HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-119-81 NIiOaY�NIE DG[GF 4D •,P"/r fl '�C�/ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1JO TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE OF OCTOBER 13, 1981. REPORT NO. WD-119-81. October 1, 1981. SUBJECT: Highway No. 2 Connecting Link - Upgrading. (King Street) Village of Newcastle. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. THAT Report WD-119-81 be received, and; 2. THAT Council, by resolution, authorize Staff to prepare and submit, to the Ministry of Transportation & Communic- ations, a Design Criteria and Preliminary Cost Estimate for Ministry approval, and; 3. THAT the expenditure associated with the preparation of documentation for the Connecting Link project, estimated to be $1,000. 00 (One Thousand Dollars) be debited to Account No. - 7212-000-900. BACKGROUND: At the Meeting of September 8, 1981, Council, by Resolution # C-970-81 referred correspondence from Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. , to Staff for a report on the upgrading of Highway No. 2. E �'f wD-119-81 _ 2 through the Village of Newcastle. At the same Meeting of September 8, 1981, Council, by Resolution # C-987-81, has gone on record as requesting the Ministry of Transportation & Communications to give consideration to a reconstruction project of the Connecting Link (King Street) in 1982; the project is to include storm drainage and the Ministry is to be asked that it be included in their estimates for the upcoming year. COMMENT: In a letter dated August 26, 1981, to Mr. Sam Cureatz, the Hon. James Snow, Minister, refers to the Connecting Link Agree- ment whereby the Corporation may initiate a construction project by requesting Ministry approval of same. During the 1981 Needs Study Update, the Connecting Link was re-appraised and it was indicated that the relevant section was deficient. We have now received verbal confirmation that the Ministry has accepted this appraisal. As Council has, by Resolution # C-987-81, requested that the Ministry give consideration to the reconstruction, rather than report on Mr. Cureatz' correspondence of August 27, 1981, the procedure for the initiation of a Connecting Link construction project will be outlined. It is necessary that: 1. A Cost Estimate and Design Criteria be prepared, and submitted to the Ministry for approval. 2. That':all Agencies, Utilities, and the Regional Municipality of Durham, be notified of all action. 3. That, subject to the approval of the Design Criteria and Preliminary Cost Estimate, and having obtained a finan- cial committment from the Ministry, the Municipality must enter into an Agreement WD-119-81 - 3 _ 3. . . with a Ministry-approved Consultant for the provision of professional engineering services. 4. Design plans and specifications must be prepared and submitted to the Ministry for approval, prior to the calling of a tender. 5. A Construction Agreement must be entered into between the Town and the Ministry. 6. Tenders, when called, are received by Council and the subsequent award is sub- ject to the approval of the Ministry. I The foregoing procedure would include provisions for all necessary utility locations, and any items within the Contract required to accommodate the requirements of the Regional Municipality of Durham. In keeping with Resolution # C-987-81, and upon the approval of Council, it would be appropriate to submit a Design Criteria to the Ministry of Transportation & Communications for it's consideration. Respectfully submitted, J. Dunham. Director of Public Works. ki JD:vh Ontario Ministry of Transportation and District No. 6, Communications 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9 Telephone : 224-7460 81 09 16 TO: ALL COMMISSIONERS AND/OR ROAD SUPERINTENDENTS RE: King's Highway Connecting Link Program 1982-83 As in previous years, it is now requested that you supply this office with information regarding your Connecting Link Program for 1982-83. You should list all construction and improvements projects proposed for the period commencing April 1st, 1982, giving all necessary detail and making comments as to priority. It would be appreciated if this information could be supplied to this office by no later than October 8th, 1981 . Yours truly, KGH/tm K.G. Hughes, Municipal Clerk For: W.W. Osborn, District Municipal Engineer. RECEIVED SEP 22 1981 WORKS DEPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE i p f Ontario Oltice of the Ministry of - - - -- '- — --- - Ferguson Block Minister g Transportation and Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario Communications 416/965-2101 r August 26, 1981. r Mr. Sam L. Cureatz, M. P. P. , Durham East, Legislative Building, Room 195, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. M7A lA2 Dear Sam: Reference is made to your letter of August 12, 1981 suggesting that the Highway 2 connecting link in Newcastle be reconstructed at the same time as our resurfacing project on Highway 2 to the west of Newcastle. As you are aware the subject section of road in Newcastle is under a connecting link agreement and the legal jurisdiction of the road- ' way rests with the municipality. Accordingly, any request for improvements should be initiated by the Village of Nev,,castle. E f I should confirm however that my Ministry is quite prepared to review the need, extent, and timing; of possible improvements to the Connecting link if requested by the village and the appropriate official from the Ministry to contact in this regard is Mr. W. W. Osborn, District Municipal Engineer, 5000 Yonge Street in Willow- dale. I trust that these arrangements will be satisfactory. , k With kindest regards, I remain, ;i Yours-sincerely, C-11 •✓ r Jame s Snow, Mini ster. ,i alrMINICA'rIONS 1) LO t I()rr �. Snn� L. Cureatz, M.P.P. " � > ��✓ 'Office Non u: Address: N G61borno Strout I x.t rl 1 19 tJ .v ,r,lln, Onl u(o Oshawa, Ontimo �� J t 0A I Hn L1G 11-9 41 ) M7-4484 (416) 671 P084 P084 (; Constituency Office: Queen's Park Office: 68 King Street East Room 195 Sam L. Cureatz, M.P.P. HOWM;(nville. Ontario Legislative B((ilding Durham East I_iC .tVj Queen's Park, Toronto Ontario M7A 1A2 (4 16) 673 6663 (416) 965-4186 August. 27 , 1981 His Worship Mayor Garnet M. Rickard Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ont. Dear Mr. Rickard and all Council Members: I would be pleased if Council might review the letter that I have received from the Minister of Transportation & Communications . If you recall, I had requested the Minister to consider the possibility of extending the upgrading of Highway 2 through the Village of Newcastle. The Minister has responded that he would require your official request for the upgrading of this sector. s In the light of this request could you and the Council please consider the possibility of officially requesting the Minister to upgrade the connecting link j through the village of Newcastle. As the Minister has stated, I he is quite prepared to review the need. Trusting I will hear from you in due course. f ' Yours sincerely, Sam L. Cureatz Deputy Speaker ; I Owl 1 J�i i f Council Minutes `,c�l�tci�ibr�r• �� 19i�1 Resolution #C-96I-831 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor i'rout Township of THAT the resolution from Ihp Township nl (bor•gind rpyordiny Georgina industrial promotion be received for informati resolution on. "CARR I CD" Resolution 00968_ -f Moved by Councillor Homru , seconded by Councillor Hubbard Clarke THAT the letter received ` , 1 98 l Museum & Chairman of the Clarke Museums &h Archives berconsideredewith Archives staff reports 6 , 7 and 9. "CARRIED" Resolution #C-969-81 Moved by Councillor Woodyard , seconded by (routcillor Hubbard Request for THAT the letter received from Eileen Stephens , Secretary special of the Orono Town Hall Board applying for a special occasion occasion liquor permit be received; liquor permit and their request concurred with when all regulations have been met. X;Resolution #C.9/o-81 Moved by Councillor Cowpian , seconded by Councillor Woodyard Upgrading !HAT the correspondence -dated August 27 1981 from Mr ,. ;�rnr #2 highway Cureat:z , M, p,p, relative to the upgrading pgradi ng of Highway �.2 through the Village of Newcastle be acknowledged ; and referred to staff For a report through the Public Works Committee , to demonstrate and review the need, extent and timing of these improvements and the financial impact on the municipality, and a writable resolution requesting the Ministry to proceed with their work. "CARRIED AS AMENDED" V esolution #C--971 -81 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Cowman THAT the previous resolution be amended by striking all the words following "through the Public Works Committee" . "CARRIED'' i Council Mi nw we Resolution IIC-970-81 as aunentfed now reads as follows : That the correspondence dated August 27 1981 from Mr. Sam Cureatz , M.P, P. relative to the upgrading of Highway fir;) Lhrouyh the Village of NewcasLIe be acknowledged; and referred to staff for a report thrOugh the Public: Works Committee. Resolution #C-972-81 Moved by Councillor Taylor, seconded by Councillor Prout Public THAT the Public Works Conw it.tee Chairman ' s report OF meeting Works held August 31 1981 be approved. Committee "CARRIED'' Resolution NC-97:1-81 Moved by Councillor Prowl , soconded by Councillor Woodyard Community THAT the Community Services Committee Chairman ' s report Services of a special meeting held August 18 1981 be approved ; Committee and that the Fire Chief be authorized to proceed with the obtaining of a V. H. F. Radio Frequency for the Fire Department' s use , at an amount, not Lo ex=d $6,300,00; and Lhe AdmI n i s tra Lor and I ire Chief i nvus L i ga Le and repur f. on the means of funding. "CARRIED" Resolution 1(C-974-81 Moved by Counc: i 1 1 or woudya rd , nPronded by Councillor Taylor Borrowing By-Low IIIAI the Clerk' s re pa•1 r��� Il�rr�roc�,inc VIM Tile Drainage Act 1971 be approved; I I irl"! - life Drainage Act 1971 and that the report, of Lhe Clerk dw ted Auqus t loth 1981 respec ti ny the Town ' s 1981 Tile Drainage borrowing by-law be received ; and that bill No. 81 -72 (By-Law 81 -72) which received two readings on June 1st 1981 be rescinded, and that fay-Law 75-25 passed on April 7th 1975 , and By-Law 81 -27 passed on February 23rd 1981 be repealed; and Lhat By-Law 81 -110 enLiLled "A by- law Lo raise looney Lo aid in Lhe construction of drvinaye works under the Tilt Drainage Act, 1971 " be given Lhree readings and passed ; IIl Council MlnuLes - I�l- `,cptenil�er „ 1cll 1 Mayor Rickard offered congratulations to Mr. Dunham and Mr. Fred Brown on ' he Wccessful couprletion of the course at the C. S. Anderson Road `school . 1 —Resolution "C-987-01 ?loved by Councillor Woodyard , seconded by Councillor Hubbard Flooding THAT WHEREAS there have been numerous complaints regarding and the flooding and drainage problems in the area of the Connecting Drainage Link of Highway #2 through the former Village of Newcastle , and Problems WHEREAS this has been verified by the Director of Public Works for the Town of Newcastle ; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Newcastle go on record as requesting the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to give cun, iderdtion to the reconstruction , including storm drainage , of the Connecting Link through the former Village of Newcastle and the inclusion of this project in their est.imnes for 1982. Recorded Vote : "CARRIED" Counci I lor Cowman. . . . . . .fiay Councillor Hann e. . . . . . . . Yea Councillor Hubbard . . . . . . Yea Councillor Prout . . . . . . . . yQa Councillor Taylor. . . . . . . Ye,r Councillor Woodyard. . . . . Yea Mayor Rickard. . . . . . . . . . . yea Resolution #C.918.81 i Moved by Councillor Woodyard , seconded by Councillor Hamre Municipal WHEREAS the Town staff are Presently reviewing the status property of municipal property with a view to identifying surplus lands and/or buildings ; AND AHEREAS the Town wishes Lo improve Fire Protection services in the Orono area ; I BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chief Administrative Officer is directed to investigate possible alternative locations for the Orono Fire Hall and to briny back a report in respect of possible sites and their Cost to the municipality as Moon as possible. "CARRIED" I