HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-25-80 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: WD-25-80. Date: February 21, 1980. Subject: Traffic Operations' Study. Background: A Traffic Operations Study for the Town of Newcastle was initiated in 1977 and completed in July, 1978. The Study was in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation & Communications Criteria and was seventy-five per cent (75%) funded by the Province of Ontario. A Technical Co-ordinating Committee was formed to direct the Study and members-included representatives of the Ministry of Transportations & Communications, the Regional Municipality of Durham, Durham Region Police Force, the Town of Newcastle and the Consulting firm of Messrs. .Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited. The primary purpose of the Traffic Operations Study was to identify traffic operational deficiencies, develop solutions therefor, and maxim- ize the safety, efficiency and capacity of existing streets. The objective, ultimately, was to obtain the fullest possible use of existing facilities and, wherever possible, resolve deficiencies through the application of low-cost remedial measures such as traffic signal organization, minor intersection improvements, signing and marking programs. The planning period for the Study was five (5) years initially, with a brief analysis and update of minor traffic improvements being an anti- cipated requirements in the 6 - 10 year period. On July 20, 1978, the Technical Co-ordinating Committee recommended to Council that the Traffic Operations Study be endorsed (see Attachment 1) . In September, 1978, a Public Meeting; was held, and the details of the Traffic Operations Study were presented. Report: The Study Report included a Summary and Recommendations for implementation (see Attachment 2) . With the exceptions of Items 7, 8, 17, 18 and 21 thereof, parts of which have been effected either by construction or by by-laws. The Traffic Operations Study has not been adopted by Council; in January, 1979, however, Resolution # C-79-34 was passed, as follows: / 2 . . . IJU-2h !IU ReporL, conLinued. . . kollulu( loll 11 C--/!)- 'I/i i " THAT the Traffic Operations Study be not approved in total, as such, but for implementation received by Council as a Working Document and referred to the Works Committee and Director 'of Works to refer to from time to time and make any necessary imp- lementing recommendations on an Item by Item basis at the appropriate time." On May 1, 1979, the Public Works Committee, by Resolution // W-115-79, which was adopted by Council, stated: Resolution // W-115-79: " THAT Report 142A be endorsed and it be recommended to Council that, upon completion and adoption of the Bowmanville Urban Area Plan, consideration be then given to a Parking Study and Policy for the Bowmanville Downtown Area." With the foregoing in mind, it is considered important and appropriate that the Traffic Operations Study be formally adopted prior to the con- sideration of a Parking Study and Policy. Recommendation: WHEREAS it is deemed necessary to have a Traffic Operations Study in place prior to considering a Parking Study and Policy, it is therefore recomm- ended that the Traffic Operations Study Report be adopted, with the exception of Recommendation No. Item 6 thereof. JD:vh TOWN U1'' NGWCASTI,R TECHNICAL CO-ORDINATING .COMMITTEE Mayor Rickard and Members of Council. The following is the Report of the Technical Co-ordinating Committee held on Thursday, July 20, 1978, at 9:30 a .m,. , at the Municipal Office, Hampton. 1. Recommendation to Council - THAT this Committee recommends to Council that the Traffic Operations Study Report , as submitted, be endorsed by Council, bearing in mind that this Committee has met seven times since November, 1977 , for the review and revision of same and is now of the opinion that the document, as presented , is in accord- ance with the goal of this Committee; and further it should be noted that if, after review of the document, Council requires clarification on any part of the same:, a meeting with the Consultants can be arranged at the request and convenience of Council. 2. Final Billing f_or+Consultants ' Services. THAT, when the Final Billing is received from the Connu l t ante, prov idpd the amount* is within the upset limit as prearranged , the nccount be recommended to Council for payment. Respvctful.l.y submitted , R. DYKSTRA, Attachment 1 Chairman WD-25-80 -?AFFIC OPERATIONS STUDY aWN OF NEWCASTLE ?--eparea By: TOTTEN SIMS HUBICKI ASSOCIATES LIMITED CONSULTANTS Attachment # 2 Item WD-25-80 July, 1978 E 2"A~Y Toy.. :;f Newcastle undertook, in co-operation with the peak periods of travel. Average overall travel speeds _=nistry of Transportation and Communications, a Traffic are low and delays frequent particularly in the p.m. ��eraticns Study of the major streets in the Bowmanville peak hour of travel during Friday. A number of mid-block ea of the To an of Newcastle. The Purpose of the Study and intersection locations exhibited unacceptable to develop solutions for traffic operational defici- accident rates. Accidents involving parking and un- =zies identified during the course of the Study which parking manoeuvers, particularly on King Street in the �culd maximize the efficiency, capacity and safety of the Central Business District, were the predominant type of street system in the Bowmanville area of the accidents which contributed to the nigh accident rates noted. e Traffic Operations Studv was divided into six phases: King Street through the Central Business District acco--odat S_udy Design, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Alternative a relatively high volume of vehicular traffic while providin __affic Operational Improvements, Implementation of on-street curb parking to serve adjacent land uses. The lected Plan, and Report. Study direction and control Bowmanville area of the Town of Newcastle has, however, . a provided by a Technical Co-ordinating Committee progressed to the point where, during peak periods of travel. `=,prised of elected and appointed Municipal Officials presence of parked vehicles on King Street and on other _f the Town of Newcastle, representatives of the streets in the Central Business District conflicts with �•"'nistry of Transportation and Communications and the the efficient movement of vehicular traffic. Assuming that gional Municipality of Durham. the efficient movement of vehicular traffic during peak periods of travel in the Central Business District, part4� 2� 1 number of conclusions were drawn from the traffic along King Street, is considered to be a priority, the =_ •7-plumes and other data assembled and analyzed during the tation of selected temporary and permanent parking prohib- cpurse of the Study. Principle among the conclusions pf itions is considered to be the most practical means of =tee Study was the determination that streets and inter- increasing the capacity of the street system in tie Central sections in the Central Business District have insuffi- Business District of Bowmanville during the five year planni c=ant capacity to accommodate vehicular traffic during �, period of this Report. - 1 ,u ber of reco,:�.endations resulting from the Traffic 3. Horsey/Concession/Prospect Streets . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 41 Op_rations Study of the major streets in the Bowmanville a When reconstruction of either Concession a---a of t^e Town of Newcastle were made. The recommenda- Street or Prospect Street is required as and reference to the appropriate Report page part of the Road Needs Study consideration nom:ers, are summarized as follows: should be given to revising the grades on Reference Concession Street. Report 4. Elgin and Silver Streets at Wellington Street. . . .. 42 4:=;SECT=ON T 1PRJVEMENTS Page Igo. o Jog between Silver and Elgin Streets at King Szrezt and Libert-v Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Concession Street be eliminated. • Widen intersection approaches as shown e Town of Newcastle commence negotiations with on Plate 11 to include: property owners potentially affected by the - Widening of Liberty Street to four elimination of the jog to determine the lanes. potential for acquisition of the property. - Revise pavement markings. 5. Scugog/Wellington Streets and Canadian - Provision of exclusive left turn Pacific Railway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 42 lanes on 'r'ing Street. ® Enforce existing By-La-a No. 72-32 with • Revise signal timing (refer to Section 3:3) . respect to adequate sight triangles at 2_ ier=erance Street and Ring Street . . . . . . . . .. . . 41 major intersections. • Implement parking prohibition as out- o Erect warning sign for westbound vehicles lined in Section 3:4 of this Report. on Wellington Street at Scugog' Street * Revise pavement markings as shown on similar to standard sign Wa-iv in the Plate 12. Ontario Manual of Uniform Traffic Control m Revise signal timing as outlined in Devices-Metric Edition modified to show Section 3:3 of this Report. location of railway on Scugog Street and include tab sign with message: NO RIGHT TURN WHEN RAILWAY SIGNALS FLASHING. r 2 Reference 7. Church Street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 45 Report ® Change Church Street from a 'STOP' street at SF � GN I�, DROVEtaENTS Page No. G3 Silver and Division Streets to a through =__r_ Str-�t street and change Silver and Division Streets Peak hcur parking prohibitions be in- to 'STOP' streets at Church Street. The stitut=' as follows: - �caping on the south side from change in designation should be preceded by :;o s public announcements and a temporary 60 day Scugcg Street to Ontario Street; period during which a four way stop condition 11:0:: a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. wor=ld exist at the intersection. Police Lo 1:00 p.m. :,. yiioncay to Friday presence dur�ag the initial days of tr.e " change in operation would be beneficial The recommended peak hour prohibitions ® Traffic signals be installed at Temperance would result in a temporary loss of 32 and Church Streets when minimum warrants teeter spaces during peak hours of travel. are met. If the loss of the 32 peak hour parking 8. Silver Street: King to Church Streets .. . .. .. . . . 4tj spaces is, in the opinion of Council, ® Silver Street be converted to one-way intolerable, an equivalent number of off- operation northbound and metered on- street parking spaces should be provided. street parking be retained. z Revise pavement markings as shown an Plate 13. If a problem in the position- TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ir_g of parked cars results, parking stalls 4. Tra*fic Signals . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . . 4� should be marked as illustrated in the ® The installation of warranted traffic sig- Ontario Uniform Manual of Traffic Control nals at the King and Scugog Streets inter- Devices. section. a Consideration be given to peak hour park- ® The submission of the required documents to irg prohibitions for the north side of the Ministry of Transportation and Co=sni- KiLg Street. cations requesting approval of the installa- 1 tion of traffic signals at the intersection 3 of Kir` Street and Simpson Avenue based then consideration should be given to request- on King Street as a two lane street. If ing the Regional Municipality of Durhan to per- approLZd by t e r`_inistry of Transporta- form the necessary maintenance of the traffic tion and Communications, installation of signal controllers. traffic signals at the King Street- 10. Co-ordination of Traffic Signals . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 48 Si* son Avenue intersection. • Install underground duct work for recommended o The installation of traffic signals at and future interconnect cable during the re- Church Street and Temperance Street construction of King Street from Scugog to when . imi-mum wa:`ants are met. Ontario Streets. = Pedestrian signal heads to be installed © The recommended signal offset tiuings to at all existing and warranted signal provide for the progressive movement of locations in the Central Business groups of vehicles during average traffic District and at King Street and Simp- conditions is tabulated in Table 17. The son Avenue_ Pedestrian signal heads signal timing and, signal offsets reco=ended at Si—son Avenue may eliminate the in Table 17 were derived from theoretical need for a school crossing guard at considerations based on traffic data assemb- Frank Street. led in February, 1978 as part of this Traf- : To maintain operation at peak effipiency, fic Operations Study. To ensure that optimum regular maintenance of traffic signals is performance is achieved, the operation of the required. Inspection and maintenance signalized intersections and traffic flow presently performed by the Bowmanville should be monitored immediately after imple- Public Utilities Commission, should be mentation and periodically thereafter for a maintained and applied to all warranted period of at least three months and minor future locations. However, if future i adjustments in the signal splits and/or off- mainte=ance requirements exceeds either sets performed as required to 'fine-tune' the manpower or technical resource of the the signal timing. Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission, 4 The int_erconiecti.on of the traffic signals o Install warning signs for railway protection in Central Business District requires on Wellington Street at Scugog Street as out- that S master traffic controller be pro- lined in Section 3:1: I1,TERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, v�ded. It is recommended therefore, that S cugog/Wellington Streets and Canadian Pacific a ne, 'caster Controller' be installed at Railway intersection. the intersection of King Street and Tee 12. Pavement Markings . .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 perance Street and a new local semi-actuated o The curb lane at Church and Silver Streets and traffic controller be installed at King and at Church and Temperance Streets, both east- Scugc- Streets. The existing fixed time bound and westbound, be painted as an exclusive controller at King and Temperance Streets right turn lane when parking is permitted in should be stored and installed at the the curb lane immediately across the inter- Temperance and Church Streets intersec- section. tion when minim= warrants are met. 13. Parking/Stopping Restrictions . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . 51, Traffic Signs 49 o The Town of Newcastle adopt as policy, the • Street nave signs be replaced as soon as following parking prohibitions : possi e. - At signalized intersections, the prohibition • As part of the normal 5 year budget of parking at all times on all approaches and forecasts, an allowance be included on both sides of each approach for a distance for to annual replacement of 1/5th of of 100 feet. At 'T' intersections, the the existing traffic control signs. prohibition should extend through the 'blind' • install advance warning signs at the side. Queen/Scugog Streets curve for both - At all unsignalized intersections where traf- directions of travel. fic is controlled by a stop sign, parking The .=ring signs shall conform to be prohibited at all times for a distance of Stan and Type Wa-1 with appropriate 50 feet back from the intersection along the Wa-7 tab sign as illustrated in the through street and 30 feet along the stop Onta o Manual of Uniform Traffic street. Cont=rol Devices Metric Edition. ® The prohibition and strict enforcement 15. Queen/Ontario Streets . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of cou,lE� parking for any reason includ- ® That the functional classification. of Queen/ i^o the delivery and/or the picking up Ontario Streets be changed to arterial roads of foods ter. streets in the Central as per the Official Plan of the Bowmanville B s ess District. Planning Area and that Queen Street be re- Lfzer signals are warranted and installed constructed to arterial road standards. at tae Church and Temperance Streets 16. Ontario and Liberty Streets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . inre-section, parking of vehicles on both ® In conjunction with the upgrading of Queen/ s?Ces of Te,'-*,,erance Street from King Ontario Streets to an arterial desig atlon, Street to Church Street be prohibited. the intersection of Ontario and Liberty �+ Stopping of vehicles on the south side Streets be identified for reconstruction as of King Street from Scugog Street to shown in the Official Plan of the Bow-manville Ontario Street be prohibited during the Planning Area. hou_s of 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 OTHER TRAFFIC OPERATIOPlAL IMrRO`lEMENTS p.=- to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday inclu- 17. Driveway and Entranceway Control sive. (Refer to Section 3:2: STREET � � �� • • � • � o SEC-TON- IMP ROVE The Town of Newcastle develop and adopt a MENTS, KING STREET) . policy on driveway and entranceway control. C TEti� IMPROVEMENTS 18. Entrance to the Bank of Montreal . . . { One-Way Street System . . . . . . . .. 52 a When King Street is reconstructed the pole and ® That should suitable property become fire hydrant be relocated at least 5 feet away available whereby Queen Street could from the entrance and preferably 10 feet. be connected to King Street in the • Parking between the existing entrance and vicinity of Ontario Street, that a Temperance Street be prohibited at all times. one-way street system be re-evaluated o The Town of Newcastle approach officials of at that time. the Bank of Montreal, with a proposal for the 6 re-resign of their parking lot, providing Request Mosport to modify advertisements, for one-way entrance from King Street and pamphlets, literature, etc. , distributed to a one-way exit to Temperance Street between promote the enterprise to indicate Regional the Sank of Montreal building and the War Road 57 as the access road to '-- sport. 19- Off-Street Parking Requirements . . . . .. . . .. . . . . 55 Tine recommended operational improvements should be ® A comprehensive evaluation of parking be implemented in the 1-5 year time period. First priorit} =_de_taken to deter-ane the adequacy of should be given to implementing recommendations with off-street parking facilities to-accom- respect to: =daze parking spaces lost through re- 0 King Street, Church Street and Silver Street co=ended on-street parking prohibitions. o Reconstruction of King/Liberty Streets Intersection 2C_ Curb Return Radii . . 55 o Development of An Off-Street Parking Policy to ® one =own of Newcastle provide adequate Identify the Impact of On-Street Parking Prohi- curb return radii at all intersecting bitiors and Provide Additional Off-Street Parking road-ays using as a guide the Town of Capacity Newcastle's design standards for inter- o Approval and Installation of Warranted Traffic sect:f g arterial, collector and local Signals roads when intersecting roads are to be o Updating of Traffic Signals Timing reco:s tructed. 23_ Signing of MosDort Traffic . . . .. . . .. . . . . .... . . 55 The cost of the recommended improvements, based on the ® Council of the Town of Newcastle consider 1978 construction_ unit prices, is estimated to be - reques ting the Ministry of Transportation $113,60O.CO. The cost of the improvements are eligible and Communications and the Regional for subsidy by the Ministry of Transportation and Com- Mt--iiaipality of Durham to sign the High- munications at the normal rate when approved by the way 401-Waverley Road (Regional Road 57) Ministry. interchange and Regional Road 57 as the designated route to Mosport and sign Highway 2 - King Street as the route to the barsiness section of Bowmanville. 7