HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-83-81 f„ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-83-81. Date: June 1, 1981. Subject: Liberty Street Reconstruction, Bowmanville. Region of Durham Contract No. D81-14. Recommendation: THAT this report be received for information. Report: We have been advised, by the Region, that they have awarded Contract No. D-18-14 to Dagmar Construction Limited for the reconstruction of Liberty Street, Bowmanville. The Town's share of costs amount to $94,900. 00 (Ninety-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars) ; the Budget allowance for the reconstruction was $105,000. 00 (One Hundred & Five Thousand Dollars) for the storm sewer construction, which was earlier reviewed by this Committee. The Region has stated that they will further review comparative costs for concrete, as opposed to steel, pipe and, depending upon the outcome, further cost savings may be able to be effected. It is hoped that, dependent on the outcome of the Region's final cost estimate, as detailed above, we may be able to replace the balance of the existing sidewalk which, although not affected by the overall construction project, is in poor condition at present. w f Y�ap�vitiie°.VG g .;( .� RM.SON CAF Tff T N OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DVIARTMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB WO TEL.016)2612231 Mr, J.G. Baker, Manager of Administrative Services, Regional. Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, WHITBY. Ontario. May 25, 1981. Dear Sir: Re: Region Contract D81-14. Liberty Street, Bowmanville, With reference to your Letter of May 12, 1981, this is to advise you that the 'lOwn of Newcastke accepts the total estimated costs of $91,900. 00, , as detailed, and the expenditure has been approved in the 1981 Budget. It would be approciated if you would advise of the (revised) cost differential between the installation of concrete and corrugated steel pipe, at which time we can further discuss the matter of sidewalk reco"H truction. I look forward to hearing from you in this regard in the very near future. Yours truly, J. DUNHA 1. Director. . cc: R. Dupuis, P. Eng. , Road Design Engineer, JD:vh Play 12, 1981 P I DURHAM R C EC IVED The Regional Municipality of Durham Mr, J . Dunham Public Works MAY 14 19Rt Works Department Director of Town of Newcastle Box 623 Municipal Office 105 Consumers Dr. Hampton, Ontario TOWN 0; Whitby, Ontario Canada,Lt N 6A3 (416)668-7721 Dear Sir, W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Re: Storm Sewer Construction in conjunction with )mrnissioner of Works Liberty Street Reconstruction Region Contract D81-14 Please quote our ref: Tenders for Durham Region Contract D81-14 were opened D81-14 on Thursday, May 7, 1981 . Contract D81-14 provides for the reconstruction of Liberty Street N. in Bowmanville between King Street E. and Concession St, and includes the construction of Storm Sewers shareable by the Town and Region. The attached schedule contains the details of the items contained with-in Contract D81-14 which are the responsibility of the Newcastle based on prior discussions. The total cost of this work -is estimated to be $94,900.00 including engineering and contingencies. It would be appreciated if you would arrange to obtain the necessary approval of the Town for this cost and provide the Region with a purchase order for this work. This present schedule for approval of the Region' s involvement in the project and construction is as follows: Report to Regional Works Committee - May 19, 1981 Re(lio " nal Cound I Approval - May 27 , 1981 Coiumence Construction Early June 1981 Complete Construction October 1981 1 trust you will find this information adequate . Should you require additional data or have any questions , please feel free to contact the writer or Mr. M. Wilson of our Design Division. Yours truly, JG13/rd J aker Attach. Manager of Administrative Services cc: R, "rice, P. Eng. M )n J , dlmlnorl ,-r-� /o\ ' )« ~(-y ~- ' | * WuW)'U[iiNn of Liberty St. Town of Newcastle Contract DUl-14 Town of N Unit I No Pric8 CosL Section l Roadwork 2(u) Earth Excavation / 1n ditch area) 1300 m3 t 3.28 4 ,264 .00 12 Rigid pipe sower R.G. Class III concrete including 8XC0Y8ti0O, Class U Bedding ( C\ 526 mm dia. including native ' baCk[\ \l 7. 5 N 107 . 13 803.48 ( f\ 675 m dia. including ' Gran. "C» bockfill 88% of 109 m 125 07 11 `990. 71 81% of 39 .5 N l25.07 4 ,001 . 61 W 975 mm dia. including native hackfi \ l 217. 5 m 176. 74 38.440.95 13 1200 mm dia . sewer, 14 gauge C .S .P. including excavation, Class k 'Deddi0q & native bact[ill 43 m 130. 30 6,602 .90 l4 Supply and install outlet grates complete ' (b ) 1200 no dia . | 170.00 170.00 l � UD715U UiLdh Inlet Manhole Cmx{`\uLu including excavation l 1 ' 121 .00 1 , 121 .00 20 S'210 - Manholes 1800 mm dia . precast iOC\UdiUy excavation 2 1 ,493.00 2,986.00 Zl 5-20 - Manholes 2400 no dia. precast including excavation \ 3,OA\ .00 3,011 .00 � 26 CabioUS complete ( in ditch area) 10 N 3 159 .55 1 ,595. 50 � 30 Topsoil / ioV`Ortud\ � supply & place including fine grading / 75 mm depth in ditch` 3 area ) 100 m 10.24 1 ,638. 40 ]l /u\ 30d�`\\H (Nursery) ` / ' ' 2 516�cd ( in ditch `re� ) Z|OO m 1 . 16 2 .436.00 - ' ' ' ~ � - Z Item NO Description - U& t. pyiCe C0sC 32 Water for Sod 39 mJ 2.89 $ 112. 71 35 Breaking into existing storm manhole and make y00d C0Dn9CLi0D l 100. 00 100. 00 TOTAL SECTION l $78'340.26 5eCtioD lY General Items ' | Field office trailer, bonding, mobilization & demobilization 9.63% of 10,500.00 11011 , 15 Section V C0DtiD` i 0 .63% of 40,000.00 3.861 . 99 TOTAL TENDER $83`203.40 Engineering 11 ,696.60 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $94,900. 00 p]8J1e note that sccLi00S IV and V and engineering are apportioned Co all parts Of contract on a pro-rated basis for elCiU\dt1Ug purposes, Final C0StJ will be based on a detailed distribution of CV5tS t0 1OV0lVSd parties and fUDCCiOUS. 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