HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-77-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-77-81. Date: May 26, 1981. Subject: Resolution 11 C-611-81. Recommendation: THAT this Report be received for information. l� Report: Rezotuti.on # C-611-81: "THAT aU outstanding Ae�sotutions and coA mpondence netating to the conside&ati.on o4 AeconstAucti.on o4 the Newcastle V.i tage "cone" cftea (,sidewatk�s, ztottm /seweU, cuAb,s and gutteu and pavement AauA4ac i,ng) be deatt with by the D,i.AectoA o4 Public WoAh and that a tcepo&t and Aecommendati.on be made to the Pubt i.c GVwth Committee 4oA consideAatc:on". The foregoing was pursuant to the approval of Public Works Comm- ittee Resolution # W-126-81, which stated: "THAT the Aecommendat%on in Report WD-72-81 be endoAz ed and, upon the Aeappnata.l o4 the Connecting Link in the Vittage o� Novcastle meeting the tequ ihements o4 the M.ini�stAy o4 TAans poAtat on 9 Communication's in being necognized as 'de4 icient' , the Town Request Mini stAy appno vat 4oA a Connecting Link ConstAuction PAo j ec t". At the time of writing, Staff are not aware of any "outstanding resolutions and correspondence" relative to the subject matter, and this report, therefore, will document the background details of same, and the involvement of this Department to date. (All file data, to which reference is made, is attached) . In 1978 the Village of Newcastle Connecting Link was discussed with the Ministry of Transportations & Communications at the request of the Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce; upon appraisal of the area, the Ministry advised that it did not meet the criteria for the classification of "deficient", and this was recorded in the 1978 Needs Study Update. �t In 1979, the Connecting Link was again appraised, and again did not receive the "deficient" status required by the Ministry for the approval of a construction project. Report No. 131, dated March 19, 1979, noted the following: "The lack of, or deficiency in, curbs and sidewalks, does not constitute the total criteria in determining any overall deficiency. Sidewalks in the Village of Newcastle have been replaced with concrete in certain areas where elevations cannot change if and when future reconstruction of the street does occur. Where elevations could foreseeably change, sidewalks have been resurfaced with asphalt. Curbs are, of course, part of the street, as are gutters, and can only be replaced and/or established during reconstruction of the entire street". At that time, in 1979, the notation was made that the Connecting Link portion of Highway 2 in the Village of Newcastle (i.e. from North Street/Baldwin Street easterly to a point 625 feet east of Beaver Street) would be monitored as an ongoing item during future Needs Study Updates. In May, 1980, Mr. R.E. Dawson, then District Municipal Engineer for the Ministry of Transportation & Communications, made an on-site inspection of the subject area, and, once again, advised that it did not meet the required criteria for reconstruction. In October, 1980, Council (Resolution # C-80-1286) referred the matter to the Public Works Committee "for further consideration", at which time Report # WD-151-80 was prepared, received and referred to "next year's Committee". On file is a letter, dated December 8, 1980, from Mr. H. Orlando (Regional Municipal Engineer, M.T.C) to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. , further clarifies the Ministry's position with regard to Connecting Link construction. In February, 1981, the Newcastle Chamber of Commerce made the request that the situation be investigated, and Report # WD-37-81 detailed the updated findings. Resolution # W-67-81 stated: "THAT the Aecommendati.on in Report WD-37-81 be endowed and a 4uAtheA Aepmt be pAmented to the Pubti.c Works Committee upon the compteti.on o4 the 1981 &e-appAa zat o4 King Sweet in the ViUage o4 Newc"tte, which Witt be undektaken as paAt o4 the ongoing Needs Study Update". On May 4, 1981, by Resolution # C-571-81, Council requested a further report on the status of the mentioned Needs Study Update, and this was the subject of Report WD-72-81 to the last Meeting of the Public Works Committee on May 12, 1981, resulting in Res- olution # W-126-81; which was quoted earlier in this report. C3\ I'trlil is il"(?rkN t f It. , rilrtar,n 111 l.,fi j1 1hc nti ;trit4t 1„rf '171.\"I' (I)nnoct,ing 1-i 11;, Mid U1 (mn UK2 rf_uppi ,ttti;rl uC lhc� C�.,nrt��cC.inl Link in t.h�� l'iii ;e of V111091 uS \t1nn4t1e 1" vLlnr; th�� rcrltu.rcrrt,rrt; of tlr lv,tit�'a1�>i.7�> 11ir7i,try of "1'r•;ur>;lv)rLathm ;urcl Cl. rtra>,i.i� rrtl.un , .in Ix inr, r �'ty riir. ti 101 ' ckMC nt ' tK "ltx�n MA IM* N(inir;trj ;yirrvval .fur a C1.mnr��tln� link Cc �;ttrrc.ti.c�n I't��jcrt ',C'�1fi11II;I)' Resolut_ian �C�G1Gaf31 Moved by Councillor i ay l or•, seconded byCounc i l l or 'Woodyu r•d Reconstruction JHAT item 8 of the foregoing report be approved. Connecting Link Village of Newcastle? "CARRIED" - ;;- Rf'sol ution 1;`C-611 -�1 Moved by Councillor Namre , seconded by Councillor 'Woodyard IHAI all outstanding resolutions and correspondence relating to the consideration of reconstruction of the Newcastle Village "core" area (sidewalks , storm gutters and paverroxnt resurfacing ewers , curbs and Director of public "Works and that aerepor•t and l�recor, gendation be made to the public Works Committee for consideration , i "C.;i�R1EU' t r ' . ' \ !�C YV}��lC RuKKS \/CYAkIMCN� Director's Kryorc to Public Works Committee of May 12 . 1981 . Item: V 72-8l. Date: May 8. 1981 . Subject : Resolution # C-571-81. Needs Study. Recommendation . ]]LA?, upon the rcupyc*1aal of the Connecting Link in the Village of Newcastle meeting the requirements of the Ministry of Trans- portation & Communications in being recognized as "deficient'' � the Town request Ministry approval for m Connecting Link Construction Pro]ucL , KenorL: On Friday, April ], 1981 , u reappraisal by Staff of the Town and the Ministry was unJcrcukco un6 , as a result, M.T.C. will be uJviac6 of o Jculougc deficiency, and be requested to rec- ognize same. From the poLo, Of view of structural adequacy the section 1s not JeLiciou , however, it is quite evident that a drainage deficiency "x(ota onJ, if this is reco&nizeJ 6y the Ministry, the Io^m may then request approval and funding for Connecting ' Link construction. The construction project would consist of storm aewero , curb and gutters , pavement resurfacing, but sidewalks would not be eligible or included for subsidy; the only time the latter become mu6vidizakle items' 10 when reconstruction alters the elevations nnJ/nz widths' of the street. ` � _ ' | / � Coun61 Minutes May 4 1981 KcsuluLlun #0.566.81 %yed by Councillor Taylor , seconded by Councillor Woodyard NAT the third and final reading of the following BY-Laws ho approved: N1 _49 , 81 -5U, VI -5l , 81 -52 , 91 -53 , 81 -54 , 81 -55 , 41 -56 , 81 -57 , HI -58 , and 81 -60. "CARRIED" bliqlRtion #C-569-81 'Wooed by Councillor Taylor , seconded by Councillor Woodyard By-Law THAT the second reading of BY-Law 91 -59 be approved, 81-59 "CARRIED" V�I 3 t_U_L-LO �7( Moved by Councillor Taylor, 5'econded by Councillor Woodyard I the t h i r d .and f i n a l reading of By-Law 8 1 -5 9 be approved. "CARRIED" 00WA. NAVAT it evdi by Councillor Hamre , seconded by Councillor Hubbard KAI the Director of Pub] ic Works report on the status of thr provincial "needs study" being considered for that portion of Highway ;2 , located in the downtown core of "t as" Vi 1 We , to be submitted to the Public Works ComiLtee within four. (4 ) weeks of the date Of this meeting. "CARRIED" ed by Councillor Hamre , seconded by Councillor Taylor 0. S. U.M. VAI the Mayor , ih LonjuncLion With those Councillors that Wended , prepare a report to be presented LO Council on rly 19 1981 , on the recently attended convention of the OrydnizaLion of .Snail Urban Municipalities , "CARRIED,, ' ?UNN OF NEWCASTLE YU8LlC WORKS DEPARTMENT Uizecioc/ y Kc\,ori Co Public Works Committee of Nucc)` 17, 1981. Item: WD-27-8I . Date: March 4 ` I981. Subject: V1Llo&c of Newcastle Connecting Link (Highway 2) King Street, from Baldwin Street , easterly to 625 ft. east of Beaver Street. ` ' Recommendation: THAT o further report be presented to the Public Works Committee , upon the cwoy|edvn of the 1981 re-appraisal of King Street in the Village of Newcastle, which will be undertaken as part of the on- going Needs Study UpJate, Report: During the 1980 Needs Study Update, the Connecting Link (King Street) in the Village of Newcastle was re-appraised and, at the time it was found that this section of Highway 2 could not be classified as 'deficient' as it did not meet the requirements of the Ministry of TzaompncLutiou criteria for such categorization. Ile xu}`]c,c matter was before this Committee in October of 1980 at which time Resolution 0 W-289-80 was passed, receiving Report # W)/-151-80 and referring same to the 1981 Committee. � l[, as a zcsolc of the 1981 rc-uppculxul of Municipal 8oudu. it 10 found that the Connecting Link 1u deficient, in accordance with Ministry criteria , then the relevant section would be recorded in the 'now' Ncn(p [nvcnc"ry, at which time the Town may wish to seek Ministry approval for o construction project which would be eligible for subsidy. In vie* of the foregoing, the earliest possible time at which con- struction could be effected would be July-August , 1982. JD:nh | ! i � COMMUNICATIONS D 11 recti n Newcastle. District hammer o commerce Box 243 Newcastle,oritarlo LOA )HO File # 8165 February 16, 1981 r Corporation of the `.A:rats of Newcastle Ityapton, Ontario LOB IJO Attention: J. McIllp Dear Sir: Be: Village of Newcastle - Main Strut At the meting of the Neda stle ChWI-x r of Ccmmerce on February 9, 1981 a great deal of dlicussion centered around the state of the main street in the Village. Mr. Barr indicated that a number of years ago a representative from the Ministry of Transportation and Communication attendea the village to assess the main street. Little or no results flowed from that attendance. As such, the Chamber is hereby requesting that the Town arrange for a reattendance Ham the Town to reassess the possibility of modifying the tr><tin street and sidewalks. The next m=eting of the Chamber is scheduled for Monday, March 9, 1981. If possible, I would appreciate hearing from you with respect to the above, prior to that date.. Tian]] irxJ you for your anticpat.ed cooperation herein. Yours - ------ i J.`7aavid . n off;% JLt1:BC Secretary y,I 4W o .1 i 0 ario - Ministry of Transportation and Central Region COMMUniCatioII,,,,, 5000 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario Telephone: 2?,11-7531. M2N 6 E 9 1.980 12 08 Mr. Sam Cureatz, M. P. P. Legislative Assembly Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario Dear Mr. Giii-eatz: I am writing tt-) confirm our recent discussion on King's Highway Connecting Links . The Minister, tinder Section 19 of the Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, may have certain local roads designated as J<iII9.'s Highway Connecting Links . As noted tinder sub-section 9 of section 19, a road so designated remains under the jurisdiction and control of the municipality. Responsibility for such road, therefore remains with the municipality and is not transferred to the Grown. Where a Connecting link is measured as deficient and Council wishes to undertake some improvement, the municipality should advise our District Engineer. In fact, late each year municipalities are contacted so that all planned connecting link WO"k is k1lowl, for preparation of our Ministry program. Because of budgetary controls, all necessary improvements planned by municipalities cannot be accepted for the year Proposed. The more critical needs would have a high priority on the program, and sorlie projects are deferred to a later year. Yours truly, fl . Orlando Regional Municipal Engineer Central Region TOWN OF' NK'WV)'HJ, PUBLIC U)J*, , J)j,j)Aj ,jMIINr Director',,, RUI)O17L to Public Works (,on-miLtee of October 28, 1980. ITDI: WD-151-80. DATE October 21, 1980. SUBJECT: Resolution # C-80-1286, King Street, Village Of Newcastle, BACKGROUND: At the October 6, 1980, Meeting Of Council, Resolution # C-80-1286 referred the st6ject matter to tiie Public Works Coamittee for further consideration. King Street in the Village of Newcastle, from Baldwin Street/ North Street to 625 feet east of Beaver Street, is a Connecting Link under the jurisdiction of the Town of Newcastle. REPORT: During re-appraisals earlier this year, King Street was inspected and it was decided that, from an engineering standpoint, it is not deficient-.. the re-appraisals were carried out in consultation with Staff from the Ministry of 'I'ransportation & Canamications and, more recently, Ole Ministry has again reviewed the Connecting Link and endorsed the original assessment that the section was not deficient. CONCI.AJS ION: In accordance with the subject Resolution ff C-80-1286 the Public Works Comiiine(-, may wish to further consider the matter of the King Street (Highway 2) COI-Inecting Link in the Village of Newcastle. JD:vh Taffi OF NIMCASTLE 1b: J. Wnlxui), Director of Riblic JVorks n'om: J. M. Mellroy, A.M.C.T., Town Clerk Date: October 9 1980 On October 6 1980 at Council meeting, Councillor Barr made a motion that the M.T.C. inspector be invited to come to the Village of Newcastle on October 17 1980 at 1:30 p.m, to review 'the main street with the possibility of having it declared constructurally deficient. The motion was lost but a subsequent motion that the matter be referred to the PLiblic IV61:,Irs Committee for further consideration was carried. (#C-80-1286) . . I LVR REc WED ECE OCT 9 1980 TOWN OF NEWC,V'TLE COP' `RATION OF THE TOWN OF NEW 'S`T`LE OFFICF OF 111E TOWN CLERK � ,,`•_.. 0,� ;.; ;", - d) I EMPERANCE_ STREE r TELEPHONE 6231379 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC3A6 April 11, 1979 Mr. Sam L. Cur.eatz, M. P.P. Durham Last, Room 443, Legislative Building, Queen' s Park , Toronto, Ontario. M7A lA2 Dear Sir:- Further to our letter of March 15, 1979, regarding former Village of Newcastle Main Street, the matter was considered at the meeting; of the Public Works Committee held on April 3, and the resolution contained in Report No. 131, was endorsed by Council on April 9, 1979. A Copy of the report is attached. A copy of your l.et:ter and the report is being sent to the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission. i Yours very truly, Joseph M. MW y, A.M.C.T. Town Clerk i Y �f attach. C.C . Newcastle P. U. C. Councillor K. Barr and Wm, Clarke oil Director of Public Works 1979 m F� ^ ,s i TOWN OF YQ��r J 1P A RTM E Xr Director' s Report to Public Works Committee. Item: COVI-cspondence from Sam L. Cureatz , M.P, p, Date: March 19, 1979, Subject : Connecting Link (Highway No. 2J VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE. The attached correspondence was received from Sam L. CUreaLZ, M-P- P- expressing concerns rQgarding the upgrading of Highway 2, Village of Newcastle. Re port,: During 1978, than Public Works Committee met with representatives of the Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce, in the Village of Newcastle. At that time the Chamber representatives expressed concerns to the effect that Highway No. 2. , through the Village was deficient , and this included the curbs and sidewalks also. The Connect Lug; Link includes that portion of Highway No. 2. from North Street and/or Baldwin Street ) easterly to a point 625 feet east of Beaver Street . During the 1)t-epa rlIt ion of our Needs Study In 1975 the Connecting Link was not classified as deficient ; it was again apprniRed in 1970, during the Needs Study Update and then, too, was not con- sidered to be deficient. It should he mated that the lack of , or deficiency In, curbs and sidewalks, does not Constitute thp total criteria in determining any overall deficiency. Sidewalks In the Village of Newcamtle have been rep)aced with concrete in uertaL" areas where elevations cannot change if and when future reconstruction of the street does occur. Where elevations could foreseeably change, sidewalks have been resurfaced with asphalt , C"rhs are, of course, part of the street, as a • gutters, and can only be replaced and/or established during reconwitiction of the entire street . 2 . . . -3 March 19, 1979. RIgort, continued. . . Mr. Cureatz m"kes reference to the lack of street lighting on the main street. This matter Is the responsibility of the local Public Utilities Commission and, presumably, this Committee will present a recommendation for additional lighting facilities of for the updating of the present system. On July 14 , 1978, an on •site meeting was held with the Canadian Transport Commission regarding the grade separation on Mill Street. The atrnched Report # 67, and Resolution # W-267-78 gives all relevnnt details of the meeting. Recommendat Lou: 1. THAT' the Connecting Link within the Village of Newcastle be reappraised during the major updating of tho Needs Study which will take place in April or May, 1980. 2. THAT the lack of lighting facilities, as expressed by Mr. Cureatz, be referred to the Village of Newcnstle Public Ut'l-itics CO"unission. 3. THAT the attached Rqport # 67 , together with Resolution # W-267-78, be endorsed by this Committee until such time as definite development is indicated by way of Agreements. REPORTP67 To: Chnirman & Mvmbers of the Public Workm -4 From: 1 . 101dulm, Director of Public Works. Subject: Mill SLUVeL Village of NewcastLe, Resulting from the appearance before the Public Works Committee of Mr. C. Evert, on April 13, 1978, Resolution # W-140-18 was recommended to Council as follows:- "THAT we recommend that application is made to the Canadian Transport Committee for the reconstruction of the grade separation on Mill Street . " Council, on April 24 , 1978, amended the foregoing as follows :- "THAT documentation be commenced bei ore app- licat-Joll is made to the Canadian Transport Committee, for the reconstruction of the grade separation on Mill Street", On May 11, 1978, the Public Works Committee approved a r-ecommenda t foil contained in Report 0 44 which stated : "That a joint site meeting with the Involved parties be arranged in order to determine If reconstruction is warranted" (see attached) , Council adopted the latter at the Meeting of M ny 24 , 1978. As a result Of the above, Staff met with a representative of the, Canadian Transport Cormnission on July 14, 1978, to review the matter, The commission States that, for them to recommend 1 ,Qnstruction to the Urban Transport- ation Committee, they would require an application from the Municipality . However, proposed development would not be sufficient evidence to warrant reconstruction. Current traffic counts, accident reports and , most importantly, as signed development agreement , would support an application for reconstruction; also school bus traffic and pedestrian traffic can be a factor, With the exception tint a signed devOlOPmeni: agreement, the abovenoted could be documented now. Kom our discussions with the Canadian Transport Comm- Issi-On, it is highly unlikely that they would support an application for reconstruction until development Occurs or a development agreement has been signed for this immediate 31-va ; the"v eventualities would cause to traffic increase. lk teoG 67 Mi I 1 .9 t r e e", 1_14 ew c a.'s I 1 L. Lt: should -also bu no! rd that , in prvparing the Five Year Forecast for Grade Separations (Yebruary, 1978) this project was forecast for 1982 at an estimated cost of $1 ,416,000. 00, of which the Municipal portion in likely to he a minimum of six and a halt per cent . In conclusion I would recommend that , upon develoVment in the area , further consideration be given to the reconstruction of the subject bridge. I am of the opinion that , at that time, the Canadian Transport Commission would be supportive of such a proposal by the Town. VMS., Public Works ConniLlci' COUNCIL Resolution U W-267- 18 . Mill Street - sh)ved by Councillor Dykstra, :seconded by Counctlloi Village of Cray: Newcastle: Grade THAT this Cowmitmv approves the recommendation Separation : al the Director of Pohlic Works , an stated In Report 0 67 , An followm : " that , upon dvvulnpmvnL in the nren , further consideration he given to the reconstruct ion of the subject bridge . . . . . And at that time the Canadian Tr:insporL Commission would he supportive of nuch a proposal by the Town" ; and further that a copy of the mentioned Report 0 67 be 4enL to to Director of Planning for his information , "CARR 1 ED" 40 1 (.fs',r'f. i:ANC[ 41 2(_f ( TE 6.kif NON j-3JI9 �� IiU`Vl�\latJVIC •. 1', ONI AR IC? t.IC JA6 IRS, n % March 151h, 1979 , b� Mr. 1— Coreatr, Queen 's Park Room 4 1 3 Legislat i , u iiuildi-nl Toronto , Ontario MIA 1A2 Lear Mr , cnroat .. . 1hAlik you for your letter dated March 7th, 1979 regarding farmer Vi I : Age of 11ewc:ast le main street , Yator ! otter has been referred to the Director of Public. Works for u report and recommendation to the Public Works Committee . We .steal l ;advise you of action taken A due course. Your, very truly, j0 cl,h M Mc11roy, A.M.C .T. wn Clerk J MM: 7 t `/ c .c . fl or of i'ubI ic. fiorYs w i i I s Pmk ORKe: t'or)%Iimvocy Office- = fi V4 jShH"! 8WWWV R / 'JUMIA FWK I 1C AAI !A IAA 16) 065 4 106 n Honw Addi(!Nt MW Swn L . CUM= MKI Nlw-w�lh- l )11, 11,) I.0A 1110 Mnrch7 , 1979 Clerk I Town of Nawcastle Council. 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ont . LIC 3A6 Dear Sirs : Representatives of the Ch"Inber (,c Collullerce and concerned businessmen in the Village of Newcastle approached me and our local and regional councillors for Ward 3 to express concern about the lack Of aesthetic development in the Main Street of the Village. They felt there should be co-ordination between all levnis of government and various Boards to help the Village to bw :It t. 1 to nest Only prospective purchasers but to the residents of the village. Upon jnvomtiqation it would appear that the Ministry of TransporLaLiwn L Cu""unjuations and the Town should b(_p approached about the possiblo upgrading of Hwy 2 , huoping in mind that specilic kerbing and Eidewolks within the Village are a municipal YesponsibiliLy . There ha% w also been yuustionb about the lack of liyhLin,j facilities on rLe Main Street , and I hope your Works Department might investigatc this matter, I have approached and ' will again approach the Ministry of Transponation h COMMuni rat. ions for the upgrading of jj,.-� , I east of Newcastle and for pressing a new CN overpass at Mill St, under the UTAP program. I will Kc working with our local and region councillors of Ward 3 , hut in the meantime , I trust that throvill a concerted effort a long VOM Plan might he devised to enhanQ the VillaqQ . Yours cup M E M 0 N D U M To: HAyor 0.0; Rickard and Member$ A Council- Mr. A. Guiler, Tovn Manager. From: J. Dunlvurt, Director of Public Works, Subject: Village of Newcastle. Resolution # W-148-78. Date: May 4, 1978, The above Resolution # W-148-78 stated:- THAT the Director of Public Works arrange a Meeting, in the Village of Neurastle, with the Newcantle Chamber of Coiiroerce, in order to discuss the concerns expressed by Mr. Barr in his letter, and that Mr. Barr be so ad- vised of the Meeting. Accordingly, Mr. R. Willsher of the Chamber. of Commerce has advised that the Meeting Is schedule for TUESQY� Hay 23, 1978, at 7:00y the Newcastle IQ, Hall. !? A copy of Mr. Barr's original letter to Council is att- ached for your information. E 13 1978 ,� TOWN 0, NEWCASTLE Al L . _u. _ . .,r:. „ . in, o JI Nq gavtlrTi, _M Saar I am writin. tD y 3u as an INdivi u l a r l n u t member if any _ . . iaation. ivc cor.sileration tDT r:iv ply: - 1. 2urin; toe litter moptI. �r tti... t; .O;.'an ti li nr i n Advi 4010 010 wai a r�. _•Pt!..r, Vat fort' ly tY p ,:r' t-r i, v ,, to the P'lwct tYat th,r� wcul i c 1 nnw 112 Villa, if `eyva2 L]. , r,,i,..� was r l �. .t., in ?ez• that .,, ,.j .art. y/, to I nn thn A,-oi in II ... ., c1strilt, 11,n }7 t.,., .7 0M/. "in HUMP" 1:V +I r ,? Pt.i' i. r !, ir. nr?< r t ± . r) 1 of thi. ._ y bu dune, Ewp,vor, A _.. .:ortain 1 17 r._ `, ! A;, K t r i. .. ±t.`r:-i � !� Q you ten tlenrL . 2, ie main i tr/,r t, i., t z < r't r .1. L , 1 T r t.. is is nyl ira Ip __ .. .iti.;... 1112 . 1 "t. } A L. 1° a l �r'7V(�' to fj rot_nl starlar ,, , thin .'..._'l,. l_ 10, '_ . ? �n ' W4 � la.rkit _ >� w� t i z il+ '.'..Ie 1. :�:; ';? L40 low W situation In lj Or? )Y.An, -W yt Ar, A -r"+i7d ts it Worr are possitly thrae -iY"rQnj toil-: 4volv, in k 7 ,1 W, artmunt A Trar .rf I TOMMUnIcatKnn , jouncil aY ReClan of Durhar Ouval . 1 wauld , uZC-yt that nc firpt itpp -ould p- 1) have a ractinj L"Y- in N. wnastl- Villa sit, m_nwrp f tin ativ.- mentioned Lovurnin. LAW and myr-Ir W a r3np of the Village buyiner,; peoi;le. 'Frie y,r KHry ; urpose woul 1 W W 21=­ the n%tt, r "in Ap npnt" and brinE forth inf,rratlon and suj:entlons to arrint, in havin� t1,i:5 matter brou§t t) fr:;1 L Wn There ire Indicitlinn of further comrprnlal developm, nt on th, nark AN of Kin; AWnt an! thil soul! hive i bpirlw on both 1 , an jr-s- Ow . I await yjur ua:ly OvIaL in thrYU nAttfr_ Rank you. With n. Tarr, Citkan. cc: - Mr. A junhLn, Director, hublic Wirko %,1 _Twwn 0" Newcant1r , N r. 3 h0 w 1 c V, n n 1 r I D a r L;• n t, 1 o n n Y ';p w can t I a. 41 � �����0���0 ' 8 ���� ��� �� � �����1� �� ���������� ~��� ���� `�,�°° �� ����� �����"* �* .����������4K� \� ��k*���� A�����8°��0������� ����� ��� ��������o«��»v� J. DUNHAA8/ Director Hmrnntun, Ontario LO8lJO 416: 2612231 Mr. K. N1llxhrr, President, Newcastle Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 243` NEWCASTLE. UuLorio, ' LOA lR0 ^ April 25. 1978. Dear Sir: I attach hereto copy of letter to Council from Mr. Keith Barr. On March 27th, 1978, Council referred the matter of the 0o1n Street, Newcastle, to the Public Works Committee, and the aub- ject was discussed at the meeting of the latter on April 13, 1978. Resulting from the foregoing actions, the Public Works Committee yuuyeJ Resolution # W-148-78, as follows:- "'[U&7 the Director of Public Works arrange a Meeting, in the Village of Newcastle, with the Newcastle � Chamber of Cnmmercc, in order to � discuss the concerns expressed by Mr. Barr in his letter, and that Mr. Barr be so xJv1ur'| of the Meeting". i would be glad if you would arrange for the item to be placed on the AgaoJu, and advise m, of the duLe of your next Meeting. It also would be greatly appreciated if you would notify my office well in advance of time in order that I may endeavour to arrange for the ottcnJour, of Momkccu o[ Council , I look forward to hearing from you In the very near future. Yours truly, J- DUN>b\M. Director. cc : Mc. A, Gui ),c. Mr. J.M. H,lIroy. ./D:vh '^^r /