HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-79-80 ' TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC 90KK3 DDYAD1MEN? - Director's Report to Public Works Committee. ITEM: WD-79-80. DATE: May 29, 1980. ----------------------- SUBJECT: Lakeshore Erosion Control Study. Background: In 1978 Council uuUzocioe6 the undertaking of u Lakeshore Erosion Control Study and the Guoacueka Ke&inu Conservation Authority was requested to make provision in their 1979 Budget to carry out same. The Study has now been completed and is atLod`ed. Report: The Study Area (defined on Figure l of the attached) consists of 1`100 feet of lakeabnre, and two alternative control measures are presented, together with Cost Estimates (as of January, 1980) ` as follows: (i) KnuJ Relocation $]59,0X), 00** (ii) Erosion PcoLccL1ou 1196,000. 00 *� In respect of (i) , above, the estimated coat of $150"00, 80 is inclusive of n $5,000. 00 allowance for ]onJ acquisition; however, in my opinion, the IuLtcz figure would ocon in be rather conserv- ative. It is possible problems may he encountered if road relocation is considered, an concerns have already been expressed by local res- idents in this zeQard. However, if the decision was to undertake this measure, and if such action is approved by the Ministry of Transportation 6 Communications, the project would be eligible for Provincial subsidy. Erosion Protection is generally [c]t by senior government o&cucico to be the responsibility of the local municipality, who are expected to adopt remedial solutions within their own financing structure; -- - - WD-79-80(2) however, if this course of action is taken, municipalities can apply for assistance if it is considered that a particular pro- ject is of sufficient financial magnitude, and can n.oL be acc- ommodated without such assistance. Recommendation: THAT, upon consideration of the Lakeshore Erosion Control Study, a remedial alternative be selected, and that sources of funding and financial assistance be determined for consideration of the project in 1981. = L I,��AL k a F1f-t:�IC)f� CON I fZVd�1 lOi d fUTf IU(il i Y ;$ 416 WK M/ � ., 56 QUCCN fIiELT, got t��`'�'e:'` IZMI P.O. BOX 3?I3 PORT HOPE, ONTAHIO L1h 2W4 1910.03. 11t Mr. J. Dunham, Director Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Hampton, Ontario LOB 1 JO Dear Jack: Re: Lakeshore Road Erosion Control Study.jown of Newcast- le Please find enclosed a copy of the above study, Would you please review the study and make note of changpq or correct ions , i F any, you feel are rcyu i red. Would you also assess how many collie-, oI IIse Q udy A I I he re dui reel by the munnicipal i ty. I A I I make ai rangemenis to meet A Lh y(m V I near I HI HI discuss the above. Yours truly , r James A. Rowat Resources Managler JAR/m1 encl .