HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-80-80 TOWN OF NEWCASTLI,` PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works CommilLe". ITEM: WD-80-80. DATE: May 29, 1980. SUBJECT: North Street, Village of Newcastle Traffic. Back-round: The attached correspondence was submitted to the Public Work,; Committee meeting of May 22, 1980, by the Mayor and, subsequently, Resolution # W-140-80 referred the matter for a report . Concerns expressed are that traffic using North Sirper , From High— way 2, could use Regional Road 17 (Mrinvers SUM ) and Q in nugg ested that North Street become a 'dead end' , presuitiably at the northerly limits thereof, or that a portion be cillsod, as per lhe attached drawing. It is also stated that soulthhound traffic oil North Street uses the road "as a racetrack". J"eljwrt: North Street is a ' through' local road, providing =oAs From HighwNy 2 and Ruglonril Road 17 to abutting propert ies. Ilp mnLtpi has been discussed with Durgrim Region Traffic DcpNirtmon which is of the opinion that , ff the suggested portion of North Ktipov war ; to be closed, improvements to the southerly inLerspKinir would he necessary in order to provide adequate turning movement . Should North Street be considered to become a 'dead end' Chun boil) northerly portion would require closing by by-Inw; in my opinion such action would detract from the present , of I irlont f rNiisp"i I - ation system. It is also indicated in the attached cnrrPslmHdPncr that IrNFIV in the area is travelling at excessive spued ; this imm shOlIld he reported to Durham Region Police Force for their necessary action, WD-30--8 (2) Recoilmlenda tion e CMEREAS to retain an efficient transportation system if is most- important that North Street in the Village of NvwvnsLlu rpmaiia a through street, therefore it is recom-mended that no action be taken and, further, that Durham Region Police Force he requested to investigate the matter of speed traffic on that section of North Street, between Highway 2 and Regional Road 17, and that: the writer be so advised.