HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-117-80 r s' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Comnittee of September 30, 1980. ITEM: WD-117-80. DATE: September 22, 1980. SUBJECT: Station Street, Orono. Resolution # W-71-79 & Resolution # W-279-79. BACKGROUND: On April 3, 1979, Mr. A. McLaren appeared before the Public Works Committee, regarding the alignment of Station Street, Orono, and subsequently Resolution fir` W-71-79 was passed, as follows: "THAT the detegation be acknowledged and the pte,sentation be te4med to Sta.44 and be examined during Road Inzpecti,on, and Sta44 initiate the acqui6ii Lion o4 Station Sheet in tota,2 to a width o4 50 4t. where pozzibte." As a result of the foregoing, a Reference Plan was acquired and Report No. 231 (attached) submitted to Committee for consideration. At the rleeting of November 27, 1979, Resolution # W-279-79 was passed: "THAT the recommendation in Repnt 231 be endorsed and Pants 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, o4 RefeAence Ptan No. 14R-1042 be appnais ed and Pangs G, 7 8 8 thetteo 4 be dozed and conveyed to Mn. A. McLanen in .eieu o4 Pcurt/s 1 9 2 thetteo 4 and, 4unthett, that the remaining tand,6 be adventised in accordance with The Act". The foregoing was adopted by Council on December 3, 1979 and, on December 5, 1979, the Committee Secretary wrote to inform Mr. A. McLaren of the action taken in this matter. On January 8, 1980, a letter was received from Mr. W. Kay Lycett requesting information on the subject matter and, on January 10, 1980, a reply was sent defining the action taken to date and asking that the Terms of Resolution # W-279-79 be confirmed in order that the necessary appraisals could be acquired, in accordance with Policy. I WD-117-80 (2) REPORT: Between January 10, 1980, and the (attached) letter from Mr. A. McLaren, dated August 26, 1980, no confirmation had been forth- coming, and it was unknown whether the Terms of Resolution # W-279-79 were acceptable or otherwise. It would now appear that Mr. McLaren is not in agreement with the abovementioned Resolution, and it is understood that he will be a delegation to the Committee Meeting in order to express and define his concerns in the matter. 1.-OW4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC W0nKQ OCIPARTMEINT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB I JO TEL.(4 16)263-2231 Mr. A. McLaren, Orono Fuel & Lumber Lim!ted, ORONO. Ontario. LOB JMO. September 3, 1980. Dear Sir: Re: -5 r .. S-ation Street, Orono, Pr�12erty Exchange. Thank you for Your correspondence of August 26, 1980, in regard to the settlement proposal relative to the above transaction. I will ensure that this matter is brought to the attention of the Public Works Committee at the meeting of September 30th, 1980, and will advise you, shortly thereafter, of the outcome. 1 trust this will be of ass.jsLance to you, and will contact ou again in due course. y Assuring you of my best attention at o1.1 times. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. JD:vh PHONE 983.9167 SEE MCLAREN FOR Building Materials and Supplies — Fuel Oil, Coal — Oil Furnaces, Burners ORONO/ ONTARIO August 26, 1980, Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario, Attn: Mr. Jack Dunham, Dear Sir: As you are probably aware I am not happy with the Towns proposal for settlement of the Station Street i property exchange. I feel this is topone-sided add needs further work, possibly an appraisal of the properties involved would be the quickest approach towards the successful resolution. Yours sincerely, - A. McLaren, Orono Fuel & Lumber Ltd. 7 SEP EIVED 2 1980 WO11KS DEPT. TOWN OF NEV/C6,,STLE Mme,k"tIOU 4P L CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUDLIC WORKS DUPARTMI1047 J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(416)263-2231 W. Kay Lycett, Q.C. , Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, ORONO. Ontario. LOB 1MO. January 10, 1980. Dear Sir: Re: Dora Mae LcLaren - Road Closing & Exchange of Lands. I refer to your correspondence of January 8, 1980, received by the Deputy Clerk for the Town of Newcastle, and attach hereto a copy of a letter sent to Mr. A. McLaren on December 5, 1979, which I feel will satisfactorily answer most of your client's concerns relative to the subject matter. It would be greatly appreciated if you would confirm the terms of Resolution # W-279-79, the details of which are in the copy attached, and, upon receipt of your client's concurrence we shall immediately arrange for the necessary appraisals of land to be undertaken. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future, and assure you of my best attention at all times. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. cc: G. Cray, Deputy Clerk. JD:vh att: CORPORATION Or Till TOWN OF NFWCA)TI.r OFFICE OF T-HE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623.3379 ` BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC3A6 " December 5, 1979 Mr. A. MacLaren, Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO Dear Mr. MacLaren: Re: Station Street - Orono At the Public Works Committee meeting held on November 27th, 1979, the Director presented Report 231 relative to the alignment of Station Street in the Village of Orono. The following recommendation in his report was adopted by Council on December 3, 1979: "THAT Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 and 12 of Reference Plan 1OR1042 be appraised and Parts 6, 7 and 8 thereof be closed and conveyed to Mr. A. McLaren in lieu of Parts 1 and 2 thereof and further, that the remaining lands be advertised in accordance with the Act". Enclosed herewith is a copy of Report 231 and a copy of the reference plan 10R1O42. Please contact Mr. Dunham at the Public Works Office in Hampton for further information. Yours very truly, 4— cl Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk/Committee Secretary gg C. C. Mr, J. Dunham, Director of Public Works .i = t r N o. 2 31. TOWN Or NCWCASTLC PUBLIC WORKS DEPAI1MENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Resolution # W-71-79. Date: November 26, 1979. Subject: Station Street, Village of Orono. Background: On April 3, 1979, Mr. A. McLaren appeared before the Public Works Committee regarding the alignment of Station Street, Orono, and, as a result, Resolution # W-71-79 was passed as follows: "THAT the delegation be acknowledged and the presentation be referred to Staff and be ex- amined during road inspection and Staff init- iate acquisition of Station Street in total to a width of 50 fc. where possible". Mr. McLaren stated that the presently travelled portion of Station Street is, in fact, situated on his lands; the legal boundary of the street is somewhat to the north of the existing occupied road allowance. Report: i A Reference Plan, Number IOR-1042, has been obt,ained and Parts 1 and 2 thereon depict Station Street, as mentioned above, together with the land requirements, northerly, to augment Station Street to a width of 50 (fifty) feet. ` Mr. McLaren proposed that, in consideration of the Town acquiring the relevant area of Station Street, the north-south street to the east of his property, and Victoria Street which is adjacent to same, should be closed and conveyed. On Plan 1OR-1042 the lands are depicted as Parts 6 & 7 (unnamed street) and Part 8 of Victoria Street-, as being those abutting the McLaren property. A Reference Plan is presently being prepared to establish the right of way to the west of the area in question, and this should be avail- able in the very near future. / 2 . . . �F No. 231(2) r' It is suggested that the (unnamed) road allowance, shown as Parts 5, 6 and 7, together with Victoria Street, shown as Parts 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, be appraised and the value of same be established. In consideration of that portion of Station Street presently sit- uated on his lands (i. e. , Parts 1 and 2) Mr. McLaren wishes to acquire Parts 6 & 7 of the unnamed road allowance and Part 8 of / Victoria Street. Recommenda t ion: THAT Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Reference Plan 1OR-1042 be Appraised and that Parts 6, 7, and 8 thereof be closed and conveyed to Mr. A. McLaren in lieu of Parts 1 and 2 thereof and, further, that the remaining lands be advertised, in accordance with 1 The Act. 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