Directors Report to Public Works Committee.
Item: WD-36-80.
Date: March 13, 1980.
Subject: "No Parking" Restrictions: By-Law 79 - 1
In 1975,. the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority under-
took the operation 'of. the Enniskillen Park and, over the past
few years, the area has grown in popularity to the point when
literally hundreds of people enjoy the recreational facilities
in the Area.
The Authority provides two parking lots within the grounds of
the Conservation Area; the total capacity for parking is 150.
When these areas are filled, however, visitors park their
vehicles on the access road.
It has recently been brought to our attention that, when vehicles
park on both sides of the access road into the Conservation Area,
it would be impossible for any emergency vehicle to get into the
Park itself, if the need arose.
On March 10, 1980, the By-Law Enforcement Officer received a
Report from the Durham Region Police Force (see copy attached)
which underlines the concerns of the Force and expresses the
opinion that a solution to the restrictive access problem must
be found.
Mr. W. Campbell, Manager of Central Lake Ontario Conservation
Authority, has stated that that agency would have no objections
to the impositions of parking restrictions on the Access Road
and also' advised that the Authority does have provisions, with-
in the Park, for an additional capacity of 200 vehicles, if the
need arises.
In 1979, the Access Road into Enniskillen Conservation Area was
widened by approximately six feet, at the entrance to the Park,
and drainage culverts were lengthened and necessary ditching was
done in the area.
/ 2 . . .
Report, continued. . .
Approximately five hundred feet north of the Seventh Concession
a major culvert was replaced, and the embankment widened to all-
eviate a hazardous road condition in that location. These works,
although improving the access road somewhat, did not result in
any appreciable increase in road width, which is only about
twenty feet in most areas.
It is felt that, if the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Auth-
ority could provide additional parking within the grounds of the
Conservation Area, and parking restrictions were to be initiated
relative to the access road, the present congestion, and potent-
ially dangerous, conditions could be eliminated.
THAT, conditional upon the Central Lake Ontario .Conservation .
Authority being able to accommodate the impact of parking
restrictions on the Access Road into the Enniskillen Conservation
Area, By-Law' 79-1 be amended:
TIME':3 .�)�)�)fil . . . . . . . DATE: Why .. Ap .
0 n D,-'
Att : Larry Simnson _• �,
Town of Nowcnstle Rv-Lay Enforcement_-
Sir : The writer was dis itched to the above l oc a nof nn s"n Much �
1980 at approx. 3 •norv, for traffic control .
The sec . of road from the 7th Con , north to the C .I C .� � • n r'''L
via reduced to ono lane as K hora were vehi cl c; parhnd o
sides The vehicles wore parked north and south bound nn hot.h
.:,.ides causing a considerable traffic nroVem . The yr:it,er noticed
Ohio in home locations it would be almost, immnosibl.e to met, an
emargencey veh. such as a Piro truck to the nark area because of
the space. The writer would suggest that one side of this road
si ned as no parking. ` urinrr the weekends this park is heavily
used and this problem shouTd be rectified as soon as possible.
hespectfuliy submitted
P.C. Cra.i« (,rc,cntree NO: ._���z