HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-85-81 S TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of June 9, 1981. Item: WD-85-81. Date: June 3, 1981. Subject: Resolution # C-631-81 & Report # 9 to Council of May 19, 1981. Recommendation: THAT, subject to a satisfactory agreement with the affected abutting property owners on Scugog Road, Burketon, drainage works be undertaken during 1981 and, further, that shoulder restoration be carried out in conjunction with same. Report: Following a Public Meeting, held in Burketon on April 26, 1981, Report # 9 was submitted to Council on May 19, 1981, and was endorsed by Resolution C-631-81: "THAT the tecommendati.on in the uport be endowed and that the pnobd'e 6 identi flied be u4euviced to the he�spective dep- aAtments and that each department be di ected to Submit a upott on the manner in which the pubtema w.i.0 be addnessed � to the next nezpect i.ve committee meeting and, 4u&the)c, that Mn. Gkant Mickf-ewjc i.ght at R.R. # 2. , Btackstock, OntaAi.o, be advised o6 Counci-V,5 dee tsion". Of concern to the Public Works Department, are the following items in Report No. 9: Items (b), (e) , 3 (pt.) and 4. , and these will be addressed individually, as per the terms of the foregoing resolution. Item (b) : "Stories were related about the apparent lack of interest of Works crews and their apparent failure to execute a satisfactory standard of maintenance and restoration". As with several other hamlets and villages within the Town of Newcastle, Burketon receives regular maintenance, and attention is always paid to concerns of a specific: rnature with all efforts made to alleviate individual problems at the earliest possible time; however, there is no denying that, given the necessary funds, considerable construction and restorative works could be done. Item e) : "There were complaints about a large bump in the Scugog Road, just north of the 10th". i * As a result of culvert installation in 1980, there are indications of some settlement in the relevant area; this will be corrected as soon as manpower and equipment are available and the work schedule permits. 0, WD'-85-81 (2) Item 3: ". . . .A sign was requested indicating "Village of Burketon - Please Drive Slowly". * A sign, such as the above, would not be a subsidy item but, if Council deems it necessary, could be acquired at a very approximate cost of $100. 00. Two such signs would be re- quired, one for each end of Burketon. Item 4_ "A strong request was made for the reconstruction of the Old Scugog Road, from the 10th to the northern boundary. This to include improved shoulders, in particular as they relate to houses with very little setback, storm drainage and culverts. The possibility of including this in the capital budget, on a phased basis, was discussed". * From the 10th Concession, northerly to the' Boundary Road with the Township of Scugog, Scugog Road (identified as Section 99439 in the Needs Study) is categorized as "Deficient for Structural Adequacy, with an A.A.D.T. of 310 (1975 figures) . The road has a variable width and there is no doubt that it could be improved; the costs involved, however, would be quite considerable. To ensure a legal road allowance is eligible for subsidy, the right-of-way width must be 66 ft. and, in order to establish this in anticipation of any construction, a Reference Plan would be required; this would determine the needs for land acquisition, etc. When construction is proposed, a semi-urban design will be required, and the estimated cost to accomplish same, in 1980 dollars, is $460,000. 00 (Four Hundred & Sixty Thousand Dollars) . It should be-noted that this figure does not include any easements, sidewalks or land which may be required for road widening, nor atfy•allowance in respect of the railway crossing. The semi-urban design will, in certain areas, require storm sewers and the appropriate outfalls; at the moment Scugog Road has no such amenities. At the north-east corner of the 10th Concession and Scugog Road is the Burketon Hills development. In accordance with the Subdivision Agreement, it is proposed that the Developer pay half the cost of improvements to the portion of Scugog Road which abuts the subdivision. * In the matter of "including this in the Capital Budget", if consideration is to be given to the requested reconstruction, then this should be in conjunction with a Current Budget. i WD-85-81 (3) * The authorization for the necessary preliminary work would be necessary in respect of Reference Plan(s) , Appraisal of Land Values (if required) Design, Engineering and Land Acquisition. Upon such authorization the matter of the upgrading and reconstruction of Scugog Road could be pre- sented as a proposal for consideration in 1982; it is not, however, recommended for implementation during 1981, due to currant restraints. * In view of the cursory estimate (in 1980 dollars) of the probable costs involved, the reconstruction of Scugog Road should be carefully considered relative to the justification for such expenditure. While it is agreed that there is, most definitely, a need for some upgrading, the improvements could be effected, in all likelihood, by some shouldering, ditching and resurfacing, at a fraction of the cost of a full-scale construction project. Regional Road 57 was constructed as a "Type 'A' Arterial Road" and runs north-south, parallel to Old Scugog Road. When built, one of the main intentions was that Regional Road 57 would provide a direct route from the Scugog Area to the south limits at Highway 401, and, in so doing, alleviate the problems of traffic travelling through the hamlets and villages lying between the northern and southern Townships. Burketon is located 1,000 metres west of Regional Road 57 - i.e. six-tenths of a mile from the main north-south route. It would seem that, by upgrading to the extent of reconstruction, the Old Scugog Road (if approved by the Ministry) traffic would be automatically encouraged to use the road as an alternate route to Regional Road 57; a new, widened road, providing a direct route, would undoubtedly lead to concerns relative to volume and speed of traffic and may well disturb the character of the village of Burketon. In conclusion it must be mentioned that, although classified as being "Deficient for Structural Adequacy", Scugog Road is by no means the worst in the Town of Newcastle; There are many other roads which have a far higher A.A.D.T. , a greater degree of deficiency and should logically rate a higher priority for attention. Additionally there are other problems areas which should merit consideration, and which are items of continuing concern to this Department. Attached is a list of random examples of works needed; these are not listed in any particular order of priority, but are recognized as being in need of consideration as and when funds are available. Due to the concern for these, and similar problems, they are monitored on an ongoing basis in conjunction with their recognition in the Needs Study. i i I _ i PROJECTS IN NOW NEEDS - AWAITING FUNDS BOWMANVILLE: a) Concession Street Liberty Street to Mearns Avenue b) Scugog Street King Street to O'Dell Street. c) Queen Street King Street to Ontario Street d) Baseline Road Waverley Road to Hunt Street. e) Liberty Place & Alexander Boulevard f) Jackmaii .Road Bailey!. Bridge Replacement structure. g) Wellington Street Storm Sewer. DARLINGTON: h) Trull's Road North of Nash Road i) Trull's Road North of Highway 2. J) Prestonvale Road k) Preston Road Lots 20 & 21, Concession 2. VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE: 1) Beaver Street m) Mill Street Grade Separation ORONO: n) Station Street o) Somerville Drive P) Rowe Street h CLARKE: q) Golf Course Road r) Third Concession s) Lakeshore Road *** ** Erosion Control required (Clarke & Village of Newcastle) I Appendix to Report WD-85-81 Jute 4, 1981. i i