HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-14-80 ti r; 6° TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: WD-14-80. Date: January 28, 1980. Subject: Part of the Road Allowance between Lots 6 & 7, Concession 8, former Darlington. Background: In June of 1979 a request to close and convey the subject road allowance was received, and information pertaining to this matter is attached hereto. Report: Objections to the closure and conveyance of the road allow- ance between Lots 6 & 71 Concession 8, former Darlington were heard by Council on January 14, 1980. Subsequently, By-Law 80-1 relative to the subject was, after the second reading, referred back oto the Public Works Committee for further consideration. JD:vh COUPOUAHON 01- Ilia IOWN OF NFWCASri,r l Gfr,tr OF I I(A. OI 1 I ll_ 1 (.)WN W I [ MI'I I?AW.1 `, I N1.L I I I:I.Cf'IION[: 62J•J779 BOWMnNVII.tE, ONIANIo t�l I 1 C IN, January 22 , 1980 to Mr. Sid Cornish, ROM,115, Bowmanville Mr. Lloyd Smith, R.R. 111, Enniskillen Mr. Tom Pleasance, R.R05, Bowmanville Dear Sir:- Re: Road Closing Lots 6 and 7, Concession 8, Former Township of D_3rlinc,ton (Long SaOO — hy_law 80-1 At the meering hold on January 16, 1980, Council, in second reading, referred By- Inw 30-1 back to the Public Works Committee For further consideration and provided that all members of Council., a member of the Regionnl Works Department Staff and all concerned parties be invited to the meeting;. This is to odvise that the next mvvting; of the Public: Works Committee will be held on 'Tuesday , February `i, 1980 at 9: 30 a .m. in the Municipal Building; at Hampton. You are invited to be present. Yours very truly, (r i Gertrude H. Eray, Deputy Clerk/Cummitt•ee Secretary 9 g, C . C . Mr . J . Dunham, Director of Public: Works Mr . A. Cui.ler, Town Manager A l l Homhors of Counu i I . '1 t i } I V" f; CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS OL"PAnTCaCIUT J.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOS 1,i0 TEL 016)263-2231 Mr. W.A. TwelveLrees, Commissioner of Works, Regional Municipality of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, WHITBY. Ontario. January 21, 1980. Dear Sir! Re: Part of Road Allowance between Lots G & 7 , Concession 8, Darlington (Long Sault) . Further to my letter of October 11, 1979, and the reply from Mr. G. Post, datod October 22, 1979 (copies of which are attached for your convenient reference) this is to advise you that , as a reSUI t of objections to Council , by-Law No. 80-1 was tabled on the mvcond reading and referred back to Lhe Public Works CoinmLLLee for further consideration. Council has directed Gat Lhe Public Works Committee invite a member of the Regional Works Department staff, together with all concerned parties, to the meeting; of February S, 1980. This will be held In the Municipal Building, Hampton, at 9:30 a.m. IL would he appreciated if you would grange for a member of your staff to be in attendance at the appointed time. 1 also enclose, Cor your further information, a copy of the relevant section of Minutes of Council. I look forward to hearing from you In the very near future. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. G. Cray, iii: ;1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AEAIORANDUM To: Jack Dunham, Director of Public Works From: J. M. Mellroy, Town Clerk Date: January 18 1980 Please find enclosed copy of By-Law 80-1 to close up and convey road allowance between Lots 6 and 7 on the 8th Concession, Darlington. There were three objectors at Council on January 14 1980, Sid Cornish, Lloyd &Ath and Tom Pleasance. The By-Law was referred back at the second reading to the Public Works Committee for further consideration, with the direction that all members of Council, a member of the Regional Works Department staff and all concernarties be invited to the meeting, A copy of pages 2 and 3 of the Council minutes are attached which gives some background on the delegation. att. { O)lI)w i J,)n)c).1-y 1/1 If),io \()\,)`d by Comwi I lur Ilol I id,ty, ,;eq onded by (Amcil.lor ProuL 111A'1' the Minute-s of Decoiiber IS 1979 be aur)ended to show that Councillor Barr and Councillor Prout had left the meeting Prior to the ad,jotu iunenL. "CARRIED" 1layorIs His Worship Mayor Richard addressed remarks to Council rariarks regarding the year 1979 and also the coming year 1980. P(": olution /A -80--5 \loved by Council for Holliday, seconded by Councillor Prou t '111A'T the Mayor's ruby-- s bc' received for information. "CARRIED" Orono Miss Madeline I lad.l ey, mcmb(r r o f the Orono Town hall Board 7bwn suhnitted a brief to Council i%questing funds in the Hal l :M)OU"t of' )-1 ,000.OU to c. vlp l e to renovations on the 'Town hxrt.rd l la 1 l , By-L'I%y 80-1' Jl�`s:;t s Sid Corn i r;h, l J oyd ill and Tom P.]ea.sance :tl)l>�;irc`d Ix`forc` (In0wi 1 ob,je) Lii)g Lo Lhe pass i.1 o Hy-Law 80-1, being a by-Law Lo sLop up and close and allLhoriZe the convc`ywuwe of A I that, portion of the original Side l in ) road ill l(AVAI M` 1)e004e1 InN Six (G) and Sevcar (7) in Lhe Eighth ComiNnion of Lhe (;(-"graphic 'Townshi.p A Iku•lingto ), foiwei, County of Durham, designated as Parts One (1 ) aid Au (2) , on Plan 10111021, li�`so l tt t i oit #C-80-6 MOO( i by COUnCi 1 lot ]))'out , ' ((Iconded by Councillor Co«rnan '111:1'1' the tneeLint, be held in (Nmittee of the Whole to hear this delegation. "CARRIED" 6 COLInci I MiMILem' -:t- J<utuary 111 1980 'fill' &IggtLi(m r(ilu(^;led Iltat. Lh(! TOwn mul the l{u1;i()tt qeL together to end(?avour to have Regional Road 14 straightened oftL using Lhe road allowance which is the .;ttbjccl. o(' III(' :tlx)v(' nu'nlioned by -Inw. They wishod (he s1 i.d road 1 I lomuxcc be 11;;(x1 to m(x) t ig))Lorn out, Regional Road 14 instead of selling- it. Moved by Counci l for Cowiiitrt, seconded by Councillor Clarice Connittee `IIiA'1' the ConmiLtee rise. Rise "CARRIED" SEAP Mr. Warren Lowus, as six IW'-,uan 1'ron SLAM mid representing the Port Granby residents, requested that .five member's of SEM) be invited to accompany the Council delegation on January 22 .1.980 to the Atomic Energy Control Board in OLLm%,1. He indicated that SEAP are very interested and would have something to avail in the discussions. 11h, 00151t Al mnilcl consi:,l (J: 1). 1lutuphri.(;s 1s,tbe.L \�cldhuis L), ROdeu, MI-m. Pat 1 <14VSO11 and W. li-mvs. Rcsol u t i on 7C-:;0-1; UAW by Onow i I lot• Milan r;(iconded by Cotnu;i Ilor f>rottl• 11QT the disposition of cuiumnications to he received Iot' inforamLiott be 1ppt'ovc,d (,xcopl. 1•ot' i kins I-1 and ''CA1t1tTED' I-:2 Ministry oL Winslx)rLaLiou mid Cotnnunications, Ik xYnbet 19 1979 re W.P. 110-72 Highway 2, Oshawa to 57, I'xnnn:t.nvi Llc. I-:i :11Iatt 1„ntr( nc( M.1). rn, ('(xiruiniLy Tel(phone Coiflp.uty rates IhccYnbcr 12L 1979: I- I Willi.tun G. lbvis, Pronier of Ontario re A.M.O. Position of a funding, ('onnul.a. I-5 Ontrnt'io t,lunicipal WIN Ilo: M order :ggmivi.ng Hy-law 79-100 1-7 11 i n i s L t'y o f N1 Lt n'a I Rc'sot n'c( rc Alono 'I'owrnshi_p resolttLion, D(�ceniher 19 1979 1-8 Townshi p o 1' Nk)no iv 11 i 1 l 127 Aggrega tes Ac,t 1979, I>( c(anb( t 19 1979 . 1-9 1linistt'y Q (` 1 Win, mut 1 ( c.reaLion Archives of OuLar o V0 m i c t'o f i I nt ct)pi(,s ()r 1)(�cc utber 20 1979 . 1-10 Consulnerm G,ts r(, n1L1r,11 ;;:ts on kll�l ingLon Boulevard, lkti (ntb( t -,l 1979 1-11 Li({uOr IJ(vnkn� Ixrt_rit oh Ont1t'io re Chicken Palace 13.13.0. 1ppl ic:tt•ion, lXv,( nbcr 1/1 1.979 . 1 -I ' IJquot' IJk.t'I v lioar(I o1' Ontario ru Ki))gr; Garden Restatu'ant 11,1)1 ic,tt ion, 1k,c(.,nbcr 10 1979. Public Works CoMMULM' October 30, 1979 Resolution #W-219- M loved by Con. Prout , seconded by Con. Halliday Road THAT 01k, I ccommendaL ion in Report Nn. 202 be endorsed and Allownnce NO appraised value of the Road Al lowance between Lon 6 and 7 Between GoncoAqion H, lormvr lownwhip of D"Kington, he qstablished nt. Imts 6 and 7 2 , 500. 00 (Two Thousand F I vv Hundred Do L I are) and further that , Concession 8 sub )ocL to the Rogl ono l AnnicipMiLy of Durham having no Darlington intercm in the Sold lands , kcs" IuLfon #W-154-79 he enacted (Long Sault) upon. (The Road Allowance he rinsed and conveyed to the ahuLLKS owner, at an established appraised value subject to the ow"or agreeing to pay all costs involved in effecting this crnusaction, in arcordNnka with Tuwn Policy) . "CARR I ED" I DURHAM October 22, 1979 Tho Reghnal ";Municipality 1 Durham ,'Joyk,- Dopartment Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Bux 623 Public Works Department 105 Consumers Dr, Hampton, Ontario Whitby, Ontario LOB 7 JO ,4101 W 7721 Attention: Mr, Jack Dunham Director ,\ A TN'Ll WWI P.Eng, - -- , is immsonm of VVwks Dear Sir: V'Icaso quote our ref: Re: Road Allowance between LP-14-3 Lots G and 7, Conc. 8 Town of Newcastle fora,rly Township of Parl i nc t� on Further to your memo of October 11 , 1979 to Mr. W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works , concerning the above mentioned road allowance, this will inform you that the Region has no present or contemplated interest in the portion of the road allowance that the Town of Newcastle wishes to close. Yours truly, ,--� j G.L . Post, C.R.A. Land Purchase Division GLP/ws IOCT �Q� 1979 toj om,ate� r .` C /u0ODrlllJ OF T L | ~ VN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS oopAormmwr J�w� ovnxnmm'voon �Mno owmnmm� �� ' — /EL0/6)co1nox/ ' Mr . W.A. Ty,lv'`ccccu' Commissioner of Works , Regional NunicipoilCy of Durham, 105 Consumers Drive, WHITBY. Ontario, ClM lC4 . 0cLo64r ll' 1979. Dear Sir: Re: Pocc of DoxJ Allowance between Lots 6 & 7 . Concession D, form 'C k Long Sault) . A request to close and convey the above road allowance was con- sidered by the Public Works Committee of the Town of Newcastle, and was o|`yrov, l by Covn''1 \ on .h/]y 16' 1979. In accordance with Iovo of Newcastle Policy a Reference Plan was prepared and an Appraisal of Market Value sought and, at this point in Lime, the matter approaching the final scu8ea of completion. It occurs to me that the Kc&inn of Durham owns the yozccJ Road ^J]occnc to thc subject Road kllnvnncu' and it would be of great oov1vto^ce i[ you would 1nJ1cocc whrd`cc the Region has, or will have, any iutcrcac in the relevant lands. As the matter of establishing the Appraised Value is to be presented to the Public Works Committee no October 30' 1979 (see Report # 202, attached) your prompt nttcoclpn and rovtcv of same is requested. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Yours truly, /J. Dunham. D1roccor. J0:vh ^/ / : � � � i