HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-72-81 a TOWN OF..iNEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of May 12, 1981. Item: WD-72-81. Date: May 8, 1981. Subject: Resolution # C-571-81. Needs Study. Recommendation: THAT, upon the reappraisal of the Connecting Link in the Village of Newcastle meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Trans- portation & Communications in being recognized as "deficient" the Town request Ministry approval for a Connecting Link Construction Project. Report: On Friday, April 3, 1981, a reappraisal by Staff of the Town and the Ministry was undertaken and, as a result, M.T.C. will be advised of a drainage deficiency, and be requested to rec- ognize same. From the point of view of structural adequacy the section is not deficient, however, it is quite evident that a drainage deficiency exists and, if this is recognized by the Ministry, the Town may then request approval and funding for Connecting Link construction. The construction project would consist of storm sewers, curb and gutters, pavement resurfacing, but sidewalks would not be eligible or included for subsidy; the only time the latter become subsidizable items is when reconstruction alters the elevations and/or widths of the street. Y Council Minutes -l \- May 4 1981 KCS0 |ut10U KC-568-81 Moved by C0UDCill0r Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard THAT the third and final reading of the following 8y-Laws be approved: 81 -49 , 81 -50` 81 -51 ` 81 -52 , 81 -53, 81 -64 , 81 -55. 81-56 , 81-57` 81-58, and Ol-bO. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-569-81 _ Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Woodyard By-Law THAT the second reading of By-Low 81-59 be approved. 8}_59 ' / "CARRIED'' Resolution #C-570-81 - Moved by [0UOCillO[ Taylor, seconded by [oUDCi ) l0r W0OJ«drd THAT the third and final reading of 8v-LdN 81 -59 be approved. "CARRIED'' Resolution -8l � // Movcd by Councillor Mamre , seconded by Councillor Hubbard Needs THAT the Director of Public Works report On the status 0f Study the yr0YiDC1al "needs study" being considered for that / portion of Highway #2, located 10 the downtown C0rP Of Newcastle Village , L0 be submitted to the Public Works Committee within. four /4\ weeks of the date of this meeting. "CARRIED'' Resolution �C-S72-U] | - Moved by Councillor HWor8 , seconded by Councillor Taylor U.S.U.M. THAT the Mayor, in cm) 'VUCLi0U with those C0UDC{ \ l0rS that attended, prepare 8 report t0 be presented LU [0UOCil 00 May 19 1981 , on the recently attended convention of the Organization of Small Urban Municipalities . "CARRIED''