HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-88-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of July 7, 1981. Item: WD-88-81. Date: June 23, 1981. Subject: Resolution # W-19-81. Recommendation: THAT this report be received for information. Report: Reams otu ion # W-19-87: "THAT the petitione,rz be adv ized o f p eviouz action taken in negated to the �Lequut bon a Joutc-way STOP at the inteuection o6 - Cobbtedick 9 ChuAch StAeets in Onono, and the valLiou s matte&6 o4 concejLn ne eative to dna i_nage, eutvens and tttee stump nemova2 be remedied in the SpAing of 1981 and the nequ,itrements jon a jjoutc-way estop wi t be reviewed when the weather is Javoutcabte" The foregoing was as a result of a Petition from residents, a copy of which is attached. Cobbledick Street has little elevation and, in order for eff- icient drainage to be achieved it would be necessary to install a storm sewer. The street is too narrow to accommodate any type of gutters for drainage. The culvert about which the residents complained will be changed in conjunction with upcoming sidewalk construction, and should provide some relief from drainage concerns in the area. The tree stump mentioned in the Petition is located on the shoulder of the Regional Road, and this concern has been relayed to the Region of Durham Works Department for action. The matter of the four-way stop has been submitted to the Region of Durham on several occasions, and the attached correspondence details the Region's findings in this regard, namely that they could not support or justify the installation of such a control. �U � 5 December 16, 1980. This is a letter in point form that the citizens on Cobbledick Street would like to be looked into. We would also like to know how you make out. Signed: WESLEY KNAPP. GEN. DEL. ORONO. ONTARIO. 983-9772. ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Snow plowed on shoveled walks. - Water laying on side of road - no drainage - do to hollows in road. - Culvert at end of street is half full of pavement and squashed at both ends. - Tree stump sticking up about a foot - cut in a U - dangerous to pedestrian. - Police protection - 4 way stop put back at Cobbledick & Church for pedestrians going to Medical Centre and to slow down traffic. Signed: WES KNAPP GORDON WERRY RAY A. WINTER RICK PATTERSON JOHN A REID. cc: Typed as written/vh. DURHAM September 16, 1980 The Regional Municipality of Durham Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Works Department Public Works Department Hampton, Ontario Box 623 LOB 1 JO 105 Consumers dr. Whitby, Ontario Canada.L1N6A3 Attention: Mr. J. Dunham (416)668-7721 Director of Public Works W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng. Commissioner of Works Dear Sir: Please quote our ref: TRA-N-1-2 RE: Intersection of Cobbledick and Church Streets, Orono Newcastle Councillor Keith Barr has requested a further review of the above-noted intersection to determine the need for a four (4) way stop control. He also requested that the results of this review be forwarded to you. Regional staff conducted manual traffic counts from 12:00 noon to 1 :00 p.m. at this location on September 11 , 1980, and another count from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the same date. These counts were timed to coincide with the noon hour break and the end of shift at Curvply Wood Products, which is located at the east end of Cobbledick Street. These latest studies substantiate the findings of our report on this location dated October 4, 1978 (copy attached) . There was no evidence of speeding, nor did the school children experience any difficulty crossing the streets. The traffic that was observed appeared to be of a local nature and again experienced no problems in crossing the intersection. This intersection operates safely and efficiently with stop controls on the north/south approaches, and based on the foregoing findings, there is no justification for a 4-Way stop control at this time. Yours truly AEL:ekf M. R. Be- amy, C.E.T. RECEIVED Attachment Traffic Supervisor cc: Councillor Keith Barr SEP is Im P.O. Box 400 Newcastle, Ontario WOOKS DEPT. LOA 1 HO TOWN OF NEWCA -G10NAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC DIVIS10N DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC FLOW DIAGRAM LOCATION 0 C d-✓o DAY. c/i-1 DATE._ T. J 1 ® t / Q f l m ( PEDESTRIANS) ('�l'r,GEb � S t rest c Street ;- y -�- " .34 3 3 � 3 I eN A m L a PASSENGER TRUCKS j ACTUAL A.A.D.T. ENTERING LEAVING ENTERING LEAVING Peak Hr. - ❑ Cl orth -3 —7 North Directional outh S South Peak Hr. - ❑ ❑ ast 1/ East Total Count - 1 - ❑ ast ^' J West �— otal '� ' Total Time Period: A.M. to P.M. /.7_ P. M. f��� P. M. r'GI0NAL MUNICI PALL T Y OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC DIVISION DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC FLOW DIAGRAM LOCATION : C DAY:-;�/G(X'r ,9y DATE' CD Cl)m ( PEDESTRIANS) Street €� 30 C, e J6 -ef ov/,�57 61.1; /10 114 O O U m PASSENGER TRUCKS ENTERING LEAVING ENTERING LEAVING ACTUAL A.A.D.T. Peak Hr. - O p orth _ North Directional auth South Peak Hr. - 0 13 ast �— -t -�- E a s t Total Count - 13 est 44-4i 3 C West i �\ A.M. A.M. Total Time Period: A.M9. to P.M. r 'r P.M. 5 cL- P. M. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT W.A.TWELVETREES,P.Eng./Cornmissioner of Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE,P.O.BOX 623,WHIT BY,ONTARIO L1N 1C4 TELEPHONE:(416) 668-7721 October 4, 1978 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1JO Attention: Mr. J. Ferguson, C.E.T. Deputy Director of Public Works Dear Sir: Re: Stop Sign By-law - Intersection of Cobbledick and Church Streets, Orono This is in reply to your letter of September 20th, 1978 requesting Regional comments on the above noted by-law. In a recent field review of the intersection, Regional staff made the follow- ing observations: 1) Cobbledick Street functions as a collector roadway providing an east-west connection between Regional Road 17 (Mill Street) and King's Highway 35/115_ There is residential development west of Church STreet and industrial development to the east. 2) Church Street is a local street that is entirely residential. 3) Cobbledick appears to be the major road, however, as you stated, traffic volumes on all approaches are minimal. 4) A hedge on the northeast corner and a house on the southeast corner obstruct the sight of southbound and northbound Church Street motorists respectively. This restricted sight warrants stop control on Church Street. A review of available collision data revealed no reportable collisions at this intersection from January 1, 1978 to date. No collision data o:as available prior to 1978. . . ./2 Mr. J. Ferguson, C.E.T. Page 2 October 4, 1978 Based on the above, there is no justification for a 4-way stop at this intersection. I suspect that the concern expressed by local residents and Council members is brought on by motorists driving in excess of the speed limit on Cobbledick Street. Stop signs should not be used as speed control devices. This statement is substantiated in the reports and literature I sent you recently. If speed- ing is a problem it should be corrected through enforcement, not a' 4-way stop. For these reasons, Regional staff would not support the by-law as attached to your correspondence. If Ican be of any further assistance, please call me. Yours very truly, M.R. Bellamy, C.E.T. Traffic Studies Supervisor MRB/jw q (c/) REPORT # 85 September 25, 1978. To: Chairman & Members of the Public Works Committee. From: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. Subject: Cobbledick & Church Street Intersection - Orono. The subject matter was discussed by the Public Works Committee on September 14, 1978, as a result of which Resolution # W-333-78 was passed, as follows:- "THAT application be made for the installation of a four-way stop at this intersection". The current policy is that a through-highway by-law must be approved by the Region of Durham and, thus, the comments of the Region have been sought and are awaited. SV ,� THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM WORKS DEPARTMENT W.A.T'NE LVET REES,P.Eng./Commissioner of Works 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE,P.O.BOX 623,WHITBY,ONTARIO L1 N 1C4 TELEPHONE:(416) 668-7721 October 4, 1978 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department RECEIVED HAMPTON, Ontario LOB 1JO OCT 5 10?R Attention: Mr. J. Ferguson, C.E.T. Deputy Director of Public Works Dear Sir: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Re: Stop Sign By-law - Intersection of Cobbledick and Church Streets, Orono This is in .reply to your letter of September 20th, 1978 requesting Regional comments on the above noted by-law. In a recent field review of the intersection, Regional staff made the follow- ing observations: 1) Cobbledick Street functions as a collector roadway providing an east-west connection between Regional Road 17 (Mill Street) and King's Highway 35/115. There is residential development west of Church Street and industrial development to the east. 2) Church Street is a local street that is entirely residential. 3) Cobbledick appears to be the major road, however, as you stated, traffic volumes on all approaches are minimal. 4) A hedge on the northeast corner and a house on the southeast corner obstruct the sight of southbound and northbound Church Street motorists respectively. This restricted sight warrants stop control on Church Street. A review of available collision data revealed no reportable collisions at this intersection from January 1, 1978 to date. No collision data was available prior to 1978. . . ./2 F Mr. J. Ferguson, C.E.T. Page 2 October 4, 1978 Based on the above, there is no justification for a 4-way stop at this intersection. I suspect that the concern expressed by local residents and Council members is brought on by motorists driving in excess of the speed limit on Cobbledick Street. Stop signs should not be used as speed control devices. This statement is substantiated in the reports and literature I sent you recently. If speed- ing is a problem it should be corrected through enforcement, not a 4-way stop. For these reasons, Regional staff would not support the by-law as attached to your correspondence. If I can be of any further assistance, please call me. Yours very truly, if M.R. Bellamy, C.E.T. Traffic Studies Supervisor MRB/jw