept. The minimum lot requirements for R1 zoning serviced by water only is 75 ft. frontage with an area of 7500 sq. ft. HIGHEST AND BEST USE The highest and best use of a property is that use which will produce the greatest net return to an investor over a given period of time, bearing in mind that the reference to net return is not limited to monetary advantages, but may also be in the form of amenities. The highest and best use must be legally permissible under existing zoning by-laws, and other governmental regulations. The property should be physically adaptable to such a use and the location should be in an area where there is reasonable demand for such a utilization. i 7. � 'J HIGHEST AND BEST USE - Cont' d. As stated earlier in this report, certain assumptions had to be made in order to arrive at a market value of the subject land. Although parts 1, 14 & 15 form part of the occupied portions of Station Street, for the purpose of this report the highest and best use is estimated to be residential development land. Part 2 also forms part of Station Street as occupied. The highest and best use of this part is industrial, the same as part 13, assuming that it could have been used for such a use prior to the road being constructed on it. The highest and best use of parts 3, 7, 8, & 9 is estimated to be used in creation of two residential building lots in conjunction with the adjoining lands. The highest and best use of parts 4, 10, 11 & 12 is estimated to be the value they would contribute to the adjoining lands, for residential purposes. The highest and best use of Parts 5 & 6 is to be rezoned and used for industrial purposes. i METHOD OF VALUATION The Market Value of the various types of properties was established by the Market Data Approach, and a unit rate calculated for each type. I The Market Data Approach involves the gathering of sales and listings of sales of similar properties, and making the necessary adjustments for time location, etc. to arrive at the Market Value of the subject. I In the case where the highest and best use of a property is limited to the contribution it will add to the adjoining lot, the Market Value may not be the full unit rate as established for that particular type of property. i i I I 8. METHOD OF VALUATION W Cont' d. In establishing the Market Value for the residential development lands and the industrial lands, no sales could be found in the vicinity of Orono. Therefore sales of similar properties in the Bowmanville area were used and adjusted for location. The adjustment for location was determined by comparing sales of similar properties that could be found in both areas. It was determined from this that a property would sell for about 15% less in Orono than in Bowmanville. In establishing the value of residential building lots sufficient sales were located in the Orono area. VALUATION The following is a list of four development land sales that were investigated to determine the market value of parts 1 , 14 & 15. SALE NO. 1 Inst. No. 90536 Part Lot 11, Concession 2 Town of Bowmanville 42.65 acres sold in August 1978 for $868,635.00. This was at a rate of $20,366/acre. This property is located on the west side of Liberty Street in the north end of Bowmanville. The adjusted price for this sale indicates a rate of $18,737/acre. I i it i I 9. � VALUATION - Cont'd, SALE NO. 2 Inst. No. 90534 Part Lot 12, Concession 2 Town of Bowmanville 77.16 acres sold in Auqust 1978 for $1,653,767.00 This was at a rate of $21,432/acre. This property is located on the east side of Middle Road in the north end of Bowmanville. The adjusted price for this sale indicates a rate of $19,718/acre. SALE NO. 3 Inst. No. 78919 Part Lot 9, Concession 2 Town of Bowmanville 15.61 acres sold in August 1976 for $350,000.00 This was at a rate of $22,421/acre. This- property is located on the north side of Concession Street just east of Mearns Avenue in the Town of Bowmanville. The adjusted price of this sale indicates a rate of $19,743/acre. SALE NO. 4 Inst. No. 90535 Part Lot 11, Concession 2 Town of Bowmanville 10 acres sold in August 1978 for $159,877.00 This was at a rate of $15,988/acre. This property is located on the west side of Liberty Stret in the north end of Bowmanville. The adjusted price for this sale indicates a rate of $14,708/acre. From an analysis of the above sales, it is estimated that the Market Value of development lands in Orono as at January 30, 1981 is $20,000/acre. i I I 10. VALUATION -- Cont'd. i1 The following four sales were used to estimate the Market Value of the industrial lands described in the report. SALE NO. 5 Inst. No. 74877 Part Lot 8, B.F.C. Town of Bowmanville 13.242 acres sold in October 1975 for $195,000.00 This was at a rate of $14,725/acre. This property is located on the southeast corner of Baseline Road and Mearns Avenue. The property was fully serviced at time of sale. The adjusted price for this sale reflects a value of $14,138/acre. for the subject property. SALE NO. 6 Inst. No. 77089 Part Lot 8, B.F.C. Town of Bowmanville 10.17 acres sold in March 1976 for $145,000.00 This was at a rate of $14,255/acre. This property is located at the southeast corner of Baseline Road and Caristrap Street in the Town of Bowmanville. The property was fully serviced at time of sale. The adjusted price for this sale reflects a value of $13,544/acre for the subject property. SALE NO. 7 Inst. No. 76934 Part Lot 9, B.F.C. Town of Bowmanville 5.8 acres sold in January 1976 for $90,000.00 This was at a rate of $15,424/acre. The property is located 500 ft. west of Mearns Avenue on the south side of Baseline Road. The property was fully serviced at time of sale. The adjusted price for this sale reflects a value of $13,189/acre for the subject. SALE NO. 8 Inst. No. 95121 Part Lot 10, B.F.C. Town of Bowmanville 7.2 acres sold in June 1979 for $130,000.00 This property was serviced by water only and is improved with a concrete block building 100 ft. x 40 ft. About 2 acres of the land is unuseable because of elevation. The adjusted price for this sale reflects a value of $14,134/acre for the subject. From analysing the above sales it is estimated that industrial lands serviced by water in the Village of Orono has a Market Value of $14,000/acre as at January 30, 1981. i 11. VALUATION ® Cont'd. The following is a list of four sales that were used to arrive at the Market Value of residential building lots located in the subject area. SALE NO. 9 Inst. No. 85778 Part Block 9, Hannings Plan Village of Orono A lot 60 ft. by 155 ft. (9300 sq.ft. ) sold in October 1977, for $20,500.00. This lot is located on the west side of Main Street, 112 mile south of Taunton Road and is serviced by municipal water. The sale price was adjusted upward for time for an adjusted price of $21,730.00. SALE NO. 10 Inst. No. 97028 Part Lot 30, Concession 5 Township of Clarke A lot 150 ft. x 200 ft. (30,000 sq.ft. ) sold in November 1979, for $20,300.00. This sale is located on the east side of Oschonski Road, just west of Orono, about 1,000 ft. south of Taunton Road. The lot is unserviced. The sale price was adjusted for time and servicing for an adjusted price of $23,910.00. SALE NO. 11 Inst. No. 98695 Part Lot 28, Concession 5 Village of Orono An irregular shaped lot of 7140 sq. ft. sold in April 1980, for $19,000.00. This lot is located at the east end of Churchill Avenue next to Hwy. 35 & 115. The lot is serviced by municipal water and required some filling to be built on. The sale price of this lot was adjusted for time and condition for an adjusted price of $20,140.00. SALE NO. 12 Inst. No. 86713 Lot 21, Block A, Plan 693 Village of Orono I An irregular shaped lot containing about 11 ,900 sq. ft. was sold in November 1977 for $15,000.00. This lot is encumbered by a watermain and was purchased by the i Town of Newcastle for a walkway between Mill Street and Peters Pike. The sale price was adjusted for time and condition for an adjusted price of $20,900.00. I i From analysing the above sales it is estimated that the Market Value of a residential building lot serviced by water, located in the subject area, would be $21 ,000.00 as at January 30, 1981. i 12. VALUATION - Cont'd. The Market Value of the individual parts as shown on Plan IOR-1042, as at January 30, 1981 is therefore estimated as follows: Part 1: The highest and best use of this part was assumed to be residential development land and the value is calculated as follows: 0.152 acres @ $20,000/acre = $3,040.00 Part 2: The highest and best use is estimated to be industrial land and the value is calculated as follows: 0.521 acres @ $14,000/acre = $7,294.00 Part 3: The highest and best use of this part would be to rezone to residential and used in the creation of two building lots. As the zoning by-law requires a frontage of 75 ft. and the lots would be 170 ft. deep for an area of 12,750 sq.ft. This is a rate of $1 .57/sq.ft. This would have to be depreciated 25% for time spent rezoning and getting approvals, etc. for a value of $1.18/sq. ft. 2,308 sq. ft. @ $1.18/sq. ft. _ $2,723.44 Part 4: This part is adjacent to an oversized building lot and would only have value in contribution to the lot. As the lot is oversized, it is estimated that the value would be 25% more than the standard building lot for a value of $26,250.00 or a rate of $.76/sq. ft. For value in contribution this would be depreciated by 75% for a value of $.19/sq.ft. Also this part has a hydro pole line over it for which the appraiser was informed that there would be an easement retained in favour of the P.U.C. This would additionally depreciate the property another 50% for a value of $.095/sq. ft. 2,221 sq. ft. @ $.191 sq. ft. x 50% _ $211.00 i i ' }], VALUATION - CoOt'd. Part 3: 83 there Is 0 chain link fence between Parts 4 & 5, -it is assumed that Part G will be sold t0 the owner Of Part 13 and used as industrial lands. The present zoning OD these lands are Rl and would have to he rezoned for industrial Use and would therefore be depreciated 25%. The value of the land is therefore calculated as fOl ]003/ 0.48 acres 0 $14,000/8Cre - 25 % = 3604.00 Part 6: This would he treated similar to Part 5 for d Y87U2 as follows: .114 acres 0 $14,000/aCrg - 25% = $1,197.00 * | A3 parts 5 & 6 will be used for industrial land and industrial lands are sold OD an acreage basis, the value in contribution is equal t0 the full Market Value minus depreciation for rezoning. Part 7: The highest and best use Of this part would he for use in the creation Of two building lots, the Same as Part 3 for a VDlUg as follows: 5,675 Sq. ft. @ $1.18/8q^ ft. = $6^579.30 Part 8: This is valued the sd08 as Part 7 for O value of: � 1,0I1,72 sq. ft. @ $1.18/sq. ft. = $1^901.83 / Part 9: The highest and best use Of this part would be the same as Parts 7 & 8, and if sold for this use would have J value 0f: 1,045.44 3q. ft. @ $1.I8/sq. ft. = $],2]3.62 However, OCC8rAiDg to the Municipal Act this property would have to be | offered for sale to the OwO9r3 to the south, and if used for this purpose would have a value similar t0 Part 4 as follows: 1,045.44 sq. ft. 0 $"19/3q^ ft. = $198^03 Part 10: This part is valued the 3808 as Part 4 as follows: 2,047.32 S0. ft. @ $.18/sq~ ft. = $368^51 ' }4^ ,\ VALUATION - C0Ut' d. Part ll: The highest and best use Of this part would in contribution to the property to the north with an area Of 12,378 Sq. ft. and valued at $21,000.00 or %1.70/Sq. ft~ For value in contribution, this would be depreciated by 75% equal t0 $.42/Sq. ft. 5,009 3q. ft. 0 $0^42/Sq. ft. = $2,103.95 Part 12: The highest and best use of this part is in contribution t0 the prOpertv t0 the south. This )0t has an area of 12,591.25 Sq^ ft. and d value Of- � $21,000.00 equal t0 $1^67/Sq. ft. For value in contribution this would be depreciated by 75% for a value of $.42/5q. ft. 3,484.8 Sq. ft. @ $0.42/Sq. ft. = $1^463.62 Part 13: This is industrial land at an estimated value Of $14,000/dCre equal to: 1.867 X $14,000/dCr8 = $26,138.00 *NOTE.: No attempt has been 0Od8 t0 VOlUp the buildings OO this part. Part 14: This is valued the Same as Part l for a value of $20,000/aCre equal to: .004 acres K $20,000/OCre = $80.00 / Part 15: This is valued the same as Part 1 for 8 VdlU8 of $20,000/aCr8 equal to: .010 acres X $20,000/dCr2 = $200.00 ' 15. �\ k/ VALUATION - C0Ut' d. ^ SUMMARY The total V87Ue of Parts I - 15 are as follows: Part I - $ 3040.00 Part 2 - $ 7924.00 Part J - $ 2723.44 Part 4 - $ 211.00 Part 5 - $ 504.00 Part 0 - $ 1197.00 Part 7 - $ 6579.30 Part 8 - $ 1901.83 ! Part 9 - $ 1233.62 ' Part 10 - $ 368.51 Part ll - $ 2103.96 Part 12 ~ $ 1463,62 Part 13 - $26138.00 Part 14 - $ 80.00 Part 15 - TOTAL $54003,98 Rounded t0 $54,000.00 *However if Part 9 was used in the creation of the two building lots this would contribute an additional value Of $1034.09 t0 the total value. ' lO. ,\ (!} y CERTIFICATE OF APPRAISER I hereby certify that I have personally inspected the property appraised, and that the statements contained herein are true and correct t0 the best of my -knowledge and belief. I have no personal , present or contemplated interest in the v herein appraised. G.L. Post, C.R.A. Land Purchase Division ' ! f 1 tiJ3� /� 3� t Ail// �--� .--a•c.. 7�' t:..°� `mow`- ! _`�>°` �°a.6 _, �. I '("� � ,- ." .-• l -- I� 1' j Iy rJl / t 1 t 1 la a u" n u " tll n sl nln n n I I �1 T-IT I(I u n In n rr is Jr 1 n. It - -�_ {p(\ .'/ ( t 4 1 r i I N Li I vY11 I 'I I I n �d I 1 I w•a. !fie {- I 11x �i I I I! ( I I III pit I Ir ail I �II , tl • i 1� _' It 11 q »'n J) ri /111,.171 it n I1 II Ir µ 17 II 10 1111 I IIt 1 ) t 1 ,� I I f i I It 115' n I NI I I I' nlsl n'uu k/» un 4n Jl nail In n;n'lr�un uln�l+ n utli. '1 II I1 Y—np t_•��'.. ry �' �• i I I I f 11 ,I I � I _J1 1 �r�. l�;I: j I �`' i I ( 9 �- N t•w '�i� U V 1%V � `\ L1�. 1l ', R K � � 6 i I If e 1 IV +' s7 i� I I f JI.!-: I I IS or _��-�� ; III `�► �I i I ,I , , � � �1 , � , ,� '_�.-. _;-.-��.� � - - ;� �- � � >�' I'I II k'JI :1 1' 1 '7.•1 li Jl fl�n 1111 111' 11� .1 11 It 11 'i J`±�''1 1 ; .11,7 I r II I 1 I � / I I 1 I��4 ` .,-�_-+�.t�._�_ =k�.�_��.!_, �-11-"'��pC`J!w•>' �Y,I�__ -. - _'_,1� ,=r , � � r � I ,I I I I f � I � ,""+• ,� I iI 'd� ` t� i�- II � ,�'j _..i—=.���` f-7.�� I I I I c.wMk t l �r>j ( I � ��I �-, i 1 � `—��1��.>.t:,.o..., �a �� �°i''3�+•✓� r� `Ij 'k � II ,� I ! III � '� Iltl! , ,�` ���;� -�,y�t -fir----•-:-��Yr= - 'tt — _"-'" IIL I) -L.k Y �r Y ;1 n1171.71'!t tl i.���t'�N Ir�u�ll u U IJ in��j� 1 t �r�!1 7 ,r l�t i�' I-- i �,;��"- �I��`'"w. w �erwUl �r'��I -r-----� ��_ '---�`�:,-�—� ,r�. III_. � �• >S •i�=�;;; "� `�a v; >• '��, - '-�i-';i__„�., _..�. -'�.,��'i t �,L� �;,t � � I � li .«...rio i, I�r - 4 I I ( twCA�RTI ',�.• � I � LIB �,. \ �"^-� y-f\_ '•1 it'c. �'y�-�==�:_1_11 1�.._ -•a✓/ ,t-- v, _ , I i •A iii �`�hi;11! I �TARIo �- I t- r i I I t alic Works Committee 5 - November 21, 1919 Resolution IN-279-79 Moved h)' 15yor Rickard , s cc onded by Con. Prout THAT t h e rcco mrenda tiun in rep"r t 2 3 1 he endorsed and Station Parts 5, b, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Reference Plan Street IOR-- 1042 he apprair,ed and Parts 6, i and 8 thereof be Orono closed and conveyed to Mr. A. 11cLpren in lieu of Parts 1 and 2 thereof and further that the remaining lands he advertised in accordance with the Act. "CAM ED" ,m I I I I No. 231. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director' s Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Resolution # W-71-79. Date: November 26, 1979. Subject: Station Street, Village of Orono. Background: On April 3, 1979, Mr. A. McLaren appeared before the Public Works Committee regarding the alignment of Station Street, Orono, and, as a result, Resolution # W-71-79 was passed as follows: "THAT the delegation be acknowledged and the presentation be referred to Staff and be ex- amined during road inspection and Staff init- iate acquisition of Station Street in total to a width of 50 ft. where possible". Mr. McLaren stated that the presently travelled portion of Station Street is, in fact, situated on his lands; the legal boundary of the street is somewhat to the north of the existing occupied road allowance. Report: A Reference Plan, Number IOR-1042, has been obtained and Parts I and 2 thereon depict Station Street, as mentioned above, together with the land requirements, northerly, to augment Station Street to a width of 50 (fifty) feet. Mr. McLaren proposed that, in consideration of the Town acquiring the relevant area of Station Street, the north-south street to the east of his property, and Victoria Street which is adjacent to same, should be closed and conveyed. On Plan 1OR-1042 the lands are depicted as Parts 6 & 7 (unnamed street) and Part 8 of Victoria Street, as being those abutting the McLaren property. A Reference Plan is presently being prepared to establish the right of way to the T.,7est of the area in question, and this should be avail- able in the very near future. 2 . . . X'O No. 231(2) / It is suggested that the (unnamed) road allowance, shown as Parts 5, 6 and 7, together with Victoria Street, shown as Parts 8, 9, 10, 11 and ]_2, be appraised and the value of same be established. In consideration of that portion of Station Street presently sit- uated on his lands (i. e. , Parts 1 and 2) Mr. McLaren wishes to acquire Parts 6 & 7 of the unnamed road allowance and Part 8 of Victoria Street. Recommendation: THAT Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Reference Plan IOR-1042 be Appraised and that Parts 6, 7, and 8 thereof be closed and conveyed to Mr. A. McLaren in lieu of Parts 1 and 2 thereof and, further, that the remaining lands be advertised, in accordance with The Act. . I