HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-81-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-81-81. Date: May 29, 1981. Subject: Region of Durham Construction of Liberty Street, Bowmanville. Recommendation: THAT, subject to the Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education being in agreement with the request of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission's request for an easement over the Bowmanville High School property, in the location of the Town's storm sewer easement, approval be given to the request and, further, upon the Town's negotiations of the easement being completed, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission pay any associated costs. Report: A request has been received, from Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, for the Town's approval to encroach upon an existing storm sewer easement over the Bowmanville High School property. There would not appear to be any problems with the granting of this request and it is suggested that the Town undertake to negotiate this matter, with the Northumberland & Newcastle Board of Education and on behalf of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, and that any associated costs be paid by the latter agency. Newcastle Holm Et ctrl Commillsion 19 King Street West Bownianville,Ontario H.Partner,Chairman LIC 1 R2 R.L.Stevens,Vice-Chairman W.E.Blackburn,Member IA Hamilton,Member M.J.Watson-Manager 41 G.B.Rickard,Mayor Telephone(416)623-4451.2 May 25, 1981. Northumberland and Newcastle, Board of Education, 335A King Street East, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario. .K9A I M2. Attention: Mr. W.R. Bird, Advinistrator. Dear Sir: "U-) ect: Relocate of Hvdro Lines We have tefore us, a drawing showing a proposed 9.0 metre sewer easement over school property which extends from the easterly exten- sion of Wellington Street to the most easterly boundry of the school property. As the Net Hydro are most interested in upgrading their overhead line in this area, they have produced a sketch showing a proposed rebuild of lines to within the scope of the easement and have made application to the Municipality through the Director of Public Works as we understand the easement has been secured in their favour. We trust the foregoing will be acceptable to the Board as changes will be necessary in the near future, Yours very truly, Z�nwatson, Nkmager, Newcastle HydroAlectric Commission. mi W/lTrw, Encl. kA Y cc. Dunham� Oat 'POwn of Nt>wcastle TOW Jenkins, C� OF hiEw- r CAME Terations Superintendent . Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission 19 King Street Wesl Bowmanville,Ontario x L1C iR2 H.Partner Chairman I .L.Stevens,Vice-Chairman W L.Blackburn,Member I A.I larnilton,Member M.J.Walson-Manager r,R Rickard,Mayor 1 elephone(416)623-4451-2 Nay 20, 1981. Corporation of the Town of Newc astl.e, Planning and Development Department, i ,;:Er Hampton, Ontario. LOB 1JO. Attention: Mr. J . Dunham, Director. Dear Sir: y Subject: Use of Easement High School. Property, Libel Street South. 1 On April 6, 1981, we wrote to you engui r_ing about the utilization oC an easement over a portion of the High School Property, in which to construct certain hydro lines and to date we have had no reply. As we <1rc now in the pl.,_lnlr_i-ng stages of construction, we would appreciate your approval or otherwise at this time. Thank Q1 you. Yours very truly, AJ . Watson, Onager, Newcastle Hydro--EJlectric, Commission. MJ'W/mw cc.. E.M. Operations h4perintendent. I I I I Newc8stle -dro Electric Comml(gslo 19 King Street W, Bowmanville,Onta H.Patinat,Chairman LIC 1 A.L.Stevens,Vice-Chairman W.E.SlackUnn,Member I.A.Hamilton,Member M.J.Watson-Manat; G.B.Rickard,Mayor Telephone(416)623-4451 April 6, 1981. Corporation of the 'Ibw. of Wewastle Planning ay,*-J FkWelollnent, Hampton, Ontario. LOO IJO. Attention., Mr. Jack IXn-iham, Director. Dear Sir; SUbject: Storm Sewer Easement over Southern �aortion of VownmaynIvilI2 High School Pr 0201 pEoperis We have recently learn el that a sewer easement has been ob- tained on behalf of the Town over a portion of the Dowmanville High School property, in connection with the 1981 Liberty Street rebuild programs. As Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission a& more recently, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, have an interest in a similar easement in the Wroximate same area, we would ask the Town's permission to encroach on the recently acquired easement. Ovw encroachment would coj)�j"-t of relocating the existing overhead lines, utilizing higher poles and in doing so, we could extend our 13.8 K.V. distribution -lines to facilitate a second feed to the downtown core. Should this meet with approval, we are prepared to take what- ever action neCessary with the Board Of 5ducation to permit ou r use of the emmoment and to assist you, we have enclosed a sketch showing our p •oposed new and f-,Xisting overhead lines. Tyustj"q this will meet with approval. Yours very Liuly, MI . Watsbn, Noisier W-Wcastle Krw/~ FIECEIVEED CC IVE D- c-c- Q. Jenkins, Qerati='s Superintendent, EMAy 25 AIMI W ()k:P WORKS UEPY I' y'toW 0 ME OWN I)r NtWCQ