HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-79-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-79-81. Date: May 27, 1981. Subject: Resolution # W-127-81 (May 12, 1981) & Resolution # C-479-81 & C-480-81. Recommendation: THAT a Reference Plan be acquired in respect of the road allow- ance between Lots 12 & 13, Concession 1, former Bowmanville, and that the southerly portion of said road allowance, from the south limits of the lands to be acquired by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, southerly, to the north limits of Spry Avenue, be closediand conveyed to the abutting owners subject to the granting of any easements which may be required by the Region of Durham and, further, that this be done in accordance with Town V Policy for the Closure/Conveyance of Municipal Road Allowances. z {« 1 Report: ResotutCon # C-479-81 9 C-410-81 Ap,L,U 13, 1981. "THAT the Town o 46jen those municipat .2ancls, situate in the Bowmanvitte Cheek VaP.2ey, south o� Highway No. 2. , to the Centtcat Lake Ontario Conzetvat(.on Authon.ity, 4on a nomina sum ($2. 00), pno vided that ate tega2 and zutcvey expenses ane bonne by the Centhae Laze Ontarrio Cons vLva tion Authotr i ty and that C.L.O.C.A convey any nequiAed easements jot beAvices to the Region oJj iDutcham �on a nom-i.nae amount o6 $2. 00 " (ass amended) ReisoZuti.on # W-127-81 May 12, 1981. THAT the D,ihecton o4 Wotks neview the impt cations o6 'ctozing' (not necematoity conveying at this time) the noad allowance between Lots 12 8 13, BowmanviUe, in the area o6 Lawnence Cne�scent, WaveAtey Gatcdens, and the extension to Roenigk atLi.ve, and tepott back to the WonLk Committee as soon as pozzibte." V WD-79-81 (2) It is understood that confirmation of C.L.O.C.A's interest in the Valley lands will be forthcoming in the very near future. In accordance with the Town's Policy for the Closure/Conveyance of Municipal Road Allowances, the implications are that, upon the appropriate Council authorization for the proposal, a survey and appraisal must be undertaken to determine the area and value of land, respectively. At this time there is a Plan of Survey (No. 74014) of the lands in which C.L.O.C.A. is interested; this was prepared in 1975 by Merrill D. Brown Limited and, according to Mr. Brown, will require some up- dating prior to registry. In order to save time, and undue extra expenditure, it would be prudent to acquire a Reference Plan for the portion of the road allowance south of the C.L.O.C.A limits, southerly to the north limit of Spry Avenue, at the same time as the Plan in respect of the remaining lands is being prepared. It is felt that the Municipality's interests would be best served by disposing of the road allowance to the abutting owners, in accord- ance with Town Policy; this course of action, in conjunction with the disposal of lands to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, would relieve the Town of the responsibility of maintaining or policing the area. The southerly portion of the road allowance abuts properties owned, among others, by residents of Lawrence Crescent; these owners have already, by Petition, expressed interest in purchasing the portions of land to which they would be entitled in the event the road allow- ance is closed and conveyed. It is understood that the Region of Durham require an easement for a sanitary sewer along the length of the road allowance (from the present limits of Scugog Street, southerly, to Spry Avenue) . This factor should be established, and incorporated into any transfer of lands. Insofar as the extension to Roenigk Drive is concerned, this roadway, known originally as 'Clinton Street' , is paved and is used, presently, by fishermen, as an access to the lands; unfortunately it is also the way by which irresponsible persons bring their vehicles into the Valley area, and this has caused many problems. Perhaps, once the northerly area is under the jurisdiction of C.L.O.C.A. , posts could be erected at the southern end of Clinton Street in order that only pedestrians can enter the Creek area. Presumably the Conservation Authority will undertake to correct and prevent un- authorized entry. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEMORANDUM TO: J. D. Dunham, Director of Public Works FROM: David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. , Town Clerk DATE: May 13, 1981 a SUBJECT: Unauthorized Use of Public Lands by Motorcyclists Bowmanville Creek Valley The Mayor and certain members of Council have requested that staff determine the manner in which the problems relating to the subject can be resolved. Having regard for the concerns of the area residents, it may be appropriate to consider the following action: 1. Stop up, close and convey the unopened road allowance at market value to the abutting owners; 2. Prepare a draft by-law for Council ' s consideration which would prohibit the use of the Bowmanville Creek Valley lands by motorcyclists. Copies of the Mayor's memorandum dated May 12 , 1981, addressed to the Clerk, a police report dated May 11, 1981, and a report with attachments from Don Smith to Councillor Hubbard. When you have had an opportunity to review the material , 1 would appreciate your comments on the manner in which we can proceed. E E C` MAC` ;� sore• WOR:, Tt�G�"� d;: MEMOKANDU34 Vy c5) - TO: -Mr. David W. Oakes, A. M. C.T. Town Clerk FROM: Garnet B .- Rickard, Mayor DATE: May 12th, 1981 SUBJECT: Motorcycles - Bowmanville Creek valley ------------------------------------- 1 enclose herewith an Officer' s Report from P. C. Craig Greentree of the Durham Regional Police Force. Perhaps this matter could be discussed with Larry Simpson . Garnet B. Rickard Mayor GBR/mr Enc. ( 1) --�-'tir—�.—�-, ..L�—�..i�,.�'.`,�--fir� �.:—.� ��.-A y �j....��i:f—z.c�,✓C, 1` —, � Durham Regional PoHcL -orce v 2.3 0 rn, May'!O' 1931 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it. . . . . OFFICER'S REPORT RECEIVED Motorcycle Complaints Ire Tmir Pr ATTIER OF Bowmanville Creek Val-ley Corporation of The Town Of Newcastle Your Worship Mayor Rickard Sir; This information is directed to your office for your consideration. The area of the Bowmanville Creek valley from VanStones Mill 9south to the North fence line of the Schwarz farm on Baseline Rd. in Bowmanville has become a constant area of complaints with regards to motorcycles. Officers at 16 div. receive numerous complaints from both residents of the area and from citizens who use this area as a walking path about the noise and the careless manner in which these motorcycles are driven. Generally, these dirt bikes are driven by youths not old enough to obtain a proper motorcycle licence. It is next to impossible to apprehend these persons because of the terrain in the areas It is the writers opinon and concern that if this problem continues, someone is going to be seriously hurt. Perhaps persons under your direction can investigate the possibility of barriing motorcycles and posti.,ag of notice of such in this area. A solution of some kind to this problem is imperative, Sincerly Craig Greentree 299 16 Div. Durham Regional Police SERGEANT NO. D.R,P, t,7 -ZMA v' / CORPORATION-,OF T�-E TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT O.N. SMITH,M.C.l.P., Director P- iAMPTON.ONTAPtOLOS 1JG TEL. (110243-2231 May 3, 1931 Mr. W. Campbt.11 Central L00 Ouc trio Conservation Authority 1650 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario Dear Sir: Re: Sale of Bowmanville Creek Valley Lands to C.L,O.C.A. As 1 believe you are aware, the Town of Newcastle re- cently adopLod a resolution to the effect that the Town offer the munic i p"I lands in the Bowm nville Creek Valley to the Authority for a nom.ina.l amount, For your information, Mr. M. Brown, P. Eng. , O.L.S. , has prepared a Preliminary plan of survey of the properties and I believe could advise you of the possible difficulties in establishing clear title Co parts of the lands . I also suggest that it may be of assistance, to you to spear: to Mr. D. Sites, Town Solicitor, in respect of actual Conveyance. PIS ..s,,2 do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of an), assistance . Yours very truly, DNS:1b D. N. Smith, M.C.I .P. Director of Planning; �zD 'M0 R A IN D U M TO: Councillor Hubbard Councillor Cowman FROM: D. N. Smith, DLructor of P1,11111ing DATE: May 5, 1981 SUBJECT: Unopened Road allowance between lots 12 and 13 former Township of Darlington (Scugog Street} Conveyance of abutting lands to C.L.O.C.A. Roegnik extension (status of petition of October 3, 1979 regarding above-noted matters) . I have your 21emorandae of I-lay 3 and May 4 in respect of the above and offer the following comments for your consideration: 1. The lands that are to be conveyed to C.L.O.C.A. lie north of the Baseline Road and abut some, but not all, of the lands fronting on Lawrence Crescent. I have attached an excerpt from the Plan of Survey of this area showing tllc lands in question. Itwould appear to me that the road allowance between lots 12 and 13 lying to the east of Lawrence Cresc. has never been opened. It 'may be possible td' convey 'all 'or, a portion of that road allowance south of the 'future C.L.O.C.A. lands to the abutting homeowners at S-value -to be deteriTdned. These procedures normally are I under- ,taken by the Works Department and the Town Solicitor. 2. It would appear that people using the road allowance to gain _n access to the creek are using public property. It bccomes the responsibility of the public agency having jurisdiction, in this case the Tom, to ensure that access is properly maintained or suitably prohibited by fencing, etc. It would appear r t 0 me that until the Consurvation Authority takes over the creek valley land that we have a policing problem and must rely on the good offices of the Regional Police to ensure that damaged property, etc. is :minimized. I suspect that with the close of the trout season the problem will disappear, at least, until next spring. Hopefully, by that time the Conservation Authority will have been able to spend some money in developing proper access points, gates and parking lots for the use of the creek vallo_Y land that should help to overcome the problem. 3. Jri rc.6pvct of the Roe',;nik road extension, which is partially on the Clinton Street road allowance, our best information ' indicates that it is, at least, in part a public road, although (57) 2 it nay be difficult to clearly establish title. ?arts of the Bowmanville Crook valley have never been surveyed sine:! the original Grant's Plan was registered (1800's) . There arc a number of instances where there appear to be problems on title. That is why the resolution passed by Council (copy attached) requires C.L.O.C.A. to covet all legal and survey expenses; as the costs to resolve the problems on title couid be considerable. In the meantime, the Roegnik road extension provides access to the creek valley land and is maintained by the Town. 4. In respect of the petition, a copy of which I have retained for our files; if the property owners wish to pursue this matter further then I believe it would be appropriate for the matter to be referred to the Public Works Committee for a Report from the Director of Works with input from the Plan- ning Department. The Planning Department has never received a Copy of the petition nor have we ever been asked to comn2nr on same. DNS:lb Encl. S-, UOJ PDO� -aADUf OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLF 71 �. 40 TEW.FIERANCE STREET TELEPHe<E 623-3377 BCWNI;ANVILLE. ONTARIO ., L C 3AA May 1p 1981 i i '.'li LP t::l::.._, aj li:l(�v Mr. William Campbell, General Manager Central Lake Ontario Con•servarion Authority 1650 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontario LIN 2K8 Dear Mr. Caml)bell:- Re: Bo, rm.anv_ille Creek Valley Lands The folle�•ing recommendation of the Planning and Development Committee was adopted by Council on April 21, 1981: 9eMAT the Town offer those municipal lands situate in Lhe Bowm.anville Creek galley, south of Highway Number 2 to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for a nominal ($2.00) provided that all legal and survey expenses are borne by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority". `tours very truly, r Gertrude E. Cray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary 99 C.C. Mr. D Smith, Director :;f Plannint;