Director' s Report to Public Works Committee.
Item: WD-16-80.
Date: January 28, 1980.
Subject: SIDEWALK - Meadowview Boulevard,
The attached correspondence from Mrs. Ethel McKague was re-
ferred by the Town Clerk for a report to the Public Works
Mrs. McKague has expressed concerns regarding the sidewalk
on the south side of Meadowview Boulevard where, it is
claimed, she fell and sustained a broken rib.
Upon receipt of the attached, staff conducted an on-site
investigation of the area of concern but failed to find any
evidence in the condition of the sidewalk which would cause
anyone to fall .
The sidewalk on Meadowview Boulevard is relatively new and
was constructed by a Developer according to Town Standards
defined in the Development Agreement; the construction is
seen to be quite acceptable and there is no evidence of any
inferior workmanship, as alleged.
THAT, at a time of more favourable weather conditions, staff
investigate this matter further to ensure that all sidewalks
in the area of concern are adequate for the safety of all
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Ix)wM/,r:, it I 1 , Ortinlrlo
I I I I I IIlitII 617 '1:I/1
Jammi•y 21 1980
{.iss IMS I\k•.K:1qu
7 CA)ncess.ion st.reet, Ivcst
13c�wtL.lnvil.le, C)nt:t.t'iv
Uhis \x'.11 I. ackuvmitAQ;; t'c`ceipt of ycmr II LIf�r ;1dViSinf;' us cif your
tutl'oI'hIn:tlC :4111;Iclnt un hip nAnnyinv loco, 11 c<11ty Of your WCer is being
sent W Ccmmi l , tlurnt It thy` 1111dic MAYA Ommii.Wc, and we shall advise you
oI, the ouLc(Y.11(''
Howeve", ytnn' h.t l rr doe's nOI, netl<,t` i t x11`:11 i I' YOU :t_t r� c�lrtimi.n�; duttitl;ea
WIM Ilu` 'll,tln . I 1 :; > �� ull l Ilvlllir :I I 111 I rim yni :;t;ttinl; LIM,
yott ar(.' c•1:1in1111;'. �I:ulrll;c�s ;11:; 1 I�,c�utrl;tl ir,u't ic'ular�; of date ;.uld
c�x:tc't I()c.,:ttion �,I Iln� :tc'.c idl�nt ;:�, HIM c•ottld forward it to Lh(c `I'()%vli 'S
1 Iltillr�`1'ti,
Yc>ul'S �1�ry tt•t11y,
JABI: Ik)1
cc: Mr. J . Dttnll:un, Oirc'<:tc�r >f I'ttf;l. ic: P,'ctrkc:
Mr, K.
(J I Y(,
I(! uorl)i Tm,1:1 W
Dear Council mpmtw !•„ :
Because of the pear w"AmjnAhin. or file m,n who laY COMent sidewalks
in this town , and thp indifform KuParvision of the official who
appareWy CWK •- • ur work ;WCc l. I havo a hroken rib .
My fall was on the south side of Meadowview, as I was walking to
the end of High Stueet , I was several yards east of High Street .
I have not gone back to check the differance of level between the
two adjacent rectangles of cement , but this time I think it was an
inch or two--almos • Noro treacharona in a way than the difference
of Ovcr three incheK that I "POrted tO YOU in 1978 in an area On
Concession Street , cast Of Algin , You had workmen rebuild part of
that walk to rumovo tho hazard .
It is WleaOWL W Aink that even in the parts of town where the
aidewalks are rolnuivoly now one n,,d, to look down at every ctep.
I am not sure that in"king down would Prevent such a fall a I had )
for the ridge ic POL "WicuOus . A ridge of nn inch or two would
not be tolerated in navc0unt laid For cars ; why Gould it be thought
acceptnblo fow wtd_� 1111 1,o
Is it Practical Lo Put asphalt Q level up areas where the original
wo1A was so inferior':,
YouyA very truly ,
WWI mcma-Vue