HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-74-81 i✓ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-74-81 Date: May 20, 1981. Subject: Administrative Approvals to Municipalities for the Purchase of Materials, Construction or Maintenance Work and Equipment (where applicable) . Recommendation: THAT WHEREAS, in the past, tendering and/or quotations has been carried out in accordance with Ministry of Transportation and Communications' Policy, therefore it is recommended that this practice be continued. Report: Attached is an informative directive received from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications which relates to Ministry Approvals of all tenders and/or quotations, prior to the commencement of same. Currently, upon Council's adoption of a Committee recommendation to accept a tender or quotation, the appropriate information is submit- ted to the Ministry for approval. The Ministry advises that it proposes to keep Approvals to a minimum, and would apply any adjustments (determined from the final reconcil- iation) in the year the Contract is completed. If Contracts, quotations, etc. , are in accordance with Ministry Policy, administrative Approval is not required, except for such items as Urban Transportation Assistance Programs, Connecting Links, Development Roads, and any project handled under an Agreement. It is noted that traffic signals require legal Approval, and confirmation that all warrants have been met. A ' i vt f i Ministry of Transportation and No. 6? Communications 5000 c 22�_7r;.56 el 04 16 1.T.j-j I-.,J!,,f p 0T:4;: S i1c's?:0 01,1 0- JL]P?oSrkE.S TO 1XIT.,101PAT,11.ei�1�S OF C011STRUCTION 0--R 1"0? Y) OR A!3-,, T:le f,tttcl-ed DIrective 1-1 indic*_vtes a c'­a:�;e v,,ith re;;['.rd to c7tato: C!'ts lv`iich indicate elieiblltty of 1` nicj- pc,q for purpo_:!Zes. Present policy reSardinn the ell;ibility of in effect Sand YJL11 be applied 1?pon reviev., of a-nni, renains ,r�Li return claims ky the D:Istrict ­"Iricipa'l Office and the 17ini-StrY' s 0,-CrationaL I'Llo"t Cffice- As 2`0•C-ed under Polio;) item 2, this office is pro- PlrOd to Provide a statement on eliLibijit.., for nny contract. It V.-ill be neces-sm%, that projects involving t'--e Urban Tra2lc:portation A.- pro rom continue to be vubmitteNin order to clearly indicate at an early the cost and Sub,� Uv fv_nds involveO Similarily, proper", purolnE-cs involvin'(; lands. 'Un)l'As to road needs till be candidptcs f01- S-Jb-nit.sion in order to determine eliSibilit-j prior to year end. Connecting I_,ir!:) Development Road and anv otlier project dealt ivith on an aL;reenent basis v,,ill continue -to recuire v;pprovels as at prevent. Traffic Signals will require lo'- q 1 .'1, e.pp:rov,1 c0n:Cix-natuion t'-iat WRTrant!�- have been riot. and for subsidy pulljosesi The contents of Directive A--1 r:i not cj�a n�o or eliIiinate the P1-01-illciv-1 policy w7iich gives' to percent Cnnadiu_n preference. You~.s tro1y) VIY110/tIa IV-V7. Cs,�orn, Attach. Dist--let I-Alnicipll '^r. j, Dit I,Ct ivp: A-1 Issuing AL)th0,jty:_, Deptity Date of Issue: 80-12-15 Effective f 81-01-01 TO: Assistant Deputy Ministers, Executive Directors, Regional Directors, Directors, District Engineers, Regional Managers Drivers and Vehicles,Office Managers SUBJECT: ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS TO MUNICIPALITIES FOR PURCHASES OF MATERIAL, CONSTRUCTION OR MAINTENANCE WORK, OR EQUIPMENT WHERE APPLICABLE ALTERNATIVE INDEX LISTING(S): Approvals - Municipal Subsidy Subsidy Approvals PURPOSE To define the Ministry's policy and administrative approval. practices on purchases by municipalities in connection with their road improvement and maintenance activities. BACKGROUND The principal concern of the Ministry with municipal road expenditures tinder its program of road grants is that they contribute to maintaining or improving the service level of the municipal road system. Formal administrative approvals of municipal purchases of material, equipment where applicable, or construction and maintenance work do little to address this concern and should be kept to a minimum. The means of keeping such approvals to a minimum is to issue them only where exceptions to established policy have been identified. Following the policy and practice described below will. result in a significant reduction in the number of administrative approvals issued by the Ministry to municipal road authorities. It should be noted that long established Ministry policy continues on such things as items eligible for subsidy, the eligible amount of storm sewers, or property. The measures outlined in this directive have been taken as an interim response to the recommendations made to the Ministry by The Spec*ial Advisory Committee on Administrative Procedures for Road Grants. The Ministry will continue its efforts to further reduce its administrative approval requirements for municipal road expenditures. POLICY 1. The policy and administrative approval practice of the Ministry on municipal purchasing in connection with road improvement and maintenance activities are: (a) To allow as properly chargeable to road improvement the low tender which meets non-restrictive, adequate specifications and which is in response to: A�M•5 402 80-02 a tender call that has been conspicuously advertized in newspapers of aPpropr1at:() circulation for the proposed purchase, or, an invitation to specific suppliers to .submit tenders where the value of the proposed purchase is estimated to be $25,000 or less, or within such amount as the municipality has specified in its purchasing and tendering policy for invitation bids. (b) Not to require formal. administrative approval where a Municipality: (i) accepts the low tender meeting adequate and non-restrictive specifications in accordance with paragraph (a) above) or, (ii) makes a purchase of material, equipment, or work of $5,000 or less in value. (c) To require formal administrative approval before any part of a purchase of material, equipment, or work is properly chargeable to road improvement where municipality: (i) accepts other than the low tender, or, (ii) uses restrictive specifications, or, (iii) fails to follow the tendering practices outlined above. 2. The Ministry will issue the appropriate administrative approval when so requested by a municipality although the purpose of such requests. Would ordinarily be to clarify the items of a contract that may be properly chargeable to road improvement in whole or in part. 3. The Ministry w!ll ordinarily accept the interim distribution of expenditures made on a contract involving road improvements and will apply any adjustments determined from the final reconciliation in the year the contract has been completed. --0- DISTRIBUTION: Ministry Internal, All Municipalities Directive MTR A-1