Director's Report to Public Works Coimdttee of September 30, 1980.
ITEM: WD-127-80.
DATE: September 22, 1980.
SUBJECT: Street Lighting - Mitchell's Corners.
In May, 1980, the Town Clerk received a Petition for Street Lighting
from residents of Mitchell's Corners and, subsequently, Council
passed Resolution # C-80-757, as follows:
"THAT .tole }tequn.t contained in the tettot dated May
20, 1980, 4AUm WL. J. Kwii s,tjta, be approved and that
the D,vtec.tm o4 Public Wat b be Requested to pAepoAe
a cost ens-tbnate 6oA the st&eet Ugh,ting at MitcheW�s
CoAneu cute AepoAt to the Pubtie Gwtb Committee."
Discussions were held with the Petitioners in order to determine
the exact extent and limits to which the request applied and, once
the boundaries were defined, various steps were taken to obtain a
cost estimate.
Meetings between Ontario Hydro representatives and Town Staff were
held in order to prepare the design and type of lighting to be
used; the design was undertaken and, subsequently, quotations were
iinvited from local contractors for the supply and installation of
the lights.
the Boundary Plan together with the quotations was sent to the
Tax Department at the Town Hall, who prepared the necessary cost
breakdown and projections. The costs included figures for power
and maintenance.
The costs given have been based on assessment, with capital costs
being recovered over a five-year period; from Year 6 onwards, the
area residents would pay for maintenance and power only.
WD-137-80 (2)
Based on the assessment, the following would apply:
Years 1 to 5 inclusive.
3,000 assessment $36 - $39 per year.
2,500 assessment $30 - $32
Year 6 and over.
3,000 assessment $16 - $17 per year.
2,500 assessment $13 - $14 it "
It should be noted that the foregoing figures are based on current
costs and could be subject to change due to increase in materials'
prices, fluctuation of interest rates, increase in power costs
and the increasing or decreasing of the boundary area.