HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-172-80 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT' Director's Report to Public Works Committee of December 5, 1980. ITEM: WD-172-80. DATE: November 27, 1980. SUBJECT: Resolution # W-398-80. Policy for Unmaintained Road Construction. BACKGROUND: In the past, it has been the practice of the Town to establish formal Policies by Resolution of Committee and adoption by Council, and such has been the case in regard to the Policy for Unmaintained Road Construction. The Policy to which reference is made was originally formalized in 1975 (Resolution # W-485-75 & W-486-75) and, latterly, was updated by Resolution # W-398-78, as follows: Raotuti.on # W-398-78: "THAT the Town w.i,U not undeAtake the eonstAucti_on o6 any unma,i ntained Aoad 6orc a pen i.od o4 24 move and, 4ufLMet, the Town wiU not, within the 24- month pelt i.od, u ses ume 4on maintenance putcpo s ens any t addit i,ona t trtoad,6, save and except those which ate eovztAueted by otheu, at no cost to the Town, under a Subdivizion Agtceement, The Loca.2 TmpAovement Act o& pA vate entetepA i 6 e, p&o vided that the noad,s 5o conzttrueted meet the Dezign Ctr i teAi.a and Conzttcuet- ion Standatcd,5 AequjAed by the Town and that att appticati.ons 6oA imptementat i.on o4 the Pot i c y must be appuved by the Municipat ty and be in aeeo&dance with the pAov,i6iows o4 the app&opAiate Zoning By-Law and eon6o&m to the Devetopment Pot icy as 5tated in the 0 4 4iciak Han". REPORT: The foregoing Policy has been of considerable benefit to the Municipality in that it enables the Town to determine and con- trol development and, when requests for road construction are received from the private sector, the Policy provides specific guidelines for consideration by the individual. WD-172-80 (2) r� ) Report, continued. . . The above Policy would, under normal circumstances, have been updated in November, 1980, to ensure uninterrupted continuation of the establisi'led practice; however, as there was no Conrdttee Meeting at the appropriate time, this was not done. RECONgRMTION: THAT the Policy for Unmaintained Road Construction, as previously established, be extended for a period of two years. I