HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-70-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of May 12, 1981. Item: WD-70-81. Date: May 8, 1981. Subject: Hope/Clarke Boundary Road Reconstruction. Recommendation: THAT this report be received for information. Report: In 1979 the Township of Hope advised that the Boundary Road with the former Township of Clarke was in poor repair and re- quired reconstruction. As the Ministry of Transportation and Communications had decided that the road was not eligible for a Development Road Project, it was proposed that the two Municipalities would share the cost of the works, in accordance with the terms of the Boundary Agreement. In 1980 it was estimated that the cost for reconstruction would amount to some $70,000. 00 (Seventy Thousand Dollars) ; however, when tenders were received, the lowest submission was a bid of $114,895. 50 and, subsequently, it was decided that this would be rejected and the project would proceed on a day-rate basis. In the 1980 Budget, the Town of Newcastle approved a $30,000. 00 contribution towards the costs for reconstruction of a section of the subject road, on the abovementioned day-rate basis. In December we wrote to the Township of Hope requesting details of projected expenditure for 1981, in order that the appropriate allocation could be made in the Budget. On January 22, 1981, the Township of Hope advised of an intended maximum expenditure of $52,000. 00 for 1981, with the Town of Newcastle's share being 50%. On March 10, 1981, a further advice was received to the effect that prime and surface treatment was to be applied to the Boundary Road, at a cost of $20,000. 00. , making the total requested contribution from the Town of New- castle amount to $36,000. 00. As, by this time, our Budget discussions were well underway, and due to the current restraints and priorities, the Township of Hope was advised that their advice had been received after our Budget had been presented to Committee and, therefore, was not given consideration. It is ` proposed, however, that the Town review the situation with a view to entering into a cost-sharing agreement in 1982. y� p/`t CORPOf:ATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUDLIC WORK Dt".PtSR'fMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.016)2612231 Ms. Frances Aird, Clerk-Adminis crates. , Township of {lope., 72 Walton Street, PORT HOPE. Ontario. UA 3V9, May 1, 1981. t Dear Ms, Aird : Re: Reconstruction of Hope/Clarke Boundary. With reference to the above, and our recent correspondence on the matter, this fs to advise you that your letter of March 10, 1981, was received after the Public. Works Department Budget was presented Lo Cnnmrtlttee and, therefore, was not given consideration during the d iNcussi.ons. 1 would reconmvnd Lhat the Town of Newcastle contributions for the reconsLrucLion of the Boundary load be recommended as a 1982 Budget item, but regret that we are unable to be of any further ac,sist,ince during the current year. i Yours truly, J, DUNHAM, Director. I JD:vh i I Frances Aird Clerk-Administrator, � Treasurer, Tax Collector TOWNSI-41P OF HOPE 72 Walton Strew, P.O, Rox 85, Port HOPe, On(di it) L l n AVSI r 416 885 4431 .�v March 10, 1981 . Mr . Jack Dunharn, Director , Public Works Department Corporation of the Town of Newcastle , Hampton , Ontario . LOB 1JO. Dear Mr. Dunham : RE : Reconstruction of Clarke/Hope Boundary Road . The Works Superintendent for the Township of Hope has recently submitted the prime and surface treatment program for 1981 . The program includes approximately 22 miles of prime and surface treatment on the Hope/Clarke Boundary, being the portion reconstructed in 1980 . The estimated cost for the project would be $20, 000. 00 and as per the agreement the Town of Newcastle would be liable for one-half or $10, 000. 00. Your consideration in having this amount included in your 1981 budget would be appreciated . r Yours truly , �v Frances Airci , Clerk-Administrator. F A : C M FtA �®rJ� c .�. ASTLe I Frances Aird 14( Clerk-Administrator, Treasurer, Tax Collector hL TOWNSHIP OF HOPE 't " ~C{ .'•tq 72 Walton $Irnot, 11.O. nox w,, Por( lo lop honr 41(i A}3544;11 February 10, 1981 . Mr . Jack Dunham, Town of Newcastle, Works Department, HAMPTON , ontario. Dear Mr . Dunham: RE: Boundary Road Attached please find the plan and profile for the portion of the Boundary Road which is to be constructed in 1981, as prepared by Mr. E. F. Marston Engineering Limited. Yours truly, Frances Aird, Clerk-Administrator FA/me Enc. I RECEIVED II FEB 13 t96t WORKS DC-PT. 1Pr W?q OF NEWCASTLE i i I CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKB CMPAn`PI ENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 Ms. Frances Aird, Clerk-Administrator, Township of Ilope, 72 Walton Street, P.O. Box 85, PORT HOPE. Ontario. LlA 3V9. January 27, 1981. Dear Ms. Aird: Re: Reconstruction of Clarke/Hope Boundary Road. Thank you for your letter of January 22, 1981, enclosing Invoice No. 466 in the amount of $11,828, 32, being the balance due on the above project. It is noted that, upon payment of the invoice, the Town of Newcastle will have defrayed a total amount of $28,616. 06fi, n.s per our cost-sharing Agreement . As you are aware, the 1980 Budget Allowance for the project was $30,000. 00. With regard to g your request for confirmation that the Town of Newcastle will. contribute a further $26,000. 00 (Twenty-Six Thousand Dollars) during 1981 ,. I would advise you that this item will be referred to the upcoming Budget discussions for the current year. As and when any decision is reached I will notify you. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. cc: K. DeCroot, JD:vh I Frances Aird Clerk-Administrator, Treasurer, Tax Collector TOWNSI-41P OF HOPE P '+< 72 WJI10,1 5i—o 1, 1' c) liux 86, Pu,t I loi,o, t IA ;4`/'I I 111 G 883 4431 Jnnu<.try Mr. J . Dunham , Director , Public Works Department , Town of Newcastle , HAMPTON, Ontario . LOB 1JO . Dear Mr . Dunham: RE : Reconstruction of Clarke/Hope ___ Boundary. Road . Works Committee for the Township have placed the above noted project on their 1981 budget and have set the maximum expenditure at $52 , 000 . 00. The area to be .reconstructed lies south of the area reconstructed in 1980 and Committee feel that the $52 , 000. 00 is sufficient to complete the project . Confirmation that the Town of Newcastle will be contr,ibuti ig 1>?6 , 000. 00 to the project would be appreciated . Yours truly , I Frances Aird , Clerk-Administrator . FA :CM REE- »VFW') ,IAN 216 1981 TOWN Uf= NE�',C , �I 1� F7 p :. •.fir ,,,� 4.1a, ,C CORPO(ZAl-1ON OF THF TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUDLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO L0B 1 JO TEL.0 t 6)2612231 Ms, Frances Aird, Clerk-Administrator, Township of hope, P.O. Box 85, 72 Walton S t r ve t , PORT HOPE. Ontario. December 16, 1980. Dear Madam: Re: Reconstruction of Clarke/Hope Boundary Road. It would be "neatly appreciated if you would provide details of the Intended expenditure on the above project for the year 1981, together with the anticipated committment of the Town of Newcastle can our cost-sharing agreement . As we are now into the preparation of the 1981 Budget, your Prompt responso would be of considerable assistance . Thanking you for your attention to this matter. Yours truly, J, Dunham. Director. i JD:vh Woi,kr 0)ll1l)itWC lunluun, lu • nnr or woo icy w("w­; 2501, SUBJEUP: I tc7n: 112-8,0 I��crxlsLr'uc Lion of of the A ptg),,c e�d ohrjy.�s co(,(l)u(Illcnjil t tere c locmf mNot vcjo-)et_r h e 27retconst vc, tion I� elution AV-277-79 wus a.c lopt of the 11ope/Newcustle Bounclal-Y 110acl, (kaion were n-et: ill (,,;ujaj�nska C,)jj(jjtj()jjs of Llw� lli ►l�,,4iojl (,4)jj_.(!rvn0on AuLhoril,%/ C.011ri "W(I "le:11' xcx) ) t m-oll t in our' 19�10 hll(li,et $'10,00().()0 was approved being out' POrti-011 or Lh(� L al of $70,(X)0.0(), HOPO Joint, itt, a ot, I ell L jjj(j oll .]uly 0 ) Cal I co: rol� tjl(,� 1)1,oj(�C Lender in to Find fain Ow rive (5) WWI!; 1'"'Oiv(�(l that' the 1()\v Lhe ,q mnt, or l;114 ,895,50 was ill Or Llle $70,M).00 The atAnchod Col-respondence the Tom.(-;hi}l of "not, LO W(VpL any Lender, but to oll ,,, clay-laI)ow, machine rental INIsis Lo a nuuUnnun cost IU)t (jxc(m,djjMj the di.wwsinr the maLLor with Llun SAMnship of Ilope" s consul.tailt al)"ll' 'llay not it, \wmld appoal, that, the total pl-oJect, by \\,,'Y of day-labour lx acw.c.11lpli.,;lwd withill J11c, pi•evions c-"tAlliaLe. (AN lilzit With the I�otjtj(�ary Road t110 T(AVll of Newcast-10 CO"Cl-l",s , being a clay-laLin1l� jj_)jcct u)c rul-tler that all o)sts should ,lot 1.980 budget approvals. � • .mr; �;�, lrc;u;ulnr, Tex Colloclor /41 TOWNS111P OF HOPE 4�1'l `91a )I W."i .,—.•i, 1' () n�—. W'. Pn.i i,����, �.��„� i i„ .'i I.•, •,.� "I r..• It 141 lilt'. 44:41 August Ill 1 980 . Mr . J . Ounhaun , DirecL4.)r , Town of Newcastle , Public Works Department Hampton , Ontario , LOB 1JO Dear Mr . Dunham : RE : boundary Road Council for the Township of Hope received tenders on the Houndary Road which were in excess of the estimattc of $70, 000 . 00 . Mr . John Ferguson was in attendaince and has all the tender prices . At their regular Council meeting , August 5th , 1980 , Council c nnce 1 1 ed the Lender dnO to budget ren t rnl n t:; and haivt decided to pi-niv od on n day-labour hour march i ne- rentar i Bair i n tip to ai niai;: i niuni ()vc' r , l 1 cost can Lhe Houndairy Roarcl Col- 1080 vi, $70 , 00wou . This price is to incl "do all enginvuring , all legal , all administration cus i s , and a l l Pond deparrtmeriL costs . Your NPr"ement with this particular proposal would he arpl_ raclrited so Lha L Mr . MarrnlLun may proceed to 0htnin coioLus and the •joh may proceed . IV yuu hnve Nny rur•Lhcr quentionn on this proposal and wiKh to discuss it , please contact Mr . Marston at 885-.PA97 . Yours t. 1'11l y , t C1 I Fr;lncc':, A i i , Clerk-A,is-iini : t;raiLor FA/rnc' �- �V� � i AUG[TOWN 13 1980 WKS okp1 OF NEWC, STLE I t.lyu)" klrkar,l i ll11I I hl' rec'I,nutt+'ncl,r( i I n rl'i,l,I t .'!; M. T. C. Concurrence I,e n, I vcrt CI, hu QHdor'sui and Project the :r:s"HI;�Cion of Municipal I)ropvrty by the Mlnisct ry of 'I 54-75-02 Cur.tn inIC,tl I ,n r'll'�i'(+)"Cattt)n ,ant! Widening thrlt 1 rtlon ulrIthl1Yrl1�,,.1tI1,11 ,lu,l i"lr'ln ;c (,I w'Icicnln}; 75/11S ?• / 11 ., between II1ghways 401 and Itt'st) lut 11,1, `tout c! h. (:t,n. CIctrke :;t't•c,nlft'tl by c;�ll1, i'rullt Add I t t+tno I 'rHA t' 1 11.' I i't tunnt+`ntl:,I I to I n litta :i t ul,;+ I I•Il,t I 1 liy- law A- 1 be ulu tt+l+',I II, Iilr „1 I,,,I ..1t) II Ir unll(tl':c1 , ,tn�l stop ; fit ;tt l t,rti.rltc t' w i t II ( Ilt` I i t l nn•r I hllr, "CARA I Fr),, I �Ittvt'L! I,i• M.1yor R1t k;l t'ti , "ecnit+!t'+I t.Ult. Prt)lIC I't'etigllltUntl.1( f I�It I It y )iound,iry tthon r.rC ! f !c0tion of tht` t ,,ntr'itl,l,t .._ / ht: cncJut'sutl artrl tt,n }>y the Canwasko It)t Author !n C'r till,t rt' tl till` It,wlt (tl Con" 6 Itt' 1'('+'nrtc;t I u( l i Itn r,I II... t 1 t 10 "ns I de r i I"-'/nt•wcastlu L'uult+lary Concuss IOn ri I +,rnu'r '!t,w nrc l h i n I ht i 't; t) Itntl};t`t . () Of Cl :)rkc, i 1(,..1,1 "tt�n,l•1l I ••,i III t 1' , ,t I�l'I t'I t n, , I' 1 I "I I III I,I• t'nll,ll ,ttt ht• i �'e l ,In,l i .11 I,�w:lnt't` ot iO c, I. CS i l 11;,1 I I , i,` ;It c �1 i ; L',: t ••I r '1.' rl,:l+i a I I - I :; S I I I I n csstn;i rntc in ( ,t11 r l r t Ilt'1 • ( 11,11 ,I I I Itr ,,I I "I lul•I' !),I l� I l n);t+tll anl! :) 11ow:tnrC• i • ' ;'.i''�' 1 1'11" i I i •�.�'�������:�`,���h1� :� ax�y ���`��433&.4;i�` ,'y4��'�€'ci";;r. -.•�•p`� r��l� �q�r�T9C"r'.,`. "n.•"�-^t^"p't-v--y�-�:�;`.{•!.'.1r' a�"%.`��'.�'°'°-"'T`"�` ^,'y,+` 'T'° X51 •S} j Y I 1 j + Y S \ rn § 'fl 7 t'i �`. ! ) .;)), t� �• �} t(fit: y�,y y 4ti.1S \V •'.� � s Y '♦ � '?,t A. � 2� l r �< ) 1 , 1 r t. l��=t., .h. t. Y f.at r. ,. , ....!.( -t •r,.•1 L 1 I i'lv' _ ( t 1 � ) 1 � { �. TOWN ON N1'vA:AS'11J: 1111111, f C WokF"� IiI_I',\It'I roc to r s Rttport. to I'trbl I Works Ci mull itl0'.. TCtm: (a,t rt riptincl(•nri r, i , Ived from TOW n,;h11) of II„ir,•, Dalt�t Novvillhur ._12 , I `1I`a. Suh.)ect : Itr cnutit ru,•t loir r.l Slt)('{?/NEVCASTI.{? 11oundnry Itu;rd. Lot I , Conc CIS sinn ii former Clarke . Background.: Attached Is v;tt BMus data ro ,,ardIng the snh,J000 matter. 1 R��ort It' July, It?JtI, the Mintstry of TransportaLion 6 Communications advised that the subject roild is not eligible for a Development Road I'ruJet:t (;;ee atttached) , As a result (1l the above, the presvilt f)roposal is that each ?Municipal lty :;h.ire the Cn;;t of thC nuct-.s.gary reconstructiun, 1n acc:ordanc•� wlth Lhc 'lean, of Lhe 1lound;rry Ai;reumenL . In rhrir Mf nutty:, of a meat IM', held on (trtober 24 , I919 , the f',atmrrnak t Cun:;crvnt [on Authority l ud Ic,atixl thaC they will aubmlt to the f.utt Authority for rut if left ion , ;is recommendation that they Conti (hate $ 10,000. 00 "1'hnuv:n,d Oullara) towacda the coot of rr,:un.1ttruc•t ton. Recommend,(( foil : THAT, upt)at tilt. i f Scat ion of tho cant r tt,ut ton by the Canaraska Cunservatlurl \uthority, the Town of Newcastle consider it ' s shatre in (fat, I ',)2iO Budget . I I i ntt . I qq y . 1�1�t#477 ,�a'r��`'k, `�,��� (�� � .��, , .r'i r�',�d `�. �f' + ,�..` •i -r`•� � i A rt �t ` � ��) ,} �(r`�BJr'ptyt � (: � _ 4r<L (�.°r sj��., 4,.1'7)4 ,,/,•'1T c4 t'�i