HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-109-81 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - � Director's Report to Public Works Committee of September 15, 1981. Item: WD-109-81. Date: September 3, 1981. Subject: Reynolds Property Lot 17, Concession 4, former Darlington. Recommendation: THAT the property owners be advised that the Town of Newcastle cannot participate financiaUyto erosion protection control on private lands and further that they consider undertaking any remedial measures themselves, as suggested by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Report: Correspondence has been received from Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds of Lot 17, Concession 4, former Township of Darlington, in which concern is expressed in regard to the erosion of Creek banks and resulting flooding of their property. The subject property is located adjacent to Bowmanville Creek, on the south side of Taunton Road. The Creek suffers erosion, caused primarily by flooding during the period of Spring runoff. It is presumed that the development of the subject property preceded Conservation Authority mapping, which now indicates that the lands are within the flood plain. C.L.O.C.A has indicated (correspondence of August 14, 1981) that the Authority does not participate in any works unless a Petition is received from the Town of Newcastle "- for which the municipality, being the beneficiary, would be assesss,'145% (forty-five per cent) of any costs involved in remedial measures. Staff of the Conservation Authority have visited the site and have suggested that Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds might undertake, privately, measures to correct or alleviate the problem; this would seem to be an appropriate recommendation under the circumstances. ,�I P� SAKE O �qo 0 o ti 2 yQ s Xo /ON CENTRAL PJ CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 1650 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY,ONTARIO. UN 2K8 (416)579-0411 REF NO. August 14, 1981 . Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works, Corp. of the Town of Newcastle, Municipal Building, Hampton, Ontario. Attention: Mrs. V. Haigh. Dear Mrs. Haigh: Re: Reynolds Property, Lot 17, Concession IV, Newcastle. In reply to your letter of August 11th, 1981 concerning the referenced matter we have had prior correspondence with the Reynolds and copies are enclosed for your information and records. Authority staff have visited the site to suggest possible measures the owners themselves might undertake as contained in items 1 and 2, but the Authority's direct participation in any such works would only occur after a proper engineering assessment, and a petition from the Town to become so involved. With respect to sandbagging, I am not aware where this meas- ure per se, is stipulated as being a responsiblity of the municipality. However, reference should be made to the GREEN section of the Regional Emergency Plan manual (see enclosure) which does set out municipal responsibilities. None of the above precludes the owners from taking appropriate steps to offset any hazards the y perceive. Yours truly, encls. W. M. Campbell , RECEIVED WMC/Jmb General Manager. I AUG 18 1981 $r CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J.W.Dunharn,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 J TEL.(4 16)263-2231 Mr. W.M. Campbell, General Manager, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 1650 Dundas Street East, Wtirm. Ontario. LIN 2K8. August 11, 1981. Dear Sir: Re: Lot 17, Concession 4, former Darlington. Attached herewith is a copy of correspondence delivered to this office yesterday. As Mr. Dunham is presently on vacation, I am writing to you at this time in order to confirm the recommendat- ions attributed to Mr. Steve Edwards (see Items 1, 2 and 3) by Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds. I am sure Mr. Dunham may want to discuss this matter with you upon his return, and it would be most helpful to have as complete background data as is possible. Thanking you for your kind co-operation and assistance. Yours truly, J. DUNHAM. Director. V. Haigh (Secretary) . I i i 11amntori, Ontario August 10, l)ul l,ir.. Tack Dunham irector of Public ', orks Town of Newcastle Ham-,ton, Ontario Lear Sir: `phis letter is in reference to flooding and erosion on our property ( located at Lot 17, (,oncession 4) caused by- the uowmanville Creek which runs adjacent to our proper�,y. Enclosed are copies of the correspondence we have had with Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority concernin!:= this problem. A representative from CLOCA (Steve Edwar('s) has been to our property regarding this matter and the following sugr�estions were made : 1. removal of a sharp turn in the creek to the rear of our property where ice flows have been caught in the spring 2. installation of gabians (approximately 50 feet) to prevent further erosion of the bank immediately next, to our barn 3. the use of sandbags between our hcuoe and the creek if or when the flooding again threatens our home i,'rom our contact with CLOCA, we understand that action on the first two ma t,tors can only be undertaken throu rh request of the Town and that this is a cost-sharing process. Since 45% of the cost is not payed by CLO,:;A we would appreciate advice on this matter. I - e also understand that sandbagging is now the responsioility of the. Town if flooding is predicted. Because of the severity of the situations we encountered during the past two springs, we feel that we must be assured of this protection and that effective procedures be implemented should a f1b6ding situation again threaten ourselves and our home. ',`e would a ppreoi&tb -,hearing from you on these matters. Sin FA 1��® cede Lori an Paul Reynolds 10 1981 2b3--2388 i V Cl triJ DLH {. TOWN OF NSWCASTLE ' I . ' �l\ ^ ' ' Annuxure 10 to /q} � Region Peacetime >/ , Emergency Plan / page l PLAN FOR FLOOD EMERGENCIES REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM . This Plan shall be designated as Annexure No lU to the Durham Region Peacetime Emergency Plan authorized by By-law 2711-74 of 27 Nov. 1974. PART l : PRINCIPLES SUPPORTING THE PLAN l ^ Alerting of Municipalities to apprehended flooding is the responsi6~ llYty of the local Conservation Authority and where they do not exist by the Ministry of Natural Resources. , ' 2. The Initial responsibility for declaring an emergency and reacting to / same is that of the Area Municipal Government, 3^ Regional Services (eg' Social Services, Police, Works'� will react to flood emergencies in *support of the Area Municipalities effected to the extent of their responsibilities., ' ` .4. Provincial response will provide assistance in Support of emergency action undertaken by a municipality. The Ministry of Natural Raaourcos has been identified by Order-in-Council as the Ministry responsible for provincial response to flood emergencies and has identified the Response Coordinators as shown in Appendix l , 5^ Durham Region has a Peacetime Emergency Plan in which all operations are under an Emergency Control Group (KECG\ and the coordinating operations officer will be appointed 'y the' KECG dependent upon- the ' type of emergency exlyting. For floods this would be the Regional Works Director of Operations. 6^ Area Municipalities will have a similar Emergency Control Croup /HECG) under an appropriate coordinating operations officer For emergencies ' contained within their municipal / ties, receiving appropriate Regional Services support, 7, Where the emergency has been declared to be beyond the Area Municip- alities capability to handle and agreed to by the Regional authority,� authority^the Durham Region Emergency Control Group (RECC) assumes control and `thu Aren Municipal Emergency Control Group (MEG) with their local resources provydas reasonable supp'ort, ]� ! � | ' . � PART 2: THE AIM OF THE FLOOD PLAN .' ! Area and Regional Municipal Governments will respond to local flood emergencies | consistant with the above principles in a manner as detailed in the procedures | contained within their respective emergency plans and the flood emergency | procedures in PART 3 of this Annaxurm 10 (Regional Peacetime Emergency Plan) ,for the purpose of mi-nimizing injury and ' � the t/ ed � reduce area, losses. - | \ | � TION P� CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 1650 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. UN 2K8 (416)579-0411 REF NO. June 12, 1981 . Mr. & Mrs. P. Reynolds , R. R. #1 , Hampton, Ontario LOB 1JO Dear Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 4th concern- ing flooding problems on your property. With respect to the two floods you had mentioned , the one in March, 1980 was the result of heavy rains which produced flood elevations that might be anticipated on the average about once in ten years. In the Feb- ruary, 1981 flood, ice jams were a problem in virtually every creek, and I suspect that an ice jam downstream of your property caused the water backup you observed. However, your property is located within the floodplain of the Bowmanville Creek and therefore there is very little which can be done either on your property, or upstream or downstream from it which is going to help this situation. Hampton pond, as I 'm sure you are aware, is completely silted in and therefore does not act as a flood control structure. That is , any heavy flows upstream of the darn are Immediately conducted through the spillway, or in fact , over the dam, and result in the same heavy flows downstream, as if the pond and dam didn' t exist . As far as the Authority' s "responsibility" pertains to such matters, the Authority is essentially a regulatory agency which tries to ensure that no new development occurs within floodplain areas , and that no one interferes with a watercourse to the detriment of others. i cont 'd. . . . . .2 Mr. & Mrs. P. Reynolds , June 12, 1981 , Page 2 However , where development has already occurred within the flood- plain and flooding and erosion problems are prevalent , as in your case, the Authority may be in a position to offer some technical and/or financial assistance. I would suggest that this might be more approp- riately discussed in person and on the site. Should this be agreeable, please phone this office to arrange for a mutually acceptable appointment . Yours truly, W. M. Campbell , WMC/jmb General Manager. I i f R.R. #1 Hampton, Ontario LOB 150 June 4 , 1981 Mr. Bill Campbell General Manager Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 1650 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario Dear Sir: This letter is written in reference to the Bowmanville Creek which runs through our property located on the 4th Concession, Lot 17, which is on the south side of Taunton Road, adjacent to the Bowmanville Creek, west of Hampton Gardens Fruit and Vegetable Market. The past two springs, March 1980 and *March 1981 , we sustained property damage through erosion due to the flooding of the Bowmanville Creek through our property. We have experienced considerable stress and inconvenience at these same times, never knowing if the water would reach our home and horse stable. In the spring of 1980, the flooding was so extensive and close to our house that we were told to evacuate our home by the Durham Regional Police. Not only was this extremely stressful and frightening, it also created a large clean-up situation for us afterward. We lost a great deal of firewood and our horse stable incurred water damage. Because we were told at the .time that this was the result of very unusual weather conditions and that a situation such as this had never been recorded in the past, we decided to not follow it up at the time. However, this spring a similar situation occurred again. Although it was not as severe, the water level still rose very close to our house and there was considerable water erosion and resulting clean-up which we had to again undertake. The Durham ! Regional Police again were monitoring the flooding situation for us while we were at work. Needless to say, it was again a high anxiety situation. Enclosed are pictures which we took of the flooding onto our p y pro ert at these times . The extent of the flooding can be obviously seen in the photos. Since the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority is responsible for the Bowmanville Creek and must be brought to Your attention.� iIfHthetkindwoffsituationtcan i /z 04 2 - Mr. Bill. Campbell June 4/81 be seen as a possibility again for next spring, 1982, we feel that something should be done to protect our property and ourselves since the high water presents an obvious danger to people and animals as well as our home and possessions . We are considering building a retaining wall next to our stable since the erosion in that area is quite extensive. We would appreciate hearing from you regarding this situation and what should be done. Perhaps some assistance to us in the building of a retaining wall or whatever else that might be recommended would be appropriate. Thank you for your attention and we would appreciate hearing from you on this matter. uj�,s-`Srery truly1�� LR•cg 6V�Lori end Paul Reynolds. (Hampton: 263-2388) • 1 ,I ' I jw i X98 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY