HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-90-81 - ~~ / ` ` I0W% OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DKP&K1MU�07 Director's Report to Public Works Committee of July 7, 1981 . Item: ND-90-81. Date: .k/oe 24, 1.981 . ------------------ --- ------ -- ' -- —' Subject: Jackman Knud 8xjlcy Dr1J:e - 8owmaov1| |e. Recommendation: THAT the correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation & Comm- unications dated June 9, I981, be acknowledged and, further, that the Ministry be advised of the Municipality's concerns in regard to / the relatively low &,A,D.T. no Jackman KouJ and, therefore, until development occurs the Town or Newcastle cannot ]unL | [y an cx|/co'|- iLure for bridge replacement. « : Resolution # W-112-81 adopted Report WD-62-8| v|/er,|`y the Ministry of ?cuosyorLuLinu and Communications was requested Lo ,x/mJ the existing loan agreement In respect of the ./x,kmno KouJ |k/ | /,y Br/'|/y' for n further ycriuJ of two (2) years . The attached correspondence in reply to the above, oXr,ox to the ex}nno1oo of ]nno until UcLohcc, 1983; however, the Ministry of TranapociuLluu & CommoolcuL (ouy requests |n[ocmoi |oo as to the ( Municipality's |uccuL1ouo or plans for the reylurcm,ot ` or oUx'r- xisc, of the aLcocLuce. As with several other pnooi6lu projects, the &.A.D.7, on Jackman Road is relatively low and, as aod/' would not warrant cx|,,xdiu/nn` of any great magnitude; also it is quite yooa1blc that cop|a, |x: the Bridge may not be ]uaLi[leJ for the next 5 - 10 yo'`rx. With ' this in mind, it may well be In the Town 's 6eaL inLer^nLe' Flo.m- � cielly and otherwise, at some point in time, to close the |\r|J:c, |`y h?-lay, and return the structure to the Nfulxtry of 1`rm',|,orrx/ |on ! & Communications. | ' / � | / 01 HIM Ministry of Transportation and COMMUn icat ions )0()() YOt1j',(- Will"YdAlp, W'1'11 619 Telephone: 224-7456 81 06 w) Min. G. • . Gray, Deputy Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 3A6 Dear Mrs, Gray: Re: Town of Newcastle Jackman Road Bailev Bi-1 As requested by Council , authority has been OMSK i " Wend 'the loan of the Bailey Bridge on Jackman Road until nuwbuv, 1983. In reviewing the Past correspondence, A is noted th, extensions have been granted with the undersLandinp thNL realignment. OF Jackman Road and the bridge jwpja,,, •,L , b, , , planned. As Mr, Orlando pointed out in his letter OF October 1979, Bailey Bridging is loaned by the M i A mtry wi I h I hv uivk standing that a more permanent solution will be undvpiNkrn. For our information , I would apprecia1v any advi ,, with to the municipaliLy,s plan, On the PKINucmunt , "r w! huimihc , or the structure. tru)y, WWO/till W.W. Onb"rn, DinLvict Municipal Enpinuu •. JUN 0 EP --JQYVN - / ` TOWN OF N|]<( AS1lJE yU0|JC WORKS UCPAKTMKN? Director' s KryorL to Public Works Comm/ | r^, of May > / . 198| . Item: W|}63-81 . Dote: May 4. 1981. ' Subject : Jackman KnaJ Bailey Bridge , /\ovw^ov| | }, . KecommeoJxC1ml � TUAI the Htn(atcy of Transportation & Communications be u' / quested to extend the loon agreement in respect of the - Jackman KooJ Dailey Bridge for o further period of two (2) ycnre. Report: The subject huiJUe was originally loaned to the f"tmcr Town / U"wmaovi1lc In 1970' for a three (]) year period . » 11le Hin1nt ry of Tro»»portoL Lon 6 Common |coL ion, Kr' .i x��, all exLcoo1mn u' the loan pcc1oJ^ [or two years 1 ' further e:c 'nniw� ' » '/a»"«cy' �9 /4 � 1977 (two-year), « were Xra»ceJ 1n 5'p�em6e/, ly7} (one year) und 1979 (two years) . 1l,p lart'r oxc,no<un expires In October, 1981 . � Since the original ]ouo was Oran(cJ ` several ccyo]ra and reoLorot (*`x have been effected to the structure , In occoo| once with H/o (xLry rcYo1rcm,ota resulting from y'ri^d |cu) - Inspection" Of Um bridge. It is recommended 'that, until the Town can J'tcrmi»o and uon- ! u/cuct x y'rmoucnc ouccno cnnJ ocn`,s the creek x/ Jackman � Road, the present arrangement with the NLn(utcy of Transport - ation ' & Communications be continued. | | ! / | V TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee of July 7, 1981. Item: WD-90-81. Date: June 24, 1981. Subject: Jackman Road Bailey Bridge - Bowmanville. Recommendation: THAT the correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation & Comm- unications dated June 9, 1981, be acknowledged and, further, that the Ministry be advised of the Municipality's concerns in regard to i the relatively low A.A.D.T. on Jackman Road and, therefore, until development occurs the Town of Newcastle cannot justify an expend- iture for bridge replacement. Report: Resolution # W-112-81 adopted Report WD-63-81 whereby the Ministry of Transportation and Communications was requested to extend the existing loan agreement in respect of the Jackman Road Bailey Bridge for a further period of two (2) years. The attached correspondence in reply to the above, agrees to the extension of loan until October, 1983; however, the Ministry of Transportation & Communications requests information as to the Municipality's intentions or plans for the replacement, or other- wise, of the structure. As with several other possible projects, the A.A.D.T. on Jackman Road is relatively low and, as such, would not warrant expenditures of any great magnitude; also it is quite possible that replacing the Bridge may not be justified for the next 5 - 10 years. With this in mind, it may well be in the Town's best interests, finan- cially and otherwise, at some point in time, to close the Bridge, by by-law, and return the structure to the Ministry of Transportation & Communications. _r� C 5 Ontario N Ministry of Transportation and District No. 6, Communications 5000 Yonge Street, Wi l lowd;i1 e, Ontario. M2N 6E9 Telephone: 224-7456 81 06 09 � i I Mrs. G.E. Gray, Deputy Clerk, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, F Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Dear Mrs. Gray: Re: Town of Newcastle Jackman Road Bailey Bridge As requested by Council, authority has been obtained to extend ._I the loan of the Bailey Bridge on Jackman Road until October, 1983. In reviewing the past correspondence, it is noted that several extensions have been granted with the understanding that a realignment of Jackman Road and the bridge replacement is being planned. As Mr. Orlando pointed out in his letter of October 5, 1979, Bailey Bridging is loaned by the Ministry with the under- standing that a more permanent solution will be undertaken. For our information, I would appreciate any advice with regard f to the municipality's plans on the replacement, or otherwise, of the structure. Yours truly, f WWO/tm ✓ .i� ����.�1�� W.W. Osborn, District Municipal Engineer. E� :'V':D t 16 1981 KS DEPT. NEWCgS7LE - ' •sl A5, TOWN OF NEW,-CASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director' s Report to Public Works Committee of May 12 , 1981. Item: WD--63-81. Date: May 4 , 1981. Subject : Jackman Road Bailey Bridge, Bowmanville. Recommendation: THAT the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be re- quested to extend the loan agreement in respect of the Jackman Road Bailey Bridge for a further period of two (2) years. Report: The subject bridge was originally loaned to the former Town of Bowmanvil.le in 1970, for a three (3) year period. The Ministry of Transportation & Communications granted an extension to the loan period, for two years, in January, 1974 ; further extensions were granted in September, 1975 (one year) 1977 (two-year) and 1979 (two years) . The latter extension expires in October, 1981. Since the original loan was granted, several repairs and restorations have been effected to the structure, in accord- ance with Ministry requirements resulting from periodical inspection:; of the bridge. It is recommended that, until the Town can determine and con- struct a permanent access road across the creek at Jackman ! Road, the present arrangement with the Ministry of Transport- ation & Communications be continued. i I